blob: 649a4d49a764e176b330ce2f7f8facb95c1b522e [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$ */
* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef __PJMEDIA_CONF_H__
#define __PJMEDIA_CONF_H__
* @file conference.h
* @brief Conference bridge.
#include <pjmedia/port.h>
* @defgroup PJMEDIA_CONF Conference Bridge
* @ingroup PJMEDIA_PORT
* @brief Audio conference bridge implementation
* @{
* This describes the conference bridge implementation in PJMEDIA. The
* conference bridge provides powerful and very efficient mechanism to
* route the audio flow and mix the audio signal when required.
* Some more information about the media flow when conference bridge is
* used is described in .
* The conference bridge signature in pjmedia_port_info.
* The audio switchboard signature in pjmedia_port_info.
* Opaque type for conference bridge.
typedef struct pjmedia_conf pjmedia_conf;
* Conference port info.
typedef struct pjmedia_conf_port_info
unsigned slot; /**< Slot number. */
pj_str_t name; /**< Port name. */
pjmedia_format format; /**< Format. */
pjmedia_port_op tx_setting; /**< Transmit settings. */
pjmedia_port_op rx_setting; /**< Receive settings. */
unsigned listener_cnt; /**< Number of listeners. */
unsigned *listener_slots; /**< Array of listeners. */
unsigned transmitter_cnt; /**< Number of transmitter. */
unsigned clock_rate; /**< Clock rate of the port. */
unsigned channel_count; /**< Number of channels. */
unsigned samples_per_frame; /**< Samples per frame */
unsigned bits_per_sample; /**< Bits per sample. */
int tx_adj_level; /**< Tx level adjustment. */
int rx_adj_level; /**< Rx level adjustment. */
} pjmedia_conf_port_info;
* Conference port options. The values here can be combined in bitmask to
* be specified when the conference bridge is created.
enum pjmedia_conf_option
PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_MIC = 1, /**< Disable audio streams from the
microphone device. */
PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE = 2, /**< Do not create sound device. */
PJMEDIA_CONF_SMALL_FILTER=4,/**< Use small filter table when resampling */
PJMEDIA_CONF_USE_LINEAR=8 /**< Use linear resampling instead of filter
based. */
* Create conference bridge with the specified parameters. The sampling rate,
* samples per frame, and bits per sample will be used for the internal
* operation of the bridge (e.g. when mixing audio frames). However, ports
* with different configuration may be connected to the bridge. In this case,
* the bridge is able to perform sampling rate conversion, and buffering in
* case the samples per frame is different.
* For this version of PJMEDIA, only 16bits per sample is supported.
* For this version of PJMEDIA, the channel count of the ports MUST match
* the channel count of the bridge.
* Under normal operation (i.e. when PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE option is NOT
* specified), the bridge internally create an instance of sound device
* and connect the sound device to port zero of the bridge.
* If PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE options is specified, no sound device will
* be created in the conference bridge. Application MUST acquire the port
* interface of the bridge by calling #pjmedia_conf_get_master_port(), and
* connect this port interface to a sound device port by calling
* #pjmedia_snd_port_connect(), or to a master port (pjmedia_master_port)
* if application doesn't want to instantiate any sound devices.
* The sound device or master port are crucial for the bridge's operation,
* because it provides the bridge with necessary clock to process the audio
* frames periodically. Internally, the bridge runs when get_frame() to
* port zero is called.
* @param pool Pool to use to allocate the bridge and
* additional buffers for the sound device.
* @param max_slots Maximum number of slots/ports to be created in
* the bridge. Note that the bridge internally uses
* one port for the sound device, so the actual
* maximum number of ports will be less one than
* this value.
* @param sampling_rate Set the sampling rate of the bridge. This value
* is also used to set the sampling rate of the
* sound device.
* @param channel_count Number of channels in the PCM stream. Normally
* the value will be 1 for mono, but application may
* specify a value of 2 for stereo. Note that all
* ports that will be connected to the bridge MUST
* have the same number of channels as the bridge.
* @param samples_per_frame Set the number of samples per frame. This value
* is also used to set the sound device.
* @param bits_per_sample Set the number of bits per sample. This value
* is also used to set the sound device. Currently
* only 16bit per sample is supported.
