* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/audio_tool.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/audio_tool.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb761f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/audio_tool.c
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+/* $Id: audio_tool.c 3553 2011-05-05 06:14:19Z nanang $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pjmedia.h>
+#include <pjlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define THIS_FILE	"audio_tool.c"
+static pj_caching_pool caching_pool;
+static pj_pool_factory *pf;
+static FILE *fhnd;
+static pj_med_mgr_t *mm;
+static pjmedia_codec *codec;
+static pjmedia_codec_param cattr;
+static FILE *fhnd_pcm;
+static char talker_sdp[] = 
+    "v=0\r\n"
+    "o=- 0 0 IN IP4\r\n"
+    "s=-\r\n"
+    "c=IN IP4\r\n"
+    "t=0 0\r\n"
+    "m=audio 4002 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+    "a=sendonly\r\n";
+static char listener_sdp[] = 
+    "v=0\r\n"
+    "o=- 0 0 IN IP4\r\n"
+    "s=-\r\n"
+    "c=IN IP4\r\n"
+    "t=0 0\r\n"
+    "m=audio 4000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+    "a=recvonly\r\n";
+static pj_status_t play_callback(/* in */   void *user_data,
+				 /* in */   pj_uint32_t timestamp,
+				 /* out */  void *frame,
+				 /* out */  unsigned size)
+    char pkt[160];
+    struct pjmedia_frame in, out;
+    int frmsz = cattr.avg_bps / 8 * cattr.ptime / 1000;
+    if (fread(pkt, frmsz, 1, fhnd) != 1) {
+	puts("EOF");
+	return -1;
+    } else {
+	in.buf = pkt;
+	in.size = frmsz;
+	out.buf = frame;
+	if (codec->op->decode (codec, &in, size, &out) != 0)
+	    return -1;
+	size = out.size;
+	return 0;
+    }
+static pj_status_t rec_callback( /* in */   void *user_data,
+			         /* in */   pj_uint32_t timestamp,
+			         /* in */   const void *frame,
+			         /* in*/    unsigned size)
+    char pkt[160];
+    struct pjmedia_frame in, out;
+    //int frmsz = cattr.avg_bps / 8 * cattr.ptime / 1000;
+    fwrite(frame, size, 1, fhnd_pcm);
+    in.buf = (void*)frame;
+    in.size = size;
+    out.buf = pkt;
+    if (codec->op->encode(codec, &in, sizeof(pkt), &out) != 0)
+	return -1;
+    if (fwrite(pkt, out.size, 1, fhnd) != 1)
+	return -1;
+    return 0;
+static pj_status_t init()
+    pjmedia_codec_mgr *cm;
+    pjmedia_codec_info id;
+    int i;
+    pj_caching_pool_init(&caching_pool, &pj_pool_factory_default_policy, 0);
+    pf = &caching_pool.factory;
+    if (pj_snd_init(&caching_pool.factory))
+	return -1;
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Dumping audio devices:"));
+    for (i=0; i<pj_snd_get_dev_count(); ++i) {
+	const pj_snd_dev_info *info;
+	info = pj_snd_get_dev_info(i);
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "  %d: %s\t(%d in, %d out", 
+			     i, info->name, 
+			     info->input_count, info->output_count));
+    }
+    mm = pj_med_mgr_create (&caching_pool.factory);
+    cm = pj_med_mgr_get_codec_mgr (mm);
+    id.type = PJMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
+    id.pt = 0;
+    id.encoding_name = pj_str("PCMU");
+    id.sample_rate = 8000;
+    codec = pjmedia_codec_mgr_alloc_codec (cm, &id);
+    codec->op->default_attr(codec, &cattr);
+    codec->op->open(codec, &cattr);
+    return 0;
+static pj_status_t deinit()
+    pjmedia_codec_mgr *cm;
+    cm = pj_med_mgr_get_codec_mgr (mm);
+    codec->op->close(codec);
+    pjmedia_codec_mgr_dealloc_codec (cm, codec);
+    pj_med_mgr_destroy (mm);
+    pj_caching_pool_destroy(&caching_pool);
+    return 0;
+static pj_status_t record_file (const char *filename)
+    pj_snd_stream *stream;
+    pj_snd_stream_info info;
+    int status;
+    char s[10];
+    printf("Recording to file %s...\n", filename);
+    fhnd = fopen(filename, "wb");
+    if (!fhnd)
+	return -1;
+    fhnd_pcm = fopen("ORIGINAL.PCM", "wb");
+    if (!fhnd_pcm)
+	return -1;
+    pj_bzero(&info, sizeof(info));
+    info.bits_per_sample = 16;
+    info.bytes_per_frame = 2;
+    info.frames_per_packet = 160;
+    info.samples_per_frame = 1;
+    info.samples_per_sec = 8000;
+    stream = pj_snd_open_recorder(-1, &info, &rec_callback, NULL);
+    if (!stream)
+	return -1;
+    status = pj_snd_stream_start(stream);
+    if (status != 0)
+	goto on_error;
+    puts("Press <ENTER> to exit recording");
+    fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin);
+    pj_snd_stream_stop(stream);
+    pj_snd_stream_close(stream);
+    fclose(fhnd_pcm);
+    fclose(fhnd);
+    return 0;
+    pj_snd_stream_stop(stream);
+    pj_snd_stream_close(stream);
+    return -1;
+static pj_status_t play_file (const char *filename)
+    pj_snd_stream *stream;
+    pj_snd_stream_info info;
+    int status;
+    char s[10];
+    printf("Playing file %s...\n", filename);
+    fhnd = fopen(filename, "rb");
+    if (!fhnd)
+	return -1;
+    pj_bzero(&info, sizeof(info));
+    info.bits_per_sample = 16;
+    info.bytes_per_frame = 2;
+    info.frames_per_packet = 160;
+    info.samples_per_frame = 1;
+    info.samples_per_sec = 8000;
+    stream = pj_snd_open_player(-1, &info, &play_callback, NULL);
+    if (!stream)
+	return -1;
+    status = pj_snd_stream_start(stream);
+    if (status != 0)
+	goto on_error;
+    puts("Press <ENTER> to exit playing");
+    fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin);
+    pj_snd_stream_stop(stream);
+    pj_snd_stream_close(stream);
+    fclose(fhnd);
+    return 0;
+    pj_snd_stream_stop(stream);
+    pj_snd_stream_close(stream);
+    return -1;
+static int create_ses_by_remote_sdp(int local_port, char *sdp)
+    pj_media_session_t *ses = NULL;
+    pjsdp_session_desc *sdp_ses;
+    pj_media_sock_info skinfo;
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    char s[4];
+    const pj_media_stream_info *info[2];
+    int i, count;
+    pool = pj_pool_create(pf, "sdp", 1024, 0, NULL);
+    if (!pool) {
+	PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Unable to create pool"));
+	return -1;
+    }
+    pj_bzero(&skinfo, sizeof(skinfo));
+    skinfo.rtp_sock = skinfo.rtcp_sock = pj_sock_socket(pj_AF_INET(), pj_SOCK_DGRAM(), 0, 0);
+    if (skinfo.rtp_sock == PJ_INVALID_SOCKET) {
+	PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Unable to create socket"));
+	goto on_error;
+    }
+    pj_sockaddr_init2(&skinfo.rtp_addr_name, "", local_port);
+    if (pj_sock_bind(skinfo.rtp_sock, (struct pj_sockaddr*)&skinfo.rtp_addr_name, sizeof(pj_sockaddr_in)) != 0) {
+	PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Unable to bind socket"));
+	goto on_error;
+    }
+    sdp_ses = pjsdp_parse(sdp, strlen(sdp), pool);
+    if (!sdp_ses) {
+	PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error parsing SDP"));
+	goto on_error;
+    }
+    ses = pj_media_session_create_from_sdp(mm, sdp_ses, &skinfo);
+    if (!ses) {
+	PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Unable to create session from SDP"));
+	goto on_error;
+    }
+    if (pj_media_session_activate(ses) != 0) {
+	PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error activating session"));
+	goto on_error;
+    }
+    count = pj_media_session_enum_streams(ses, 2, info);
+    printf("\nDumping streams: \n");
+    for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+	const char *dir;
+	char *local_ip;
+	switch (info[i]->dir) {
+	    dir = "- NONE -"; break;
+	    dir = "SENDONLY"; break;
+	    dir = "RECVONLY"; break;
+	    dir = "SENDRECV"; break;
+	default:
+	    dir = "?UNKNOWN"; break;
+	}
+	local_ip = pj_sockaddr_get_str_addr(&info[i]->sock_info.rtp_addr_name);
+	printf("  Stream %d: %.*s %s local=%s:%d remote=%.*s:%d\n",
+	       i, info[i]->type.slen, info[i]->type.ptr,
+	       dir, 
+	       local_ip, pj_sockaddr_get_port(&info[i]->sock_info.rtp_addr_name),
+	       info[i]->rem_addr.slen, info[i]->rem_addr.ptr, info[i]->rem_port);
+    }
+    puts("Press <ENTER> to quit");
+    fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin);
+    pj_media_session_destroy(ses);
+    pj_sock_close(skinfo.rtp_sock);
+    pj_pool_release(pool);
+    return 0;
+    if (ses)
+	pj_media_session_destroy(ses);
+    if (skinfo.rtp_sock != PJ_INVALID_SOCKET)
+	pj_sock_close(skinfo.rtp_sock);
+    if (pool)
+	pj_pool_release(pool);
+    return -1;
+static pj_status_t convert(const char *src, const char *dst)
+    char pcm[320];
+    char frame[160];
+    struct pjmedia_frame in, out;
+    fhnd_pcm = fopen(src, "rb");
+    if (!fhnd_pcm)
+	return -1;
+    fhnd = fopen(dst, "wb");
+    if (!fhnd)
+	return -1;
+    while (fread(pcm, 320, 1, fhnd_pcm) == 1) {
+	in.buf = pcm;
+	in.size = 320;
+	out.buf = frame;
+	if (codec->op->encode(codec, &in, 160, &out) != 0)
+	    break;
+	if (fwrite(frame, out.size, 1, fhnd) != 1)
+	    break;
+    }
+    fclose(fhnd);
+    fclose(fhnd_pcm);
+    return 0;
+static void usage(const char *exe)
+    printf("Usage: %s <command> <file>\n", exe);
+    puts("where:");
+    puts("  <command>     play|record|send|recv");
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    if (argc < 2) {
+	usage(argv[0]);
+	return 1;
+    }
+    pj_init();
+    init();
+    if (stricmp(argv[1], "record")==0) {
+	record_file("FILE.PCM");
+    } else if (stricmp(argv[1], "play")==0) {
+	play_file("FILE.PCM");
+    } else if (stricmp(argv[1], "send")==0) {
+	create_ses_by_remote_sdp(4002, listener_sdp);
+    } else if (stricmp(argv[1], "recv")==0) {
+	create_ses_by_remote_sdp(4000, talker_sdp);
+    } else {
+	usage(argv[0]);
+    }
+    deinit();
+    return 0;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/codec_vectors.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/codec_vectors.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8efb75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/codec_vectors.c
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+/* $Id: codec_vectors.c 4537 2013-06-19 06:47:43Z riza $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+#include <pjmedia-codec.h>
+#define THIS_FILE   "codec_vectors.c"
+#define TMP_OUT	    "output.tmp"
+ * Encode test. Read input from WAV file, encode to temporary output file, 
+ * and compare the temporary output file to the reference file.
+ */
+static int codec_test_encode(pjmedia_codec_mgr *mgr, 
+			     char *codec_name, 
+			     unsigned bitrate,
+			     const char *wav_file,
+			     const char *ref_encoded_file)
+    pj_str_t codec_id = pj_str(codec_name);
+    pj_pool_t *pool = NULL;
+    unsigned count, samples_per_frame;
+    pj_size_t encoded_frame_len = 0, pos;
+    pjmedia_codec *codec = NULL;
+    const pjmedia_codec_info *ci[1];
+    pjmedia_codec_param codec_param;
+    pjmedia_port *wav_port = NULL;
+    pjmedia_frame in_frame, out_frame;
+    FILE *output = NULL, *fref = NULL;
+    int rc = 0;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    pool = pj_pool_create(mem, "codec-vectors", 512, 512, NULL);
+    if (!pool)  {
+	rc = -20;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Find and open the codec */
+    count = 1;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(mgr, &codec_id, &count, ci, NULL);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -30;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_alloc_codec(mgr, ci[0], &codec);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -40;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_get_default_param(mgr, ci[0], &codec_param);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -50;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    codec_param.info.avg_bps = bitrate;
+    codec_param.setting.vad = 0;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_init(codec, pool);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -60;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_codec_open(codec, &codec_param);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -70;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Open WAV file */
+    status = pjmedia_wav_player_port_create(pool, wav_file, 
+					    codec_param.info.frm_ptime, 
+					    PJMEDIA_FILE_NO_LOOP, 0, 
+					    &wav_port);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -80;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Open output file */
+    output = fopen(TMP_OUT, "wb");
+    if (!output) {
+	rc = -90;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Allocate buffer for PCM and encoded frames */
+    samples_per_frame = codec_param.info.clock_rate * codec_param.info.frm_ptime / 1000;
+    in_frame.buf = pj_pool_alloc(pool, samples_per_frame * 2);
+    out_frame.buf = (pj_uint8_t*) pj_pool_alloc(pool, samples_per_frame);
+    /* Loop read WAV file and encode and write to output file */
+    for (;;) {
+	in_frame.size = samples_per_frame * 2;
+	in_frame.type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO;
+	status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(wav_port, &in_frame);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS || in_frame.type != PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO)
+	    break;
+	out_frame.size = samples_per_frame;
+	status = pjmedia_codec_encode(codec, &in_frame, samples_per_frame,
+				   &out_frame);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    rc = -95;
+	    goto on_return;
+	}
+	if (out_frame.size) {
+	    pj_size_t cnt;
+	    cnt = fwrite(out_frame.buf, out_frame.size, 1, output);
+	    if (encoded_frame_len == 0)
+		encoded_frame_len = out_frame.size;
+	}    
+    }
+    fclose(output);
+    output = NULL;
+    /* Compare encoded files */
+    fref = fopen(ref_encoded_file, "rb");
+    if (!fref) {
+	rc = -100;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    output = fopen(TMP_OUT, "rb");
+    if (!output) {
+	rc = -110;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    pos = 0;
+    for (;;) {
+	pj_size_t count;
+	count = fread(in_frame.buf, encoded_frame_len, 1, fref);
+	if (count != 1)
+	    break;
+	count = fread(out_frame.buf, encoded_frame_len, 1, output);
+	if (count != 1)
+	    break;
+	if (memcmp(in_frame.buf, out_frame.buf, encoded_frame_len)) {
+	    unsigned i;
+	    pj_uint8_t *in = (pj_uint8_t*)in_frame.buf;
+	    pj_uint8_t *out = (pj_uint8_t*)out_frame.buf;
+	    for (i=0; i<encoded_frame_len; ++i) {
+		if (in[i] != out[i])
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE,"     failed: mismatch at pos %d", pos+i));
+	    rc = -200;
+	    break;
+	}
+	pos += encoded_frame_len;
+    }
+    if (output)
+	fclose(output);
+    if (fref)
+	fclose(fref);
+    if (codec) {
+	pjmedia_codec_close(codec);
+	pjmedia_codec_mgr_dealloc_codec(mgr, codec);
+    }
+    if (wav_port)
+	pjmedia_port_destroy(wav_port);
+    if (pool)
+	pj_pool_release(pool);
+    return rc;
+ * Read file in ITU format (".itu" extension).
+ *
+ * Set swap_endian to TRUE if the ITU file is stored in little 
+ * endian format (normally true).
+ */
+static int read_ITU_format(FILE  *fp_bitstream,
+			   short *out_words,
+			   short *p_frame_error_flag,
+			   int number_of_16bit_words_per_frame,
+			   pj_bool_t swap_endian)
+    enum { MAX_BITS_PER_FRAME = 160*8 };
+    short i,j;
+    short nsamp;
+    short packed_word;
+    short bit_count;
+    short bit;
+    short in_array[MAX_BITS_PER_FRAME+2];
+    short one = 0x0081;
+    short zero = 0x007f;
+    short frame_start = 0x6b21;
+    nsamp = (short)fread(in_array, 2, 2 + 16*number_of_16bit_words_per_frame,
+			 fp_bitstream);
+    j = 0;
+    bit = in_array[j++];
+    if (bit != frame_start) {
+        *p_frame_error_flag = 1;
+    } else {
+        *p_frame_error_flag = 0;
+        /* increment j to skip over the number of bits in frame */
+        j++;
+        for (i=0; i<number_of_16bit_words_per_frame; i++) {
+            packed_word = 0;
+            bit_count = 15;
+            while (bit_count >= 0) {
+    	        bit = in_array[j++];
+    	        if (bit == zero) 
+    	            bit = 0;
+    	        else if (bit == one) 
+    	            bit = 1;
+    	        else 
+    	            *p_frame_error_flag = 1;
+	        packed_word <<= 1;
+	        packed_word = (short )(packed_word + bit);
+	        bit_count--;
+            }
+	    if (swap_endian)
+		out_words[i] = pj_ntohs(packed_word);
+	    else
+		out_words[i] = packed_word;
+        }
+    }
+    return (nsamp-1)/16;
+ * Decode test
+ *
+ * Decode the specified encoded file in "in_encoded_file" into temporary
+ * PCM output file, and compare the temporary PCM output file with
+ * the PCM reference file.
+ *
+ * Some reference file requires manipulation to the PCM output
+ * before comparison, such manipulation can be done by supplying
+ * this function with the "manip" function.
