* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f91c234f6c0ff29c0f52557f1df095d01edeeba2.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f91c234f6c0ff29c0f52557f1df095d01edeeba2.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..117497b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f91c234f6c0ff29c0f52557f1df095d01edeeba2.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+ /**
+ * \page page_pjmedia_samples_encdec_c Samples: Encoding and Decoding
+ *
+ * This sample shows how to use codec.
+ *
+ * This file is pjsip-apps/src/samples/encdec.c
+ *
+ * \includelineno encdec.c
+ */
+#include <pjlib.h>
+#include <pjmedia.h>
+#include <pjmedia-codec.h>
+#define THIS_FILE   "encdec.c"
+static const char *desc = 
+ " encdec								\n"
+ "									\n"
+ " PURPOSE:								\n"
+ "  Encode input WAV with a codec, and decode the result to another WAV \n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ " USAGE:								\n"
+ "  encdec codec input.wav output.wav                                   \n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ " where:\n"
+ "  codec         Set the codec name.                                   \n"
+ "  input.wav     Set the input WAV filename.                           \n"
+ "  output.wav    Set the output WAV filename.                          \n"
+ "\n"
+//#undef PJ_TRACE
+//#define PJ_TRACE 1
+#ifndef PJ_TRACE
+#	define PJ_TRACE 0
+#   define TRACE_(expr)	    PJ_LOG(4,expr)
+#   define TRACE_(expr)
+static void err(const char *op, pj_status_t status)
+    char errmsg[PJ_ERR_MSG_SIZE];
+    pj_strerror(status, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg));
+    PJ_LOG(3,("", "%s error: %s", op, errmsg));
+#define CHECK(op)   do { \
+			status = op; \
+			if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { \
+			    err(#op, status); \
+			    return status; \
+			} \
+		    } \
+		    while (0)
+static pjmedia_endpt *mept;
+static unsigned file_msec_duration;
+static pj_status_t enc_dec_test(const char *codec_id,
+				const char *filein,
+			        const char *fileout)
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    pjmedia_codec_mgr *cm;
+    pjmedia_codec *codec;
+    const pjmedia_codec_info *pci;
+    pjmedia_codec_param param;
+    unsigned cnt, samples_per_frame;
+    pj_str_t tmp;
+    pjmedia_port *wavin, *wavout;
+    unsigned lost_pct;
+    pj_status_t status;
+#define T   file_msec_duration/1000, file_msec_duration%1000
+    pool = pjmedia_endpt_create_pool(mept, "encdec", 1000, 1000);
+    cm = pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(mept);
+#ifdef LOST_PCT
+    lost_pct = LOST_PCT;
+    lost_pct = 0;
+    cnt = 1;
+    CHECK( pjmedia_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(cm, pj_cstr(&tmp, codec_id), 
+					       &cnt, &pci, NULL) );
+    CHECK( pjmedia_codec_mgr_get_default_param(cm, pci, &param) );
+    samples_per_frame = param.info.clock_rate * param.info.frm_ptime / 1000;
+    /* Control VAD */
+    param.setting.vad = 1;
+    /* Open wav for reading */
+    CHECK( pjmedia_wav_player_port_create(pool, filein, 
+					  param.info.frm_ptime, 
+					  PJMEDIA_FILE_NO_LOOP, 0, &wavin) );
+    /* Open wav for writing */
+    CHECK( pjmedia_wav_writer_port_create(pool, fileout,
+					  param.info.clock_rate, 
+					  param.info.channel_cnt,
+					  samples_per_frame,
+					  16, 0, 0, &wavout) );
+    /* Alloc codec */
+    CHECK( pjmedia_codec_mgr_alloc_codec(cm, pci, &codec) );
+    CHECK( pjmedia_codec_init(codec, pool) );
+    CHECK( pjmedia_codec_open(codec, &param) );
+    for (;;) {
+	pjmedia_frame frm_pcm, frm_bit, out_frm, frames[4];
+	pj_int16_t pcmbuf[320];
+	pj_timestamp ts;
+	pj_uint8_t bitstream[160];
+	frm_pcm.buf = (char*)pcmbuf;
+	frm_pcm.size = samples_per_frame * 2;
+	/* Read from WAV */
+	if (pjmedia_port_get_frame(wavin, &frm_pcm) != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    break;
+	if (frm_pcm.type != PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO)
+	    break;;
+	/* Update duration */
+	file_msec_duration += samples_per_frame * 1000 / 
+			      param.info.clock_rate;
+	/* Encode */
+	frm_bit.buf = bitstream;
+	frm_bit.size = sizeof(bitstream);
+	CHECK(pjmedia_codec_encode(codec, &frm_pcm, sizeof(bitstream), 
+	                           &frm_bit));
+	/* On DTX, write zero frame to wavout to maintain duration */
+	if (frm_bit.size == 0 || frm_bit.type != PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO) {
+	    out_frm.buf = (char*)pcmbuf;
+	    out_frm.size = 160;
+	    CHECK( pjmedia_port_put_frame(wavout, &out_frm) );
+	    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "%d.%03d read: %u, enc: %u",
+		    T, frm_pcm.size, frm_bit.size));
+	    continue;
+	}
+	/* Parse the bitstream (not really necessary for this case
+	 * since we always decode 1 frame, but it's still good
+	 * for testing)
+	 */
+	ts.u64 = 0;
+	cnt = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(frames);
+	CHECK( pjmedia_codec_parse(codec, bitstream, frm_bit.size, &ts, &cnt, 
+			           frames) );
+	CHECK( (cnt==1 ? PJ_SUCCESS : -1) );
+	/* Decode or simulate packet loss */
+	out_frm.buf = (char*)pcmbuf;
+	out_frm.size = sizeof(pcmbuf);
+	if ((pj_rand() % 100) < (int)lost_pct) {
+	    /* Simulate loss */
+	    CHECK( pjmedia_codec_recover(codec, sizeof(pcmbuf), &out_frm) );
+	    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "%d.%03d Packet lost", T));
+	} else {
+	    /* Decode */
+	    CHECK( pjmedia_codec_decode(codec, &frames[0], sizeof(pcmbuf), 
+				     &out_frm) );
+	}
+	/* Write to WAV */
+	CHECK( pjmedia_port_put_frame(wavout, &out_frm) );
+	TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "%d.%03d read: %u, enc: %u, dec/write: %u",
+		T, frm_pcm.size, frm_bit.size, out_frm.size));
+    }
+    /* Close wavs */
+    pjmedia_port_destroy(wavout);
+    pjmedia_port_destroy(wavin);
+    /* Close codec */
+    pjmedia_codec_close(codec);
+    pjmedia_codec_mgr_dealloc_codec(cm, codec);
+    /* Release pool */
+    pj_pool_release(pool);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    pj_caching_pool cp;
+    pj_time_val t0, t1;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    if (argc != 4) {
+	puts(desc);
+	return 1;
+    }
+    CHECK( pj_init() );
+    pj_caching_pool_init(&cp, NULL, 0);
+    CHECK( pjmedia_endpt_create(&cp.factory, NULL, 1, &mept) );
+    /* Register all codecs */
+    CHECK( pjmedia_codec_register_audio_codecs(mept, NULL) );
+    pj_gettimeofday(&t0);
+    status = enc_dec_test(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
+    pj_gettimeofday(&t1);
+    PJ_TIME_VAL_SUB(t1, t0);
+    pjmedia_endpt_destroy(mept);
+    pj_caching_pool_destroy(&cp);
+    pj_shutdown();
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	puts("");
+	puts("Success");
+	printf("Duration: %ds.%03d\n", file_msec_duration/1000, 
+				       file_msec_duration%1000);
+	printf("Time: %lds.%03ld\n", t1.sec, t1.msec);
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f92602d36f00ab6ac107d3ac1dd20a2825f7912c.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f92602d36f00ab6ac107d3ac1dd20a2825f7912c.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91a00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f92602d36f00ab6ac107d3ac1dd20a2825f7912c.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include <eikon.rh>
+#include <avkon.rsg>
+#include <avkon.rh>
+#include <appinfo.rh>
+#include "pjsua_reg.loc"
+#include <pjsua.rsg>
+UID2 KUidAppRegistrationResourceFile
+UID3 0xE44C2D02
+	{
+	app_file="pjsua";
+	localisable_resource_file =  qtn_loc_resource_file_1;
+	localisable_resource_id = R_LOCALISABLE_APP_INFO;
+	embeddability=KAppNotEmbeddable;
+	newfile=KAppDoesNotSupportNewFile;
+	}
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f95b2d1e7d185cc1660de5c254a0e7798693cf1e.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f95b2d1e7d185cc1660de5c254a0e7798693cf1e.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d212dd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f95b2d1e7d185cc1660de5c254a0e7798693cf1e.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#ifndef __PJSIP_SIP_TYPES_H__
+#define __PJSIP_SIP_TYPES_H__
+ * My note: Doxygen PJSIP and PJSIP_CORE group is declared in
+ *          sip_config.h
+ */
+ * @file sip_types.h
+ * @brief Basic PJSIP types.