* @param options Bitmask options to be set for the bridge. The
* options are constructed from #pjmedia_conf_option
* enumeration.
* @param p_conf Pointer to receive the conference bridge instance.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS if conference bridge can be created.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_create( pj_pool_t *pool,
unsigned max_slots,
unsigned sampling_rate,
unsigned channel_count,
unsigned samples_per_frame,
unsigned bits_per_sample,
unsigned options,
pjmedia_conf **p_conf );
* Destroy conference bridge.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_destroy( pjmedia_conf *conf );
* Get the master port interface of the conference bridge. The master port
* corresponds to the port zero of the bridge. This is only usefull when
* application wants to manage the sound device by itself, instead of
* allowing the bridge to automatically create a sound device implicitly.
* This function will only return a port interface if PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE
* option was specified when the bridge was created.
* Application can connect the port returned by this function to a
* sound device by calling #pjmedia_snd_port_connect().
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @return The port interface of port zero of the bridge,
* only when PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE options was
* specified when the bridge was created.
PJ_DECL(pjmedia_port*) pjmedia_conf_get_master_port(pjmedia_conf *conf);
* Set master port name.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param name Name to be assigned.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_set_port0_name(pjmedia_conf *conf,
const pj_str_t *name);
* Add media port to the conference bridge.
* By default, the new conference port will have both TX and RX enabled,
* but it is not connected to any other ports. Application SHOULD call
* #pjmedia_conf_connect_port() to enable audio transmission and receipt
* to/from this port.
* Once the media port is connected to other port(s) in the bridge,
* the bridge will continuosly call get_frame() and put_frame() to the
* port, allowing media to flow to/from the port.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param pool Pool to allocate buffers for this port.
* @param strm_port Stream port interface.
* @param name Optional name for the port. If this value is NULL,
* the name will be taken from the name in the port
* info.
* @param p_slot Pointer to receive the slot index of the port in
* the conference bridge.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_add_port( pjmedia_conf *conf,
pj_pool_t *pool,
pjmedia_port *strm_port,
const pj_str_t *name,
unsigned *p_slot );
* <i><b>Warning:</b> This API has been deprecated since 1.3 and will be
* removed in the future release, use @ref PJMEDIA_SPLITCOMB instead.</i>
* Create and add a passive media port to the conference bridge. Unlike
* "normal" media port that is added with #pjmedia_conf_add_port(), media
* port created with this function will not have its get_frame() and
* put_frame() called by the bridge; instead, application MUST continuosly
* call these functions to the port, to allow media to flow from/to the
* port.
* Upon return of this function, application will be given two objects:
* the slot number of the port in the bridge, and pointer to the media
* port where application MUST start calling get_frame() and put_frame()
* to the port.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param pool Pool to allocate buffers etc for this port.
* @param name Name to be assigned to the port.
* @param clock_rate Clock rate/sampling rate.
* @param channel_count Number of channels.
* @param samples_per_frame Number of samples per frame.
* @param bits_per_sample Number of bits per sample.
* @param options Options (should be zero at the moment).
* @param p_slot Pointer to receive the slot index of the port in
* the conference bridge.
* @param p_port Pointer to receive the port instance.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error
* code.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_add_passive_port( pjmedia_conf *conf,
pj_pool_t *pool,
const pj_str_t *name,
unsigned clock_rate,
unsigned channel_count,
unsigned samples_per_frame,
unsigned bits_per_sample,
unsigned options,
unsigned *p_slot,
pjmedia_port **p_port );
* Change TX and RX settings for the port.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param slot Port number/slot in the conference bridge.
* @param tx Settings for the transmission TO this port.
* @param rx Settings for the receipt FROM this port.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_configure_port( pjmedia_conf *conf,
unsigned slot,
pjmedia_port_op tx,
pjmedia_port_op rx);
* Enable unidirectional audio from the specified source slot to the
* specified sink slot.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param src_slot Source slot.
* @param sink_slot Sink slot.
* @param level This argument is reserved for future improvements
* where it is possible to adjust the level of signal
* transmitted in a specific connection. For now,
* this argument MUST be zero.
* @return PJ_SUCCES on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_connect_port( pjmedia_conf *conf,
unsigned src_slot,
unsigned sink_slot,
int level );
* Disconnect unidirectional audio from the specified source to the specified
* sink slot.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param src_slot Source slot.