+ */
+static int codec_test_decode(pjmedia_codec_mgr *mgr, 
+			     char *codec_name, 
+			     unsigned bitrate,
+			     unsigned encoded_len,
+			     const char *in_encoded_file,
+			     const char *ref_pcm_file,
+			     void (*manip)(short *pcm, unsigned count))
+    pj_str_t codec_id = pj_str(codec_name);
+    pj_pool_t *pool = NULL;
+    unsigned count, samples_per_frame, pos;
+    pjmedia_codec *codec = NULL;
+    const pjmedia_codec_info *ci[1];
+    pjmedia_codec_param codec_param;
+    pjmedia_frame out_frame;
+    void *pkt;
+    FILE *input = NULL, *output = NULL, *fref = NULL;
+    pj_bool_t is_itu_format = PJ_FALSE;
+    int rc = 0;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    pool = pj_pool_create(mem, "codec-vectors", 512, 512, NULL);
+    if (!pool)  {
+	rc = -20;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Find and open the codec */
+    count = 1;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(mgr, &codec_id, &count, ci, NULL);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -30;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_alloc_codec(mgr, ci[0], &codec);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -40;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_get_default_param(mgr, ci[0], &codec_param);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -50;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    codec_param.info.avg_bps = bitrate;
+    codec_param.setting.vad = 0;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_init(codec, pool);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -60;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_codec_open(codec, &codec_param);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = -70;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Open input file */
+    input = fopen(in_encoded_file, "rb");
+    if (!input) {
+	rc = -80;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Is the file in ITU format? */
+    is_itu_format = pj_ansi_stricmp(in_encoded_file+strlen(in_encoded_file)-4,
+				    ".itu")==0;
+    /* Open output file */
+    output = fopen(TMP_OUT, "wb");
+    if (!output) {
+	rc = -90;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Allocate buffer for PCM and encoded frames */
+    samples_per_frame = codec_param.info.clock_rate * codec_param.info.frm_ptime / 1000;
+    pkt = pj_pool_alloc(pool, samples_per_frame * 2);
+    out_frame.buf = (pj_uint8_t*) pj_pool_alloc(pool, samples_per_frame * 2);
+    /* Loop read WAV file and encode and write to output file */
+    for (;;) {
+	pjmedia_frame in_frame[2];
+	pj_timestamp ts;
+	unsigned count;
+	pj_bool_t has_frame;
+	if (is_itu_format) {
+	    int nsamp;
+	    short frame_err = 0;
+	    nsamp = read_ITU_format(input, (short*)pkt, &frame_err,
+				    encoded_len / 2, PJ_TRUE);
+	    if (nsamp != (int)encoded_len / 2)
+		break;
+	    has_frame = !frame_err;
+	} else {
+	    if (fread(pkt, encoded_len, 1, input) != 1)
+		break;
+	    has_frame = PJ_TRUE;
+	}
+	if (has_frame) {
+	    count = 2;
+	    if (pjmedia_codec_parse(codec, pkt, encoded_len, &ts, 
+				    &count, in_frame) != PJ_SUCCESS) 
+	    {
+		rc = -100;
+		goto on_return;
+	    }
+	    if (count != 1) {
+		rc = -110;
+		goto on_return;
+	    }
+	    if (pjmedia_codec_decode(codec, &in_frame[0], samples_per_frame*2,
+				     &out_frame) != PJ_SUCCESS) 
+	    {
+		rc = -120;
+		goto on_return;
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    if (pjmedia_codec_recover(codec, samples_per_frame*2, 
+				      &out_frame) != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    {
+		rc = -125;
+		goto on_return;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (manip)
+	    manip((short*)out_frame.buf, samples_per_frame);
+	if (fwrite(out_frame.buf, out_frame.size, 1, output) != 1) {
+	    rc = -130;
+	    goto on_return;
+	}
+    }
+    fclose(input);
+    input = NULL;
+    fclose(output);
+    output = NULL;
+    /* Compare encoded files */
+    fref = fopen(ref_pcm_file, "rb");
+    if (!fref) {
+	rc = -140;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    output = fopen(TMP_OUT, "rb");
+    if (!output) {
+	rc = -110;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    pos = 0;
+    for (;;) {
+	pj_size_t count;
+	count = fread(pkt, samples_per_frame*2, 1, fref);
+	if (count != 1)
+	    break;
+	count = fread(out_frame.buf, samples_per_frame*2, 1, output);
+	if (count != 1)
+	    break;
+	if (memcmp(pkt, out_frame.buf, samples_per_frame*2)) {
+	    unsigned i;
+	    pj_int16_t *in = (pj_int16_t*)pkt;
+	    pj_int16_t *out = (pj_int16_t*)out_frame.buf;
+	    for (i=0; i<samples_per_frame; ++i) {
+		if (in[i] != out[i])
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE,"     failed: mismatch at samples %d", pos+i));
+	    rc = -200;
+	    break;
+	}
+	pos += samples_per_frame;
+    }
+    if (output)
+	fclose(output);
+    if (fref)
+	fclose(fref);
+    if (input)
+	fclose(input);
+    if (codec) {
+	pjmedia_codec_close(codec);
+	pjmedia_codec_mgr_dealloc_codec(mgr, codec);
+    }
+    if (pool)
+	pj_pool_release(pool);
+    return rc;
+/* For ITU testing, off the 2 lsbs. */
+static void g7221_pcm_manip(short *pcm, unsigned count)
+    unsigned i;
+    for (i=0; i<count; i++)
+        pcm[i] &= 0xfffc;
+#endif	/* PJMEDIA_HAS_G7221_CODEC */
+int codec_test_vectors(void)
+    pjmedia_endpt *endpt;
+    pjmedia_codec_mgr *mgr;
+    int rc, rc_final = 0;
+    struct enc_vectors {
+	char	    *codec_name;
+	unsigned     bit_rate;
+	const char  *wav_file;
+	const char  *ref_encoded_file;
+    } enc_vectors[] = 
+    {
+	{ "G7221/16000/1", 24000, 
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_in.wav", 
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_out_24000_be.pak"
+	},
+	{ "G7221/16000/1", 32000, 
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_in.wav", 
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_out_32000_be.pak"
+	},
+	{ NULL }
+    };
+    struct dec_vectors {
+	char	    *codec_name;
+	unsigned     bit_rate;
+	unsigned     encoded_frame_len;
+	void	    (*manip)(short *pcm, unsigned count);
+	const char  *enc_file;
+	const char  *ref_pcm_file;
+    } dec_vectors[] = 
+    {
+	{ "G7221/16000/1", 24000, 60,
+	  &g7221_pcm_manip,
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_out_24000_be.pak", 
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_24000.pcm"
+	},
+	{ "G7221/16000/1", 32000, 80,
+	  &g7221_pcm_manip,
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_out_32000_be.pak", 
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_32000.pcm"
+	},
+	{ "G7221/16000/1", 24000, 60,
+	  &g7221_pcm_manip,
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_in_24000_fe.itu",
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_24000_fe.pcm"
+	},
+	{ "G7221/16000/1", 32000, 80,
+	  &g7221_pcm_manip,
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_in_32000_fe.itu",
+	  "../src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_32000_fe.pcm"
+	},
+	{ NULL }
+    };
+    unsigned i;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    status = pjmedia_endpt_create(mem, NULL, 0, &endpt);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return -5;
+    mgr = pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(endpt);
+    status = pjmedia_codec_g7221_init(endpt);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	pjmedia_endpt_destroy(endpt);
+	return -7;
+    }
+    /* Set shift value to zero for the test vectors */
+    pjmedia_codec_g7221_set_pcm_shift(0);
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"  encode tests:"));
+    for (i=0; i<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(enc_vectors); ++i) {
+	if (!enc_vectors[i].codec_name)
+	    continue;
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"    %s @%d bps %s ==> %s", 
+		  enc_vectors[i].codec_name, 
+		  enc_vectors[i].bit_rate,
+		  enc_vectors[i].wav_file,
+		  enc_vectors[i].ref_encoded_file));
+	rc = codec_test_encode(mgr, enc_vectors[i].codec_name,
+			       enc_vectors[i].bit_rate,
+			       enc_vectors[i].wav_file,
+			       enc_vectors[i].ref_encoded_file);
+	if (rc != 0)
+	    rc_final = rc;
+    }
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"  decode tests:"));
+    for (i=0; i<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(dec_vectors); ++i) {
+	if (!dec_vectors[i].codec_name)
+	    continue;
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"    %s @%d bps %s ==> %s", 
+		  dec_vectors[i].codec_name, 
+		  dec_vectors[i].bit_rate,
+		  dec_vectors[i].enc_file,
+		  dec_vectors[i].ref_pcm_file));
+	rc = codec_test_decode(mgr, dec_vectors[i].codec_name,
+			       dec_vectors[i].bit_rate,
+			       dec_vectors[i].encoded_frame_len,
+			       dec_vectors[i].enc_file,
+			       dec_vectors[i].ref_pcm_file,
+			       dec_vectors[i].manip);
+	if (rc != 0)
+	    rc_final = rc;
+    }
+    if (pj_file_exists(TMP_OUT))
+	pj_file_delete(TMP_OUT);
+    pjmedia_endpt_destroy(endpt);
+    return rc_final;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/jbuf_test.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/jbuf_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a292276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/jbuf_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+/* $Id: jbuf_test.c 3841 2011-10-24 09:28:13Z ming $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <pj/pool.h>
+#include "test.h"
+#define JB_INIT_PREFETCH    0
+#define JB_MIN_PREFETCH	    0
+#define JB_MAX_PREFETCH	    10
+#define JB_PTIME	    20
+#define JB_BUF_SIZE	    50
+//#define REPORT
+//#define PRINT_COMMENT
+typedef struct test_param_t {
+    pj_bool_t adaptive;
+    unsigned init_prefetch;
+    unsigned min_prefetch;
+    unsigned max_prefetch;
+} test_param_t;
+typedef struct test_cond_t {
+    int burst;
+    int discard;
+    int lost;
+    int empty;
+    int delay;	    /**< Average delay, in frames.	    */
+    int delay_min;  /**< Minimum delay, in frames.	    */
+} test_cond_t;
+static pj_bool_t parse_test_headers(char *line, test_param_t *param, 
+			       test_cond_t *cond)
+    char *p = line;
+    if (*p == '%') {
+	/* Test params. */
+	char mode_st[16];
+	sscanf(p+1, "%s %u %u %u", mode_st, &param->init_prefetch, 
+	       &param->min_prefetch, &param->max_prefetch);
+	param->adaptive = (pj_ansi_stricmp(mode_st, "adaptive") == 0);
+    } else if (*p == '!') {
+	/* Success condition. */
+	char cond_st[16];
+	unsigned cond_val;
+	sscanf(p+1, "%s %u", cond_st, &cond_val);
+	if (pj_ansi_stricmp(cond_st, "burst") == 0)
+	    cond->burst = cond_val;
+	else if (pj_ansi_stricmp(cond_st, "delay") == 0)
+	    cond->delay = cond_val;
+	else if (pj_ansi_stricmp(cond_st, "delay_min") == 0)
+	    cond->delay_min = cond_val;
+	else if (pj_ansi_stricmp(cond_st, "discard") == 0)
+	    cond->discard = cond_val;
+	else if (pj_ansi_stricmp(cond_st, "empty") == 0)
+	    cond->empty = cond_val;
+	else if (pj_ansi_stricmp(cond_st, "lost") == 0)
+	    cond->lost = cond_val;
+    } else if (*p == '=') {
+	/* Test title. */
+	++p;
+	while (*p && isspace(*p)) ++p;
+	printf("%s", p);
+    } else if (*p == '#') {
+	/* Ignore comment line. */
+    } else {
+	/* Unknown header, perhaps this is the test data */
+	/* Skip spaces */
+	while (*p && isspace(*p)) ++p;
+	/* Test data started.*/
+	if (*p != 0)
+	    return PJ_FALSE;
+    }
+    return PJ_TRUE;
+static pj_bool_t process_test_data(char data, pjmedia_jbuf *jb, 
+				   pj_uint16_t *seq, pj_uint16_t *last_seq)
+    char frame[1];
+    char f_type;
+    pj_bool_t print_state = PJ_TRUE;
+    pj_bool_t data_eos = PJ_FALSE;
+    switch (toupper(data)) {
+    case 'G': /* Get */
+	pjmedia_jbuf_get_frame(jb, frame, &f_type);
+	break;
+    case 'P': /* Put */
+	pjmedia_jbuf_put_frame(jb, (void*)frame, 1, *seq);
+	*last_seq = *seq;
+	++*seq;
+	break;
+    case 'L': /* Lost */
+	*last_seq = *seq;
+	++*seq;
+	printf("Lost\n");
+	break;
+    case 'R': /* Sequence restarts */
+	*seq = 1;
+	printf("Sequence restarting, from %u to %u\n", *last_seq, *seq);
+	break;
+    case 'J': /* Sequence jumps */
+	(*seq) += 20;
+	printf("Sequence jumping, from %u to %u\n", *last_seq, *seq);
+	break;
+    case 'D': /* Frame duplicated */
+	pjmedia_jbuf_put_frame(jb, (void*)frame, 1, *seq - 1);
+	break;
+    case 'O': /* Old/late frame */
+	pjmedia_jbuf_put_frame(jb, (void*)frame, 1, *seq - 10 - pj_rand()%40);
+	break;
+    case '.': /* End of test session. */
+	data_eos = PJ_TRUE;
+	break;
+    default:
+	print_state = PJ_FALSE;
+	printf("Unknown test data '%c'\n", data);
+	break;
+    }
+    if (data_eos)
+	return PJ_FALSE;
+#ifdef REPORT
+    if (print_state) {
+	pjmedia_jb_state state;
+	pjmedia_jbuf_get_state(jb, &state);
+	printf("seq=%d\t%c\tsize=%d\tprefetch=%d\n", 
+	       *last_seq, toupper(data), state.size, state.prefetch);
+    }
+    return PJ_TRUE;
+int jbuf_main(void)
+    FILE *input;
+    pj_bool_t data_eof = PJ_FALSE;
+    int old_log_level;
+    int rc = 0;
+    const char* input_filename = "Jbtest.dat";
+    const char* input_search_path[] = { 
+	"../build",
+	"pjmedia/build",
+	"build"
+    };
+    /* Try to open test data file in the working directory */
+    input = fopen(input_filename, "rt");
+    /* If that fails, try to open test data file in specified search paths */
+    if (input == NULL) {
+	char input_path[PJ_MAXPATH];
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; !input && i < PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(input_search_path); ++i) {
+	    pj_ansi_snprintf(input_path, PJ_MAXPATH, "%s/%s",
+			     input_search_path[i],
+			     input_filename);
+	    input = fopen(input_path, "rt");
+	}
+    }
+    /* Failed to open test data file. */
+    if (input == NULL) {
+	printf("Failed to open test data file, Jbtest.dat\n");
+	return -1;
+    }
+    old_log_level = pj_log_get_level();
+    pj_log_set_level(5);
+    while (rc == 0 && !data_eof) {
+	pj_str_t jb_name = {"JBTEST", 6};
+	pjmedia_jbuf *jb;
+	pj_pool_t *pool;
+	pjmedia_jb_state state;
+	pj_uint16_t last_seq = 0;
+	pj_uint16_t seq = 1;
+	char line[1024], *p = NULL;
+	test_param_t param;
+	test_cond_t cond;
+	param.adaptive = PJ_TRUE;
+	param.init_prefetch = JB_INIT_PREFETCH;
+	param.min_prefetch = JB_MIN_PREFETCH;
+	param.max_prefetch = JB_MAX_PREFETCH;
+	cond.burst = -1;
+	cond.delay = -1;
+	cond.delay_min = -1;
+	cond.discard = -1;
+	cond.empty = -1;
+	cond.lost = -1;
+	printf("\n\n");
+	/* Parse test session title, param, and conditions */
+	do {
+	    p = fgets(line, sizeof(line), input);
+	} while (p && parse_test_headers(line, &param, &cond));
+	/* EOF test data */
+	if (p == NULL)
+	    break;
+	//printf("======================================================\n");
+	/* Initialize test session */
+	pool = pj_pool_create(mem, "JBPOOL", 256*16, 256*16, NULL);
+	pjmedia_jbuf_create(pool, &jb_name, 1, JB_PTIME, JB_BUF_SIZE, &jb);
+	pjmedia_jbuf_reset(jb);
+	if (param.adaptive) {
+	    pjmedia_jbuf_set_adaptive(jb, 
+				      param.init_prefetch, 
+				      param.min_prefetch,
+				      param.max_prefetch);
+	} else {
+	    pjmedia_jbuf_set_fixed(jb, param.init_prefetch);
+	}
+#ifdef REPORT
+	pjmedia_jbuf_get_state(jb, &state);
+	printf("Initial\tsize=%d\tprefetch=%d\tmin.pftch=%d\tmax.pftch=%d\n", 
+	       state.size, state.prefetch, state.min_prefetch, 
+	       state.max_prefetch);
+	/* Test session start */
+	while (1) {
+	    char c;
+	    /* Get next line of test data */
+	    if (!p || *p == 0) {
+		p = fgets(line, sizeof(line), input);
+		if (p == NULL) {
+		    data_eof = PJ_TRUE;
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	    /* Get next char of test data */
+	    c = *p++;
+	    /* Skip spaces */
+	    if (isspace(c))
+		continue;
+	    /* Print comment line */
+	    if (c == '#') {
+		while (*p && isspace(*p)) ++p;
+		if (*p) printf("..%s", p);
+		*p = 0;
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    /* Process test data */
+	    if (!process_test_data(c, jb, &seq, &last_seq))
+		break;
+	}
+	/* Print JB states */
+	pjmedia_jbuf_get_state(jb, &state);
+	printf("------------------------------------------------------\n");
+	printf("Summary:\n");
+	printf("  size=%d prefetch=%d\n", state.size, state.prefetch);
+	printf("  delay (min/max/avg/dev)=%d/%d/%d/%d ms\n",
+	       state.min_delay, state.max_delay, state.avg_delay, 
+	       state.dev_delay);
+	printf("  lost=%d discard=%d empty=%d burst(avg)=%d\n", 
+	       state.lost, state.discard, state.empty, state.avg_burst);
+	/* Evaluate test session */
+	if (cond.burst >= 0 && (int)state.avg_burst > cond.burst) {
+	    printf("! 'Burst' should be %d, it is %d\n", 
+		   cond.burst, state.avg_burst);
+	    rc |= 1;
+	}
+	if (cond.delay >= 0 && (int)state.avg_delay/JB_PTIME > cond.delay) {
+	    printf("! 'Delay' should be %d, it is %d\n", 
+		   cond.delay, state.avg_delay/JB_PTIME);
+	    rc |= 2;
+	}
+	if (cond.delay_min >= 0 && (int)state.min_delay/JB_PTIME > cond.delay_min) {
+	    printf("! 'Minimum delay' should be %d, it is %d\n", 
+		   cond.delay_min, state.min_delay/JB_PTIME);
+	    rc |= 32;
+	}
+	if (cond.discard >= 0 && (int)state.discard > cond.discard) {
+	    printf("! 'Discard' should be %d, it is %d\n",
+		   cond.discard, state.discard);
+	    rc |= 4;
+	}
+	if (cond.empty >= 0 && (int)state.empty > cond.empty) {
+	    printf("! 'Empty' should be %d, it is %d\n", 
+		   cond.empty, state.empty);
+	    rc |= 8;
+	}
+	if (cond.lost >= 0 && (int)state.lost > cond.lost) {
+	    printf("! 'Lost' should be %d, it is %d\n", 
+		   cond.lost, state.lost);
+	    rc |= 16;
+	}
+	pjmedia_jbuf_destroy(jb);
+	pj_pool_release(pool);
+    }
+    fclose(input);
+    pj_log_set_level(old_log_level);
+    return rc;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/main.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f581fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* $Id: main.c 3664 2011-07-19 03:42:28Z nanang $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pj/os.h>
+#include "test.h"
+/* Any tests that want to build a linked executable for RTEMS must include
+   this header to get a default config for the network stack. */
+#if defined(PJ_RTEMS) 
+#   include <bsp.h>
+#   include <rtems.h>
+#   include <rtems/rtems_bsdnet.h>
+#   include "../../../pjlib/include/rtems-network-config.h"
+static int main_func(int argc, char *argv[])
+    int rc;
+    char s[10];
+    rc = test_main();
+    if (argc == 2 && argv[1][0]=='-' && argv[1][1]=='i') {
+	puts("\nPress <ENTER> to quit");
+	if (fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin) == NULL)
+	    return rc;
+    }
+    return rc;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    return pj_run_app(&main_func, argc, argv, 0);
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/mips_test.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/mips_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df68511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/mips_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2552 @@
+/* $Id: mips_test.c 4335 2013-01-29 08:09:15Z ming $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+#include <pjmedia-codec.h>
+/* Define your CPU MIPS here!! */
+#ifndef CPU_IPS
+    /*
+    For complete table see:
+    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Million_instructions_per_second
+    Processor			    IPS/MHz
+    -------------------------------------------
+    PowerPC G3			    2.253 MIPS/MHz
+    Intel Pentium III		    2.708 MIPS/MHz
+    AMD Athlon			    2.967 MIPS/MHz
+    Pentium 4 Extreme Edition	    3.039 MIPS/MHz
+    AMD Athlon FX-57		    4.285 MIPS/MHz
+    From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_architecture
+    Family	Arch		Core	    IPS/MHz
+    -------------------------------------------------------
+    ARM7TDMI	ARMv4T		ARM7TDMI    0.892 MIPS/MHz
+				ARM710T	    0.900 MIPS/MHz
+				ARM720T	    1.003 MIPS/MHz
+    ARM9TDMI	ARMv4T		ARM920T	    1.111 MIPS/MHz
+    ARM9E	ARMv5TEJ	ARM926EJ-S  1.100 MIPS/MHz
+    XScale	ARMv5TE		PXA255	    1.000 MIPS/MHz (?)
+				PXA27x	    1.282 MIPS/MHz
+    Cortex	ARMv7-A		Cortex-A8   2.000 MIPS/MHz
+				Cortex-A9   2.000 MIPS/MHz
+		ARMv7-M		Cortex-M3   1.250 MIPS/MHz
+    */
+#   define CPU_MHZ	    (2666)
+#   define CPU_IPS	    (3.039 * CPU_MHZ * MEGA)	/* P4 2.6GHz	*/
+//#   define CPU_MHZ	    700
+//#   define CPU_IPS	    (700 * MEGA * 2.708)	/* P3 700Mhz	*/
+//#   define CPU_MHZ	    180
+//#   define CPU_IPS	    (CPU_MHZ * MEGA * 1.1)	/* ARM926EJ-S */
+//#   define CPU_MHZ	    312
+//#   define CPU_IPS	    (CPU_MHZ * MEGA * 1.282)	/* Dell Axim PDA */
+/* Sample speech data, 360ms length, encoded at 8Khz */
+static const pj_int16_t ref_signal[] = {
+         0,    -4,     0,     0,     1,     8,     8,     7,    12,    16,
+        20,    29,    28,    48,    40,    48,    56,    76,    68,    76,
+        96,   100,   104,   124,   117,   120,   144,   120,   136,   168,
+       184,   188,   176,   216,   237,   235,   268,   301,   312,   316,
+       367,   356,   384,   400,   344,   409,   392,   416,   380,   432,
+       404,   444,   457,   456,   453,   512,   499,   512,   584,   584,
+       544,   584,   608,   596,   552,   628,   600,   667,   728,   672,
+       681,   755,   736,   764,   752,   764,   724,   769,   792,   840,
+       820,   895,   841,   856,   852,   867,   944,   944,   939,   944,
+       907,   928,   920,   960,   833,   881,  1004,  1007,  1000,  1057,
+      1032,  1056,  1016,  1056,  1072,  1080,  1108,  1028,  1076,  1072,
+       956,  1020,  1080,  1008,  1095,   992,  1056,  1028,   940,   976,
+      1008,   940,   916,   968,   849,   868,   956,   940,   852,   892,
+       968,   860,   777,   904,   825,   716,   764,   708,   635,   728,
+       620,   648,   472,   724,   548,   448,   472,   372,   272,   437,
+       419,   260,   237,   371,   196,   136,   177,   264,    49,   120,
+        40,   124,    32,   136,    71,   120,   -95,   -20,   -76,  -140,
+      -304,    12,  -148,  -168,  -192,   -63,  -212,   -36,  -288,  -232,
+      -352,  -128,  -397,  -308,  -431,  -280,  -675,  -497,  -761,  -336,
+      -760,  -471, -1088,  3013, -1596, -2000,   412,  -968,   213,  -668,
+     -1096, -1048, -1039,  -825,  -580,  -612, -1056,  -888, -1324, -1064,
+     -1164,  -819,  -940,  -780, -1236,  -688, -1931,    -1,  -464, -1804,
+      1088, -1605, -1208,  -664,  -912,  -905,  -832, -1167,  -512,  1832,
+      -924,   -60,   660, -2143,   248, -1660,  1496, -3464,  -164,  2072,
+     -3040,   539,  2904,  2040, -3488,  2600,  2412,   820,  -551, -1401,
+      1068,  -385,   397, -2112,  -980,  1064, -1244,  -736, -1335,   332,
+     -1232, -1852,   -12, -1073, -1747, -3328,  -796, -2241, -4901, -3248,
+     -3124, -3432, -5892, -3840, -3968, -4752, -5668, -4796, -3580, -5909,
+     -5412, -6144, -5800, -5908, -6696, -6460, -8609, -3804, -5668, -8499,
+     -4636, -5744, -2377, -7132, -3712, -7221, -6608,  1656,-11728, -6656,
+     -3736,  -204, -8580, -4808,  -591, -5752,  -472,-10308, -2116,  -257,
+     -4720, -7640, -1279,  6412,-16404, -1495,  6204, -8072,  -335, -3877,
+     -2363,   464,   441, -6872,  1447,  7884,-13197,   936,  5009, -4416,
+     -4445,  3956,  2280, -2844,  2036, -4285,   744,  4161, -7216,  5548,
+       172,  -964, -2873,  3296,  2184, -7424,  4300,  1855,  1453,   -32,
+      1585,  2160, -3440,   448,  4084, -1617,  1928,  3944, -3728,  4699,
+      4556, -5556,  4096, 12928, -8287, -4320, 10739,  3172, -6068,  3684,
+      6484,  1652, -1104, -1820, 11964, -1567, -4117,  7197,  5112, -2608,
+     -2363,  7379,   936,  1596,   217,  6508,  3284,  3960,     0,  2691,
+     11324, -6140,  6720,  6188,  3596, -1120,  5319,  9420, -9360,  5780,
+      5135,   623, -1844,  3473,  8488, -4532,  2844,  8368,  4387, -8628,
+     14180,  3196, -4852,  9092,  5540,  -600,  3088,  9864, -4992, 13984,
+      2536, -5932, 10584,  7044, -2548,   388, 12597, -4776,  -247,  7728,
+      6048, -6152,  6449,  9644, -8924,  8993,  6319,   877,  1108,  9804,
+      -696,  2584,  9097, -3236,  4308,  5444, -2660,  -365, 11427, -6900,
+      -803,  9388, -2444, -1068,  9160,   703, -5632, 12088, -2964, -1077,
+      9804, -1263, -3679, 10161,  3337, -9755, 11601,  -160, -6421, 11008,
+     -1952, -3411,  6792, -1665, -1344,  9116, -2545, -4100, 11577,   240,
+     -3612,  5140,   603, -2100,  4284,  -784,   108,   968, -1244,  3500,
+      3696,  -108,  3780,  3836,   -16,  4035,  2772,  1300,  -688,  1544,
+      2268, -2144,  1156,  -564,   628, -1040,  -168,   491,   -72,  -408,
+     -1812,  3460, -2083,   -72,   797,  1436, -3824,  1200,   308, -3512,
+       572, -4060,   540,   -84, -4492, -1808,  4644, -4340, -3224,  5832,
+     -2180, -2544,  1475,  2224, -2588,  1312,  1452, -1676,  -428, -1596,
+      -860,  -116, -4000,  -364,   148, -3680, -2229, -1632,   236, -3004,
+     -1917,   124, -1748, -2991,  -644,  -752, -3691, -1945, -3236, -2005,
+     -4388, -2084, -2052, -3788, -3100,  -824, -2432, -3419, -1905, -2520,
+     -2120, -2904, -2200, -1712, -2500, -2796, -1140, -2460, -2955,  -984,
+     -1519,  -400,  -412,   356,    97,  -389,  1708,  -115,   452,  1140,
+      -820,  1912,  1421, -1604,   556,  -632, -1991, -1409, -1904, -3604,
+     -3292, -3405, -5584, -4891, -5436, -8940, -6280, -6604,-11764, -6389,
+     -9081,-10928, -7784, -8492,-11263, -8292, -8829, -9632, -7828, -8920,
+    -10224, -8912, -9836, -7313, -2916,-10240, -3748,  2860, -3308, -1236,
+      6816,  4580,  1585,  9808,  7484,  5612,  6868,  7399,  6244,  5064,
+      3823,  5159,  4940,   316,  4496,  4864,  1020,  3997,  6236,  3316,
+      5712,  7032,  5568,  7329,  6135,  6904,  6431,  3768,  2580,  3724,
+       504, -2213,  -661, -3320, -6660, -6696, -7971,-11208,-11316,-11784,
+    -14212,-13651,-16312,-15876,-15984,-20283,-15168,  2073,-23888, -5839,
+     13360, -8568,  1240, 18480, 11440,  4236, 23916, 15388, 14072, 15960,
+     15064, 14840,  9395,  6981,  8584,  6540, -5453,  3568,   928, -7741,
+     -5260,   -12, -5692, -7608,  1408,  2136,   776,  1775, 13568, 10992,
+      8445, 17527, 21084, 14851, 15820, 23060, 15988, 11560, 15088, 14164,
+      3376,  4059,  5212, -2520, -5891, -3596, -5080,-11752, -8861, -8124,
+    -12104,-12076,-10028,-12333,-14180,-12516,-16036,-15559,-20416, -4240,
+     -1077,-31052, 14840,  7405,-12660, 11896, 23572,  2829, 10932, 28444,
+     10268, 15412, 13896, 16976, 10161,  6172,  5336,  9639, -2208, -7160,
+      6544, -7188,-11280, -3308, -2428,-13447, -4880,  -824, -6664, -1436,
+      4608,  7473,  2688, 14275, 14921, 13564, 15960, 20393, 16976, 14832,
+     17540, 13524, 10744,  6876,  7328,  1772, -2340, -3528, -4516, -9576,
+    -10872, -8640,-13092,-12825,-14076,-12192,-16620,-16207,-17004,-17548,
+    -22088,-21700,-20320,  2836,-29576,-15860, 25811,-22555, -1868, 23624,
+      9872, -4044, 29472, 16037,  7433, 16640, 14577, 13119,  3120,  7072,
+      5828,  2285,-12087,  3180, -4031,-17840, -6349, -5300,-15452,-13852,
+     -2659,-12079, -8568, -4492,  -672,   660,  5424,  3040, 16488, 11408,
+      8996, 24976, 15120,  9940, 21400, 16885,  2624, 13939,  8644, -2815,
+       332,  -160, -9312,-10172, -8320,-14033,-13056,-16200,-14113,-15712,
+    -18153,-18664,-15937,-21692,-23500,-18597,-25948, -8597,-10368,-32768,
+     16916, -4469,-17121, 18448, 14791, -4252, 18880, 22312,  4347, 17672,
+     12672, 12964,  7384,  5404,  5176,  5668, -7692, -2356,  1148,-14872,
+     -8920, -5593,-12753,-14600, -6429,-10608,-10372, -6757, -4857, -2044,
+     -2720,  8995,  5088,  6516, 18384, 12853, 14952, 18048, 17439, 13920,
