Bubbles: Honor screen density when drawing bubbles and attractors.
diff --git a/src/com/savoirfairelinux/sflphone/model/BubblesView.java b/src/com/savoirfairelinux/sflphone/model/BubblesView.java
index 1243275..8ca439a 100644
--- a/src/com/savoirfairelinux/sflphone/model/BubblesView.java
+++ b/src/com/savoirfairelinux/sflphone/model/BubblesView.java
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 package com.savoirfairelinux.sflphone.model;


+import java.util.List;


 import android.content.Context;

 import android.graphics.Canvas;

 import android.graphics.Color;

 import android.graphics.Paint;

 import android.graphics.Paint.Align;

-import android.graphics.RectF;

 import android.os.Handler;

 import android.os.Message;

 import android.util.AttributeSet;

@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@



-		name_paint.setTextSize(20*textDensity);

+		name_paint.setTextSize(18*textDensity);




@@ -134,46 +135,55 @@

 		int action = event.getActionMasked();


-		if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {

-			for (Bubble b : model.listBubbles) {

-				if (b.intersects(event.getX(), event.getY())) {

-					b.dragged = true;

-					b.last_drag = System.nanoTime();

-					b.setPos(event.getX(), event.getY());

-					b.target_scale = .8f;

-				}

-			}

-		} else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {

-			long now = System.nanoTime();

-			for (Bubble b : model.listBubbles) {

-				if (b.dragged) {

-					float x = event.getX(), y = event.getY();

-					float dt = (float) ((now-b.last_drag)/1000000000.);

-					float dx = x - b.getPosX(), dy = y - b.getPosY();

-					b.last_drag = now;

+		synchronized (model) {

+			List<Bubble> bubbles = model.getBubbles();

+			final int n_bubbles = bubbles.size();


-					b.setPos(event.getX(), event.getY());

-					/*int hn = event.getHistorySize() - 2;

+			if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {

+				for(int i=0; i<n_bubbles; i++) {

+					Bubble b = bubbles.get(i);

+					if (b.intersects(event.getX(), event.getY())) {

+						b.dragged = true;

+						b.last_drag = System.nanoTime();

+						b.setPos(event.getX(), event.getY());

+						b.target_scale = .8f;

+					}

+				}

+			} else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {

+				long now = System.nanoTime();

+				for(int i=0; i<n_bubbles; i++) {

+					Bubble b = bubbles.get(i);

+					if (b.dragged) {

+						float x = event.getX(), y = event.getY();

+						float dt = (float) ((now-b.last_drag)/1000000000.);

+						float dx = x - b.getPosX(), dy = y - b.getPosY();

+						b.last_drag = now;


+						b.setPos(event.getX(), event.getY());

+						/*int hn = event.getHistorySize() - 2;

 					Log.w(TAG, "event.getHistorySize() : " + event.getHistorySize());

 					if(hn > 0) {

 						float dx = x-event.getHistoricalX(hn);

 						float dy = y-event.getHistoricalY(hn);

 						float dt = event.getHistoricalEventTime(hn)/1000.f;*/

-					b.speed.x = dx/dt;

-					b.speed.y = dy/dt;

-					//Log.w(TAG, "onTouch dx:" + b.speed.x + " dy:" + b.speed.y);

-					//}

-					return true;

+						b.speed.x = dx/dt;

+						b.speed.y = dy/dt;

+						//Log.w(TAG, "onTouch dx:" + b.speed.x + " dy:" + b.speed.y);

+						//}

+						return true;

+					}


-			}

-		} else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {

-			for (Bubble b : model.listBubbles) {

-				if (b.dragged) {

-					b.dragged = false;

-					b.target_scale = 1.f;

+			} else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {

+				for(int i=0; i<n_bubbles; i++) {

+					Bubble b = bubbles.get(i);

+					if (b.dragged) {

+						b.dragged = false;

+						b.target_scale = 1.f;

+					}





 		return true;



@@ -212,9 +222,6 @@


 				} finally {

-					// do this in a finally so that if an exception is thrown

-					// during the above, we don't leave the Surface in an

-					// inconsistent state

 					if (c != null)



@@ -233,9 +240,6 @@
 					model.width = width;

 					model.height = height;



-				// don't forget to resize the background image

-				//  mBackgroundImage = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mBackgroundImage, width, height, true);




@@ -244,23 +248,19 @@


 			synchronized (model) {

-				for (int i = 0; i < model.attractors.size(); i++) {

-					Attractor a = model.attractors.get(i);

-					canvas.drawCircle(a.pos.x, a.pos.y, 10, attractor_paint);

+				List<Bubble> bubbles = model.getBubbles();

+				List<Attractor> attractors = model.getAttractors();


+				for (int i=0, n=attractors.size(); i < n; i++) {

+					Attractor a = attractors.get(i);

+					//canvas.drawCircle(a.pos.x, a.pos.y, 10, attractor_paint);

+					canvas.drawBitmap(a.getBitmap(), null, a.getBounds(), null);



-				for (int i = 0; i < model.listBubbles.size(); i++) {

-					Bubble b = model.listBubbles.get(i);

-					RectF bounds = new RectF(b.getBounds());

-					/*if(b.dragged) {

-						float width = bounds.left - bounds.right;

-						float red = width/4;

-						bounds.left += red;

-						bounds.right -= red;

-						bounds.top += red;

-						bounds.bottom -= red;

-					}*/

-					canvas.drawBitmap(b.getBitmap(), null, bounds, null);

+				for (int i=0, n=bubbles.size(); i<n; i++) {

+					Bubble b = bubbles.get(i);

+					//RectF bounds = new RectF(b.getBounds());

+					canvas.drawBitmap(b.getBitmap(), null, b.getBounds(), null);

 					canvas.drawText(b.contact.getmDisplayName(), b.getPosX(), b.getPosY()-50*density, name_paint);