* @param sink_slot Sink slot.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_disconnect_port( pjmedia_conf *conf,
unsigned src_slot,
unsigned sink_slot );
* Get number of ports currently registered to the conference bridge.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @return Number of ports currently registered to the conference
* bridge.
PJ_DECL(unsigned) pjmedia_conf_get_port_count(pjmedia_conf *conf);
* Get total number of ports connections currently set up in the bridge.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(unsigned) pjmedia_conf_get_connect_count(pjmedia_conf *conf);
* Remove the specified port from the conference bridge.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param slot The port index to be removed.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_remove_port( pjmedia_conf *conf,
unsigned slot );
* Enumerate occupied ports in the bridge.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param ports Array of port numbers to be filled in.
* @param count On input, specifies the maximum number of ports
* in the array. On return, it will be filled with
* the actual number of ports.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_enum_ports( pjmedia_conf *conf,
unsigned ports[],
unsigned *count );
* Get port info.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param slot Port index.
* @param info Pointer to receive the info.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_get_port_info( pjmedia_conf *conf,
unsigned slot,
pjmedia_conf_port_info *info);
* Get occupied ports info.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param size On input, contains maximum number of infos
* to be retrieved. On output, contains the actual
* number of infos that have been copied.
* @param info Array of info.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_get_ports_info(pjmedia_conf *conf,
unsigned *size,
pjmedia_conf_port_info info[]
* Get last signal level transmitted to or received from the specified port.
* This will retrieve the "real-time" signal level of the audio as they are
* transmitted or received by the specified port. Application may call this
* function periodically to display the signal level to a VU meter.
* The signal level is an integer value in zero to 255, with zero indicates
* no signal, and 255 indicates the loudest signal level.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param slot Slot number.
* @param tx_level Optional argument to receive the level of signal
* transmitted to the specified port (i.e. the direction
* is from the bridge to the port).
* @param rx_level Optional argument to receive the level of signal
* received from the port (i.e. the direction is from the
* port to the bridge).
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_get_signal_level(pjmedia_conf *conf,
unsigned slot,
unsigned *tx_level,
unsigned *rx_level);
* Adjust the level of signal received from the specified port.
* Application may adjust the level to make signal received from the port
* either louder or more quiet. The level adjustment is calculated with this
* formula: <b><tt>output = input * (adj_level+128) / 128</tt></b>. Using
* this, zero indicates no adjustment, the value -128 will mute the signal,
* and the value of +128 will make the signal 100% louder, +256 will make it
* 200% louder, etc.
* The level adjustment value will stay with the port until the port is
* removed from the bridge or new adjustment value is set. The current
* level adjustment value is reported in the media port info when
* the #pjmedia_conf_get_port_info() function is called.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param slot Slot number of the port.
* @param adj_level Adjustment level, which must be greater than or equal
* to -128. A value of zero means there is no level
* adjustment to be made, the value -128 will mute the
* signal, and the value of +128 will make the signal
* 100% louder, +256 will make it 200% louder, etc.
* See the function description for the formula.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_adjust_rx_level( pjmedia_conf *conf,
unsigned slot,
int adj_level );
* Adjust the level of signal to be transmitted to the specified port.
* Application may adjust the level to make signal transmitted to the port
* either louder or more quiet. The level adjustment is calculated with this
* formula: <b><tt>output = input * (adj_level+128) / 128</tt></b>. Using
* this, zero indicates no adjustment, the value -128 will mute the signal,
* and the value of +128 will make the signal 100% louder, +256 will make it
* 200% louder, etc.
* The level adjustment value will stay with the port until the port is
* removed from the bridge or new adjustment value is set. The current
* level adjustment value is reported in the media port info when
* the #pjmedia_conf_get_port_info() function is called.
* @param conf The conference bridge.
* @param slot Slot number of the port.
* @param adj_level Adjustment level, which must be greater than or equal
* to -128. A value of zero means there is no level
* adjustment to be made, the value -128 will mute the
* signal, and the value of +128 will make the signal
* 100% louder, +256 will make it 200% louder, etc.
* See the function description for the formula.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_conf_adjust_tx_level( pjmedia_conf *conf,
unsigned slot,
int adj_level );
* @}
#endif /* __PJMEDIA_CONF_H__ */