+     15512, 10960, 10268,  5136,  2888,  1184, -4271, -7104, -7376, -9688,
+    -14691,-11336,-14073,-17056,-14268,-16776,-17957,-19460,-18068,-23056,
+    -20512,-24004, -3396,-19239,-27272, 22283,-16439, -7300, 19484,  9020,
+     -1088, 22895, 15868,  9640, 17344, 11443, 17912,  6084,  6712,  9988,
+      6104, -8559,  6403, -1196,-13152, -3632, -5388,-11924,-11973, -5748,
+    -10292, -8420, -8468, -2256, -2829, -4132,  6344,  8785,  7444,  9508,
+     22152, 15108, 13151, 22536, 20725, 10672, 17028, 17052,  5536,  6192,
+      7484,   403, -5520, -2132, -5532,-11527,-10644, -9572,-13316,-16124,
+    -10883,-15965,-17335,-17316,-16064,-20436,-21660, -8547, -3732,-32768,
+     14672,  2213,-17200, 17964, 14387,  4232, 14800, 24296, 11288, 21368,
+     11144, 22992, 13599,  6973, 14444, 12312, -2340,  4436,  8060, -9008,
+     -2188, -2164, -5756,-10268, -5076, -6292, -6472, -7916, -2336,   327,
+     -4492,  7144,  7696,  5691, 16352, 14244, 17764, 19852, 17296, 23160,
+     18496, 14197, 19564, 13356,  5779, 10559,  4576, -2736,  -528, -3211,
+     -8796, -8428, -9153,-10928,-13296,-12101,-12528,-14985,-16036,-14600,
+    -15888,-18792,-19604, -3176, -8887,-29240, 21405, -6999, -9568, 19052,
+     11952,  3037, 20055, 18376, 14501, 18672, 11023, 24776,  9488,  7921,
+     15896, 11068, -4484,  9667,  4328, -7544, -1240, -1456, -7204, -9192,
+     -5084, -5816, -6864, -9444,   276, -2316, -2852,  4640,  9600,  4412,
+     13300, 16856, 12836, 18892, 17632, 18336, 16031, 14808, 13860, 12052,
+      4284,  7372,  2623, -4284, -2172, -5036,-10163, -9788,-10384,-13205,
+    -13180,-13453,-14460,-15540,-16580,-15472,-17961,-19148,-18824, -8063,
+     -8620,-28300, 14323, -6748,-10204, 13100, 10548,   956, 16056, 14640,
+     12680, 14171,  9672, 19741,  7524,  6615, 11825,  8788, -5080,  7224,
+      1112, -6024, -4176, -1912, -7968, -8576, -7184, -5640, -8200, -9388,
+     -1980, -2064, -4040,   240,  9327,  2192,  8451, 13604, 13124, 10057,
+     16505, 15099, 11008, 10344, 12405,  7244,  1948,  4420,   132, -5312,
+     -6072, -5772,-11608,-11756,-11660,-12684,-14335,-14548,-12400,-15268,
+    -15277,-14949,-14889,-17376,-16640,-15656, -1128,-23476, -6084,  7268,
+    -13880,   400, 10984,  1468,  4388, 14156,  6600, 13684,  5428, 12240,
+     11815,  5460,  3663, 13164, -1269,   772,  3884,  -788, -5536, -1652,
+     -4857, -4596, -7912, -6152, -4132, -7201, -6288, -1196, -1332, -4236,
+      5020,  5020,  1648,  8572, 10224,  6256,  9816,  9404,  8124,  6644,
+      4380,  4707,   636, -3300, -3208, -4395, -9716, -7540, -8175, -9980,
+    -10237, -7680,-12172, -9981,-10459, -9712, -8451,-13008,-10196, -9308,
+    -13109,-11700,-11636, -6143, -9472,-12117,   985, -3627, -6120,  2828,
+      5268,    33,  6984,  6488,  7803,  6265,  6992,  8032,  7892,  3408,
+      6021,  6224,  1016,  2053,  2632,  -648, -1936, -1796, -2504, -2865,
+     -4400, -2524, -2388, -2524, -1432,   283,   696,  1180,  2912,  3996,
+      3328,  3948,  5101,  4905,  3396,  3500,  3323,  2472,  -152,  1580,
+      -860, -2109, -1331, -2460, -2960, -3396, -3476, -2616, -5172, -3352,
+     -4036, -4440, -5480, -4028, -4220, -5876, -4656, -5233, -4621, -5465,
+     -6417, -4936, -5092, -1860, -5651, -2699,  1273,  -920,  -888,  4279,
+      3260,  2952,  5861,  5584,  5980,  6428,  5732,  6516,  6825,  4156,
+      5000,  5071,  2669,  1764,  3273,  1148,  1312,   880,  1788,  1457,
+      1299,   648,  3172,  2004,  1060,  3544,  1963,  2516,  3192,  3057,
+      2936,  2892,  2896,  2224,  3188,  1524,  1541,  3120,   624,   917,
+      1472,  1128,  -317,   687,   400, -1131,   164,  -812, -1232, -1120,
+     -1311, -1364, -1500, -1660, -2380, -1835, -2456, -2468, -2168, -2785,
+     -2824, -2408, -3316,  -552, -1204, -3153,  1188,  1572,  -752,  1756,
+      4108,  2344,  3595,  4504,  4152,  4556,  4224,  3568,  4801,  3165,
+      2776,  2808,  3233,  1300,  2411,  1536,  1828,  1424,  1576,  1412,
+      1880,   895,  1601,  1916,  1763,   944,  2599,  1349,  1873,  1988,
+      1744,  1956,  1667,  1548,  1812,  1048,  1528,   488,  1428,   832,
+       232,   207,   632,  -152,  -520,    20,    15, -1580,  -841,  -948,
+     -1120, -1455, -2004, -1244, -1344, -2236, -1312, -1344, -2156, -1420,
+     -1856, -1637, -1847, -1460, -1780, -1372,  -508, -1256,  -752,     0,
+       600,   859,  1156,  1532,  2364,  2204,  2059,  2269,  2240,  1928,
+      1889,  2055,  1205,  1068,  1268,   892,  1371,  1036,   413,  1552,
+       572,   -84,  1364,   260,   624,   820,  -160,  1492,   188,   204,
+       796,   468,   552,   945,  -504,   697,  -936,   284, -1116,  -204,
+     -1052,  -700, -1637,  -673, -2744,   -25, -2163, -1728, -1704, -1260,
+     -2228, -2512,  -496, -3992,  -824, -2699, -2172, -2196, -1684, -3376,
+      -540, -3047, -2220,  -376, -3416,     8, -2424,  -428, -1111,  -927,
+        68, -1152,   640, -1308,   276,   536,   592,  -292,  2256,  -368,
+       680,  2532,  -536,  1548,   780,   -92,  1596,    56,   444,   348,
+       356,   500, -2168,  1527, -1632,  -677,  -980,  -904,  -868,   480,
+     -1476,  -804, -1515,  -335, -2472, -1533, -1007,  -644, -2308, -1592,
+      -104, -3860,  -984, -2364,     0, -1372, -2500, -2548,  1280, -3767,
+     -2228,  -440, -2168, -2691,   628, -2013, -3773, -4292,  3796, -6452,
+     -1268,  -156, -1320, -3779,  2612, -2924,  -864,  -619,  1227, -3408,
+      3016,  -200, -1432,  2219,   -45, -1356,  5744, -2069,  4396,   488,
+      3048,  -801,  3876,   857,  2064,    80,  4240,  -700,  1928,  1568,
+     -1992,  3431,   600,  2221,   657, -3116,  5888, -2668,  4871, -7963,
+      8016, -4907,  1264, -1969,  3688, -4396, -1276,  2448, -3760,  2156,
+     -3039, -3064,   940,  2384, -7907,  4520, -2876,  2384, -5784,  4484,
+     -5487,  1907, -4064,  1991, -3496,  1304, -4521,  5255, -4189,  1136,
+     -2397,  -152,   768, -1671,  2084, -2709,  6413, -1460,  1952,   448,
+      7064,  -444,  6256,   600,  8872,  2115,  4672,  7628,  6264,  2993,
+      8920,  2876,  7744,  3956,  4848,  7236,   804,  7684,  5201,  2216,
+      6360,  4900,  -340,  6885,  1307,  2468,  1884,  4812, -1376,  4740,
+      1751,   135,  1124,  3284, -3228,  3968,  1748, -4453,  1587, -1515,
+      3084, -3300, -2548,  -544,  -296,   396, -7808,  4956, -5164,  -292,
+     -4947,   212, -4055,  -108, -4301, -2088, -2912,  3016,   952, -1888,
+      4972,  4441,  6136,  1464,  9387,  4137,  6812,  6281,  2440,  6940,
+      3928,  2704, -1204,  4260, -2289,  -712, -1768,  -383, -1195,   920,
+     -1200,  -336,  4372,   720,  4392,  1291,  5819,  4528,  7532,   992,
+      8176,  5588,  2760,  2836,  3412,  1132,   531,  2236, -5044,   621,
+     -2916, -3964, -5849,  -864, -6300,-10019, -3964, -5524, -7004, -6833,
+     -7236, -9484, -2528,-10112,-12900, -4199, -8580,-12427,-10924, -8604,
+    -11520, -9636, -6560, -1647, -6948,  -460,  1752,  2952,  4196,  4360,
+      4215,  8156,  4528,  2464,  2500,  3299, -2224, -3812, -2568, -5875,
+     -5556, -7728, -8288, -5765, -6448, -7620, -5288, -2680, -4368,  -972,
+       472,  1716,  2467,  4408,  5141,  4724,  7316,  4132,  3493,  5935,
+      3564,    96,  1068,   868, -2160, -2736, -3449, -5428, -3339, -5200,
+     -7156, -4189, -7928, -8064, -7532, -7999,-12124, -8509, -9888,-12420,
+    -13568,-13187,-15384,-14996,-15152,-15284,-17059,-15292,-11792, -1160,
+     -7300, -8284,  7237,  7241,  1616,  6327, 12064,  7920,  9564,  3556,
+      4612,  6980,   261, -6365, -2028, -1701,-10136, -9573, -6901, -7747,
+     -7868, -8076, -6123, -1508,  -100, -3048,  2004,  6704,  4507,  3256,
+      9432,  8672,  7673,  6804,  7632,  8777,  6908,  3332,  3771,  6552,
+      3153,   400,  3029,  4388,  1328,   160,  2304,  2023,  1325, -2640,
+     -2356, -1544, -3436, -8584, -6939, -7180,-10455,-12928,-12296,-14653,
+    -15243,-16436,-15240,-16672,-15476,-14628,  7004, -1360,-10100, 16344,
+     18300,  9108, 12869, 22541, 16119, 17856, 10697,  6720, 12128,  6904,
+     -8184, -3440,  2592,-10440,-11735, -4739, -4455, -5457, -2432, -1476,
+      4520, 10045,  5512,  7988, 17032, 15052,  9211, 13309, 14624, 10324,
+     10488,  7809,  6908,  9896,  5861,  3284,  8348, 10505,  5189,  8144,
+     13280, 11732, 10035, 12559, 12104, 12456, 10148,  6520,  5944,  5603,
+     -1848, -4196, -2544, -5876,-11416,-10032,-10248,-12753,-13344,-14900,
+    -14320,-11265,-14220,-17067, -1440, 20120, -9884,  2783, 32220, 22208,
+      9032, 22661, 26820, 19916, 17747,  5288,  8628, 14293, -3331,-15672,
+      1252,  -324,-18236,-11592, -1172, -3384, -3864,  1052,  3640, 13099,
+     13691,  6520, 14320, 22856, 12887,  7152, 14764, 13276,  4060,  2568,
+      2268,  2224,  3312, -3336,  -875,  9000,  6180,  1872, 10851, 17464,
+     12312, 11197, 15388, 17816, 12024,  8332,  7119,  8096,  1608, -5611,
+     -5964, -4729,-11317,-14784,-12833,-11272,-14888,-16128,-15012,-12028,
+    -14472,-16227,-15356,-14484,-15056, 11496,   352,-14108, 19216, 24616,
+      3724,  7872, 25948, 13832,  9680,  7492,  2052,  5220,  1188,-16112,
+    -11340,   703,-15400,-21572, -5816, -3320,-12072, -5664,  2296,  3101,
+      6708,  5396,  5735, 13601, 12040,  1924,  6071, 10420,   984, -4904,
+      -204, -1945, -6229, -7460, -5636,  2864,  -476, -2832,  6104, 13160,
+      7151,  7148, 13063, 13596,  8796,  5092,  5976,  5668,  -431, -7624,
+     -6741, -5676,-14332,-18700,-13396,-12387,-18576,-17516,-14184,-14124,
+    -15972,-17456,-16323,-14712,-18056,-23213,-10744, 12016,-14824,-12636,
+     21656, 14112, -4085,  9255, 20864,  8196,  6384,  1223,  2244,  5304,
+     -6660,-19192, -4961, -2875,-22564,-18400, -3220, -8488,-14544, -5040,
+      -324,   820,  2732,   628,  5484, 11924,  4813,  -852,  8656,  7160,
+     -3924, -2955,  1337, -3268, -7359, -2552, -2528,  -532,   128,   411,
+      5324,  9301,  5601,  6200, 11684, 10072,  4924,  5508,  6660,  1568,
+     -2332, -4268, -5628, -7987,-12004,-13760,-11567,-12104,-16539,-14437,
+    -12012,-14309,-16736,-14573,-13604,-15468,-18204,-19103, -9140, 10132,
+    -13631, -9568, 22580, 13756, -3548, 12112, 23891,  8144,  5964,  7240,
+      7216,  4284, -4800,-11761, -1308, -3044,-19584,-13808,  -759, -7968,
+    -14524, -1503,  3072,  -396,  1936,  5900,  9264, 10769,  7240,  5961,
+     13112,  8788,   660,  2807,  7980,  -449, -2477,  3940,  2792,  1584,
+      2791,  5603,  7528,  9692,  5924,  9123, 15240,  9636,  4924, 11044,
+     11113,   956,   756,  2812, -1832, -6920, -7120, -7192, -7711, -9717,
+    -12704, -8736, -7508,-12067,-13176, -8133, -9304,-13160,-13437,-13268,
+     -4084, 11400,-12785,  -700, 24992, 12168, -1268, 19404, 25183,  8373,
+     10256, 13664, 11200,  5879,   -60, -3656,  4556, -2972,-14688, -4932,
+      2432, -9279,-10691,  4280,  3180, -2444,  4088,  9992,  9176,  9156,
+      9520, 11164, 14484,  8608,  4919, 10556,  9792,  2740,  3456,  8840,
+      6424,  2348,  5696,  9420,  6596,  5380,  8364, 10952,  8499,  6800,
+      8728,  9641,  5412,  2340,  3596,  2039, -2864, -5489, -3616, -5596,
+     -9232, -8744, -7788, -9860,-11104, -9356, -9464,-11188,-11312,-11036,
+    -11736,-13564, -6016,  8744,-11784, -1196, 18972,  9512,  -572, 17407,
+     20316,  7472,  9784, 13369,  8952,  5092,  1003, -2004,  2755, -3952,
+    -12761, -4648,  -744,-11667,-10240,  1556, -1572, -5872,  2196,  6011,
+      3900,  5384,  7529,  8924,  9629,  6324,  5744,  9484,  7829,  3420,
+      4384,  8644,  4360,  1500,  5248,  5921,  2200,  2564,  5212,  5037,
+      2849,  2836,  3985,  3952,   875,  -560,   416, -1052, -5228, -5185,
+     -4996, -7820, -9616, -9076,-10644,-11239,-11816,-12360,-12228,-12420,
+    -13560,-12940,-13044,-15648,-11664,  1945, -9676, -9088,  9676,  6708,
+     -3048,  8185, 15520,  4620,  5764, 10716,  6584,  2684,  2276, -1436,
+       -56, -2948, -9140, -6611, -2868, -9897,-10565, -2012, -3948, -7916,
+     -1440,  2420,  -241,  1164,  4428,  4932,  5461,  3884,  4476,  6620,
+      7724,  1779,  3172,  8256,  3132,  -749,  5192,  4300, -1388,  1192,
+      3575,   789,  -228,  1185,   995,   937,  -952, -2624,  -449, -1992,
+     -6204, -4648, -3000, -7604, -8536, -5868, -9024,-10507,-10064, -9296,
+    -12896,-11120,-11776,-13288,-14137,-12668,-15780,-14157, -8392, -7444,
+    -11156, -2300,  2828, -1747,  1164,  8152,  6280,  4876,  7912,  7604,
+      5609,  5164,  2600,  1620,  1592, -3237, -4441, -2068, -5052, -8268,
+     -4503, -3304, -6332, -4460,  -388,  -297,  -319,  1911,  4071,  4272,
+      4659,  8368,  6933,  6720,  8764,  8640,  6412,  6384,  5927,  3820,
+      3488,  2648,  1104,  1220,   884,  -692,   327,   616,  -972,  -160,
+       713,  -593,  -652,   179,  -651, -2005,  -656, -1536, -2968, -3748,
+     -2640, -5052, -5548, -3476, -6151, -6388, -5168, -6099, -7416, -5752,
+     -7579, -8220, -8312, -8472, -5287, -8056, -3527, -2356, -1704,  1892,
+      2408,  2893,  5965,  8121,  5136,  8480,  8928,  7364,  6408,  7960,
+      4315,  4392,  3864,  1353,   928,  1436, -1480,  -488,  1640,  -380,
+       -36,  3420,  4044,  4432,  5185,  8044,  8740,  7983,  7912,  9588,
+      8588,  6804,  6944,  6700,  4308,  2852,  3252,  2192,  -136,   876,
+      1008,   244,   160,   205,   992,  1684,  -136,   984,  3312,   853,
+      -772,  2372,   436, -3008, -1024,  -136, -3800, -2263, -3212, -2749,
+     -3688, -2424, -5372, -2136, -3288, -4952, -3596, -2028, -4640, -5797,
+     -2696, -4040, -7152, -4055, -2568, -6460, -4228, -1092, -2780, -2492,
+       468,  -235,  1620,  3500,  2040,  2840,  6300,  4488,  2488,  5707,
+      5576,  3537,  2291,  4301,  2844,  3364,  1153,  2500,  3340,  3160,
+      1224,  3220,  4016,  2228,  1788,  4199,  3604,  2096,  1763,  3237,
+      2044,  -564,  1280,   876,  -584, -1904,    24,   -60, -2948, -1440,
+     -1228, -1824, -2092, -1945, -3912,  -227, -2411, -3219, -2252, -1808,
+     -3044, -1035, -3092, -1456, -3724, -2284, -3149, -3028, -2788, -1804,
+     -3360, -1276, -4097, -2531, -2248, -1635, -3215, -2376, -2468, -2596,
+     -2825, -2792, -1980, -4036, -1721, -2059, -4117,   364, -1452, -2772,
+     -1336,   480, -1043,   244, -2904,   924, -1329,   968, -1891,   523,
+      -624,  -464,  -564,   187,  -852,   584,  -764,  -260,  -147,   160,
+       339,   -32,   936,  -896,   288,   136,    56,   -36,  -736,  -683,
+      -332,   696, -2319,  -259,   564, -2196,  -860,  1108, -2177,  -728,
+      1344, -2520,  -440,  1080,  -780, -3513,  3272, -1635, -1597,  -188,
+       744, -1944,   140,  -636, -1644,  -141,  -596, -1132,  -816,  1168,
+     -2836,   196,   312,   136, -1381,   628,  -223,  -368,  -425,   604,
+      -776,   595,  -628,  -128,  -884,   960, -1092,    76,   144,     8,
+       161,  -504,   760,  -808,   336,   185,   100,   404,   120,   236,
+        68,  -148,   -64,   312,   320,  -560,   117,   -28,   236,  -231,
+       -92,    60,   356,  -176,   176,   212,   124,   -57,   -76,   168,
+        88,  -140,   -37,   160,     0,   -92,    96,    24,   -84,     0,
+#define THIS_FILE	    "mips_test.c"
+#define DURATION	    5000
+#define PTIME		    20	/* MUST be 20! */
+#define MEGA		    1000000
+#define GIGA		    1000000000
+enum op
+    OP_GET  = 1,
+    OP_PUT  = 2,
+    OP_GET_PUT = 4,
+    OP_PUT_GET = 8
+enum clock_rate
+    K8	= 1,
+    K16	= 2,
+    K32	= 4,
+struct test_entry
+    const char	    *title;
+    unsigned	     valid_op;
+    unsigned	     valid_clock_rate;
+    pjmedia_port*  (*init)(pj_pool_t *pool,
+			  unsigned clock_rate,
+			  unsigned channel_count,
+			  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+			  unsigned flags,
+			  struct test_entry *);
+    void	   (*custom_run)(struct test_entry*);
+    void	   (*custom_deinit)(struct test_entry*);
+    void	    *pdata[4];
+    unsigned	     idata[4];
+/* pjmedia_port to supply with continuous frames */
+static pjmedia_port* create_gen_port(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				     unsigned clock_rate,
+				     unsigned channel_count,
+				     unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				     unsigned pct_level)
+    pjmedia_port *port;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    if (pct_level == 100 && channel_count==1) {
+	status = pjmedia_mem_player_create(pool, ref_signal, 
+					   sizeof(ref_signal), clock_rate, 
+					   channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+					   16, 0, &port);
+    } else {
+	pj_int16_t *buf;
+	unsigned c;
+	buf = (pj_int16_t*)
+	      pj_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(ref_signal)*channel_count);
+	for (c=0; c<channel_count; ++c) {
+	    unsigned i;
+	    pj_int16_t *p;
+	    p = buf+c;
+	    for (i=0; i<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(ref_signal); ++i) {
+		*p = (pj_int16_t)(ref_signal[i] * pct_level / 100);
+		p += channel_count;
+	    }
+	}
+	status = pjmedia_mem_player_create(pool, buf, 
+					   sizeof(ref_signal)*channel_count, 
+					   clock_rate,  channel_count, 
+					   samples_per_frame,
+					   16, 0, &port);
+    }
+    return status==PJ_SUCCESS? port : NULL;
+static pjmedia_port* gen_port_test_init(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				        unsigned clock_rate,
+				        unsigned channel_count,
+				        unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				        unsigned flags,
+				        struct test_entry *te)
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te);
+    return create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+			   100);
+static pjmedia_port* init_conf_port(unsigned nb_participant,
+				    pj_pool_t *pool,
+				    unsigned clock_rate,
+				    unsigned channel_count,
+				    unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				    unsigned flags,
+				    struct test_entry *te)
+    pjmedia_conf *conf;
+    unsigned i;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te);
+    /* Create conf */
+    status = pjmedia_conf_create(pool, 2+nb_participant*2, clock_rate, 
+				 channel_count, samples_per_frame, 16, 
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    for (i=0; i<nb_participant; ++i) {
+	pjmedia_port *gen_port, *null_port;
+	unsigned slot1, slot2;
+	/* Create gen_port for source audio */
+	gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count,
+				   samples_per_frame, 100 / nb_participant);
+	if (!gen_port)
+	    return NULL;
+	/* Add port */
+	status = pjmedia_conf_add_port(conf, pool, gen_port, NULL, &slot1);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return NULL;
+	/* Connect gen_port to sound dev */
+	status = pjmedia_conf_connect_port(conf, slot1, 0, 0);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return NULL;
+	/* Create null sink frame */
+	status = pjmedia_null_port_create(pool, clock_rate, channel_count,
+					  samples_per_frame, 16, &null_port);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return NULL;
+	/* add null port */
+	status = pjmedia_conf_add_port(conf, pool, null_port, NULL, &slot2);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return NULL;
+	/* connect sound to null sink port */
+	status = pjmedia_conf_connect_port(conf, 0, slot2, 0);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return NULL;
+	/* connect gen_port to null sink port */
+#if 0
+	status = pjmedia_conf_connect_port(conf, slot1, slot2, 0);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return NULL;
+    }
+    return pjmedia_conf_get_master_port(conf);
+/* Benchmark conf with 1 participant, no mixing */
+static pjmedia_port* conf1_test_init(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				     unsigned clock_rate,
+				     unsigned channel_count,
+				     unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				     unsigned flags,
+				     struct test_entry *te)
+    return init_conf_port(1, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			  samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Benchmark conf with 2 participants, mixing to/from snd dev */
+static pjmedia_port* conf2_test_init(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				     unsigned clock_rate,
+				     unsigned channel_count,
+				     unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				     unsigned flags,
+				     struct test_entry *te)
+    return init_conf_port(2, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			  samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Benchmark conf with 4 participants, mixing to/from snd dev */
+static pjmedia_port* conf4_test_init(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				     unsigned clock_rate,
+				     unsigned channel_count,
+				     unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				     unsigned flags,
+				     struct test_entry *te)
+    return init_conf_port(4, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			  samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Benchmark conf with 8 participants, mixing to/from snd dev */
+static pjmedia_port* conf8_test_init(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				     unsigned clock_rate,
+				     unsigned channel_count,
+				     unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				     unsigned flags,
+				     struct test_entry *te)
+    return init_conf_port(8, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			  samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Benchmark conf with 16 participants, mixing to/from snd dev */
+static pjmedia_port* conf16_test_init(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      unsigned clock_rate,
+				      unsigned channel_count,
+				      unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				      unsigned flags,
+				      struct test_entry *te)
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags);
+    return init_conf_port(16, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			  samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Up and downsample */
+static pjmedia_port* updown_resample_get(pj_pool_t *pool,
+					 pj_bool_t high_quality,
+					 pj_bool_t large_filter,
+				         unsigned clock_rate,
+				         unsigned channel_count,
+				         unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				         unsigned flags,
+				         struct test_entry *te)
+    pjmedia_port *gen_port, *up, *down;
+    unsigned opt = 0;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te);
+    if (!high_quality)
+    if (!large_filter)
+    gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, 100);
+    status = pjmedia_resample_port_create(pool, gen_port, clock_rate*2, opt, &up);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    status = pjmedia_resample_port_create(pool, up, clock_rate, opt, &down);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    return down;
+/* Linear resampling */
+static pjmedia_port* linear_resample( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      unsigned clock_rate,
+				      unsigned channel_count,
+				      unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				      unsigned flags,
+				      struct test_entry *te)
+    return updown_resample_get(pool, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate,
+			       channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Small filter resampling */
+static pjmedia_port* small_filt_resample( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					  unsigned clock_rate,
+					  unsigned channel_count,
+					  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					  unsigned flags,
+					  struct test_entry *te)
+    return updown_resample_get(pool, PJ_TRUE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate,
+			       channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Larger filter resampling */
+static pjmedia_port* large_filt_resample( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					  unsigned clock_rate,
+					  unsigned channel_count,
+					  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					  unsigned flags,
+					  struct test_entry *te)
+    return updown_resample_get(pool, PJ_TRUE, PJ_TRUE, clock_rate,
+			       channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Codec encode/decode */
+struct codec_port
+    pjmedia_port     base;
+    pjmedia_endpt   *endpt;
+    pjmedia_codec   *codec;
+    pj_status_t	   (*codec_deinit)();
+    pj_uint8_t	     pkt[640];
+    pj_uint16_t	     pcm[32000 * PTIME / 1000];
+static pj_status_t codec_put_frame(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, 
+				   pjmedia_frame *frame)
+    struct codec_port *cp = (struct codec_port*)this_port;
+    pjmedia_frame out_frame;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    out_frame.buf = cp->pkt;
+    out_frame.size = sizeof(cp->pkt);
+    status = pjmedia_codec_encode(cp->codec, frame, sizeof(cp->pkt),
+				  &out_frame);
+    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+    if (out_frame.size != 0) {
+	pjmedia_frame parsed_frm[2], pcm_frm;
+	unsigned frame_cnt = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(parsed_frm);
+	unsigned i;
+	status = pjmedia_codec_parse(cp->codec, out_frame.buf, 
+				     out_frame.size, &out_frame.timestamp,
+				     &frame_cnt, parsed_frm);
+	pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	for (i=0; i<frame_cnt; ++i) {
+	    pcm_frm.buf = cp->pcm;
+	    pcm_frm.size = sizeof(cp->pkt);
+	    status = pjmedia_codec_decode(cp->codec, &parsed_frm[i], 
+					  sizeof(cp->pcm), &pcm_frm);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	}
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pj_status_t codec_on_destroy(struct pjmedia_port *this_port)
+    struct codec_port *cp = (struct codec_port*)this_port;
+    pjmedia_codec_close(cp->codec);
+    pjmedia_codec_mgr_dealloc_codec(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(cp->endpt),
+				    cp->codec);
+    cp->codec_deinit();
+    pjmedia_endpt_destroy(cp->endpt);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pjmedia_port* codec_encode_decode( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					  const char *codec,
+					  pj_status_t (*codec_init)(pjmedia_endpt*),
+					  pj_status_t (*codec_deinit)(),
+					  unsigned clock_rate,
+					  unsigned channel_count,
+					  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					  unsigned flags,
+					  struct test_entry *te)
+    struct codec_port *cp;
+    pj_str_t codec_id;
+    const pjmedia_codec_info *ci[1];
+    unsigned count;
+    pjmedia_codec_param codec_param;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te);
+    codec_id = pj_str((char*)codec);
+    cp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct codec_port);
+    pjmedia_port_info_init(&cp->base.info, &codec_id, 0x123456, clock_rate,
+			   channel_count, 16, samples_per_frame);
+    cp->base.put_frame = &codec_put_frame;
+    cp->base.on_destroy = &codec_on_destroy;
+    cp->codec_deinit = codec_deinit;
+    status = pjmedia_endpt_create(mem, NULL, 0, &cp->endpt);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    status = codec_init(cp->endpt);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    count = 1;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(cp->endpt),
+						 &codec_id, &count, ci, NULL);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_alloc_codec(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(cp->endpt),
+					   ci[0], &cp->codec);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_get_default_param(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(cp->endpt),
+						 ci[0], &codec_param);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_init(cp->codec, pool);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_open(cp->codec, &codec_param);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    return &cp->base;