+ */
+#include <pjsip/sip_config.h>
+#include <pj/types.h>
+ * @addtogroup PJSIP_BASE
+ */
+/* @defgroup PJSIP_TYPES Basic Data Types
+ * @ingroup PJSIP_BASE
+ * @brief Basic data types.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Forward declaration for SIP transport.
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_transport pjsip_transport;
+ * Forward declaration for transport manager.
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_tpmgr pjsip_tpmgr;
+ * Transport types.
+ */
+typedef enum pjsip_transport_type_e
+    /** Unspecified. */
+    /** UDP. */
+    /** TCP. */
+    /** TLS. */
+    /** SCTP. */
+    /** Loopback (stream, reliable) */
+    /** Loopback (datagram, unreliable) */
+    /** Start of user defined transport */
+    /** Start of IPv6 transports */
+    PJSIP_TRANSPORT_IPV6    = 128,
+    /** UDP over IPv6 */
+    /** TCP over IPv6 */
+    /** TLS over IPv6 */
+} pjsip_transport_type_e;
+ * Forward declaration for endpoint (sip_endpoint.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_endpoint pjsip_endpoint;
+ * Forward declaration for transactions (sip_transaction.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_transaction pjsip_transaction;
+ * Forward declaration for events (sip_event.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_event pjsip_event;
+ * Forward declaration for transmit data/buffer (sip_transport.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_tx_data pjsip_tx_data;
+ * Forward declaration for receive data/buffer (sip_transport.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_rx_data pjsip_rx_data;
+ * Forward declaration for message (sip_msg.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_msg pjsip_msg;
+ * Forward declaration for message body (sip_msg.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_msg_body pjsip_msg_body;
+ * Forward declaration for header field (sip_msg.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_hdr pjsip_hdr;
+ * Forward declaration for URI (sip_uri.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_uri pjsip_uri;
+ * Forward declaration for SIP method (sip_msg.h)
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_method pjsip_method;
+ * Opaque data type for the resolver engine (sip_resolve.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_resolver_t pjsip_resolver_t;
+ * Forward declaration for credential.
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_cred_info pjsip_cred_info;
+ * Forward declaration for module (sip_module.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_module pjsip_module;
+ * Forward declaration for user agent type (sip_ua_layer.h). 
+ */
+typedef pjsip_module pjsip_user_agent;
+ * Forward declaration for dialog (sip_dialog.h).
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_dialog pjsip_dialog;
+ * Transaction role.
+ */
+typedef enum pjsip_role_e
+    PJSIP_ROLE_UAC,	/**< Role is UAC. */
+    PJSIP_ROLE_UAS,	/**< Role is UAS. */
+    /* Alias: */
+    PJSIP_UAC_ROLE = PJSIP_ROLE_UAC,	/**< Role is UAC. */
+    PJSIP_UAS_ROLE = PJSIP_ROLE_UAS	/**< Role is UAS. */
+} pjsip_role_e;
+ * General purpose buffer.
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_buffer
+    /** The start of the buffer. */
+    char *start;
+    /** Pointer to current end of the buffer, which also indicates the position
+        of subsequent buffer write.
+     */
+    char *cur;
+    /** The absolute end of the buffer. */
+    char *end;
+} pjsip_buffer;
+ * General host:port pair, used for example as Via sent-by.
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_host_port
+    pj_str_t host;	/**< Host part or IP address. */
+    int	     port;	/**< Port number. */
+} pjsip_host_port;
+ * Host information.
+ */
+typedef struct pjsip_host_info
+    unsigned		    flag;   /**< Flags of pjsip_transport_flags_e. */
+    pjsip_transport_type_e  type;   /**< Transport type. */
+    pjsip_host_port	    addr;   /**< Address information. */
+} pjsip_host_info;
+ * Convert exception ID into pj_status_t status.
+ *
+ * @param exception_id  Exception Id.
+ *
+ * @return              Error code for the specified exception Id.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjsip_exception_to_status(int exception_id);
+ * Return standard pj_status_t status from current exception.
+ */
+#define PJSIP_RETURN_EXCEPTION() pjsip_exception_to_status(PJ_GET_EXCEPTION())
+ * Attributes to inform that the function may throw exceptions.
+ */
+#define PJSIP_THROW_SPEC(list)
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif	/* __PJSIP_SIP_TYPES_H__ */
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f95fe46293e951d1b6fb4235e3f0857a9b00b649.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f95fe46293e951d1b6fb4235e3f0857a9b00b649.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..941683e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f95fe46293e951d1b6fb4235e3f0857a9b00b649.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,1655 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pjlib-util/http_client.h>
+#include <pj/activesock.h>
+#include <pj/assert.h>
+#include <pj/ctype.h>
+#include <pj/errno.h>
+#include <pj/except.h>
+#include <pj/pool.h>
+#include <pj/string.h>
+#include <pj/timer.h>
+#include <pj/rand.h>
+#include <pjlib-util/base64.h>
+#include <pjlib-util/errno.h>
+#include <pjlib-util/md5.h>
+#include <pjlib-util/scanner.h>
+#include <pjlib-util/string.h>
+#define THIS_FILE   "http_client.c"
+#if 0
+    /* Enable some tracing */
+    #define TRACE_(arg)	PJ_LOG(3,arg)
+    #define TRACE_(arg)
+#define NUM_PROTOCOL            2
+#define HTTP_1_0                "1.0"
+#define HTTP_1_1                "1.1"
+#define CONTENT_LENGTH          "Content-Length"
+/* Buffer size for sending/receiving messages. */
+#define BUF_SIZE                2048
+/* Initial data buffer size to store the data in case content-
+ * length is not specified in the server's response.
