* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/tests/pjsua/mod_call.py b/jni/pjproject-android/tests/pjsua/mod_call.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c725f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/tests/pjsua/mod_call.py
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# $Id: mod_call.py 2078 2008-06-27 21:12:12Z nanang $
+import time
+import imp
+import sys
+import inc_const as const
+from inc_cfg import *
+# Load configuration
+cfg_file = imp.load_source("cfg_file", ARGS[1])
+# Check media flow between ua1 and ua2
+def check_media(ua1, ua2):
+	ua1.send("#")
+	ua1.expect("#")
+	ua1.send("1122")
+	ua2.expect(const.RX_DTMF + "1")
+	ua2.expect(const.RX_DTMF + "1")
+	ua2.expect(const.RX_DTMF + "2")
+	ua2.expect(const.RX_DTMF + "2")
+# Test body function
+def test_func(t):
+	callee = t.process[0]
+	caller = t.process[1]
+	# if have_reg then wait for couple of seconds for PUBLISH
+	# to complete (just in case pUBLISH is used)
+	if callee.inst_param.have_reg:
+		time.sleep(1)
+	if caller.inst_param.have_reg:
+		time.sleep(1)
+	# Caller making call
+	caller.send("m")
+	caller.send(t.inst_params[0].uri)
+	caller.expect(const.STATE_CALLING)
+	# Callee waits for call and answers with 180/Ringing
+	time.sleep(0.2)
+	callee.expect(const.EVENT_INCOMING_CALL)
+	callee.send("a")
+	callee.send("180")
+	callee.expect("SIP/2.0 180")
+	caller.expect("SIP/2.0 180")
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Callee answers with 200/OK
+	callee.send("a")
+	callee.send("200")
+	# Wait until call is connected in both endpoints
+	time.sleep(0.2)
+	caller.expect(const.STATE_CONFIRMED)
+	callee.expect(const.STATE_CONFIRMED)
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	time.sleep(0.1)
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Test that media is okay
+	time.sleep(0.3)
+	check_media(caller, callee)
+	check_media(callee, caller)
+	# Hold call by caller
+	caller.send("H")
+	caller.expect("INVITE sip:")
+	callee.expect("INVITE sip:")
+	caller.expect(const.MEDIA_HOLD)
+	callee.expect(const.MEDIA_HOLD)
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Release hold
+	time.sleep(0.5)
+	caller.send("v")
+	caller.expect("INVITE sip:")
+	callee.expect("INVITE sip:")
+	caller.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active after call hold")
+	callee.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active after call hold")
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Test that media is okay
+	check_media(caller, callee)
+	check_media(callee, caller)
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Hold call by callee
+	callee.send("H")
+	callee.expect("INVITE sip:")
+	caller.expect("INVITE sip:")
+	caller.expect(const.MEDIA_HOLD)
+	callee.expect(const.MEDIA_HOLD)
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Release hold
+	time.sleep(0.1)
+	callee.send("v")
+	callee.expect("INVITE sip:")
+	caller.expect("INVITE sip:")
+	callee.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active after call hold")
+	caller.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active after call hold")
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Test that media is okay
+	# Wait for some time for ICE negotiation
+	time.sleep(0.6)
+	check_media(caller, callee)
+	check_media(callee, caller)
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# UPDATE (by caller)
+	caller.send("U")
+	#caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active with UPDATE")
+	caller.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active with UPDATE")
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Test that media is okay
+	time.sleep(0.1)
+	check_media(caller, callee)
+	check_media(callee, caller)
+	# UPDATE (by callee)
+	callee.send("U")
+	callee.expect("UPDATE sip:")
+	caller.expect("UPDATE sip:")
+	caller.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active with UPDATE")
+	callee.expect(const.MEDIA_ACTIVE, title="waiting for media active with UPDATE")
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Test that media is okay
+	time.sleep(0.1)
+	check_media(caller, callee)
+	check_media(callee, caller)
+	# Synchronize stdout
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Set codecs in both caller and callee so that there is
+	# no common codec between them.
+	# In caller we only enable PCMU, in callee we only enable PCMA
+	caller.send("Cp")
+	caller.expect("Enter codec")
+	caller.send("* 0")
+	caller.send("Cp")
+	caller.expect("Enter codec")
+	caller.send("pcmu 120")
+	callee.send("Cp")
+	callee.expect("Enter codec")
+	callee.send("* 0")
+	callee.send("Cp")
+	callee.expect("Enter codec")
+	callee.send("pcma 120")
+	# Test when UPDATE fails (by callee)
+	callee.send("U")
+	caller.expect("SIP/2.0 488")
+	callee.expect("SIP/2.0 488")
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	# Test that media is still okay
+	time.sleep(0.1)
+	check_media(caller, callee)
+	check_media(callee, caller)
+	# Test when UPDATE fails (by caller)
+	caller.send("U")
+	caller.expect("UPDATE sip:")
+	callee.expect("UPDATE sip:")
+	callee.expect("SIP/2.0 488")
+	caller.expect("SIP/2.0 488")
+	caller.sync_stdout()
+	callee.sync_stdout()
+	# Test that media is still okay
+	time.sleep(0.1)
+	check_media(callee, caller)
+	check_media(caller, callee)
+	# Hangup call
+	time.sleep(0.1)
+	caller.send("h")
+	# Wait until calls are cleared in both endpoints
+	caller.expect(const.STATE_DISCONNECTED)
+	callee.expect(const.STATE_DISCONNECTED)
+# Here where it all comes together
+test = cfg_file.test_param
+test.test_func = test_func