+/* G.711 benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* g711_encode_decode(  pj_pool_t *pool,
+					  unsigned clock_rate,
+					  unsigned channel_count,
+					  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					  unsigned flags,
+					  struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit,
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* GSM benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* gsm_encode_decode(  pj_pool_t *pool,
+					 unsigned clock_rate,
+					 unsigned channel_count,
+					 unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					 unsigned flags,
+					 struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, 
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+static pj_status_t ilbc_init(pjmedia_endpt *endpt)
+    return pjmedia_codec_ilbc_init(endpt, 20);
+/* iLBC benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* ilbc_encode_decode( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					 unsigned clock_rate,
+					 unsigned channel_count,
+					 unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					 unsigned flags,
+					 struct test_entry *te)
+    samples_per_frame = 30 * clock_rate / 1000;
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "ilbc", &ilbc_init, 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_ilbc_deinit, clock_rate, 
+			       channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Speex narrowband benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* speex8_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool,
+					  unsigned clock_rate,
+					  unsigned channel_count,
+					  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					  unsigned flags,
+					  struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "speex/8000", 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_speex_init_default, 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_speex_deinit, 
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Speex wideband benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* speex16_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool,
+					   unsigned clock_rate,
+					   unsigned channel_count,
+					   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					   unsigned flags,
+					   struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "speex/16000", 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_speex_init_default, 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_speex_deinit, 
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* G.722 benchmark benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* g722_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool,
+					unsigned clock_rate,
+					unsigned channel_count,
+					unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					unsigned flags,
+					struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "g722", &pjmedia_codec_g722_init, 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_g722_deinit, 
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* G.722.1 benchmark benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* g7221_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool,
+					 unsigned clock_rate,
+					 unsigned channel_count,
+					 unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					 unsigned flags,
+					 struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "g7221/16000", 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_g7221_init,
+			       &pjmedia_codec_g7221_deinit,
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* G.722.1 Annex C benchmark benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* g7221c_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool,
+					  unsigned clock_rate,
+					  unsigned channel_count,
+					  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					  unsigned flags,
+					  struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "g7221/32000", 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_g7221_init,
+			       &pjmedia_codec_g7221_deinit,
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+#endif	/* PJMEDIA_HAS_G7221_CODEC */
+/* AMR-NB benchmark benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* amr_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool,
+                                       unsigned clock_rate,
+                                       unsigned channel_count,
+                                       unsigned samples_per_frame,
+                                       unsigned flags,
+                                       struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "AMR/8000", 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_opencore_amrnb_init,
+			       &pjmedia_codec_opencore_amrnb_deinit,
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* AMR-WB benchmark benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* amrwb_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool,
+                                         unsigned clock_rate,
+                                         unsigned channel_count,
+                                         unsigned samples_per_frame,
+                                         unsigned flags,
+                                         struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "AMR/16000",
+			       &pjmedia_codec_opencore_amr_init_default,
+			       &pjmedia_codec_opencore_amr_deinit,
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+static pj_status_t init_l16_default(pjmedia_endpt *endpt)
+    return pjmedia_codec_l16_init(endpt, 0);
+/* L16/8000/1 benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* l16_8_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool,
+					 unsigned clock_rate,
+					 unsigned channel_count,
+					 unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					 unsigned flags,
+					 struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "L16/8000/1", &init_l16_default, 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_l16_deinit, 
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* L16/16000/1 benchmark */
+static pjmedia_port* l16_16_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool,
+					  unsigned clock_rate,
+					  unsigned channel_count,
+					  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					  unsigned flags,
+					  struct test_entry *te)
+    return codec_encode_decode(pool, "L16/16000/1", &init_l16_default, 
+			       &pjmedia_codec_l16_deinit, 
+			       clock_rate, channel_count,
+			       samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA PLC mode */
+struct wsola_plc_port
+    pjmedia_port     base;
+    pjmedia_wsola   *wsola;
+    pjmedia_port    *gen_port;
+    int		     loss_pct;
+    pj_bool_t	     prev_lost;
+static pj_status_t wsola_plc_get_frame(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, 
+				       pjmedia_frame *frame)
+    struct wsola_plc_port *wp = (struct wsola_plc_port*)this_port;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    if ((pj_rand() % 100) > wp->loss_pct) {
+	status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(wp->gen_port, frame);
+	pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	status = pjmedia_wsola_save(wp->wsola, (short*)frame->buf, 
+				    wp->prev_lost);
+	pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	wp->prev_lost = PJ_FALSE;
+    } else {
+	status = pjmedia_wsola_generate(wp->wsola, (short*)frame->buf);
+	wp->prev_lost = PJ_TRUE;
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pj_status_t wsola_plc_on_destroy(struct pjmedia_port *this_port)
+    struct wsola_plc_port *wp = (struct wsola_plc_port*)this_port;
+    pjmedia_port_destroy(wp->gen_port);
+    pjmedia_wsola_destroy(wp->wsola);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pjmedia_port* create_wsola_plc(unsigned loss_pct,
+				      pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      unsigned clock_rate,
+				      unsigned channel_count,
+				      unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				      unsigned flags,
+				      struct test_entry *te)
+    struct wsola_plc_port *wp;
+    pj_str_t name = pj_str("wsola");
+    unsigned opt = 0;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te);
+    wp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct wsola_plc_port);
+    wp->loss_pct = loss_pct;
+    wp->base.get_frame = &wsola_plc_get_frame;
+    wp->base.on_destroy = &wsola_plc_on_destroy;
+    pjmedia_port_info_init(&wp->base.info, &name, 0x4123, clock_rate, 
+			   channel_count, 16, samples_per_frame);
+    if (loss_pct == 0)
+    status = pjmedia_wsola_create(pool, clock_rate, samples_per_frame,
+				  channel_count, 0, &wp->wsola);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    wp->gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+				   samples_per_frame, 100);
+    if (wp->gen_port == NULL)
+	return NULL;
+    return &wp->base;
+/* WSOLA PLC with 0% packet loss */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_0( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_plc(0, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			    samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA PLC with 2% packet loss */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_2( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_plc(2, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			    samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA PLC with 5% packet loss */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_5( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_plc(5, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			    samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA PLC with 10% packet loss */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_10(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_plc(10, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			    samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA PLC with 20% packet loss */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_20(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_plc(20, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			    samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA PLC with 50% packet loss */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_50(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_plc(50, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			    samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA discard mode */
+enum { CIRC_BUF_FRAME_CNT = 4 };
+struct wsola_discard_port
+    pjmedia_port	 base;
+    pjmedia_port	*gen_port;
+    pjmedia_wsola	*wsola;
+    pjmedia_circ_buf	*circbuf;
+    unsigned		 discard_pct;
+static pj_status_t wsola_discard_get_frame(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, 
+					   pjmedia_frame *frame)
+    struct wsola_discard_port *wp = (struct wsola_discard_port*)this_port;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    while (pjmedia_circ_buf_get_len(wp->circbuf) <
+		PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wp->base.info) * (CIRC_BUF_FRAME_CNT-1))
+    {
+	status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(wp->gen_port, frame);
+	pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS);
+	status = pjmedia_circ_buf_write(wp->circbuf, (short*)frame->buf, 
+					PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wp->base.info));
+	pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS);
+    }
+    if ((pj_rand() % 100) < (int)wp->discard_pct) {
+	pj_int16_t *reg1, *reg2;
+	unsigned reg1_len, reg2_len;
+	unsigned del_cnt;
+	pjmedia_circ_buf_get_read_regions(wp->circbuf, &reg1, &reg1_len,
+					  &reg2, &reg2_len);
+	del_cnt = PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wp->base.info);
+	status = pjmedia_wsola_discard(wp->wsola, reg1, reg1_len, reg2, 
+				       reg2_len, &del_cnt);
+	pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS);
+	status = pjmedia_circ_buf_adv_read_ptr(wp->circbuf, del_cnt);
+	pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS);
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pj_status_t wsola_discard_on_destroy(struct pjmedia_port *this_port)
+    struct wsola_discard_port *wp = (struct wsola_discard_port*)this_port;
+    pjmedia_port_destroy(wp->gen_port);
+    pjmedia_wsola_destroy(wp->wsola);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pjmedia_port* create_wsola_discard(unsigned discard_pct,
+					  pj_pool_t *pool,
+					  unsigned clock_rate,
+					  unsigned channel_count,
+					  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					  unsigned flags,
+					  struct test_entry *te)
+    struct wsola_discard_port *wp;
+    pj_str_t name = pj_str("wsola");
+    unsigned i, opt = 0;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te);
+    wp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct wsola_discard_port);
+    wp->discard_pct = discard_pct;
+    wp->base.get_frame = &wsola_discard_get_frame;
+    wp->base.on_destroy = &wsola_discard_on_destroy;
+    pjmedia_port_info_init(&wp->base.info, &name, 0x4123, clock_rate, 
+			   channel_count, 16, samples_per_frame);
+    if (discard_pct == 0)
+    status = pjmedia_wsola_create(pool, clock_rate, samples_per_frame,
+				  channel_count, 0, &wp->wsola);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    wp->gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+				   samples_per_frame, 100);
+    if (wp->gen_port == NULL)
+	return NULL;
+    status = pjmedia_circ_buf_create(pool, samples_per_frame * CIRC_BUF_FRAME_CNT, 
+				     &wp->circbuf);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    /* fill up the circbuf */
+    for (i=0; i<CIRC_BUF_FRAME_CNT; ++i) {
+	short pcm[320];
+	pjmedia_frame frm;
+	pj_assert(PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(pcm) >= samples_per_frame);
+	frm.buf = pcm;
+	frm.size = samples_per_frame * 2;
+	status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(wp->gen_port, &frm);
+	pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS);
+	status = pjmedia_circ_buf_write(wp->circbuf, pcm, samples_per_frame);
+	pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS);
+    }
+    return &wp->base;
+/* WSOLA with 2% discard rate */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_discard_2( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      unsigned clock_rate,
+				      unsigned channel_count,
+				      unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				      unsigned flags,
+				      struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_discard(2, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			        samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA with 5% discard rate */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_discard_5( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      unsigned clock_rate,
+				      unsigned channel_count,
+				      unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				      unsigned flags,
+				      struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_discard(5, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			        samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA with 10% discard rate */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_discard_10(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      unsigned clock_rate,
+				      unsigned channel_count,
+				      unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				      unsigned flags,
+				      struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_discard(10, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			        samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA with 20% discard rate */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_discard_20(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      unsigned clock_rate,
+				      unsigned channel_count,
+				      unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				      unsigned flags,
+				      struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_discard(20, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			        samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* WSOLA with 50% discard rate */
+static pjmedia_port* wsola_discard_50(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      unsigned clock_rate,
+				      unsigned channel_count,
+				      unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				      unsigned flags,
+				      struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_wsola_discard(50, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			        samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+static pjmedia_port* ec_create(unsigned ec_tail_msec,
+			       pj_pool_t *pool,
+			       unsigned clock_rate,
+			       unsigned channel_count,
+			       unsigned samples_per_frame,
+			       unsigned flags,
+			       struct test_entry *te)
+    pjmedia_port *gen_port, *ec_port;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te);
+    gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			       samples_per_frame, 100);
+    if (gen_port == NULL)
+	return NULL;
+    status = pjmedia_echo_port_create(pool, gen_port, ec_tail_msec, 0,
+				      flags, &ec_port);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    return ec_port;
+/* EC with 100ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* ec_create_100(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    flags = 0;
+    return ec_create(100, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* EC with 128ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* ec_create_128(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    flags = 0;
+    return ec_create(128, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* EC with 200ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* ec_create_200(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    flags = 0;
+    return ec_create(200, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* EC with 256ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* ec_create_256(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    flags = 0;
+    return ec_create(256, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* EC with 400ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* ec_create_400(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    flags = 0;
+    return ec_create(400, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* EC with 500ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* ec_create_500(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    flags = 0;
+    return ec_create(500, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* EC with 512ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* ec_create_512(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    flags = 0;
+    return ec_create(512, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* EC with 600ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* ec_create_600(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    flags = 0;
+    return ec_create(600, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* EC with 800ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* ec_create_800(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    flags = 0;
+    return ec_create(800, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* Echo suppressor with 100ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* es_create_100(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    return ec_create(100, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* Echo suppressor with 128ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* es_create_128(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    return ec_create(128, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* Echo suppressor with 200ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* es_create_200(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    return ec_create(200, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* Echo suppressor with 256ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* es_create_256(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    return ec_create(256, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* Echo suppressor with 400ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* es_create_400(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    return ec_create(400, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* Echo suppressor with 500ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* es_create_500(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    return ec_create(500, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* Echo suppressor with 512ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* es_create_512(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    return ec_create(512, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* Echo suppressor with 600ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* es_create_600(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    return ec_create(600, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* Echo suppressor with 800ms tail length */
+static pjmedia_port* es_create_800(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   unsigned clock_rate,
+				   unsigned channel_count,
+				   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				   unsigned flags,
+				   struct test_entry *te)
+    return ec_create(800, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame,
+		     flags, te);
+/* Tone generator, single frequency */
+static pjmedia_port* create_tonegen(unsigned freq1,
+				    unsigned freq2,
+				    pj_pool_t *pool,
+				    unsigned clock_rate,
+				    unsigned channel_count,
+				    unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				    unsigned flags,
+				    struct test_entry *te)
+    pjmedia_port *tonegen;
+    pjmedia_tone_desc tones[2];
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te);
+    status = pjmedia_tonegen_create(pool, clock_rate, channel_count,
+				    samples_per_frame, 16, 
+				    PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_LOOP, &tonegen);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    pj_bzero(tones, sizeof(tones));
+    tones[0].freq1 = (short)freq1;
+    tones[0].freq2 = (short)freq2;
+    tones[0].on_msec = 400;
+    tones[0].off_msec = 0;
+    tones[1].freq1 = (short)freq1;
+    tones[1].freq2 = (short)freq2;
+    tones[1].on_msec = 400;
+    tones[1].off_msec = 100;
+    status = pjmedia_tonegen_play(tonegen, PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(tones), tones, 
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    return tonegen;
+/* Tonegen with single frequency */
+static pjmedia_port* create_tonegen1(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				     unsigned clock_rate,
+				     unsigned channel_count,
+				     unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				     unsigned flags,
+				     struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_tonegen(400, 0, pool, clock_rate, channel_count,
+			  samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Tonegen with dual frequency */
+static pjmedia_port* create_tonegen2(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				     unsigned clock_rate,
+				     unsigned channel_count,
+				     unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				     unsigned flags,
+				     struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_tonegen(400, 440, pool, clock_rate, channel_count,
+			  samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Stream */
+struct stream_port
+    pjmedia_port	 base;
+    pj_status_t	       (*codec_deinit)();
+    pjmedia_endpt	*endpt;
+    pjmedia_stream	*stream;
+    pjmedia_transport	*transport;
+static void stream_port_custom_deinit(struct test_entry *te)
+    struct stream_port *sp = (struct stream_port*) te->pdata[0];
+    pjmedia_stream_destroy(sp->stream);
+    pjmedia_transport_close(sp->transport);
+    sp->codec_deinit();
+    pjmedia_endpt_destroy(sp->endpt);
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				    const char *codec,
+				    pj_status_t (*codec_init)(pjmedia_endpt*),
+				    pj_status_t (*codec_deinit)(),
+				    pj_bool_t srtp_enabled,
+				    pj_bool_t srtp_80,
+				    pj_bool_t srtp_auth,
+				    unsigned clock_rate,
+				    unsigned channel_count,
+				    unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				    unsigned flags,
+				    struct test_entry *te)
+    struct stream_port *sp;
+    pj_str_t codec_id;
+    pjmedia_port *port;
+    const pjmedia_codec_info *ci[1];
+    unsigned count;
+    pjmedia_codec_param codec_param;
+    pjmedia_stream_info si;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags);
+    codec_id = pj_str((char*)codec);
+    sp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct stream_port);
+    pjmedia_port_info_init(&sp->base.info, &codec_id, 0x123456, clock_rate,
+			   channel_count, 16, samples_per_frame);
+    te->pdata[0] = sp;
+    te->custom_deinit = &stream_port_custom_deinit;
+    sp->codec_deinit = codec_deinit;
+    status = pjmedia_endpt_create(mem, NULL, 0, &sp->endpt);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    status = codec_init(sp->endpt);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    count = 1;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(sp->endpt),
+						 &codec_id, &count, ci, NULL);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_get_default_param(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(sp->endpt),
+						 ci[0], &codec_param);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    /* Create stream info */
+    pj_bzero(&si, sizeof(si));
+    si.type = PJMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
+    si.proto = PJMEDIA_TP_PROTO_RTP_AVP;
+    pj_sockaddr_in_init(&si.rem_addr.ipv4, NULL, 4000);
+    pj_sockaddr_in_init(&si.rem_rtcp.ipv4, NULL, 4001);
+    pj_memcpy(&si.fmt, ci[0], sizeof(pjmedia_codec_info));
+    si.param = NULL;
+    si.tx_pt = ci[0]->pt;
+    si.tx_event_pt = 101;
+    si.rx_event_pt = 101;
+    si.ssrc = pj_rand();
+    si.jb_init = si.jb_min_pre = si.jb_max_pre = si.jb_max = -1;
+    /* Create loop transport */
+    status = pjmedia_transport_loop_create(sp->endpt, &sp->transport);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    if (srtp_enabled) {
+	pjmedia_srtp_setting opt;
+	pjmedia_srtp_crypto crypto;
+	pjmedia_transport *srtp;
+	pjmedia_srtp_setting_default(&opt);
+	opt.close_member_tp = PJ_TRUE;
+	status = pjmedia_transport_srtp_create(sp->endpt, sp->transport, &opt,
+					       &srtp);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return NULL;
+	pj_bzero(&crypto, sizeof(crypto));
+	if (srtp_80) {
+	    crypto.key = pj_str("123456789012345678901234567890");
+	    crypto.name = pj_str("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80");
+	} else {
+	    crypto.key = pj_str("123456789012345678901234567890");
+	    crypto.name = pj_str("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32");
+	}
+	if (!srtp_auth)
+	status = pjmedia_transport_srtp_start(srtp, &crypto, &crypto);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return NULL;
+	sp->transport = srtp;
+    }
+    /* Create stream */
+    status = pjmedia_stream_create(sp->endpt, pool, &si, sp->transport, NULL, 
+				   &sp->stream);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    /* Start stream */