+ */
+#define INITIAL_DATA_BUF_SIZE   2048
+#define INITIAL_POOL_SIZE       1024
+#define POOL_INCREMENT_SIZE     512
+enum http_protocol
+static const char *http_protocol_names[NUM_PROTOCOL] =
+    "HTTP",
+    "HTTPS"
+static const unsigned int http_default_port[NUM_PROTOCOL] =
+    80,
+    443
+enum http_method
+    HTTP_GET,
+    HTTP_PUT,
+static const char *http_method_names[3] =
+    "GET",
+    "PUT",
+    "DELETE"
+enum http_state
+    IDLE,
+enum auth_state
+    AUTH_NONE,		/* Not authenticating */
+    AUTH_RETRYING,	/* New request with auth has been submitted */
+    AUTH_DONE		/* Done retrying the request with auth. */
+struct pj_http_req
+    pj_str_t                url;        /* Request URL */
+    pj_http_url             hurl;       /* Parsed request URL */
+    pj_sockaddr             addr;       /* The host's socket address */
+    pj_http_req_param       param;      /* HTTP request parameters */
+    pj_pool_t               *pool;      /* Pool to allocate memory from */
+    pj_timer_heap_t         *timer;     /* Timer for timeout management */
+    pj_ioqueue_t            *ioqueue;   /* Ioqueue to use */
+    pj_http_req_callback    cb;         /* Callbacks */
+    pj_activesock_t         *asock;     /* Active socket */
+    pj_status_t             error;      /* Error status */
+    pj_str_t                buffer;     /* Buffer to send/receive msgs */
+    enum http_state         state;      /* State of the HTTP request */
+    enum auth_state	    auth_state; /* Authentication state */
+    pj_timer_entry          timer_entry;/* Timer entry */
+    pj_bool_t               resolved;   /* Whether URL's host is resolved */
+    pj_http_resp            response;   /* HTTP response */
+    pj_ioqueue_op_key_t	    op_key;
+    struct tcp_state
+    {
+        /* Total data sent so far if the data is sent in segments (i.e.
+         * if on_send_data() is not NULL and if param.reqdata.total_size > 0)
+         */
+        pj_size_t tot_chunk_size;
+        /* Size of data to be sent (in a single activesock operation).*/
+        pj_size_t send_size;
+        /* Data size sent so far. */
+        pj_size_t current_send_size;
+        /* Total data received so far. */
+        pj_size_t current_read_size;
+    } tcp_state;
+/* Start sending the request */
+static pj_status_t http_req_start_sending(pj_http_req *hreq);
+/* Start reading the response */
+static pj_status_t http_req_start_reading(pj_http_req *hreq);
+/* End the request */
+static pj_status_t http_req_end_request(pj_http_req *hreq);
+/* Parse the header data and populate the header fields with the result. */
+static pj_status_t http_headers_parse(char *hdata, pj_size_t size, 
+                                      pj_http_headers *headers);
+/* Parse the response */
+static pj_status_t http_response_parse(pj_pool_t *pool,
+                                       pj_http_resp *response,
+                                       void *data, pj_size_t size,
+                                       pj_size_t *remainder);
+/* Restart the request with authentication */
+static void restart_req_with_auth(pj_http_req *hreq);
+/* Parse authentication challenge */
+static pj_status_t parse_auth_chal(pj_pool_t *pool, pj_str_t *input,
+				   pj_http_auth_chal *chal);
+static pj_uint16_t get_http_default_port(const pj_str_t *protocol)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < NUM_PROTOCOL; i++) {
+        if (!pj_stricmp2(protocol, http_protocol_names[i])) {
+            return (pj_uint16_t)http_default_port[i];
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+static const char * get_protocol(const pj_str_t *protocol)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < NUM_PROTOCOL; i++) {
+        if (!pj_stricmp2(protocol, http_protocol_names[i])) {
+            return http_protocol_names[i];
+        }
+    }
+    /* Should not happen */
+    pj_assert(0);
+    return NULL;
+/* Syntax error handler for parser. */
+static void on_syntax_error(pj_scanner *scanner)
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(scanner);
+    PJ_THROW(PJ_EINVAL);  // syntax error
+/* Callback when connection is established to the server */
+static pj_bool_t http_on_connect(pj_activesock_t *asock,
+				 pj_status_t status)
+    pj_http_req *hreq = (pj_http_req*) pj_activesock_get_user_data(asock);
+    if (hreq->state == ABORTING || hreq->state == IDLE)
+        return PJ_FALSE;
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        hreq->error = status;
+        pj_http_req_cancel(hreq, PJ_TRUE);
+        return PJ_FALSE;
+    }
+    /* OK, we are connected. Start sending the request */
+    hreq->state = SENDING_REQUEST;
+    http_req_start_sending(hreq);
+    return PJ_TRUE;
+static pj_bool_t http_on_data_sent(pj_activesock_t *asock,
+ 				   pj_ioqueue_op_key_t *op_key,
+				   pj_ssize_t sent)
+    pj_http_req *hreq = (pj_http_req*) pj_activesock_get_user_data(asock);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(op_key);
+    if (hreq->state == ABORTING || hreq->state == IDLE)
+        return PJ_FALSE;
+    if (sent <= 0) {
+        hreq->error = (sent < 0 ? (pj_status_t)-sent : PJLIB_UTIL_EHTTPLOST);
+        pj_http_req_cancel(hreq, PJ_TRUE);
+        return PJ_FALSE;
+    } 
+    hreq->tcp_state.current_send_size += sent;
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "\nData sent: %d out of %d bytes", 
+           hreq->tcp_state.current_send_size, hreq->tcp_state.send_size));
+    if (hreq->tcp_state.current_send_size == hreq->tcp_state.send_size) {
+        /* Find out whether there is a request body to send. */
+        if (hreq->param.reqdata.total_size > 0 || 
+            hreq->param.reqdata.size > 0) 
+        {
+            if (hreq->state == SENDING_REQUEST) {
+                /* Start sending the request body */
+                hreq->state = SENDING_REQUEST_BODY;
+                hreq->tcp_state.tot_chunk_size = 0;
+                pj_assert(hreq->param.reqdata.total_size == 0 ||
+                          (hreq->param.reqdata.total_size > 0 && 
+                          hreq->param.reqdata.size == 0));
+            } else {
+                /* Continue sending the next chunk of the request body */
+                hreq->tcp_state.tot_chunk_size += hreq->tcp_state.send_size;
+                if (hreq->tcp_state.tot_chunk_size == 
+                    hreq->param.reqdata.total_size ||
+                    hreq->param.reqdata.total_size == 0) 
+                {
+                    /* Finish sending all the chunks, start reading 
+                     * the response.
