* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/third_party/gsm/man/gsm_option.3 b/jni/pjproject-android/third_party/gsm/man/gsm_option.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df7da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/third_party/gsm/man/gsm_option.3
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+.\" Copyright 1992-1995 by Jutta Degener and Carsten Bormann, Technische
+.\" Universitaet Berlin.  See the accompanying file "COPYRIGHT" for
+gsm_option \(em customizing the GSM 06.10 implementation
+#include "gsm.h"
+int gsm_option(handle, option, valueP);
+gsm handle;
+int option;
+int * valueP;
+The gsm library is an implementation of the final draft GSM 06.10
+standard for full-rate speech transcoding, a lossy
+speech compression algorithm.
+The gsm_option() function can be used to set and query various
+options or flags that are not needed for regular GSM 06.10 encoding
+or decoding, but might be of interest in special cases.
+The second argument to gsm_option specifies what parameter
+should be changed or queried.
+The third argument is either a null pointer, in which case
+the current value of that parameter is returned;
+or it is a pointer to an integer containing the value
+you want to set, in which case the previous value will
+be returned.
+The following options are defined:
+Verbosity level.
+This option is only supported if the library was compiled
+with debugging turned on, and may be used by developers of
+compression algorithms to aid debugging.
+The verbosity level can be changed at any time during encoding or decoding.
+Faster compression algorithm.
+This implementation offers a not strictly standard-compliant, but
+faster compression algorithm that is compatible with the regular
+method and does not noticably degrade audio quality.
+The value passed to 
+	gsm_option(handle, GSM_OPT_FAST, & value)
+functions as a boolean flag; if it is zero, the regular algorithm
+will be used, if not, the faster version will be used.
+The availability of this option depends on the hardware used;
+if it is not available, gsm_option will return -1 on an attempt
+to set or query it.
+This option can be set any time during encoding or decoding.
+.ne 5
+Enable, disable, or query the LTP cut-off optimization.
+During encoding, the search for the long-term correlation
+lag forms the bottleneck of the algorithm. 
+The ltp-cut option enables an approximation that disregards most
+of the samples for purposes of finding that correlation,
+and hence speeds up the encoding at a noticable loss in quality.
+The value passed to 
+	gsm_option(handle, GSM_OPT_LTP_CUT, & value)
+turns the optimization on if nonzero, and off if zero.
+This option can be set any time during encoding
+or decoding; it will only affect the encoding pass, not
+the decoding.
+WAV-style byte ordering.
+A WAV file of type #49 contains GSM 06.10-encoded frames.
+Unfortunately, the framing and code ordering of the WAV version
+are incompatible with the native ones of this GSM 06.10 library.
+The GSM_OPT_WAV49 option turns on a different packing
+algorithm that produces alternating frames of 32 and 33 bytes
+(or makes it consume alternating frames of 33 and 32 bytes, note
+the opposite order of the two numbers) which, when concatenated,
+can be used in the body of a WAV #49 frame.
+It is up to the user program to write a WAV header, if any;
+neither the library itself nor the toast program produce
+complete WAV files.
+The value passed to 
+	gsm_option(handle, GSM_OPT_WAV49, & value)
+functions as a boolean flag; if it is zero, the library's native
+framing algorithm will be used, if nonzero, WAV-type packing is in effect.
+This option should be used before any frames are encoded.
+Whether or not it is supported at all depends on a
+compile-time switch, WAV49.
+Both option and compile time switch are new to the library
+as of patchlevel 9, and are considerably less tested than the
+well-worn rest of the it.
+Thanks to Jeff Chilton for the detective work and first free
+implementation of this version of the GSM 06.10 encoding.
+Query or set the chaining byte.
+Between the two frames of a WAV-style encoding, the GSM 06.10 library
+must keep track of one half-byte that is technically part of the first
+frame, but will be written as the first four bits of the second.
+This half-byte are the lowest four bits of the value returned by,
+and optionally set by,
+	gsm_option(handle, GSM_OPT_FRAME_CHAIN, & value)
+This option can be queried and set at any time.
+Query or set the current frame's index in a format's
+alternating list of frames.
+The WAV #49 framing uses two alternating types of frames.
+Which type the next GSM-coded frame belongs to can be queried, or,
+when decoding, announced, using
+	gsm_option(handle, GSM_OPT_FRAME_INDEX, & value)
+For WAV-style framing, the value should be 0 or 1; the first frame
+of an encoding has an index of 0. 
+At library initialization, the index is set to zero.
+The frame index can be queried and set at any time.
+Used in combination with the
+option, it can be used to position on arbitrary GSM frames
+within a format like WAV #49 (not accounting for the lost
+internal GSM state).
+gsm_option() returns -1 if an option is not supported, the
+previous value of the option otherwise.
+Please direct bug reports to jutta@cs.tu-berlin.de and cabo@cs.tu-berlin.de.
+toast(1), gsm(3), gsm_explode(3), gsm_print(3)