+    status = pjmedia_stream_start(sp->stream);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    status = pjmedia_stream_get_port(sp->stream, &port);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    return port;
+/* G.711 stream, no SRTP */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_pcmu( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					 unsigned clock_rate,
+					 unsigned channel_count,
+					 unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					 unsigned flags,
+					 struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit,
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* G.711 stream, SRTP 32bit key no auth */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_pcmu_srtp32_no_auth( pj_pool_t *pool,
+							unsigned clock_rate,
+							unsigned channel_count,
+							unsigned samples_per_frame,
+							unsigned flags,
+							struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit,
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* G.711 stream, SRTP 32bit key with auth */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_pcmu_srtp32_with_auth(pj_pool_t *pool,
+							 unsigned clock_rate,
+							 unsigned channel_count,
+							 unsigned samples_per_frame,
+							 unsigned flags,
+							 struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit,
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* G.711 stream, SRTP 80bit key no auth */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_pcmu_srtp80_no_auth( pj_pool_t *pool,
+							unsigned clock_rate,
+							unsigned channel_count,
+							unsigned samples_per_frame,
+							unsigned flags,
+							struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit,
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* G.711 stream, SRTP 80bit key with auth */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_pcmu_srtp80_with_auth(pj_pool_t *pool,
+							 unsigned clock_rate,
+							 unsigned channel_count,
+							 unsigned samples_per_frame,
+							 unsigned flags,
+							 struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit,
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* GSM stream */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_gsm(  pj_pool_t *pool,
+					 unsigned clock_rate,
+					 unsigned channel_count,
+					 unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					 unsigned flags,
+					 struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, 
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* GSM stream, SRTP 32bit, no auth */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_gsm_srtp32_no_auth(pj_pool_t *pool,
+						      unsigned clock_rate,
+						      unsigned channel_count,
+						      unsigned samples_per_frame,
+						      unsigned flags,
+						      struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, 
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* GSM stream, SRTP 32bit, with auth */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_gsm_srtp32_with_auth(pj_pool_t *pool,
+						        unsigned clock_rate,
+						        unsigned channel_count,
+						        unsigned samples_per_frame,
+						        unsigned flags,
+						        struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, 
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* GSM stream, SRTP 80bit, no auth */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_gsm_srtp80_no_auth(pj_pool_t *pool,
+						      unsigned clock_rate,
+						      unsigned channel_count,
+						      unsigned samples_per_frame,
+						      unsigned flags,
+						      struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, 
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* GSM stream, SRTP 80bit, with auth */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_gsm_srtp80_with_auth(pj_pool_t *pool,
+						        unsigned clock_rate,
+						        unsigned channel_count,
+						        unsigned samples_per_frame,
+						        unsigned flags,
+						        struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, 
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* G722 stream */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_g722( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					 unsigned clock_rate,
+					 unsigned channel_count,
+					 unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					 unsigned flags,
+					 struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "g722", &pjmedia_codec_g722_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_g722_deinit, 
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* G722.1 stream */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_g7221( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					  unsigned clock_rate,
+					  unsigned channel_count,
+					  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					  unsigned flags,
+					  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "g7221/16000", &pjmedia_codec_g7221_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_g7221_deinit, 
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* G722.1 Annex C stream */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_g7221c( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					   unsigned clock_rate,
+					   unsigned channel_count,
+					   unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					   unsigned flags,
+					   struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "g7221/32000", &pjmedia_codec_g7221_init,
+			 &pjmedia_codec_g7221_deinit, 
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+#endif	/* PJMEDIA_HAS_G7221_CODEC */ 
+/* AMR-NB stream */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_amr( pj_pool_t *pool,
+                                        unsigned clock_rate,
+                                        unsigned channel_count,
+                                        unsigned samples_per_frame,
+                                        unsigned flags,
+                                        struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "AMR/8000", &pjmedia_codec_opencore_amrnb_init, 
+			 &pjmedia_codec_opencore_amrnb_deinit, 
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* AMR-WB stream */
+static pjmedia_port* create_stream_amrwb( pj_pool_t *pool,
+                                         unsigned clock_rate,
+                                         unsigned channel_count,
+                                         unsigned samples_per_frame,
+                                         unsigned flags,
+                                         struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_stream(pool, "AMR/16000",
+                         &pjmedia_codec_opencore_amr_init_default,
+			 &pjmedia_codec_opencore_amr_deinit,
+			 clock_rate, channel_count,
+			 samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Delay buffer */
+enum {DELAY_BUF_MAX_DELAY = 80};
+struct delaybuf_port
+    pjmedia_port	 base;
+    pjmedia_delay_buf   *delaybuf;
+    pjmedia_port	*gen_port;
+    int			 drift_pct;
+static pj_status_t delaybuf_get_frame(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, 
+				      pjmedia_frame *frame)
+    struct delaybuf_port *dp = (struct delaybuf_port*)this_port;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    status = pjmedia_delay_buf_get(dp->delaybuf, (pj_int16_t*)frame->buf);
+    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+    /* Additional GET when drift_pct is negative */
+    if (dp->drift_pct < 0) {
+	int rnd;
+	rnd = pj_rand() % 100;
+	if (rnd < -dp->drift_pct) {
+	    status = pjmedia_delay_buf_get(dp->delaybuf, (pj_int16_t*)frame->buf);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	}
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pj_status_t delaybuf_put_frame(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, 
+				      pjmedia_frame *frame)
+    struct delaybuf_port *dp = (struct delaybuf_port*)this_port;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    pjmedia_frame f = *frame;
+    status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(dp->gen_port, &f);
+    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+    status = pjmedia_delay_buf_put(dp->delaybuf, (pj_int16_t*)f.buf);
+    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+    /* Additional PUT when drift_pct is possitive */
+    if (dp->drift_pct > 0) {
+	int rnd;
+	rnd = pj_rand() % 100;
+	if (rnd < dp->drift_pct) {
+	    status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(dp->gen_port, &f);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	    status = pjmedia_delay_buf_put(dp->delaybuf, (pj_int16_t*)f.buf);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	}
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pj_status_t delaybuf_on_destroy(struct pjmedia_port *this_port)
+    struct delaybuf_port *dp = (struct delaybuf_port*)this_port;
+    pjmedia_port_destroy(dp->gen_port);
+    pjmedia_delay_buf_destroy(dp->delaybuf);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pjmedia_port* create_delaybuf(int drift_pct,
+				     pj_pool_t *pool,
+				     unsigned clock_rate,
+				     unsigned channel_count,
+				     unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				     unsigned flags,
+				     struct test_entry *te)
+    struct delaybuf_port *dp;
+    pj_str_t name = pj_str("delaybuf");
+    unsigned opt = 0;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te);
+    dp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct delaybuf_port);
+    dp->drift_pct = drift_pct;
+    dp->base.get_frame = &delaybuf_get_frame;
+    dp->base.put_frame = &delaybuf_put_frame;
+    dp->base.on_destroy = &delaybuf_on_destroy;
+    pjmedia_port_info_init(&dp->base.info, &name, 0x5678, clock_rate, 
+			   channel_count, 16, samples_per_frame);
+    status = pjmedia_delay_buf_create(pool, "mips_test", clock_rate, 
+				      samples_per_frame, channel_count, 
+				      opt, &dp->delaybuf);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return NULL;
+    dp->gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+				   samples_per_frame, 100);
+    if (dp->gen_port == NULL)
+	return NULL;
+    return &dp->base;
+/* Delay buffer without drift */
+static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_0( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_delaybuf(0, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			   samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Delay buffer with 2% drift */
+static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_p2( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_delaybuf(2, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			   samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Delay buffer with 5% drift */
+static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_p5( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_delaybuf(5, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			   samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Delay buffer with 10% drift */
+static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_p10(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_delaybuf(10, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			   samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Delay buffer with 20% drift */
+static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_p20(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_delaybuf(20, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			   samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Delay buffer with -2% drift */
+static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_n2( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_delaybuf(-2, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			   samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Delay buffer with -5% drift */
+static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_n5( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_delaybuf(-5, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			   samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Delay buffer with -10% drift */
+static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_n10(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_delaybuf(-10, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			   samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Delay buffer with -20% drift */
+static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_n20(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  unsigned clock_rate,
+				  unsigned channel_count,
+				  unsigned samples_per_frame,
+				  unsigned flags,
+				  struct test_entry *te)
+    return create_delaybuf(-20, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+			   samples_per_frame, flags, te);
+/* Run test entry, return elapsed time */
+static pj_timestamp run_entry(unsigned clock_rate, struct test_entry *e)
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    pjmedia_port *port;
+    pj_timestamp t0, t1;
+    unsigned j, samples_per_frame;
+    pj_int16_t pcm[32000 * PTIME / 1000];
+    pjmedia_port *gen_port;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    samples_per_frame = clock_rate * PTIME / 1000;
+    pool = pj_pool_create(mem, "pool", 1024, 1024, NULL);
+    port = e->init(pool, clock_rate, 1, samples_per_frame, 0, e);
+    if (port == NULL) {
+	t0.u64 = 0;
+	pj_pool_release(pool);
+	PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, " init error"));
+	return t0;
+    }
+    /* Port may decide to use different ptime (e.g. iLBC) */
+    samples_per_frame = PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&port->info);
+    gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, 1, 
+			       samples_per_frame, 100);
+    if (gen_port == NULL) {
+	t0.u64 = 0;
+	pj_pool_release(pool);
+	return t0;
+    }
+    pj_get_timestamp(&t0);
+    for (j=0; j<DURATION*clock_rate/samples_per_frame/1000; ++j) {
+	pjmedia_frame frm;
+	if (e->valid_op==OP_GET_PUT) {
+	    frm.buf = (void*)pcm;
+	    frm.size = samples_per_frame * 2;
+	    frm.type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;
+	    status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(port, &frm);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	    status = pjmedia_port_put_frame(port, &frm);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	} else if (e->valid_op == OP_GET) {
+	    frm.buf = (void*)pcm;
+	    frm.size = samples_per_frame * 2;
+	    frm.type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;
+	    status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(port, &frm);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	} else if (e->valid_op == OP_PUT) {
+	    frm.buf = (void*)pcm;
+	    frm.size = samples_per_frame * 2;
+	    frm.type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;
+	    status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(gen_port, &frm);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	    status = pjmedia_port_put_frame(port, &frm);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	} else if (e->valid_op == OP_PUT_GET) {
+	    frm.buf = (void*)pcm;
+	    frm.size = samples_per_frame * 2;
+	    frm.type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;
+	    status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(gen_port, &frm);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	    status = pjmedia_port_put_frame(port, &frm);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	    status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(port, &frm);
+	    pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS);
+	}
+    }
+    pj_get_timestamp(&t1);
+    pj_sub_timestamp(&t1, &t0);
+    if (e->custom_deinit)
+	e->custom_deinit(e);
+    pjmedia_port_destroy(port);
+    pj_pool_release(pool);
+    return t1;
+int mips_test(void)
+    struct test_entry entries[] = {
+	{ "get from memplayer", OP_GET, K8|K16, &gen_port_test_init},
+	{ "conference bridge with 1 call", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &conf1_test_init},
+	{ "conference bridge with 2 calls", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &conf2_test_init},
+	{ "conference bridge with 4 calls", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &conf4_test_init},
+	{ "conference bridge with 8 calls", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &conf8_test_init},
+	{ "conference bridge with 16 calls", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &conf16_test_init},
+	{ "upsample+downsample - linear", OP_GET, K8|K16, &linear_resample},
+	{ "upsample+downsample - small filter", OP_GET, K8|K16, &small_filt_resample},
+	{ "upsample+downsample - large filter", OP_GET, K8|K16, &large_filt_resample},
+	{ "WSOLA PLC - 0% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_0},
+	{ "WSOLA PLC - 2% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_2},
+	{ "WSOLA PLC - 5% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_5},
+	{ "WSOLA PLC - 10% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_10},
+	{ "WSOLA PLC - 20% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_20},
+	{ "WSOLA PLC - 50% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_50},
+	{ "WSOLA discard 2% excess", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_discard_2},
+	{ "WSOLA discard 5% excess", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_discard_5},
+	{ "WSOLA discard 10% excess", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_discard_10},
+	{ "WSOLA discard 20% excess", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_discard_20},
+	{ "WSOLA discard 50% excess", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_discard_50},
+	{ "Delay buffer", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_0},
+	{ "Delay buffer - drift -2%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_n2},
+	{ "Delay buffer - drift -5%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_n5},
+	{ "Delay buffer - drift -10%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_n10},
+	{ "Delay buffer - drift -20%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_n20},
+	{ "Delay buffer - drift +2%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_p2},
+	{ "Delay buffer - drift +5%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_p5},
+	{ "Delay buffer - drift +10%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_p10},
+	{ "Delay buffer - drift +20%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_p20},
+	{ "echo canceller 100ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_100},
+	{ "echo canceller 128ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_128},
+	{ "echo canceller 200ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_200},
+	{ "echo canceller 256ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_256},
+	{ "echo canceller 400ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_400},
+	{ "echo canceller 500ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_500},
+	{ "echo canceller 512ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_512},
+	{ "echo canceller 600ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_600},
+	{ "echo canceller 800ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_800},
+	{ "echo suppressor 100ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_100},
+	{ "echo suppressor 128ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_128},
+	{ "echo suppressor 200ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_200},
+	{ "echo suppressor 256ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_256},
+	{ "echo suppressor 400ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_400},
+	{ "echo suppressor 500ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_500},
+	{ "echo suppressor 512ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_512},
+	{ "echo suppressor 600ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_600},
+	{ "echo suppressor 800ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_800},
+	{ "tone generator with single freq", OP_GET, K8|K16, &create_tonegen1},
+	{ "tone generator with dual freq", OP_GET, K8|K16, &create_tonegen2},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - G.711", OP_PUT, K8, &g711_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - G.722", OP_PUT, K16, &g722_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - GSM", OP_PUT, K8, &gsm_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - iLBC", OP_PUT, K8, &ilbc_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - Speex 8Khz", OP_PUT, K8, &speex8_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - Speex 16Khz", OP_PUT, K16, &speex16_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - G.722.1", OP_PUT, K16, &g7221_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - G.722.1c", OP_PUT, K32, &g7221c_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - AMR-NB", OP_PUT, K8, &amr_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - AMR-WB", OP_PUT, K16, &amrwb_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - L16/8000/1", OP_PUT, K8, &l16_8_encode_decode},
+	{ "codec encode/decode - L16/16000/1", OP_PUT, K16, &l16_16_encode_decode},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - G.711", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_pcmu},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - G.711 SRTP 32bit", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_pcmu_srtp32_no_auth},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - G.711 SRTP 32bit +auth", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_pcmu_srtp32_with_auth},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - G.711 SRTP 80bit", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_pcmu_srtp80_no_auth},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - G.711 SRTP 80bit +auth", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_pcmu_srtp80_with_auth},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - G.722", OP_PUT_GET, K16, &create_stream_g722},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - GSM", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_gsm},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - GSM SRTP 32bit", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_gsm_srtp32_no_auth},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - GSM SRTP 32bit + auth", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_gsm_srtp32_with_auth},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - GSM SRTP 80bit", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_gsm_srtp80_no_auth},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - GSM SRTP 80bit + auth", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_gsm_srtp80_with_auth},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - G.722.1", OP_PUT_GET, K16, &create_stream_g7221},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - G.722.1c", OP_PUT_GET, K32, &create_stream_g7221c},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - AMR-NB", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_amr},
+	{ "stream TX/RX - AMR-WB", OP_PUT_GET, K16, &create_stream_amrwb},
+    };
+    unsigned i, c, k[3] = {K8, K16, K32}, clock_rates[3] = {8000, 16000, 32000};
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "MIPS test, with CPU=%dMhz, %6.1f MIPS", CPU_MHZ, CPU_IPS / 1000000));
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Clock  Item                                      Time     CPU    MIPS"));
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " Rate                                           (usec)    (%%)       "));
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "----------------------------------------------------------------------"));
+    for (c=0; c<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(clock_rates); ++c) {
+	for (i=0; i<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(entries); ++i) {
+	    enum 
+	    {
+		RETRY	= 5,	/* number of test retries */
+	    };
+	    struct test_entry *e = &entries[i];
+	    pj_timestamp times[RETRY], tzero;
+	    int usec;
+	    float cpu_pct, mips_val;
+	    unsigned j, clock_rate = clock_rates[c];
+	    if ((e->valid_clock_rate & k[c]) == 0)
+		continue;
+	    /* Run test */
+	    for (j=0; j<RETRY; ++j) {
+		pj_thread_sleep(1);
+		times[j] = run_entry(clock_rate, e);
+	    }
+	    /* Sort ascending */
+	    for (j=0; j<RETRY; ++j) {
+		unsigned k;
+		for (k=j+1; k<RETRY; ++k) {
+		    if (times[k].u64 < times[j].u64) {
+			pj_timestamp tmp = times[j];
+			times[j] = times[k];
+			times[k] = tmp;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    /* Calculate usec elapsed as average of two best times */
+	    tzero.u32.hi = tzero.u32.lo = 0;
+	    usec = (pj_elapsed_usec(&tzero, &times[0]) + 
+		    pj_elapsed_usec(&tzero, &times[1])) / 2;
+	    usec = usec / (DURATION / 1000);
+	    mips_val = (float)(CPU_IPS * usec / 1000000.0 / 1000000);
+	    cpu_pct = (float)(100.0 * usec / 1000000);
+	    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "%2dKHz %-38s % 8d %8.3f %7.2f", 
+		      clock_rate/1000, e->title, usec, cpu_pct, mips_val));
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/rtp_test.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/rtp_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4468563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/rtp_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* $Id: rtp_test.c 3553 2011-05-05 06:14:19Z nanang $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pjmedia/rtp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int rtp_test()
+    pjmedia_rtp_session rtp;
+    FILE *fhnd = fopen("RTP.DAT", "wb");
+    const void *rtphdr;
+    int hdrlen;
+    if (!fhnd)
+	return -1;
+    pjmedia_rtp_session_init (&rtp, 4, 0x12345678);
+    pjmedia_rtp_encode_rtp (&rtp, 4, 0, 0, 160, &rtphdr, &hdrlen);
+    if (fwrite (rtphdr, hdrlen, 1, fhnd) != 1) {
+	fclose(fhnd);
+	return -1;
+    }
+    fclose(fhnd);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/sdp_neg_test.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/sdp_neg_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d79697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/sdp_neg_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1596 @@
+/* $Id: sdp_neg_test.c 3553 2011-05-05 06:14:19Z nanang $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms oa the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 oa the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty oa
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy oa the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pjmedia/sdp.h>
+#include <pjmedia/sdp_neg.h>
+#include "test.h"
+#define THIS_FILE   "sdp_neg_test.c"
+#define START_TEST  0
+enum session_type
+struct offer_answer
+    enum session_type type;	/*  LOCAL_OFFER:	REMOTE_OFFER:	*/
+    char *sdp1;			/* local offer		remote offer	*/
+    char *sdp2;			/* remote answer	initial local	*/
+    char *sdp3;			/* local active media	local answer	*/
+static struct test
+    const char		*title;
+    unsigned		 offer_answer_count;
+    struct offer_answer	 offer_answer[4];
+} test[] = 
+    /* test 0: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 3264 examples, section 10.1 (Alice's view)
+	 *
+	 * Difference from the example:
+	 *  - Bob's port number of the third media stream in the first answer
+	 *    is changed (make it different than Alice's)
+	 *  - in the second offer/answer exchange, Alice can't accept the
+	 *    additional line since she didn't specify the capability
+	 *    in the initial negotiator creation.