+                     */
+                    hreq->state = REQUEST_SENT;
+                    http_req_start_reading(hreq);
+                    return PJ_TRUE;
+                }
+            }
+            if (hreq->param.reqdata.total_size > 0 &&
+                hreq->cb.on_send_data) 
+            {
+                /* Call the callback for the application to provide
+                 * the next chunk of data to be sent.
+                 */
+                (*hreq->cb.on_send_data)(hreq, &hreq->param.reqdata.data, 
+                                         &hreq->param.reqdata.size);
+                /* Make sure the total data size given by the user does not
+                 * exceed what the user originally said.
+                 */
+                pj_assert(hreq->tcp_state.tot_chunk_size + 
+                          hreq->param.reqdata.size <=
+                          hreq->param.reqdata.total_size);
+            }
+            http_req_start_sending(hreq);
+        } else {
+            /* No request body, proceed to reading the server's response. */
+            hreq->state = REQUEST_SENT;
+            http_req_start_reading(hreq);
+        }
+    }
+    return PJ_TRUE;
+static pj_bool_t http_on_data_read(pj_activesock_t *asock,
+				  void *data,
+				  pj_size_t size,
+				  pj_status_t status,
+				  pj_size_t *remainder)
+    pj_http_req *hreq = (pj_http_req*) pj_activesock_get_user_data(asock);
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "\nData received: %d bytes", size));
+    if (hreq->state == ABORTING || hreq->state == IDLE)
+        return PJ_FALSE;
+    if (hreq->state == READING_RESPONSE) {
+        pj_status_t st;
+        pj_size_t rem;
+        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS && status != PJ_EPENDING) {
+            hreq->error = status;
+            pj_http_req_cancel(hreq, PJ_TRUE);
+            return PJ_FALSE;
+        }
+        /* Parse the response. */
+        st = http_response_parse(hreq->pool, &hreq->response,
+                                 data, size, &rem);
+        if (st == PJLIB_UTIL_EHTTPINCHDR) {
+            /* If we already use up all our buffer and still
+             * hasn't received the whole header, return error
+             */
+            if (size == BUF_SIZE) {
+                hreq->error = PJ_ETOOBIG; // response header size is too big
+                pj_http_req_cancel(hreq, PJ_TRUE);
+                return PJ_FALSE;
+            }
+            /* Keep the data if we do not get the whole response header */
+            *remainder = size;
+        } else {
+            hreq->state = READING_DATA;
+            if (st != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+                /* Server replied with an invalid (or unknown) response 
+                 * format. We'll just pass the whole (unparsed) response 
+                 * to the user.
+                 */
+                hreq->response.data = data;
+                hreq->response.size = size - rem;
+            }
+            /* If code is 401 or 407, find and parse WWW-Authenticate or
+             * Proxy-Authenticate header
+             */
+            if (hreq->response.status_code == 401 ||
+        	hreq->response.status_code == 407)
+            {
+        	const pj_str_t STR_WWW_AUTH = { "WWW-Authenticate", 16 };
+        	const pj_str_t STR_PROXY_AUTH = { "Proxy-Authenticate", 18 };
+        	pj_http_resp *response = &hreq->response;
+        	pj_http_headers *hdrs = &response->headers;
+        	unsigned i;
+        	status = PJ_ENOTFOUND;
+        	for (i = 0; i < hdrs->count; i++) {
+        	    if (!pj_stricmp(&hdrs->header[i].name, &STR_WWW_AUTH) ||
+        		!pj_stricmp(&hdrs->header[i].name, &STR_PROXY_AUTH))
+        	    {
+        		status = parse_auth_chal(hreq->pool,
+        					 &hdrs->header[i].value,
+        					 &response->auth_chal);
+        		break;
+        	    }
+        	}
+                /* Check if we should perform authentication */
+                if (status == PJ_SUCCESS &&
+		    hreq->auth_state == AUTH_NONE &&
+		    hreq->response.auth_chal.scheme.slen &&
+		    hreq->param.auth_cred.username.slen &&
+		    (hreq->param.auth_cred.scheme.slen == 0 ||
+		     !pj_stricmp(&hreq->response.auth_chal.scheme,
+				 &hreq->param.auth_cred.scheme)) &&
+		    (hreq->param.auth_cred.realm.slen == 0 ||
+		     !pj_stricmp(&hreq->response.auth_chal.realm,
+				 &hreq->param.auth_cred.realm))
+		    )
+		    {
+		    /* Yes, authentication is required and we have been
+		     * configured with credential.
+		     */
+		    restart_req_with_auth(hreq);
+		    if (hreq->auth_state == AUTH_RETRYING) {
+			/* We'll be resending the request with auth. This
+			 * connection has been closed.
+			 */
+			return PJ_FALSE;
+		    }
+                }
+            }
+            /* We already received the response header, call the 
+             * appropriate callback.
+             */
+            if (hreq->cb.on_response)
+                (*hreq->cb.on_response)(hreq, &hreq->response);
+            hreq->response.data = NULL;
+            hreq->response.size = 0;
+	    if (rem > 0 || hreq->response.content_length == 0)
+		return http_on_data_read(asock, (rem == 0 ? NULL:
+		   	                 (char *)data + size - rem),
+				         rem, PJ_SUCCESS, NULL);
+        }
+        return PJ_TRUE;
+    }
+    if (hreq->state != READING_DATA)
+	return PJ_FALSE;
+    if (hreq->cb.on_data_read) {
+        /* If application wishes to receive the data once available, call
+         * its callback.
+         */
+        if (size > 0)
+            (*hreq->cb.on_data_read)(hreq, data, size);
+    } else {
+        if (hreq->response.size == 0) {
+            /* If we know the content length, allocate the data based
+             * on that, otherwise we'll use initial buffer size and grow 
+             * it later if necessary.
+             */
+            hreq->response.size = (hreq->response.content_length == -1 ? 
+                                   INITIAL_DATA_BUF_SIZE : 
+                                   hreq->response.content_length);
+            hreq->response.data = pj_pool_alloc(hreq->pool, 
+                                                hreq->response.size);
+        }
+        /* If the size of data received exceeds its current size,
+         * grow the buffer by a factor of 2.
+         */
+        if (hreq->tcp_state.current_read_size + size > 
+            hreq->response.size) 
+        {
+            void *olddata = hreq->response.data;
+            hreq->response.data = pj_pool_alloc(hreq->pool, 
+                                                hreq->response.size << 1);
+            pj_memcpy(hreq->response.data, olddata, hreq->response.size);
+            hreq->response.size <<= 1;
+        }
+        /* Append the response data. */
+        pj_memcpy((char *)hreq->response.data + 
+                  hreq->tcp_state.current_read_size, data, size);
+    }
+    hreq->tcp_state.current_read_size += size;
+    /* If the total data received so far is equal to the content length
+     * or if it's already EOF.
