* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/third_party/BaseClasses/measure.h b/jni/pjproject-android/third_party/BaseClasses/measure.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a71a075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/third_party/BaseClasses/measure.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@

+// File: Measure.h


+// Desc: DirectShow base classes.


+// Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.





+   The idea is to pepper the source code with interesting measurements and

+   have the last few thousand of these recorded in a circular buffer that

+   can be post-processed to give interesting numbers.




+  Time (sec)   Type        Delta  Incident_Name

+    0.055,41  NOTE      -.       Incident Nine  - Another note

+    0.055,42  NOTE      0.000,01 Incident Nine  - Another note

+    0.055,44  NOTE      0.000,02 Incident Nine  - Another note

+    0.055,45  STOP      -.       Incident Eight - Also random

+    0.055,47  START     -.       Incident Seven - Random

+    0.055,49  NOTE      0.000,05 Incident Nine  - Another note

+    ------- <etc.  there is a lot of this> ----------------

+    0.125,60  STOP      0.000,03 Msr_Stop

+    0.125,62  START     -.       Msr_Start

+    0.125,63  START     -.       Incident Two   - Start/Stop

+    0.125,65  STOP      0.000,03 Msr_Start

+    0.125,66  START     -.       Msr_Stop

+    0.125,68  STOP      0.000,05 Incident Two   - Start/Stop

+    0.125,70  STOP      0.000,04 Msr_Stop

+    0.125,72  START     -.       Msr_Start

+    0.125,73  START     -.       Incident Two   - Start/Stop

+    0.125,75  STOP      0.000,03 Msr_Start

+    0.125,77  START     -.       Msr_Stop

+    0.125,78  STOP      0.000,05 Incident Two   - Start/Stop

+    0.125,80  STOP      0.000,03 Msr_Stop

+    0.125,81  NOTE      -.       Incident Three - single Note

+    0.125,83  START     -.       Incident Four  - Start, no stop

+    0.125,85  START     -.       Incident Five  - Single Start/Stop

+    0.125,87  STOP      0.000,02 Incident Five  - Single Start/Stop


+Number      Average       StdDev     Smallest      Largest Incident_Name

+    10     0.000,58     0.000,10     0.000,55     0.000,85 Incident One   - Note

+    50     0.000,05     0.000,00     0.000,05     0.000,05 Incident Two   - Start/Stop

+     1     -.           -.           -.           -.       Incident Three - single Note

+     0     -.           -.           -.           -.       Incident Four  - Start, no stop

+     1     0.000,02     -.           0.000,02     0.000,02 Incident Five  - Single Start/Stop

+     0     -.           -.           -.           -.       Incident Six   - zero occurrences

+   100     0.000,25     0.000,12     0.000,02     0.000,62 Incident Seven - Random

+   100     0.000,79     0.000,48     0.000,02     0.001,92 Incident Eight - Also random

+  5895     0.000,01     0.000,01     0.000,01     0.000,56 Incident Nine  - Another note

+    10     0.000,03     0.000,00     0.000,03     0.000,04 Msr_Note

+    50     0.000,03     0.000,00     0.000,03     0.000,04 Msr_Start

+    50     0.000,04     0.000,03     0.000,03     0.000,31 Msr_Stop



+    The log shows what happened and when.  Each line shows the time at which

+    something happened (see WHAT YOU CODE below) what it was that happened

+    and (if approporate) the time since the corresponding previous event

+    (that's the delta column).


+    The statistics show how many times each event occurred, what the average

+    delta time was, also the standard deviation, largest and smalles delta.




+   Before anything else executes: - register your ids


+    int id1     = Msr_Register("Incident One   - Note");

+    int id2     = Msr_Register("Incident Two   - Start/Stop");

+    int id3     = Msr_Register("Incident Three - single Note");

+    etc.


+   At interesting moments:


+       // To measure a repetitive event - e.g. end of bitblt to screen

+       Msr_Note(Id9);             // e.g. "video frame hiting the screen NOW!"


+           or


+       // To measure an elapsed time e.g. time taken to decode an MPEG B-frame

+       Msr_Start(Id2);            // e.g. "Starting to decode MPEG B-frame"

+         . . .