+	 */
+	"RFC 3264 example 10.1 (Alice's view)",
+	2,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s= \r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Received Bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844730 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s= \r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49920 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "m=video 53002 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Alice's SDP now: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s= \r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"	/* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	    "m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n"
+	  },
+	  {
+	    /* Bob wants to change his local SDP 
+	     * (change local port for the first stream and add new stream)
+	     * Received SDP from Bob:
+	     */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844731 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 65422 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "m=video 53002 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 51434 RTP/AVP 110\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:110 telephone-events/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=recvonly\r\n",
+	    NULL,
+	    /* Alice's SDP now */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s= \r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"	/* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	    "m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 110\r\n"
+	    /* <-- the following attributes are not necessary (port 0) */
+	    //"a=rtpmap:110 telephone-events/8000\r\n"
+	    //"a=sendonly\r\n"
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 1: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 3264 examples, section 10.1. (Bob's view)
+	 *
+	 * Difference:
+	 *  - the SDP version in Bob's capability is changed to ver-1.
+	 */
+	"RFC 3264 example 10.1 (Bob's view)",
+	2,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Remote offer from Alice: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s= \r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's capability: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844729 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s= \r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49920 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n",
+	    /* This's how Bob's answer should look like: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844730 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s= \r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49920 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n"
+	  },
+	  {
+	    /* Bob wants to change his local SDP 
+	     * (change local port for the first stream and add new stream)
+	     */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844731 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 65422 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 51434 RTP/AVP 110\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:110 telephone-events/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=recvonly\r\n",
+	    /* Got answer from Alice */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 53122 RTP/AVP 110\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:110 telephone-events/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=sendonly\r\n",
+	    /* This is how Bob's SDP should look like after negotiation */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844731 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 65422 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 51434 RTP/AVP 110\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:110 telephone-events/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=recvonly\r\n"
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 2: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 3264 examples, section 10.2.
+	 * This is from Alice's point of view.
+	 */
+	"RFC 3264 example 10.2 (Alice's view)",
+	2,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* The initial offer from Alice to Bob indicates a single audio 
+	     * stream with the three audio codecs that are available in the 
+	     * DSP. The stream is marked as inactive, 
+	     */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 62986 RTP/AVP 0 4 18\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=inactive\r\n",
+	    /* Bob can support dynamic switching between PCMU and G.723. So, 
+	     * he sends the following answer:
+	     */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844731 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 54344 RTP/AVP 0 4\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=inactive\r\n",
+	    /* This is how Alice's media should look like after negotiation */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 62986 RTP/AVP 0 4\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=inactive\r\n",
+	  },
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends an updated offer with a sendrecv stream: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 62986 RTP/AVP 4\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=sendrecv\r\n",
+	    /* Bob accepts the single codec: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844732 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s= \r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 54344 RTP/AVP 4\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=sendrecv\r\n",
+	    /* This is how Alice's media should look like after negotiation */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 62986 RTP/AVP 4\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=sendrecv\r\n"
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+#if 0
+    // this test is commented, this causes error: 
+    // No suitable codec for remote offer (PJMEDIA_SDPNEG_NOANSCODEC),
+    // since currently the negotiator always answer with one codec, 
+    // PCMU in this case, while PCMU is not included in the second offer.
+    /* test 3: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 3264 examples, section 10.2.
+	 * This is from Bob's point of view.
+	 *
+	 * Difference:
+	 *  - The SDP version number in Bob's initial capability is ver-1
+	 */
+	"RFC 3264 example 10.2 (Bob's view)",
+	2,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Bob received offer from Alice:
+	     */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 62986 RTP/AVP 0 4 18\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=inactive\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's capability:
+	     */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844730 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 54344 RTP/AVP 0 4\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=inactive\r\n",
+	    /* This is how Bob's media should look like after negotiation */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844731 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 54344 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=inactive\r\n"
+	  },
+	  {
+	    /* Received updated Alice's SDP: offer with a sendrecv stream: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 62986 RTP/AVP 4\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=sendrecv\r\n",
+	    /* Bob accepts the single codec: */
+	    NULL,
+	    /* This is how Bob's media should look like after negotiation */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2890844730 2890844732 IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 54344 RTP/AVP 4\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=sendrecv\r\n",
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 4: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 4317 Sample 2.1: Audio and Video 1 (Alice's view)
+	 *
+	 * This common scenario shows a video and audio session in which
+	 * multiple codecs are offered but only one is accepted.  As a result of
+	 * the exchange shown below, Alice and Bob may send only PCMU audio and
+	 * MPV video.  Note: Dynamic payload type 97 is used for iLBC codec
+	 */
+	"RFC 4317 section 2.1: Audio and Video 1 (Alice's view)",
+	1,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Alice's local offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0 8 97\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Received answer from Bob: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844564 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49174 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n",
+	    /* This is how Alice's media should look like now: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n"
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 5: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 4317 Sample 2.1: Audio and Video 1 (Bob's view)
+	 *
+	 * This common scenario shows a video and audio session in which
+	 * multiple codecs are offered but only one is accepted.  As a result of
+	 * the exchange shown below, Alice and Bob may send only PCMU audio and
+	 * MPV video.  Note: Dynamic payload type 97 is used for iLBC codec
+	 *
+	 * Difference:
+	 *  - Bob's initial capability version number
+	 */
+	"RFC 4317 section 2.1: Audio and Video 1 (Bob's view)",
+	1,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Received Alice's local offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0 8 97\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's capability: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49174 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n",
+	    /* This is how Bob's media should look like now: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844564 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=-\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49174 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n"
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 6: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 4317 Sample 2.2: Audio and Video 2 (Alice's view)
+	 *
+	 * Difference:
+	 *  - Bob's initial capability version number
+	 */
+	"RFC 4317 section 2.2: Audio and Video 2 (Alice's view)",
+	2,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0 8 97\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844564 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 0 8\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n",
+	    /* This is how Alice's media should look like now: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0 8\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n"
+	    // By #1088, the formats won't be negotiated when the media has port 0.
+	    //"m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31 32\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"  /* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	  },
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends updated offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 51372 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844565 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n",
+	    /* This is how Alice's SDP should look like: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 51372 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"  /* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 7: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 4317 Sample 2.2: Audio and Video 2 (Bob's view)
+	 *
+	 * Difference:
+	 *  - Bob's initial capability version number
+	 */
+	"RFC 4317 section 2.2: Audio and Video 2 (Bob's view)",
+	2,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Received offer from alice: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0 8 97\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31 32\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's initial capability: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 0 8\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n",
+	    /* This is how Bob's answer should look like now: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844564 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	  },
+	  {
+	    /* Received updated offer from Alice: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 51372 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's answer: */
+	    NULL,
+	    /* This is how Bob's answer should look like: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844565 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"  /* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 8: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 4317 Sample 2.4: Audio and Telephone-Events (Alice's view)
+	 *
+	 */
+	"RFC 4317 section 2.4: Audio and Telephone-Events (Alice's view)",
+	1,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0 97\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 98\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:98 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=sendonly\r\n",
+	    /* Received Bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844564 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 97\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49174 RTP/AVP 98\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:98 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=recvonly\r\n",
+	    /* Alice's SDP now: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 97\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 98\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:98 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=sendonly\r\n"
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 9: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 4317 Sample 2.4: Audio and Telephone-Events (Bob's view)
+	 *
+	 * Difference:
+	 *  - Bob's initial SDP version number
+	 *  - Bob's capability are added with more formats, and the
+	 *    stream order is interchanged to test the negotiator.
+	 */
+	"RFC 4317 section 2.4: Audio and Telephone-Events (Bob's view)",
+	1,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Received Alice's offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0 97\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 98\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:98 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=sendonly\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's initial capability: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49174 RTP/AVP 4 98\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:98 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 97 8 99\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:99 telephone-event/8000\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's answer should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844564 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 97\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49174 RTP/AVP 98\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:98 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=recvonly\r\n"
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 10: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 4317 Sample 2.6: Audio with Telephone-Events (Alice's view)
+	 *
+	 */
+	"RFC 4317 section 2.6: Audio with Telephone-Events (Alice's view)",
+	1,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 51372 RTP/AVP 97 101\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n",
+	    /* Received bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844564 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 97 101\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n",
+	    /* Alice's local SDP should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"	  /* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	    "m=audio 51372 RTP/AVP 97 101\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 11: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * RFC 4317 Sample 2.6: Audio with Telephone-Events (Bob's view)
+	 *
+	 * Difference:
+	 *  - Bob's SDP version number
+	 *  - Bob's initial capability are expanded with multiple m lines
+	 *    and more formats
+	 */
+	"RFC 4317 section 2.6: Audio with Telephone-Events (Bob's view)",
+	1,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Received Alice's offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 51372 RTP/AVP 97 101\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's initial capability also has video: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 4 97 101\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 1000 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Bob's answer should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844564 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"      /* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 97 101\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n",
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 12: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * Ticket #527: More lenient SDP negotiator.
+	 */
+	"Ticket #527 scenario #1: Partial answer",
+	1,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends offer audio and video: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 4000 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Receive Bob's answer only audio: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n",
+	    /* Alice's local SDP should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"    /* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	    "",
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 13: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * Ticket #527: More lenient SDP negotiator.
+	 */
+	"Ticket #527 scenario #1: Media mismatch in answer",
+	1,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends offer audio and video: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 4000 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n",
+	    /* Receive Bob's answer two audio: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n",
+	    /* Alice's local SDP should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"    /* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	    "",
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 14: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * Ticket #527: More lenient SDP negotiator.
+	 */
+	"Ticket #527 scenario #2: Modify offer - partial streams",
+	2,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3100 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 3200 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Receive Bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 4000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 4100 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 4200 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Alice's local SDP should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3100 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 3200 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	  },
+	  {
+	    /* Alice modifies offer with only specify one audio: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 5200 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Receive Bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 7000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Alice's local SDP should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 5200 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"      /* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	    "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"    /* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	    "",
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 15: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * Ticket #527: More lenient SDP negotiator.
+	 */
+	"Ticket #527 scenario #2: Modify offer - unordered m= lines",
+	2,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 3200 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Receive Bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 4000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 4200 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Alice's local SDP should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 3200 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	  },
+	  {
+	    /* Alice modifies offer with unordered m= lines: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=video 5000 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 5200 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Receive Bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 7000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 2000 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Alice's local SDP should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 5200 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 5000 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+    /* test 16: */
+    {
+	/*********************************************************************
+	 * Ticket #527: More lenient SDP negotiator.
+	 */
+	"Ticket #527 scenario #2: Modify offer - partial & unordered streams",
+	2,
+	{
+	  {
+	    /* Alice sends offer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3200 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 3400 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Receive Bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 4000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 4200 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 4400 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Alice's local SDP should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 3200 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 3400 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	  },
+	  {
+	    /* Alice modifies offer by specifying partial and unordered media: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=video 5000 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 7000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Receive Bob's answer: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=bob 2808844564 2808844563 IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=bob\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.biloxi.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 4000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=video 4400 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	    /* Alice's local SDP should be: */
+	    "v=0\r\n"
+	    "o=alice 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "s=alice\r\n"
+	    "c=IN IP4 host.atlanta.example.com\r\n"
+	    "t=0 0\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 7000 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
+	    "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+	    //"a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"      /* <-- this is not necessary (port 0) */
+	    "m=video 5000 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+	    "a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000\r\n"
+	    "",
+	  }
+	}
+    },
+static const char *find_diff(const char *s1, const char *s2,
+			     int *line)
+    *line = 1;
+    while (*s2 && *s1) {
+	if (*s2 != *s1)
+	    return s2;
+	if (*s2 == '\n')
+	    ++*line;
+	++s2, ++s1;
+    }
+    return s2;
+static int compare_sdp_string(const char *cmp_title,
+			      const char *title1,
+			      const pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp1,
+			      const char *title2,
+			      const pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp2,
+			      pj_status_t logical_cmp)
+    char sdpbuf1[1024], sdpbuf2[1024];
+    pj_ssize_t len1, len2;
+    len1 = pjmedia_sdp_print(sdp1, sdpbuf1, sizeof(sdpbuf1));
+    if (len1 < 1) {
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"   error: printing sdp1"));
+	return -1;
+    }
+    sdpbuf1[len1] = '\0';
+    len2 = pjmedia_sdp_print(sdp2, sdpbuf2, sizeof(sdpbuf2));
+    if (len2 < 1) {
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"   error: printing sdp2"));
+	return -1;
+    }
+    sdpbuf2[len2] = '\0';
+    if (logical_cmp != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	char errbuf[80];
+	pjmedia_strerror(logical_cmp, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"%s mismatch: %s\n"
+			    "%s:\n"
+			    "%s\n"
+			    "%s:\n"
+			    "%s\n",
+			    cmp_title,
+			    errbuf,
+			    title1, sdpbuf1, 
+			    title2, sdpbuf2));
+	return -1;
+    } else if (strcmp(sdpbuf1, sdpbuf2) != 0) {
+	int line;
+	const char *diff;
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"%s mismatch:\n"
+			    "%s:\n"
+			    "%s\n"
+			    "%s:\n"
+			    "%s\n",
+			    cmp_title,
+			    title1, sdpbuf1, 
+			    title2, sdpbuf2));
+	diff = find_diff(sdpbuf1, sdpbuf2, &line);
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"Difference: line %d:\n"
+			    "%s",
+			    line, diff));
+	return -1;
+    } else {
+	return 0;
+    }
+static int offer_answer_test(pj_pool_t *pool, pjmedia_sdp_neg **p_neg,
+			     struct offer_answer *oa)
+    pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp1;
+    pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    status = pjmedia_sdp_parse(pool, oa->sdp1, pj_ansi_strlen(oa->sdp1),
+				&sdp1);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	app_perror(status, "   error: unexpected parse status for sdp1");
+	return -10;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_sdp_validate(sdp1);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	app_perror(status, "   error: sdp1 validation failed");
+	return -15;
+    }
+    neg = *p_neg;
+    if (oa->type == LOCAL_OFFER) {
+	/* 
+	 * Local creates offer first. 
+	 */
+	pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp2, *sdp3;
+	const pjmedia_sdp_session *active;
+	if (neg == NULL) {
+	    /* Create negotiator with local offer. */
+	    status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_create_w_local_offer(pool, sdp1, &neg);
+	    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+		app_perror(status, "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_create_w_local_offer");
+		return -20;
+	    }
+	    *p_neg = neg;
+	} else {
+	    /* Modify local offer */
+	    status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_modify_local_offer(pool, neg, sdp1);
+	    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+		app_perror(status, "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_modify_local_offer");
+		return -30;
+	    }
+	}
+	/* Parse and validate remote answer */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_parse(pool, oa->sdp2, pj_ansi_strlen(oa->sdp2),
+				   &sdp2);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: parsing sdp2");
+	    return -40;
+	}
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_validate(sdp2);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: sdp2 validation failed");
+	    return -50;
+	}
+	/* Give the answer to negotiator. */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_set_remote_answer(pool, neg, sdp2);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_rx_remote_answer");
+	    return -60;
+	}
+	/* Negotiate remote answer with local answer */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_negotiate(pool, neg, 0);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_negotiate");
+	    return -70;
+	}
+	/* Get the local active media. */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_active_local(neg, &active);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_local");
+	    return -80;
+	}
+	/* Parse and validate the correct active media. */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_parse(pool, oa->sdp3, pj_ansi_strlen(oa->sdp3),
+				   &sdp3);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: parsing sdp3");
+	    return -90;
+	}
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_validate(sdp3);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: sdp3 validation failed");
+	    return -100;
+	}
+	/* Compare active with sdp3 */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_session_cmp(active, sdp3, 0);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: active local comparison mismatch");
+	    compare_sdp_string("Logical cmp after negotiatin remote answer",
+			       "Active local sdp from negotiator", active,
+			       "The correct active local sdp", sdp3,
+			       status);
+	    return -110;
+	}
+	/* Compare the string representation oa both sdps */
+	status = compare_sdp_string("String cmp after negotiatin remote answer",
+				    "Active local sdp from negotiator", active,
+				    "The correct active local sdp", sdp3,
+				    PJ_SUCCESS);
+	if (status != 0)
+	    return -120;
+    } else {
+	/* 
+	 * Remote creates offer first. 
+	 */
+	pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp2 = NULL, *sdp3;
+	const pjmedia_sdp_session *answer;
+	if (oa->sdp2) {
+	    /* Parse and validate initial local capability */
+	    status = pjmedia_sdp_parse(pool, oa->sdp2, pj_ansi_strlen(oa->sdp2),
+				       &sdp2);
+	    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+		app_perror(status, "   error: parsing sdp2");
+		return -200;
+	    }
+	    status = pjmedia_sdp_validate(sdp2);
+	    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+		app_perror(status, "   error: sdp2 validation failed");
+		return -210;
+	    }
+	} else if (neg) {
+	    const pjmedia_sdp_session *lsdp;
+	    status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_active_local(neg, &lsdp);
+	    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+		app_perror(status, 
+			   "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_active_local");
+		return -215;
+	    }
+	    sdp2 = (pjmedia_sdp_session*)lsdp;
+	}
+	if (neg == NULL) {
+	    /* Create negotiator with remote offer. */
+	    status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_create_w_remote_offer(pool, sdp2, sdp1, &neg);
+	    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+		app_perror(status, "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_create_w_remote_offer");
+		return -220;
+	    }
+	    *p_neg = neg;
+	} else {
+	    /* Received subsequent offer from remote. */
+	    status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_set_remote_offer(pool, neg, sdp1);
+	    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+		app_perror(status, "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_rx_remote_offer");
+		return -230;
+	    }
+	    status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_set_local_answer(pool, neg, sdp2);
+	    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+		app_perror(status, "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_set_local_answer");
+		return -235;
+	    }
+	}
+	/* Negotiate. */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_negotiate(pool, neg, 0);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_negotiate");
+	    return -240;
+	}
+	/* Get our answer. */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_active_local(neg, &answer);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_local");
+	    return -250;
+	}
+	/* Parse the correct answer. */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_parse(pool, oa->sdp3, pj_ansi_strlen(oa->sdp3),
+				   &sdp3);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: parsing sdp3");
+	    return -260;
+	}
+	/* Validate the correct answer. */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_validate(sdp3);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    app_perror(status, "   error: sdp3 validation failed");
+	    return -270;
+	}
+	/* Compare answer from negotiator and the correct answer */
+	status = pjmedia_sdp_session_cmp(sdp3, answer, 0);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    compare_sdp_string("Logical cmp after negotiating remote offer",
+			       "Local answer from negotiator", answer,
+			       "The correct local answer", sdp3,
+			       status);
+	    return -280;
+	}
+	/* Compare the string representation oa both answers */
+	status = compare_sdp_string("String cmp after negotiating remote offer",
+				    "Local answer from negotiator", answer,
+				    "The correct local answer", sdp3,
+				    PJ_SUCCESS);
+	if (status != 0)
+	    return -290;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int perform_test(pj_pool_t *pool, int test_index)
+    pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg = NULL;
+    unsigned i;
+    int rc;
+    for (i=0; i<test[test_index].offer_answer_count; ++i) {
+	rc = offer_answer_test(pool, &neg, &test[test_index].offer_answer[i]);
+	if (rc != 0) {
+	    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "  test %d offer answer %d failed with status %d",
+		      test_index, i, rc));
+	    return rc;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+int sdp_neg_test()
+    unsigned i;
+    int status;
+    for (i=START_TEST; i<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(test); ++i) {
+	pj_pool_t *pool;
+	pool = pj_pool_create(mem, "sdp_neg_test", 4000, 4000, NULL);
+	if (!pool)
+	    return PJ_ENOMEM;
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"  test %d: %s", i, test[i].title));
+	status = perform_test(pool, i);
+	pj_pool_release(pool);
+	if (status != 0) {
+	    return status;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/sdptest.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/sdptest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9733b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/sdptest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/* $Id: sdptest.c 3553 2011-05-05 06:14:19Z nanang $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pjmedia/sdp.h>
+#include <pj/os.h>
+#include <pj/pool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+static char *sdp[] = {
+    /*
+    "v=0\r\n"
+    "o=mhandley 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4\r\n"
+    "s=SDP Seminar\r\n"
+    "i=A Seminar on the session description protocol\r\n"
+    "u=http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/M.Handley/sdp.03.ps\r\n"
+    "e=mjh@isi.edu (Mark Handley)\r\n"
+    "c=IN IP4\r\n"
+    "t=2873397496 2873404696\r\n"
+    "a=recvonly\r\n"
+    "m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"
+    "m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31\r\n"
+    "m=application 32416 udp wb\r\n"
+    "a=orient:portrait\r\n"
+    "m=audio 49230 RTP/AVP 96 97 98\r\n"
+    "a=rtpmap:96 L8/8000\r\n"
+    "a=rtpmap:97 L16/8000\r\n"
+    "a=rtpmap:98 L16/11025/2\r\n",
+    */
+    "v=0\r\n"
+    "o=usera 2890844526 2890844527 IN IP4 alice.example.com\r\n"
+    "s=\r\n"
+    "c=IN IP4 alice.example.com\r\n"
+    "t=0 0\r\n"
+    "m=message 7394 msrp/tcp *\r\n"
+    "a=accept-types: message/cpim text/plain text/html\r\n"
+    "a=path:msrp://alice.example.com:7394/2s93i9;tcp\r\n"
+static int sdp_perform_test(pj_pool_factory *pf)
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    int inputlen, len;
+    pjsdp_session_desc *ses;
+    char buf[1500];
+    enum { LOOP=1000000 };
+    int i;
+    pj_time_val start, end;
+    printf("Parsing and printing %d SDP messages..\n", LOOP);
+    pool = pj_pool_create(pf, "", 4096, 0, NULL);
+    inputlen = strlen(sdp[0]);
+    pj_gettimeofday(&start);
+    for (i=0; i<LOOP; ++i) {
+	ses = pjsdp_parse(sdp[0], inputlen, pool);
+	len = pjsdp_print(ses, buf, sizeof(buf));
+	buf[len] = '\0';
+	pj_pool_reset(pool);
+    }
+    pj_gettimeofday(&end);
+    printf("Original:\n%s\n", sdp[0]);
+    printf("Parsed:\n%s\n", buf);
+    PJ_TIME_VAL_SUB(end, start);
+    printf("Time: %ld:%03lds\n", end.sec, end.msec);
+    if (end.msec==0 && end.sec==0) end.msec=1;
+    printf("Performance: %ld msg/sec\n", LOOP*1000/PJ_TIME_VAL_MSEC(end));
+    puts("");
+    pj_pool_release(pool);
+    return 0;
+static int sdp_conform_test(pj_pool_factory *pf)
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    pjsdp_session_desc *ses;
+    int i, len;
+    char buf[1500];
+    for (i=0; i<sizeof(sdp)/sizeof(sdp[0]); ++i) {
+	pool = pj_pool_create(pf, "sdp", 4096, 0, NULL);
+	ses = pjsdp_parse(sdp[i], strlen(sdp[i]), pool);
+	len = pjsdp_print(ses, buf, sizeof(buf)); 
+	buf[len] = '\0';
+	printf("%s\n", buf);
+	pj_pool_release(pool);
+    }
+    return 0;
+pj_status_t sdp_test(pj_pool_factory *pf)
+    if (sdp_conform_test(pf) != 0)
+	return -2;
+    if (sdp_perform_test(pf) != 0)
+	return -3;
+    return 0;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/session_test.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/session_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02564b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/session_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+/* $Id: session_test.c 3553 2011-05-05 06:14:19Z nanang $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pjmedia/mediamgr.h>
+#include <pjmedia/session.h>
+#include <pj/sock.h>
+#include <pj/pool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <pj/string.h>
+pj_status_t session_test (pj_pool_factory *pf)
+    pj_med_mgr_t *mm;
+    pj_media_session_t *s1, *s2;
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    pjsdp_session_desc *sdp;
+    pj_media_stream_info sd_info;
+    char buf[1024];
+    int len;
+    pj_media_stream_stat tx_stat, rx_stat;
+    pool = pj_pool_create(pf, "test", 4096, 1024, NULL);
+    // Init media manager.