+     */
+    if ((hreq->response.content_length >=0 &&
+	(pj_ssize_t)hreq->tcp_state.current_read_size >=
+        hreq->response.content_length) ||
+        (status == PJ_EEOF && hreq->response.content_length == -1)) 
+    {
+	/* Finish reading */
+        http_req_end_request(hreq);
+        hreq->response.size = hreq->tcp_state.current_read_size;
+        /* HTTP request is completed, call the callback. */
+        if (hreq->cb.on_complete) {
+            (*hreq->cb.on_complete)(hreq, PJ_SUCCESS, &hreq->response);
+        }
+        return PJ_FALSE;
+    }
+    /* Error status or premature EOF. */
+    if ((status != PJ_SUCCESS && status != PJ_EPENDING && status != PJ_EEOF)
+        || (status == PJ_EEOF && hreq->response.content_length > -1)) 
+    {
+        hreq->error = status;
+        pj_http_req_cancel(hreq, PJ_TRUE);
+        return PJ_FALSE;
+    }
+    return PJ_TRUE;
+/* Callback to be called when query has timed out */
+static void on_timeout( pj_timer_heap_t *timer_heap,
+			struct pj_timer_entry *entry)
+    pj_http_req *hreq = (pj_http_req *) entry->user_data;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(timer_heap);
+    /* Recheck that the request is still not completed, since there is a 
+     * slight possibility of race condition (timer elapsed while at the 
+     * same time response arrives).
+     */
+    if (hreq->state == READING_COMPLETE) {
+	/* Yeah, we finish on time */
+	return;
+    }
+    /* Invalidate id. */
+    hreq->timer_entry.id = 0;
+    /* Request timed out. */
+    hreq->error = PJ_ETIMEDOUT;
+    pj_http_req_cancel(hreq, PJ_TRUE);
+/* Parse authentication challenge */
+static pj_status_t parse_auth_chal(pj_pool_t *pool, pj_str_t *input,
+				   pj_http_auth_chal *chal)
+    pj_scanner scanner;
+    const pj_str_t REALM_STR 	=    { "realm", 5},
+    		NONCE_STR 	=    { "nonce", 5},
+    		ALGORITHM_STR 	=    { "algorithm", 9 },
+    		STALE_STR 	=    { "stale", 5},
+    		QOP_STR 	=    { "qop", 3},
+    		OPAQUE_STR 	=    { "opaque", 6};
+    pj_status_t status = PJ_SUCCESS;
+    pj_scan_init(&scanner, input->ptr, input->slen, PJ_SCAN_AUTOSKIP_WS,
+		 &on_syntax_error);
+    PJ_TRY {
+	/* Get auth scheme */
+	if (*scanner.curptr == '"') {
+	    pj_scan_get_quote(&scanner, '"', '"', &chal->scheme);
+	    chal->scheme.ptr++;
+	    chal->scheme.slen -= 2;
+	} else {
+	    pj_scan_get_until_chr(&scanner, " \t\r\n", &chal->scheme);
+	}
+	/* Loop parsing all parameters */
+	for (;;) {
+	    const char *end_param = ", \t\r\n;";
+	    pj_str_t name, value;
+	    /* Get pair of parameter name and value */
+	    value.ptr = NULL;
+	    value.slen = 0;
+	    pj_scan_get_until_chr(&scanner, "=, \t\r\n", &name);
+	    if (*scanner.curptr == '=') {
+		pj_scan_get_char(&scanner);
+		if (!pj_scan_is_eof(&scanner)) {
+		    if (*scanner.curptr == '"' || *scanner.curptr == '\'') {
+			int quote_char = *scanner.curptr;
+			pj_scan_get_quote(&scanner, quote_char, quote_char,
+					  &value);
+			value.ptr++;
+			value.slen -= 2;
+		    } else if (!strchr(end_param, *scanner.curptr)) {
+			pj_scan_get_until_chr(&scanner, end_param, &value);
+		    }
+		}
+		value = pj_str_unescape(pool, &value);
+	    }
+	    if (!pj_stricmp(&name, &REALM_STR)) {
+		chal->realm = value;
+	    } else if (!pj_stricmp(&name, &NONCE_STR)) {
+		chal->nonce = value;
+	    } else if (!pj_stricmp(&name, &ALGORITHM_STR)) {
+		chal->algorithm = value;
+	    } else if (!pj_stricmp(&name, &OPAQUE_STR)) {
+		chal->opaque = value;
+	    } else if (!pj_stricmp(&name, &QOP_STR)) {
+		chal->qop = value;
+	    } else if (!pj_stricmp(&name, &STALE_STR)) {
+		chal->stale = value.slen &&
+			      (*value.ptr != '0') &&
+			      (*value.ptr != 'f') &&
+			      (*value.ptr != 'F');
+	    }
+	    /* Eat comma */
+	    if (!pj_scan_is_eof(&scanner) && *scanner.curptr == ',')
+		pj_scan_get_char(&scanner);
+	    else
+		break;
+	}
+    }
+	status = PJ_GET_EXCEPTION();
+	pj_bzero(chal, sizeof(*chal));
+	TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "Error: parsing of auth header failed"));
+    }
+    PJ_END;
+    pj_scan_fini(&scanner);
+    return status;
+/* The same as #pj_http_headers_add_elmt() with char * as
+ * its parameters.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_http_headers_add_elmt2(pj_http_headers *headers, 
+                                              char *name, char *val)
+    pj_str_t f, v;
+    pj_cstr(&f, name);
+    pj_cstr(&v, val);
+    return pj_http_headers_add_elmt(headers, &f, &v);
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_http_headers_add_elmt(pj_http_headers *headers, 
+                                             pj_str_t *name, 
+                                             pj_str_t *val)
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(headers && name && val, PJ_FALSE);
+    if (headers->count >= PJ_HTTP_HEADER_SIZE)
+        return PJ_ETOOMANY;
+    pj_strassign(&headers->header[headers->count].name, name);
+    pj_strassign(&headers->header[headers->count++].value, val);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pj_status_t http_response_parse(pj_pool_t *pool,
+                                       pj_http_resp *response,
+                                       void *data, pj_size_t size,
+                                       pj_size_t *remainder)
+    pj_size_t i;
+    char *cptr;
+    char *end_status, *newdata;
+    pj_scanner scanner;
+    pj_str_t s;
+    const pj_str_t STR_CONTENT_LENGTH = { CONTENT_LENGTH, 14 };
+    pj_status_t status;
+    if (size < 2)
+    /* Detect whether we already receive the response's status-line
+     * and its headers. We're looking for a pair of CRLFs. A pair of
+     * LFs is also supported although it is not RFC standard.