+       MsrStop(Id2);              //      "Finished MPEG decode"


+   At the end:


+       HANDLE hFile;

+       hFile = CreateFile("Perf.log", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);

+       Msr_Dump(hFile);           // This writes the log out to the file

+       CloseHandle(hFile);


+           or


+       Msr_Dump(NULL);            // This writes it to DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,0, ... ));

+                                  // but if you are writing it out to the debugger

+                                  // then the times are probably all garbage because

+                                  // the debugger can make things run awfully slow.


+    A given id should be used either for start / stop or Note calls.  If Notes

+    are mixed in with Starts and Stops their statistics will be gibberish.


+    If you code the calls in upper case i.e. MSR_START(idMunge); then you get

+    macros which will turn into nothing unless PERF is defined.


+    You can reset the statistical counts for a given id by calling Reset(Id).

+    They are reset by default at the start.

+    It logs Reset as a special incident, so you can see it in the log.


+    The log is a circular buffer in storage (to try to minimise disk I/O).

+    It overwrites the oldest entries once full.  The statistics include ALL

+    incidents since the last Reset, whether still visible in the log or not.



+#ifndef __MEASURE__

+#define __MEASURE__


+#ifdef PERF

+#define MSR_INIT() Msr_Init()

+#define MSR_TERMINATE() Msr_Terminate()

+#define MSR_REGISTER(a) Msr_Register(a)

+#define MSR_RESET(a) Msr_Reset(a)

+#define MSR_CONTROL(a) Msr_Control(a)

+#define MSR_START(a) Msr_Start(a)

+#define MSR_STOP(a) Msr_Stop(a)

+#define MSR_NOTE(a) Msr_Note(a)

+#define MSR_INTEGER(a,b) Msr_Integer(a,b)

+#define MSR_DUMP(a) Msr_Dump(a)

+#define MSR_DUMPSTATS(a) Msr_DumpStats(a)


+#define MSR_INIT() ((void)0)

+#define MSR_TERMINATE() ((void)0)

+#define MSR_REGISTER(a) 0

+#define MSR_RESET(a) ((void)0)

+#define MSR_CONTROL(a) ((void)0)

+#define MSR_START(a) ((void)0)

+#define MSR_STOP(a) ((void)0)

+#define MSR_NOTE(a) ((void)0)

+#define MSR_INTEGER(a,b) ((void)0)

+#define MSR_DUMP(a) ((void)0)

+#define MSR_DUMPSTATS(a) ((void)0)



+#ifdef __cplusplus

+extern "C" {



+// This must be called first - (called by the DllEntry)


+void WINAPI Msr_Init(void);



+// Call this last to clean up (or just let it fall off the end - who cares?)


+void WINAPI Msr_Terminate(void);



+// Call this to get an Id for an "incident" that you can pass to Start, Stop or Note

+// everything that's logged is called an "incident".


+int  WINAPI Msr_Register(__in LPTSTR Incident);



+// Reset the statistical counts for an incident


+void WINAPI Msr_Reset(int Id);



+// Reset all the counts for all incidents

+#define MSR_RESET_ALL 0

+#define MSR_PAUSE 1

+#define MSR_RUN 2


+void WINAPI Msr_Control(int iAction);



+// log the start of an operation


+void WINAPI Msr_Start(int Id);



+// log the end of an operation


+void WINAPI Msr_Stop(int Id);



+// log a one-off or repetitive operation


+void WINAPI Msr_Note(int Id);



+// log an integer (on which we can see statistics later)

+void WINAPI Msr_Integer(int Id, int n);



+// print out all the vaialable log (it may have wrapped) and then the statistics.

+// When the log wraps you lose log but the statistics are still complete.

+// hFIle==NULL => use DbgLog

+// otherwise hFile must have come from CreateFile or OpenFile.


+void WINAPI Msr_Dump(HANDLE hFile);



+// just dump the statistics - never mind the log


+void WINAPI Msr_DumpStats(HANDLE hFile);


+// Type definitions in case you want to declare a pointer to the dump functions

+// (makes it a trifle easier to do dynamic linking

+// i.e. LoadModule, GetProcAddress and call that)


+// Typedefs so can declare MSR_DUMPPROC *MsrDumpStats; or whatever

+typedef void WINAPI MSR_DUMPPROC(HANDLE hFile);

+typedef void WINAPI MSR_CONTROLPROC(int iAction);



+#ifdef __cplusplus




+#endif // __MEASURE__