+    mm = pj_med_mgr_create ( pf );
+    // Create caller session.
+    // THIS WILL DEFINITELY CRASH (NULL as argument)!
+    s1 = pj_media_session_create (mm, NULL);
+    // Set caller's media to send-only.
+    sd_info.dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_ENCODING;
+    pj_media_session_modify_stream (s1, 0, PJMEDIA_STREAM_MODIFY_DIR, &sd_info);
+    // Create caller SDP.
+    sdp = pj_media_session_create_sdp (s1, pool, 0);
+    len = pjsdp_print (sdp, buf, sizeof(buf));
+    buf[len] = '\0';
+    printf("Caller's initial SDP:\n<BEGIN>\n%s\n<END>\n", buf);
+    // Parse SDP from caller.
+    sdp = pjsdp_parse (buf, len, pool);
+    // Create callee session based on caller's SDP.
+    // THIS WILL DEFINITELY CRASH (NULL as argument)!
+    s2 = pj_media_session_create_from_sdp (mm, sdp, NULL);
+    // Create callee SDP
+    sdp = pj_media_session_create_sdp (s2, pool, 0);
+    len = pjsdp_print (sdp, buf, sizeof(buf));
+    buf[len] = '\0';
+    printf("Callee's SDP:\n<BEGIN>\n%s\n<END>\n", buf);
+    // Parse SDP from callee.
+    sdp = pjsdp_parse (buf, len, pool);
+    // Update caller
+    pj_media_session_update (s1, sdp);
+    sdp = pj_media_session_create_sdp (s1, pool, 0);
+    pjsdp_print (sdp, buf, sizeof(buf));
+    printf("Caller's SDP after update:\n<BEGIN>\n%s\n<END>\n", buf);
+    // Now start media.
+    pj_media_session_activate (s2);
+    pj_media_session_activate (s1);
+    // Wait
+    for (;;) {
+	int has_stat;
+	printf("Enter q to exit, 1 or 2 to print statistics.\n");
+	fgets (buf, 10, stdin);
+	has_stat = 0;
+	switch (buf[0]) {
+	case 'q':
+	case 'Q':
+	    goto done;
+	    break;
+	case '1':
+	    pj_media_session_get_stat (s1, 0, &tx_stat, &rx_stat);
+	    has_stat = 1;
+	    break;
+	case '2':
+	    pj_media_session_get_stat (s2, 0, &tx_stat, &rx_stat);
+	    has_stat = 1;
+	    break;
+	}
+	if (has_stat) {
+	    pj_media_stream_stat *stat[2] = { &tx_stat, &rx_stat };
+	    const char *statname[2] = { "TX", "RX" };
+	    int i;
+	    for (i=0; i<2; ++i) {
+		printf("%s statistics:\n", statname[i]);
+		printf(" Pkt      TX=%d RX=%d\n", stat[i]->pkt_tx, stat[i]->pkt_rx);
+		printf(" Octets   TX=%d RX=%d\n", stat[i]->oct_tx, stat[i]->oct_rx);
+		printf(" Jitter   %d ms\n", stat[i]->jitter);
+		printf(" Pkt lost %d\n", stat[i]->pkt_lost);
+	    }
+	    printf("\n");
+	}
+    }
+    // Done.
+    pj_pool_release (pool);
+    pj_media_session_destroy (s2);
+    pj_media_session_destroy (s1);
+    pj_med_mgr_destroy (mm);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/test.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44b46c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+/* $Id: test.c 3893 2011-12-01 10:49:07Z ming $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+#define THIS_FILE   "test.c"
+#define DO_TEST(test)	do { \
+			    PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "Running %s...", #test));  \
+			    rc = test; \
+			    PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE,  \
+				       "%s(%d)",  \
+				       (rc ? "..ERROR" : "..success"), rc)); \
+			    if (rc!=0) goto on_return; \
+			} while (0)
+pj_pool_factory *mem;
+void app_perror(pj_status_t status, const char *msg)
+    char errbuf[PJ_ERR_MSG_SIZE];
+    pjmedia_strerror(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "%s: %s", msg, errbuf));
+/* Force linking PLC stuff if G.711 is disabled. See:
+ *  https://trac.pjsip.org/repos/ticket/1337 
+ */
+int dummy()
+    // Dummy
+    return (int) &pjmedia_plc_save;
+int test_main(void)
+    int rc = 0;
+    pj_caching_pool caching_pool;
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    pj_init();
+    pj_caching_pool_init(&caching_pool, &pj_pool_factory_default_policy, 0);
+    pool = pj_pool_create(&caching_pool.factory, "test", 1000, 512, NULL);
+    pj_log_set_decor(PJ_LOG_HAS_NEWLINE);
+    pj_log_set_level(3);
+    mem = &caching_pool.factory;
+    pjmedia_video_format_mgr_create(pool, 64, 0, NULL);
+    pjmedia_converter_mgr_create(pool, NULL);
+    pjmedia_event_mgr_create(pool, 0, NULL);
+    pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_create(pool, NULL);
+    DO_TEST(vid_port_test());
+    DO_TEST(vid_dev_test());
+    DO_TEST(vid_codec_test());
+    DO_TEST(sdp_neg_test());
+    //DO_TEST(sdp_test (&caching_pool.factory));
+    //DO_TEST(rtp_test(&caching_pool.factory));
+    //DO_TEST(session_test (&caching_pool.factory));
+    DO_TEST(jbuf_main());
+    DO_TEST(mips_test());
+    DO_TEST(codec_test_vectors());
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE," "));
+    if (rc != 0) {
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"Test completed with error(s)!"));
+    } else {
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"Looks like everything is okay!"));
+    }
+    pjmedia_video_format_mgr_destroy(pjmedia_video_format_mgr_instance());
+    pjmedia_converter_mgr_destroy(pjmedia_converter_mgr_instance());
+    pjmedia_event_mgr_destroy(pjmedia_event_mgr_instance());
+    pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_destroy(pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_instance());
+    pj_pool_release(pool);
+    pj_caching_pool_destroy(&caching_pool);
+    return rc;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/test.h b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..872c097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* $Id: test.h 3667 2011-07-19 11:11:07Z nanang $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#ifndef __PJMEDIA_TEST_H__
+#define __PJMEDIA_TEST_H__
+#include <pjmedia.h>
+#include <pjlib.h>
+#define HAS_SDP_NEG_TEST	1
+#define HAS_JBUF_TEST		1
+#define HAS_MIPS_TEST		1
+int session_test(void);
+int rtp_test(void);
+int sdp_test(void);
+int jbuf_main(void);
+int sdp_neg_test(void);
+int mips_test(void);
+int codec_test_vectors(void);
+int vid_codec_test(void);
+int vid_dev_test(void);
+int vid_port_test(void);
+extern pj_pool_factory *mem;
+void app_perror(pj_status_t status, const char *title);
+int test_main(void);
+#endif	/* __PJMEDIA_TEST_H__ */
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_in_24000_fe.itu b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_in_24000_fe.itu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d419b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_in_24000_fe.itu
Binary files differ
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_in_32000_fe.itu b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_in_32000_fe.itu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56a7746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_in_32000_fe.itu
Binary files differ
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_24000.pcm b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_24000.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d725e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_24000.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_24000_fe.pcm b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_24000_fe.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bcbe40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_24000_fe.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_32000.pcm b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_32000.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e233b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_32000.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_32000_fe.pcm b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_32000_fe.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f76548d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_dec_out_32000_fe.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_in.wav b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_in.wav
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa546d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_in.wav
Binary files differ
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_out_24000_be.pak b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_out_24000_be.pak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c96144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_out_24000_be.pak
Binary files differ
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_out_32000_be.pak b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_out_32000_be.pak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e080e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/g722_1_enc_out_32000_be.pak
Binary files differ
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/swapendian.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/swapendian.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd67c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vectors/swapendian.c
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* $Id: swapendian.c 3550 2011-05-05 05:33:27Z nanang $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    FILE *in, *out;
+    char frm[2];
+    unsigned count;
+    if (argc != 3) {
+	puts("Usage: swapendian input.pcm OUTPUT.PCM");
+	return 1;
+    }
+    in = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
+    if (!in) {
+	puts("Open error");
+	return 1;
+    }
+    out = fopen(argv[2], "wb");
+    if (!out) {
+	puts("Open error");
+	fclose(in);
+	return 1;
+    }
+    count = 0;
+    for (;;) {
+	char tmp;
+	if (fread(frm, 2, 1, in) != 1)
+	    break;
+	tmp = frm[0];
+	frm[0] = frm[1];
+	frm[1] = tmp;
+	if (fwrite(frm, 2, 1, out) != 1) {
+	    puts("Write error");
+	    break;
+	}
+	++count;
+    }
+    printf("%d samples converted\n", count);
+    fclose(in);
+    fclose(out);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vid_codec_test.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vid_codec_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8710412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vid_codec_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+/* $Id: vid_codec_test.c 4537 2013-06-19 06:47:43Z riza $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+#include <pjmedia-codec/ffmpeg_vid_codecs.h>
+#include <pjmedia-videodev/videodev.h>
+#include <pjmedia/vid_codec.h>
+#include <pjmedia/port.h>
+#define THIS_FILE "vid_codec.c"
+ * Capture device setting: 
+ *   -1 = colorbar, 
+ *   -2 = any non-colorbar capture device (first found)
+ *    x = specified capture device id
+ */
+#define CAPTURE_DEV	    -1
+typedef struct codec_port_data_t
+    pjmedia_vid_codec   *codec;
+    pjmedia_vid_port    *rdr_port;
+    pj_uint8_t          *enc_buf;
+    pj_size_t            enc_buf_size;
+    pj_uint8_t          *pack_buf;
+    pj_size_t            pack_buf_size;
+} codec_port_data_t;
+static pj_status_t codec_on_event(pjmedia_event *event,
+                                  void *user_data)
+    codec_port_data_t *port_data = (codec_port_data_t*)user_data;
+    if (event->type == PJMEDIA_EVENT_FMT_CHANGED) {
+	pjmedia_vid_codec *codec = port_data->codec;
+	pjmedia_vid_codec_param codec_param;
+	pj_status_t status;
+	status = pjmedia_vid_codec_get_param(codec, &codec_param);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return status;
+	status = pjmedia_vid_dev_stream_set_cap(
+			pjmedia_vid_port_get_stream(port_data->rdr_port),
+			&codec_param.dec_fmt);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return status;
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pj_status_t codec_put_frame(pjmedia_port *port,
+			           pjmedia_frame *frame)
+    enum { MAX_PACKETS = 50 };
+    codec_port_data_t *port_data = (codec_port_data_t*)port->port_data.pdata;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    pjmedia_vid_codec *codec = port_data->codec;
+    unsigned enc_cnt = 0;
+    pj_uint8_t *enc_buf;
+    unsigned enc_size_left;
+    pjmedia_frame enc_frames[MAX_PACKETS];
+    pj_bool_t has_more = PJ_FALSE;
+    enc_buf = port_data->enc_buf;
+    enc_size_left = (unsigned)port_data->enc_buf_size;
+    /*
+     * Encode
+     */
+    enc_frames[enc_cnt].buf = enc_buf;
+    enc_frames[enc_cnt].size = enc_size_left;
+    status = pjmedia_vid_codec_encode_begin(codec, NULL, frame, enc_size_left,
+                                            &enc_frames[enc_cnt], &has_more);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) goto on_error;
+    enc_buf += enc_frames[enc_cnt].size;
+    enc_size_left -= (unsigned)enc_frames[enc_cnt].size;
+    ++enc_cnt;
+    while (has_more) {
+	enc_frames[enc_cnt].buf = enc_buf;
+	enc_frames[enc_cnt].size = enc_size_left;
+	status = pjmedia_vid_codec_encode_more(codec, enc_size_left,
+						&enc_frames[enc_cnt],
+						&has_more);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    break;
+	enc_buf += enc_frames[enc_cnt].size;
+	enc_size_left -= (unsigned)enc_frames[enc_cnt].size;
+	++enc_cnt;
+	if (enc_cnt >= MAX_PACKETS) {
+	    assert(!"Too many packets!");
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    /*
+     * Decode
+     */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_codec_decode(codec, enc_cnt, enc_frames,
+				      (unsigned)frame->size, frame);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) goto on_error;
+    /* Display */
+    status = pjmedia_port_put_frame(
+			pjmedia_vid_port_get_passive_port(port_data->rdr_port),
+			frame);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) goto on_error;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+    pj_perror(3, THIS_FILE, status, "codec_put_frame() error");
+    return status;
+static const char* dump_codec_info(const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *info)
+    static char str[80];
+    unsigned i;
+    char *p = str;
+    /* Raw format ids */
+    for (i=0; (i<info->dec_fmt_id_cnt) && (p-str+5<sizeof(str)); ++i) {
+        pj_memcpy(p, &info->dec_fmt_id[i], 4);
+        p += 4;
+        *p++ = ' ';
+    }
+    *p = '\0';
+    return str;
+static int enum_codecs()
+    unsigned i, cnt;
+    pjmedia_vid_codec_info info[PJMEDIA_CODEC_MGR_MAX_CODECS];
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "  codec enums"));
+    cnt = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(info);
+    status = pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_enum_codecs(NULL, &cnt, info, NULL);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+        return 100;
+    for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
+        PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "  %-16.*s %c%c %s",
+                   info[i].encoding_name.slen, info[i].encoding_name.ptr,
+                   (info[i].dir & PJMEDIA_DIR_ENCODING? 'E' : ' '),
+                   (info[i].dir & PJMEDIA_DIR_DECODING? 'D' : ' '),
+                   dump_codec_info(&info[i])));
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static int encode_decode_test(pj_pool_t *pool, const char *codec_id,
+                              pjmedia_vid_packing packing)
+    const pj_str_t port_name = {"codec", 5};
+    pjmedia_vid_codec *codec=NULL;
+    pjmedia_port codec_port;
+    codec_port_data_t codec_port_data;
+    pjmedia_vid_codec_param codec_param;
+    const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *codec_info;
+    const char *packing_name;
+    pjmedia_vid_dev_index cap_idx, rdr_idx;
+    pjmedia_vid_port *capture=NULL, *renderer=NULL;
+    pjmedia_vid_port_param vport_param;
+    pjmedia_video_format_detail *vfd;
+    char codec_name[5];
+    pj_status_t status;
+    int rc = 0;
+    switch (packing) {
+	packing_name = "framed";
+	break;
+	packing_name = "whole";
+	break;
+    default:
+	packing_name = "unknown";
+	break;
+    }
+    PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "  encode decode test: codec=%s, packing=%s",
+	       codec_id, packing_name));
+    /* Lookup codec */
+    {
+        pj_str_t codec_id_st;
+        unsigned info_cnt = 1;
+        /* Lookup codec */
+        pj_cstr(&codec_id_st, codec_id);
+        status = pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(NULL, &codec_id_st, 
+                                                         &info_cnt, 
+                                                         &codec_info, NULL);
+        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+            rc = 205; goto on_return;
+        }
+    }
+#if CAPTURE_DEV == -1
+    /* Lookup colorbar source */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_lookup("Colorbar", "Colorbar generator", &cap_idx);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 206; goto on_return;
+    }
+#elif CAPTURE_DEV == -2
+    /* Lookup any first non-colorbar source */
+    {
+	unsigned i, cnt;
+	pjmedia_vid_dev_info info;
+	cap_idx = -1;
+	cnt = pjmedia_vid_dev_count();
+	for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
+	    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(i, &info);
+	    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+		rc = 206; goto on_return;
+	    }
+	    if (info.dir & PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE && 
+		pj_ansi_stricmp(info.driver, "Colorbar"))
+	    {
+		cap_idx = i;
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (cap_idx == -1) {
+	    status = PJ_ENOTFOUND;
+	    rc = 206; goto on_return;
+	}
+    }
+    cap_idx = CAPTURE_DEV;
+    /* Lookup SDL renderer */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_lookup("SDL", "SDL renderer", &rdr_idx);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 207; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Prepare codec */
+    {
+        pj_str_t codec_id_st;
+        unsigned info_cnt = 1;
+        const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *codec_info;
+        /* Lookup codec */
+        pj_cstr(&codec_id_st, codec_id);
+        status = pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(NULL, &codec_id_st, 
+                                                         &info_cnt, 
+                                                         &codec_info, NULL);
+        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+            rc = 245; goto on_return;
+        }
+        status = pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_get_default_param(NULL, codec_info,
+                                                         &codec_param);
+        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+            rc = 246; goto on_return;
+        }
+        codec_param.packing = packing;
+        /* Open codec */
+        status = pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_alloc_codec(NULL, codec_info,
+                                                   &codec);
+        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    rc = 250; goto on_return;
+        }
+        status = pjmedia_vid_codec_init(codec, pool);
+        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    rc = 251; goto on_return;
+        }
+        status = pjmedia_vid_codec_open(codec, &codec_param);
+        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    rc = 252; goto on_return;
+        }
+	/* After opened, codec will update the param, let's sync encoder & 
+	 * decoder format detail.