+     */
+    cptr = (char *)data;
+    for (i = 1, cptr++; i < size; i++, cptr++) {
+        if (*cptr == '\n') {
+            if (*(cptr - 1) == '\n')
+                break;
+            if (*(cptr - 1) == '\r') {
+                if (i >= 3 && *(cptr - 2) == '\n' && *(cptr - 3) == '\r')
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (i == size)
+    *remainder = size - 1 - i;
+    pj_bzero(response, sizeof(response));
+    response->content_length = -1;
+    newdata = (char*) pj_pool_alloc(pool, i);
+    pj_memcpy(newdata, data, i);
+    /* Parse the status-line. */
+    pj_scan_init(&scanner, newdata, i, 0, &on_syntax_error);
+    PJ_TRY {
+        pj_scan_get_until_ch(&scanner, ' ', &response->version);
+        pj_scan_advance_n(&scanner, 1, PJ_FALSE);
+        pj_scan_get_until_ch(&scanner, ' ', &s);
+        response->status_code = (pj_uint16_t)pj_strtoul(&s);
+        pj_scan_advance_n(&scanner, 1, PJ_FALSE);
+        pj_scan_get_until_ch(&scanner, '\n', &response->reason);
+        if (response->reason.ptr[response->reason.slen-1] == '\r')
+            response->reason.slen--;
+    }
+        pj_scan_fini(&scanner);
+        return PJ_GET_EXCEPTION();
+    }
+    PJ_END;
+    end_status = scanner.curptr;
+    pj_scan_fini(&scanner);
+    /* Parse the response headers. */
+    size = i - 2 - (end_status - newdata);
+    if (size > 0) {
+        status = http_headers_parse(end_status + 1, size,
+                                    &response->headers);
+    } else {
+        status = PJ_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /* Find content-length header field. */
+    for (i = 0; i < response->headers.count; i++) {
+        if (!pj_stricmp(&response->headers.header[i].name,
+                        &STR_CONTENT_LENGTH))
+        {
+            response->content_length = 
+                pj_strtoul(&response->headers.header[i].value);
+            /* If content length is zero, make sure that it is because the
+             * header value is really zero and not due to parsing error.
+             */
+            if (response->content_length == 0) {
+                if (pj_strcmp2(&response->headers.header[i].value, "0")) {
+                    response->content_length = -1;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return status;
+static pj_status_t http_headers_parse(char *hdata, pj_size_t size, 
+                                      pj_http_headers *headers)
+    pj_scanner scanner;
+    pj_str_t s, s2;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    pj_scan_init(&scanner, hdata, size, 0, &on_syntax_error);
+    /* Parse each line of header field consisting of header field name and
+     * value, separated by ":" and any number of white spaces.
+     */
+    PJ_TRY {
+        do {
+            pj_scan_get_until_chr(&scanner, ":\n", &s);
+            if (*scanner.curptr == ':') {
+                pj_scan_advance_n(&scanner, 1, PJ_TRUE);
+                pj_scan_get_until_ch(&scanner, '\n', &s2);
+                if (s2.ptr[s2.slen-1] == '\r')
+                    s2.slen--;
+                status = pj_http_headers_add_elmt(headers, &s, &s2);
+                if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+                    PJ_THROW(status);
+            }
+            pj_scan_advance_n(&scanner, 1, PJ_TRUE);
+            /* Finish parsing */
+            if (pj_scan_is_eof(&scanner))
+                break;
+        } while (1);
+    }
+        pj_scan_fini(&scanner);
+        return PJ_GET_EXCEPTION();
+    }
+    PJ_END;
+    pj_scan_fini(&scanner);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(void) pj_http_req_param_default(pj_http_req_param *param)
+    pj_assert(param);
+    pj_bzero(param, sizeof(*param));
+    param->addr_family = pj_AF_INET();
+    pj_strset2(&param->method, (char*)http_method_names[HTTP_GET]);
+    pj_strset2(&param->version, (char*)HTTP_1_0);
+    param->timeout.msec = PJ_HTTP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
+    pj_time_val_normalize(&param->timeout);
+    param->max_retries = 3;
+/* Get the location of '@' character to indicate the end of
+ * user:passwd part of an URI. If user:passwd part is not
+ * present, NULL will be returned.
+ */
+static char *get_url_at_pos(const char *str, pj_size_t len)
+    const char *end = str + len;
+    const char *p = str;
+    /* skip scheme: */
+    while (p!=end && *p!='/') ++p;
+    if (p!=end && *p=='/') ++p;
+    if (p!=end && *p=='/') ++p;
+    if (p==end) return NULL;
+    for (; p!=end; ++p) {
+	switch (*p) {
+	case '/':
+	    return NULL;
+	case '@':
+	    return (char*)p;
+	}
+    }
+    return NULL;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_http_req_parse_url(const pj_str_t *url, 
+                                          pj_http_url *hurl)
+    pj_scanner scanner;
+    pj_size_t len = url->slen;
+    if (!len) return -1;
+    pj_bzero(hurl, sizeof(*hurl));
+    pj_scan_init(&scanner, url->ptr, url->slen, 0, &on_syntax_error);
+    PJ_TRY {
+	pj_str_t s;
+        /* Exhaust any whitespaces. */
+        pj_scan_skip_whitespace(&scanner);
+        /* Parse the protocol */
+        pj_scan_get_until_ch(&scanner, ':', &s);
+        if (!pj_stricmp2(&s, http_protocol_names[PROTOCOL_HTTP])) {
+            pj_strset2(&hurl->protocol,
+        	       (char*)http_protocol_names[PROTOCOL_HTTP]);
+        } else if (!pj_stricmp2(&s, http_protocol_names[PROTOCOL_HTTPS])) {
+            pj_strset2(&hurl->protocol,
+		       (char*)http_protocol_names[PROTOCOL_HTTPS]);
+        } else {
+            PJ_THROW(PJ_ENOTSUP); // unsupported protocol
+        }
+        if (pj_scan_strcmp(&scanner, "://", 3)) {
+            PJ_THROW(PJLIB_UTIL_EHTTPINURL); // no "://" after protocol name
+        }
+        pj_scan_advance_n(&scanner, 3, PJ_FALSE);
+        if (get_url_at_pos(url->ptr, url->slen)) {
+            /* Parse username and password */
+            pj_scan_get_until_chr(&scanner, ":@", &hurl->username);
+            if (*scanner.curptr == ':') {
+        	pj_scan_get_char(&scanner);
+        	pj_scan_get_until_chr(&scanner, "@", &hurl->passwd);
+            } else {
+        	hurl->passwd.slen = 0;
+            }
+            pj_scan_get_char(&scanner);
+        }
+        /* Parse the host and port number (if any) */
+        pj_scan_get_until_chr(&scanner, ":/", &s);
+        pj_strassign(&hurl->host, &s);
+        if (hurl->host.slen==0)
+            PJ_THROW(PJ_EINVAL);
+        if (pj_scan_is_eof(&scanner) || *scanner.curptr == '/') {
+            /* No port number specified */
+            /* Assume default http/https port number */
+            hurl->port = get_http_default_port(&hurl->protocol);
+            pj_assert(hurl->port > 0);
+        } else {
+            pj_scan_advance_n(&scanner, 1, PJ_FALSE);
+            pj_scan_get_until_ch(&scanner, '/', &s);
+            /* Parse the port number */
+            hurl->port = (pj_uint16_t)pj_strtoul(&s);
+            if (!hurl->port)
+                PJ_THROW(PJLIB_UTIL_EHTTPINPORT); // invalid port number
+        }
+        if (!pj_scan_is_eof(&scanner)) {
+            hurl->path.ptr = scanner.curptr;
+            hurl->path.slen = scanner.end - scanner.curptr;
+        } else {
+            /* no path, append '/' */
+            pj_cstr(&hurl->path, "/");
+        }
+    }
+        pj_scan_fini(&scanner);
+	return PJ_GET_EXCEPTION();
+    }
+    PJ_END;
+    pj_scan_fini(&scanner);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(void) pj_http_req_set_timeout(pj_http_req *http_req,
+                                     const pj_time_val* timeout)
+    pj_memcpy(&http_req->param.timeout, timeout, sizeof(*timeout));
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_http_req_create(pj_pool_t *pool,
+                                       const pj_str_t *url,
+                                       pj_timer_heap_t *timer,
+                                       pj_ioqueue_t *ioqueue,
+                                       const pj_http_req_param *param,
+                                       const pj_http_req_callback *hcb,
+                                       pj_http_req **http_req)
+    pj_pool_t *own_pool;
+    pj_http_req *hreq;
+    char *at_pos;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && url && timer && ioqueue && 
+                     hcb && http_req, PJ_EINVAL);
+    *http_req = NULL;
+    own_pool = pj_pool_create(pool->factory, NULL, INITIAL_POOL_SIZE, 
+                              POOL_INCREMENT_SIZE, NULL);
+    hreq = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(own_pool, struct pj_http_req);
+    if (!hreq)
+        return PJ_ENOMEM;
+    /* Initialization */
+    hreq->pool = own_pool;
+    hreq->ioqueue = ioqueue;
+    hreq->timer = timer;
+    hreq->asock = NULL;
+    pj_memcpy(&hreq->cb, hcb, sizeof(*hcb));
+    hreq->state = IDLE;
+    hreq->resolved = PJ_FALSE;
+    hreq->buffer.ptr = NULL;
+    pj_timer_entry_init(&hreq->timer_entry, 0, hreq, &on_timeout);
+    /* Initialize parameter */
+    if (param) {
+        pj_memcpy(&hreq->param, param, sizeof(*param));
+        /* TODO: validate the param here
+         * Should we validate the method as well? If yes, based on all HTTP
+         * methods or based on supported methods only? For the later, one 
+         * drawback would be that you can't use this if the method is not 
+         * officially supported
+         */
+        PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(hreq->param.addr_family==PJ_AF_UNSPEC || 
+                         hreq->param.addr_family==PJ_AF_INET || 
+                         hreq->param.addr_family==PJ_AF_INET6, PJ_EAFNOTSUP);
+        PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(!pj_strcmp2(&hreq->param.version, HTTP_1_0) || 
+                         !pj_strcmp2(&hreq->param.version, HTTP_1_1), 
+                         PJ_ENOTSUP); 
+        pj_time_val_normalize(&hreq->param.timeout);
+    } else {
+        pj_http_req_param_default(&hreq->param);
+    }
+    /* Parse the URL */
+    if (!pj_strdup_with_null(hreq->pool, &hreq->url, url)) {
+	pj_pool_release(hreq->pool);
+        return PJ_ENOMEM;
+    }
+    status = pj_http_req_parse_url(&hreq->url, &hreq->hurl);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	pj_pool_release(hreq->pool);
+        return status; // Invalid URL supplied
+    }
+    /* If URL contains username/password, move them to credential and
+     * remove them from the URL.
+     */
+    if ((at_pos=get_url_at_pos(hreq->url.ptr, hreq->url.slen)) != NULL) {
+	pj_str_t tmp;
+	char *user_pos = pj_strchr(&hreq->url, '/');
+	int removed_len;
+	/* Save credential first, unescape the string */
+	tmp = pj_str_unescape(hreq->pool, &hreq->hurl.username);;
+	pj_strdup(hreq->pool, &hreq->param.auth_cred.username, &tmp);
+	tmp = pj_str_unescape(hreq->pool, &hreq->hurl.passwd);
+	pj_strdup(hreq->pool, &hreq->param.auth_cred.data, &tmp);
+	hreq->hurl.username.ptr = hreq->hurl.passwd.ptr = NULL;
+	hreq->hurl.username.slen = hreq->hurl.passwd.slen = 0;
+	/* Remove "username:password@" from the URL */
+	pj_assert(user_pos != 0 && user_pos < at_pos);
+	user_pos += 2;
+	removed_len = (int)(at_pos + 1 - user_pos);
+	pj_memmove(user_pos, at_pos+1, hreq->url.ptr+hreq->url.slen-at_pos-1);
+	hreq->url.slen -= removed_len;
+	/* Need to adjust hostname and path pointers due to memmove*/
+	if (hreq->hurl.host.ptr > user_pos &&
+	    hreq->hurl.host.ptr < user_pos + hreq->url.slen)
+	{
+	    hreq->hurl.host.ptr -= removed_len;
+	}
+	/* path may come from a string constant, don't shift it if so */
+	if (hreq->hurl.path.ptr > user_pos &&
+	    hreq->hurl.path.ptr < user_pos + hreq->url.slen)
+	{
+	    hreq->hurl.path.ptr -= removed_len;
+	}
+    }
+    *http_req = hreq;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_bool_t) pj_http_req_is_running(const pj_http_req *http_req)
+   return (http_req->state != IDLE);
+PJ_DEF(void*) pj_http_req_get_user_data(pj_http_req *http_req)
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(http_req, NULL);
+    return http_req->param.user_data;
+static pj_status_t start_http_req(pj_http_req *http_req,
+                                  pj_bool_t notify_on_fail)
+    pj_sock_t sock = PJ_INVALID_SOCKET;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    pj_activesock_cb asock_cb;
+    int retry = 0;
+    /* Http request is not idle, a request was initiated before and 
+     * is still in progress
+     */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(http_req->state == IDLE, PJ_EBUSY);
+    /* Reset few things to make sure restarting works */
+    http_req->error = 0;
+    http_req->response.headers.count = 0;
+    pj_bzero(&http_req->tcp_state, sizeof(http_req->tcp_state));
+    if (!http_req->resolved) {
+        /* Resolve the Internet address of the host */
+        status = pj_sockaddr_init(http_req->param.addr_family, 
+                                  &http_req->addr, &http_req->hurl.host,
+				  http_req->hurl.port);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS ||
+	    !pj_sockaddr_has_addr(&http_req->addr) ||
+	    (http_req->param.addr_family==pj_AF_INET() &&
+	     http_req->addr.ipv4.sin_addr.s_addr==PJ_INADDR_NONE))
+	{
+	    goto on_return;
+        }
+        http_req->resolved = PJ_TRUE;
+    }
+    status = pj_sock_socket(http_req->param.addr_family, pj_SOCK_STREAM(), 
+                            0, &sock);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+        goto on_return; // error creating socket
+    pj_bzero(&asock_cb, sizeof(asock_cb));
+    asock_cb.on_data_read = &http_on_data_read;
+    asock_cb.on_data_sent = &http_on_data_sent;
+    asock_cb.on_connect_complete = &http_on_connect;
+    do
+    {
+	pj_sockaddr_in bound_addr;
+	pj_uint16_t port = 0;
+	/* If we are using port restriction.
+	 * Get a random port within the range
+	 */
+	if (http_req->param.source_port_range_start != 0) {
+	    port = (pj_uint16_t)
+		   (http_req->param.source_port_range_start +
+		    (pj_rand() % http_req->param.source_port_range_size));
+	}
+	pj_sockaddr_in_init(&bound_addr, NULL, port);
+	status = pj_sock_bind(sock, &bound_addr, sizeof(bound_addr));
+    } while (status != PJ_SUCCESS && (retry++ < http_req->param.max_retries));
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	PJ_PERROR(1,(THIS_FILE, status,
+		     "Unable to bind to the requested port"));
+	pj_sock_close(sock);
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    // TODO: should we set whole data to 0 by default?