+	 */
+	codec_param.dec_fmt.det = codec_param.enc_fmt.det;
+	/* Subscribe to codec events */
+	pjmedia_event_subscribe(NULL, &codec_on_event, &codec_port_data,
+                                codec);
+    }
+    pjmedia_vid_port_param_default(&vport_param);
+    /* Create capture, set it to active (master) */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_default_param(pool, cap_idx,
+					   &vport_param.vidparam);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 220; goto on_return;
+    }
+    pjmedia_format_copy(&vport_param.vidparam.fmt, &codec_param.dec_fmt);
+    vport_param.vidparam.dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE;
+    vport_param.active = PJ_TRUE;
+    if (vport_param.vidparam.fmt.detail_type != PJMEDIA_FORMAT_DETAIL_VIDEO) {
+	rc = 221; goto on_return;
+    }
+    vfd = pjmedia_format_get_video_format_detail(&vport_param.vidparam.fmt,
+						 PJ_TRUE);
+    if (vfd == NULL) {
+	rc = 225; goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_create(pool, &vport_param, &capture);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 226; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Create renderer, set it to passive (slave)  */
+    vport_param.active = PJ_FALSE;
+    vport_param.vidparam.dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_RENDER;
+    vport_param.vidparam.rend_id = rdr_idx;
+    vport_param.vidparam.disp_size = vfd->size;
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_create(pool, &vport_param, &renderer);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 230; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Init codec port */
+    pj_bzero(&codec_port, sizeof(codec_port));
+    status = pjmedia_port_info_init2(&codec_port.info, &port_name, 0x1234,
+                                     PJMEDIA_DIR_ENCODING, 
+                                     &codec_param.dec_fmt);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 260; goto on_return;
+    }
+    codec_port_data.codec = codec;
+    codec_port_data.rdr_port = renderer;
+    codec_port_data.enc_buf_size = codec_param.dec_fmt.det.vid.size.w *
+				   codec_param.dec_fmt.det.vid.size.h * 4;
+    codec_port_data.enc_buf = pj_pool_alloc(pool, 
+					    codec_port_data.enc_buf_size);
+    codec_port_data.pack_buf_size = codec_port_data.enc_buf_size;
+    codec_port_data.pack_buf = pj_pool_alloc(pool, 
+					     codec_port_data.pack_buf_size);
+    codec_port.put_frame = &codec_put_frame;
+    codec_port.port_data.pdata = &codec_port_data;
+    /* Connect capture to codec port */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_connect(capture,
+				      &codec_port,
+				      PJ_FALSE);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 270; goto on_return;
+    }
+    PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "    starting codec test: %s<->%.*s %dx%d",
+	pjmedia_fourcc_name(codec_param.dec_fmt.id, codec_name),
+	codec_info->encoding_name.slen,
+	codec_info->encoding_name.ptr,
+        codec_param.dec_fmt.det.vid.size.w,
+        codec_param.dec_fmt.det.vid.size.h
+        ));
+    /* Start streaming.. */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_start(renderer);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 275; goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_start(capture);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 280; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Sleep while the video is being displayed... */
+    pj_thread_sleep(10000);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        PJ_PERROR(3, (THIS_FILE, status, "  error"));
+    }
+    if (capture)
+        pjmedia_vid_port_stop(capture);
+    if (renderer)
+        pjmedia_vid_port_stop(renderer);
+    if (capture)
+	pjmedia_vid_port_destroy(capture);
+    if (renderer)
+	pjmedia_vid_port_destroy(renderer);
+    if (codec) {
+	pjmedia_event_unsubscribe(NULL, &codec_on_event, &codec_port_data,
+                                  codec);
+        pjmedia_vid_codec_close(codec);
+        pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_dealloc_codec(NULL, codec);
+    }
+    return rc;
+int vid_codec_test(void)
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    int rc = 0;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    int orig_log_level;
+    orig_log_level = pj_log_get_level();
+    pj_log_set_level(3);
+    PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "Performing video codec tests.."));
+    pool = pj_pool_create(mem, "Vid codec test", 256, 256, 0);
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_subsys_init(mem);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+        return -10;
+    status = pjmedia_codec_ffmpeg_vid_init(NULL, mem);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+        return -20;
+    rc = enum_codecs();
+    if (rc != 0)
+	goto on_return;
+    rc = encode_decode_test(pool, "h263-1998", PJMEDIA_VID_PACKING_WHOLE);
+    if (rc != 0)
+	goto on_return;
+    rc = encode_decode_test(pool, "h263-1998", PJMEDIA_VID_PACKING_PACKETS);
+    if (rc != 0)
+	goto on_return;
+    pjmedia_codec_ffmpeg_vid_deinit();
+    pjmedia_vid_dev_subsys_shutdown();
+    pj_pool_release(pool);
+    pj_log_set_level(orig_log_level);
+    return rc;
+#endif /* PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO */
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vid_dev_test.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vid_dev_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82f3def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vid_dev_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+/* $Id: vid_dev_test.c 4084 2012-04-25 07:13:05Z ming $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+#include <pjmedia-audiodev/audiodev.h>
+#include <pjmedia-codec/ffmpeg_vid_codecs.h>
+#include <pjmedia/vid_codec.h>
+#include <pjmedia_videodev.h>
+#define THIS_FILE 	"vid_dev_test.c"
+#define LOOP_DURATION	10
+static pj_bool_t is_quitting = PJ_FALSE;
+static const char *vid_dir_name(pjmedia_dir dir)
+    switch (dir) {
+	return "capture";
+	return "render";
+	return "capture & render";
+    default:
+	return "unknown";
+    }
+static int enum_devs(void)
+    unsigned i, dev_cnt;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, " Enum video devices:"));
+    dev_cnt = pjmedia_vid_dev_count();
+    for (i = 0; i < dev_cnt; ++i) {
+        pjmedia_vid_dev_info di;
+        status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(i, &di);
+        if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+            unsigned j;
+            PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, " %3d: %s (%s) - %s", i, di.name, di.driver,
+        	       vid_dir_name(di.dir)));
+            PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "      Supported formats:"));
+            for (j=0; j<di.fmt_cnt; ++j) {
+        	const pjmedia_video_format_info *vfi;
+        	vfi = pjmedia_get_video_format_info(NULL, di.fmt[j].id);
+        	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "       %s",
+        		  (vfi ? vfi->name : "unknown")));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pj_status_t vid_event_cb(pjmedia_event *event,
+                                void *user_data)
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(user_data);
+    if (event->type == PJMEDIA_EVENT_WND_CLOSED)
+        is_quitting = PJ_TRUE;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static int capture_render_loopback(int cap_dev_id, int rend_dev_id,
+                                   const pjmedia_format *fmt)
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    pjmedia_vid_port *capture=NULL, *renderer=NULL;
+    pjmedia_vid_dev_info cdi, rdi;
+    pjmedia_vid_port_param param;
+    pjmedia_video_format_detail *vfd;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    int rc = 0, i;
+    pool = pj_pool_create(mem, "vidloop", 1000, 1000, NULL);
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(cap_dev_id, &cdi);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	goto on_return;
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(rend_dev_id, &rdi);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	goto on_return;
+	      "  %s (%s) ===> %s (%s)\t%s\t%dx%d\t@%d:%d fps",
+	      cdi.name, cdi.driver, rdi.name, rdi.driver,
+	      pjmedia_get_video_format_info(NULL, fmt->id)->name,
+	      fmt->det.vid.size.w, fmt->det.vid.size.h,
+	      fmt->det.vid.fps.num, fmt->det.vid.fps.denum));
+    pjmedia_vid_port_param_default(&param);
+    /* Create capture, set it to active (master) */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_default_param(pool, cap_dev_id,
+					   &param.vidparam);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 100; goto on_return;
+    }
+    param.vidparam.dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE;
+    param.vidparam.fmt = *fmt;
+    param.active = PJ_TRUE;
+    if (param.vidparam.fmt.detail_type != PJMEDIA_FORMAT_DETAIL_VIDEO) {
+	rc = 103; goto on_return;
+    }
+    vfd = pjmedia_format_get_video_format_detail(&param.vidparam.fmt, PJ_TRUE);
+    if (vfd == NULL) {
+	rc = 105; goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_create(pool, &param, &capture);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 110; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Create renderer, set it to passive (slave)  */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_default_param(pool, rend_dev_id,
+					   &param.vidparam);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 120; goto on_return;
+    }
+    param.active = PJ_FALSE;
+    param.vidparam.dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_RENDER;
+    param.vidparam.rend_id = rend_dev_id;
+    param.vidparam.fmt = *fmt;
+    param.vidparam.disp_size = vfd->size;
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_create(pool, &param, &renderer);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 130; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Set event handler */
+    pjmedia_event_subscribe(NULL, &vid_event_cb, NULL, renderer);
+    /* Connect capture to renderer */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_connect(
+                 capture,
+		 pjmedia_vid_port_get_passive_port(renderer),
+		 PJ_FALSE);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 140; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Start streaming.. */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_start(renderer);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 150; goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_start(capture);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 160; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Sleep while the webcam is being displayed... */
+    for (i = 0; i < LOOP_DURATION*10 && (!is_quitting); i++) {
+        pj_thread_sleep(100);
+    }
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	PJ_PERROR(3, (THIS_FILE, status, "   error"));
+    if (capture)
+        pjmedia_vid_port_stop(capture);
+    if (renderer)
+        pjmedia_vid_port_stop(renderer);
+    if (capture)
+	pjmedia_vid_port_destroy(capture);
+    if (renderer) {
+        pjmedia_event_unsubscribe(NULL, &vid_event_cb, NULL, renderer);
+	pjmedia_vid_port_destroy(renderer);
+    }
+    pj_pool_release(pool);
+    return rc;
+static int loopback_test(void)
+    unsigned count, i;
+    pjmedia_format_id test_fmts[] = {
+    };
+    pjmedia_rect_size test_sizes[] = {
+	{176,144},	/* QCIF */
+	{352,288},	/* CIF */
+	{704,576}	/* 4CIF */
+    };
+    pjmedia_ratio test_fpses[] = {
+	{25, 1},
+	{30, 1},
+    };
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, " Loopback tests (prepare you webcams):"));
+    count = pjmedia_vid_dev_count();
+    for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+	pjmedia_vid_dev_info cdi;
+	unsigned j;
+	status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(i, &cdi);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return -300;
+	/* Only interested with capture device */
+	if ((cdi.dir & PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE) == 0)
+	    continue;
+	for (j=i+1; j<count; ++j) {
+	    pjmedia_vid_dev_info rdi;
+	    unsigned k;
+	    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(j, &rdi);
+	    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+		return -310;
+	    /* Only interested with render device */
+	    if ((rdi.dir & PJMEDIA_DIR_RENDER) == 0)
+		continue;
+	    /* Test with the format, size, and fps combinations */
+	    for (k=0; k<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(test_fmts); ++k) {
+		unsigned l;
+		for (l=0; l<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(test_sizes); ++l) {
+		    unsigned m;
+		    for (m=0; m<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(test_fpses); ++m) {
+			pjmedia_format fmt;
+			pjmedia_format_init_video(&fmt, test_fmts[k],
+			                          test_sizes[l].w,
+			                          test_sizes[l].h,
+			                          test_fpses[m].num,
+			                          test_fpses[m].denum);
+			capture_render_loopback(i, j, &fmt);
+		    }
+		}
+	    } /* k */
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+int vid_dev_test(void)
+    int rc = 0;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_subsys_init(mem);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+        return -10;
+    rc = enum_devs();
+    if (rc != 0)
+	goto on_return;
+    rc = loopback_test();
+    if (rc != 0)
+	goto on_return;
+    pjmedia_vid_dev_subsys_shutdown();
+    return rc;
+#endif /* PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO */
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vid_port_test.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vid_port_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d6555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/vid_port_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+/* $Id: vid_port_test.c 4084 2012-04-25 07:13:05Z ming $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+#include <pjmedia-audiodev/audiodev.h>
+#include <pjmedia-codec/ffmpeg_vid_codecs.h>
+#include <pjmedia/vid_codec.h>
+#include <pjmedia_videodev.h>
+#define THIS_FILE 	"vid_dev_test.c"
+#define LOOP_DURATION	6
+static pj_bool_t is_quitting = PJ_FALSE;
+static pj_status_t vid_event_cb(pjmedia_event *event,
+                                void *user_data)
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(user_data);
+    if (event->type == PJMEDIA_EVENT_WND_CLOSED)
+        is_quitting = PJ_TRUE;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static int capture_render_loopback(pj_bool_t active,
+				   int cap_dev_id, int rend_dev_id,
+                                   const pjmedia_format *fmt)
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    pjmedia_vid_port *capture=NULL, *renderer=NULL;
+    pjmedia_vid_dev_info cdi, rdi;
+    pjmedia_vid_port_param param;
+    pjmedia_video_format_detail *vfd;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    int rc = 0, i;
+    pool = pj_pool_create(mem, "vidportloop", 1000, 1000, NULL);
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(cap_dev_id, &cdi);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	goto on_return;
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(rend_dev_id, &rdi);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	goto on_return;
+	      "  %s (%s) ===> %s (%s)\t%s\t%dx%d\t@%d:%d fps",
+	      cdi.name, cdi.driver, rdi.name, rdi.driver,
+	      pjmedia_get_video_format_info(NULL, fmt->id)->name,
+	      fmt->det.vid.size.w, fmt->det.vid.size.h,
+	      fmt->det.vid.fps.num, fmt->det.vid.fps.denum));
+    pjmedia_vid_port_param_default(&param);
+    /* Create capture, set it to active (master) */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_default_param(pool, cap_dev_id,
+					   &param.vidparam);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 100; goto on_return;
+    }
+    param.vidparam.dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE;
+    param.vidparam.fmt = *fmt;
+    param.active = (active? PJ_TRUE: PJ_FALSE);
+    if (param.vidparam.fmt.detail_type != PJMEDIA_FORMAT_DETAIL_VIDEO) {
+	rc = 103; goto on_return;
+    }
+    vfd = pjmedia_format_get_video_format_detail(&param.vidparam.fmt, PJ_TRUE);
+    if (vfd == NULL) {
+	rc = 105; goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_create(pool, &param, &capture);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 110; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Create renderer, set it to passive (slave)  */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_default_param(pool, rend_dev_id,
+					   &param.vidparam);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 120; goto on_return;
+    }
+    param.active = (active? PJ_FALSE: PJ_TRUE);
+    param.vidparam.dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_RENDER;
+    param.vidparam.rend_id = rend_dev_id;
+    param.vidparam.fmt = *fmt;
+    param.vidparam.disp_size = vfd->size;
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_create(pool, &param, &renderer);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 130; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Set event handler */
+    pjmedia_event_subscribe(NULL, &vid_event_cb, NULL, renderer);
+    /* Connect capture to renderer */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_connect(
+	         (active? capture: renderer),
+		 pjmedia_vid_port_get_passive_port(active? renderer: capture),
+		 PJ_FALSE);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 140; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Start streaming.. */
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_start(renderer);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 150; goto on_return;
+    }
+    status = pjmedia_vid_port_start(capture);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	rc = 160; goto on_return;
+    }
+    /* Sleep while the webcam is being displayed... */
+    for (i = 0; i < LOOP_DURATION*10 && (!is_quitting); i++) {
+        pj_thread_sleep(100);
+    }
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	PJ_PERROR(3, (THIS_FILE, status, "   error"));
+    if (capture)
+        pjmedia_vid_port_stop(capture);
+    if (renderer)
+        pjmedia_vid_port_stop(renderer);
+    if (capture)
+	pjmedia_vid_port_destroy(capture);
+    if (renderer) {
+        pjmedia_event_unsubscribe(NULL, &vid_event_cb, NULL, renderer);
+	pjmedia_vid_port_destroy(renderer);
+    }
+    pj_pool_release(pool);
+    return rc;
+static int find_device(pjmedia_dir dir,
+		       pj_bool_t has_callback)
+    unsigned i, count = pjmedia_vid_dev_count();
+    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+	pjmedia_vid_dev_info cdi;
+	if (pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(i, &cdi) != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    continue;
+	if ((cdi.dir & dir) != 0 && cdi.has_callback == has_callback)
+	    return i;
+    }
+    return -999;
+static int vidport_test(void)
+    int i, j, k, l;
+    int cap_id, rend_id;
+    pjmedia_format_id test_fmts[] = {
+        PJMEDIA_FORMAT_I420
+    };
+    PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, " Video port tests:"));
+    /* Capturer's role: active/passive. */
+    for (i = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+	/* Capturer's device has_callback: TRUE/FALSE. */
+	for (j = 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+	    cap_id = find_device(PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE, j);
+	    if (cap_id < 0)
+		continue;
+	    /* Renderer's device has callback: TRUE/FALSE. */
+	    for (k = 1; k >= 0; k--) {
+		rend_id = find_device(PJMEDIA_DIR_RENDER, k);
+		if (rend_id < 0)
+		    continue;
+		/* Check various formats to test format conversion. */
+		for (l = 0; l < PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(test_fmts); ++l) {
+		    pjmedia_format fmt;
+		    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,
+			      "capturer %s (stream: %s) ===> "
+			      "renderer %s (stream: %s)",
+			      (i? "active": "passive"),
+			      (j? "active": "passive"),
+			      (i? "passive": "active"),
+			      (k? "active": "passive")));
+		    pjmedia_format_init_video(&fmt, test_fmts[l],
+					      640, 480, 25, 1);
+		    capture_render_loopback(i, cap_id, rend_id, &fmt);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+int vid_port_test(void)
+    int rc = 0;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_subsys_init(mem);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+        return -10;
+    rc = vidport_test();
+    if (rc != 0)
+	goto on_return;
+    pjmedia_vid_dev_subsys_shutdown();
+    return rc;
+#endif /* PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO */
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/wince_main.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/wince_main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c36c375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/wince_main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* $Id: wince_main.c 3553 2011-05-05 06:14:19Z nanang $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define TITLE	"PJMEDIA Test"
+#define CAPTION	"This will start pjmedia test. Please do not use the PDA while the test is in progress. The test may take couple of minutes to complete, and you will be notified again when it completes"
+static FILE *fLog;
+static void log_writer_cb(int level, const char *data, int len)
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(level);
+    fwrite(data, len, 1, fLog);
+int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
+		   HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
+		   LPTSTR    lpCmdLine,
+		   int       nCmdShow)
+    int rc;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(hInstance);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(hPrevInstance);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(lpCmdLine);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(nCmdShow);
+    rc = MessageBox(0, TEXT(CAPTION), TEXT(TITLE), MB_OKCANCEL);
+    if (rc != IDOK)
+	return TRUE;
+    fLog = fopen("\\pjmedia-test.txt", "wt");
+    if (fLog == NULL) {
+	MessageBox(0, TEXT("Unable to create result file"), TEXT(TITLE), MB_OK);
+	return TRUE;
+    }
+    pj_log_set_log_func(&log_writer_cb);
+    rc = test_main();
+    fclose(fLog);
+    if (rc != 0) {
+	MessageBox(0, TEXT("Test failed"), TEXT(TITLE), MB_OK);
+	return TRUE;
+    }
+    MessageBox(0, TEXT("Test has been successful. Please see the result in \"\\pjmedia-test.txt\" file"),
+		  TEXT(TITLE), 0);
+    return TRUE;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/wsola_test.c b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/wsola_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45f6ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/pjmedia/src/test/wsola_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+/* $Id: wsola_test.c 3550 2011-05-05 05:33:27Z nanang $ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pjmedia/wsola.h>
+#include <pj/log.h>
+#include <pj/pool.h>
+#include <pj/os.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#define CLOCK_RATE	    16000
+#define SAMPLES_PER_FRAME   (10 * CLOCK_RATE / 1000)
+#define RESET()	    memset(buf1, 0, sizeof(buf1)), \
+		    memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)), \
+		    memset(frm1, 0, sizeof(frm1)), \
+		    memset(frm2, 0, sizeof(frm2))
+#if 0
+void test_find_pitch(void)
+    enum { ON = 111, FRM_PART_LEN=20 };
+    short buf2[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2], buf1[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2],
+    short *ref, *pos;
+    /* Case 1. all contiguous */
+    RESET();
+    ref = buf1 + 10;
+    *ref = ON;
+    frm1[0] = ON;
+    pos = pjmedia_wsola_find_pitch(frm1, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, NULL, 0,
+				   buf1, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, NULL, 0, PJ_TRUE);
+    assert(pos == ref);
+    /* Case 2: contiguous buffer, non-contiguous frame */
+    RESET();
+    ref = buf1 + 17;
+    *ref = ON;
+    *(ref+FRM_PART_LEN) = ON;
+    frm1[0] = ON;
+    frm2[0] = ON;
+    /* Noise */
+    buf1[0] = ON;
+    pos = pjmedia_wsola_find_pitch(frm1, FRM_PART_LEN, frm2, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME - FRM_PART_LEN,
+				   buf1, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, NULL, 0, PJ_TRUE);
+    assert(pos == ref);
+    /* Case 3: non-contiguous buffer, contiguous frame, found in buf1 */
+    RESET();
+    ref = buf1 + 17;
+    *ref = ON;
+    buf2[17] = ON;
+    frm1[0] = ON;
+    frm1[FRM_PART_LEN] = ON;
+    /* Noise */
+    buf1[0] = ON;
+    pos = pjmedia_wsola_find_pitch(frm1, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, NULL, 0,
+				   buf1, FRM_PART_LEN,
+				   buf2, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME,
+				   PJ_TRUE);
+    assert(pos == ref);
+int expand(pj_pool_t *pool, const char *filein, const char *fileout,
+	   int expansion_rate100, int lost_rate10, int lost_burst)
+    enum { LOST_RATE = 10 };
+    FILE *in, *out;
+    short frame[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME];
+    pjmedia_wsola *wsola;
+    pj_timestamp elapsed, zero;
+    unsigned samples;
+    int last_lost = 0;
+    /* Lost burst must be > 0 */
+    assert(lost_rate10==0 || lost_burst > 0);
+    in = fopen(filein, "rb");
+    if (!in) return 1;
+    out = fopen(fileout, "wb");
+    if (!out) return 1;
+    pjmedia_wsola_create(pool, CLOCK_RATE, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, 1, 0, &wsola);
+    samples = 0;
+    elapsed.u64 = 0;
+    while (fread(frame, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, 1, in) == 1) {
+	pj_timestamp t1, t2;
+	if (lost_rate10 == 0) {
+	    /* Expansion */
+	    pj_get_timestamp(&t1);
+	    pjmedia_wsola_save(wsola, frame, 0);
+	    pj_get_timestamp(&t2);
+	    pj_sub_timestamp(&t2, &t1);
+	    pj_add_timestamp(&elapsed, &t2);
+	    fwrite(frame, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, 1, out);
+	    samples += SAMPLES_PER_FRAME;
+	    if ((rand() % 100) < expansion_rate100) {
+		pj_get_timestamp(&t1);
+		pjmedia_wsola_generate(wsola, frame);
+		pj_get_timestamp(&t2);
+		pj_sub_timestamp(&t2, &t1);
+		pj_add_timestamp(&elapsed, &t2);
+		samples += SAMPLES_PER_FRAME;
+		fwrite(frame, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, 1, out);
+	    } 
+	} else {
+	    /* Lost */
+	    if ((rand() % 10) < lost_rate10) {
+		int burst;
+		for (burst=0; burst<lost_burst; ++burst) {
+		    pj_get_timestamp(&t1);
+		    pjmedia_wsola_generate(wsola, frame);
+		    pj_get_timestamp(&t2);
+		    pj_sub_timestamp(&t2, &t1);
+		    pj_add_timestamp(&elapsed, &t2);
+		    samples += SAMPLES_PER_FRAME;
+		    fwrite(frame, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, 1, out);
+		}
+		last_lost = 1;
+	    } else {
+		pj_get_timestamp(&t1);
+		pjmedia_wsola_save(wsola, frame, last_lost);
+		pj_get_timestamp(&t2);
+		pj_sub_timestamp(&t2, &t1);
+		pj_add_timestamp(&elapsed, &t2);
+		samples += SAMPLES_PER_FRAME;
+		fwrite(frame, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, 1, out);
+		last_lost = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    zero.u64 = 0;
+    zero.u64 = pj_elapsed_usec(&zero, &elapsed);
+    zero.u64 = samples * PJ_INT64(1000000) / zero.u64;
+    assert(zero.u32.hi == 0);
+    PJ_LOG(3,("test.c", "Processing: %f Msamples per second", 
+	      zero.u32.lo/1000000.0));
+    PJ_LOG(3,("test.c", "CPU load for current settings: %f%%",
+	      CLOCK_RATE * 100.0 / zero.u32.lo));
+    pjmedia_wsola_destroy(wsola);
+    fclose(in);
+    fclose(out);
+    return 0;
+static void save_file(const char *file, 
+		      short frame[], unsigned count)
+    FILE *f = fopen(file, "wb");
+    fwrite(frame, count, 2, f);
+    fclose(f);
+int compress(pj_pool_t *pool, 
+	     const char *filein, const char *fileout, 
+	     int rate10)
+    enum { BUF_CNT = SAMPLES_PER_FRAME * 10 };
+    FILE *in, *out;
+    pjmedia_wsola *wsola;
+    short buf[BUF_CNT];
+    pj_timestamp elapsed, zero;
+    unsigned samples = 0;
+    in = fopen(filein, "rb");
+    if (!in) return 1;
+    out = fopen(fileout, "wb");
+    if (!out) return 1;
+    pjmedia_wsola_create(pool, CLOCK_RATE, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, 1, 0, &wsola);
+    elapsed.u64 = 0;
+    for (;;) {
+	unsigned size_del, count;
+	pj_timestamp t1, t2;
+	int i;
+	if (fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, in) != 1)
+	    break;
+	count = BUF_CNT;
+	size_del = 0;
+	pj_get_timestamp(&t1);
+	for (i=0; i<rate10; ++i) {
+	    unsigned to_del = SAMPLES_PER_FRAME;
+#if 0
+	    /* Method 1: buf1 contiguous */
+	    pjmedia_wsola_discard(wsola, buf, count, NULL, 0, &to_del);
+#elif 0
+	    /* Method 2: split, majority in buf1 */
+	    assert(count > SAMPLES_PER_FRAME);
+	    pjmedia_wsola_discard(wsola, buf, count-SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, 
+				  &to_del);
+#elif 0
+	    /* Method 3: split, majority in buf2 */
+	    assert(count > SAMPLES_PER_FRAME);
+	    pjmedia_wsola_discard(wsola, buf, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, 
+				  &to_del);
+#elif 1
+	    /* Method 4: split, each with small length */
+	    enum { TOT_LEN = 3 * SAMPLES_PER_FRAME };
+	    unsigned buf1_len = (rand() % TOT_LEN);
+	    short *ptr = buf + count - TOT_LEN;
+	    assert(count > TOT_LEN);
+	    if (buf1_len==0) buf1_len=SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2;
+	    pjmedia_wsola_discard(wsola, ptr, buf1_len, 
+				  ptr+buf1_len, TOT_LEN-buf1_len, 
+				  &to_del);
+	    count -= to_del;
+	    size_del += to_del;
+	}
+	pj_get_timestamp(&t2);
+	samples += BUF_CNT;
+	pj_sub_timestamp(&t2, &t1);
+	pj_add_timestamp(&elapsed, &t2);
+	assert(size_del >= SAMPLES_PER_FRAME);
+	fwrite(buf, count, 2, out);
+    }
+    pjmedia_wsola_destroy(wsola);
+    fclose(in);
+    fclose(out);
+    zero.u64 = 0;
+    zero.u64 = pj_elapsed_usec(&zero, &elapsed);
+    zero.u64 = samples * PJ_INT64(1000000) / zero.u64;
+    assert(zero.u32.hi == 0);
+    PJ_LOG(3,("test.c", "Processing: %f Msamples per second", 
+	      zero.u32.lo/1000000.0));
+    PJ_LOG(3,("test.c", "CPU load for current settings: %f%%",
+	      CLOCK_RATE * 100.0 / zero.u32.lo));
+    return 0;
+static void mem_test(pj_pool_t *pool)
+    char unused[1024];
+    short   *frame = pj_pool_alloc(pool, 240+4*160);
+    pj_timestamp elapsed, zero, t1, t2;
+    unsigned samples = 0;
+    elapsed.u64 = 0;
+    while (samples < 50000000) {
+	pj_get_timestamp(&t1);
+	pjmedia_move_samples(frame, frame+160, 240+2*160);
+	pj_get_timestamp(&t2);
+	pj_sub_timestamp(&t2, &t1);
+	elapsed.u64 += t2.u64;
+	memset(unused, 0, sizeof(unused));
+	samples += 160;
+    }
+    zero.u64 = 0;
+    zero.u64 = pj_elapsed_usec(&zero, &elapsed);
+    zero.u64 = samples * PJ_INT64(1000000) / zero.u64;
+    assert(zero.u32.hi == 0);
+    PJ_LOG(3,("test.c", "Processing: %f Msamples per second", 
+	      zero.u32.lo/1000000.0));
+    PJ_LOG(3,("test.c", "CPU load for current settings: %f%%",
+	      CLOCK_RATE * 100.0 / zero.u32.lo));
+int main()
+    pj_caching_pool cp;
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    int i, rc;
+    //test_find_pitch();
+    pj_init();
+    pj_caching_pool_init(&cp, NULL, 0);
+    pool = pj_pool_create(&cp.factory, "", 1000, 1000, NULL);
+    srand(2);
+    rc = expand(pool, "galileo16.pcm", "temp1.pcm", 20, 0, 0);
+    rc = compress(pool, "temp1.pcm", "output.pcm", 1);
+    for (i=0; i<2; ++i) {
+	rc = expand(pool, "output.pcm", "temp1.pcm", 20, 0, 0);
+	rc = compress(pool, "temp1.pcm", "output.pcm", 1);
+    }
+    if (rc != 0) {
+	puts("Error");
+	return 1;
+    }
+#if 0
+    {
+	char s[10];
+	puts("Press ENTER to quit");
+	fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin);
+    }
+    return 0;