+    // or add it in the param?
+    status = pj_activesock_create(http_req->pool, sock, pj_SOCK_STREAM(), 
+                                  NULL, http_req->ioqueue,
+				  &asock_cb, http_req, &http_req->asock);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        pj_sock_close(sock);
+	goto on_return; // error creating activesock
+    }
+    /* Schedule timeout timer for the request */
+    pj_assert(http_req->timer_entry.id == 0);
+    http_req->timer_entry.id = 1;
+    status = pj_timer_heap_schedule(http_req->timer, &http_req->timer_entry, 
+                                    &http_req->param.timeout);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        http_req->timer_entry.id = 0;
+	goto on_return; // error scheduling timer
+    }
+    /* Connect to host */
+    http_req->state = CONNECTING;
+    status = pj_activesock_start_connect(http_req->asock, http_req->pool, 
+                                         (pj_sock_t *)&(http_req->addr), 
+                                         pj_sockaddr_get_len(&http_req->addr));
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        http_req->state = SENDING_REQUEST;
+        status =  http_req_start_sending(http_req);
+        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+            goto on_return;
+    } else if (status != PJ_EPENDING) {
+        goto on_return; // error connecting
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+    http_req->error = status;
+    if (notify_on_fail)
+	pj_http_req_cancel(http_req, PJ_TRUE);
+    else
+	http_req_end_request(http_req);
+    return status;
+/* Starts an asynchronous HTTP request to the URL specified. */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_http_req_start(pj_http_req *http_req)
+    return start_http_req(http_req, PJ_FALSE);
+/* Respond to basic authentication challenge */
+static pj_status_t auth_respond_basic(pj_http_req *hreq)
+    /* Basic authentication:
+     *      credentials       = "Basic" basic-credentials
+     *      basic-credentials = base64-user-pass
+     *      base64-user-pass  = <base64 [4] encoding of user-pass>
+     *      user-pass         = userid ":" password
+     *
+     * Sample:
+     *       Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
+     */
+    pj_str_t user_pass;
+    pj_http_header_elmt *phdr;
+    int len;
+    /* Use send buffer to store userid ":" password */
+    user_pass.ptr = hreq->buffer.ptr;
+    pj_strcpy(&user_pass, &hreq->param.auth_cred.username);
+    pj_strcat2(&user_pass, ":");
+    pj_strcat(&user_pass, &hreq->param.auth_cred.data);
+    /* Create Authorization header */
+    phdr = &hreq->param.headers.header[hreq->param.headers.count++];
+    pj_bzero(phdr, sizeof(*phdr));
+    if (hreq->response.status_code == 401)
+	phdr->name = pj_str("Authorization");
+    else
+	phdr->name = pj_str("Proxy-Authorization");
+    len = (int)(PJ_BASE256_TO_BASE64_LEN(user_pass.slen) + 10);
+    phdr->value.ptr = (char*)pj_pool_alloc(hreq->pool, len);
+    phdr->value.slen = 0;
+    pj_strcpy2(&phdr->value, "Basic ");
+    len -= (int)phdr->value.slen;
+    pj_base64_encode((pj_uint8_t*)user_pass.ptr, (int)user_pass.slen,
+		     phdr->value.ptr + phdr->value.slen, &len);
+    phdr->value.slen += len;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+/** Length of digest string. */
+#define MD5_STRLEN 32
+/* A macro just to get rid of type mismatch between char and unsigned char */
+#define MD5_APPEND(pms,buf,len)	pj_md5_update(pms, (const pj_uint8_t*)buf, \
+		   (unsigned)len)
+/* Transform digest to string.
+ * output must be at least PJSIP_MD5STRLEN+1 bytes.
+ *
+ */
+static void digest2str(const unsigned char digest[], char *output)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i<16; ++i) {
+	pj_val_to_hex_digit(digest[i], output);
+	output += 2;
+    }
+static void auth_create_digest_response(pj_str_t *result,
+					const pj_http_auth_cred *cred,
+				        const pj_str_t *nonce,
+				        const pj_str_t *nc,
+				        const pj_str_t *cnonce,
+				        const pj_str_t *qop,
+				        const pj_str_t *uri,
+				        const pj_str_t *realm,
+				        const pj_str_t *method)
+    char ha1[MD5_STRLEN];
+    char ha2[MD5_STRLEN];
+    unsigned char digest[16];
+    pj_md5_context pms;
+    pj_assert(result->slen >= MD5_STRLEN);
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "Begin creating digest"));
+    if (cred->data_type == 0) {
+	/***
+	 *** ha1 = MD5(username ":" realm ":" password)
+	 ***/
+	pj_md5_init(&pms);
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, cred->username.ptr, cred->username.slen);
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, ":", 1);
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, realm->ptr, realm->slen);
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, ":", 1);
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, cred->data.ptr, cred->data.slen);
+	pj_md5_final(&pms, digest);
+	digest2str(digest, ha1);
+    } else if (cred->data_type == 1) {
+	pj_assert(cred->data.slen == 32);
+	pj_memcpy( ha1, cred->data.ptr, cred->data.slen );
+    } else {
+	pj_assert(!"Invalid data_type");
+    }
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "  ha1=%.32s", ha1));
+    /***
+     *** ha2 = MD5(method ":" req_uri)
+     ***/
+    pj_md5_init(&pms);
+    MD5_APPEND( &pms, method->ptr, method->slen);
+    MD5_APPEND( &pms, ":", 1);
+    MD5_APPEND( &pms, uri->ptr, uri->slen);
+    pj_md5_final(&pms, digest);
+    digest2str(digest, ha2);
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "  ha2=%.32s", ha2));
+    /***
+     *** When qop is not used:
+     ***    response = MD5(ha1 ":" nonce ":" ha2)
+     ***
+     *** When qop=auth is used:
+     ***    response = MD5(ha1 ":" nonce ":" nc ":" cnonce ":" qop ":" ha2)
+     ***/
+    pj_md5_init(&pms);
+    MD5_APPEND( &pms, ha1, MD5_STRLEN);
+    MD5_APPEND( &pms, ":", 1);
+    MD5_APPEND( &pms, nonce->ptr, nonce->slen);
+    if (qop && qop->slen != 0) {
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, ":", 1);
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, nc->ptr, nc->slen);
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, ":", 1);
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, cnonce->ptr, cnonce->slen);
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, ":", 1);
+	MD5_APPEND( &pms, qop->ptr, qop->slen);
+    }
+    MD5_APPEND( &pms, ":", 1);
+    MD5_APPEND( &pms, ha2, MD5_STRLEN);
+    /* This is the final response digest. */
+    pj_md5_final(&pms, digest);
+    /* Convert digest to string and store in chal->response. */
+    result->slen = MD5_STRLEN;
+    digest2str(digest, result->ptr);
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "  digest=%.32s", result->ptr));
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "Digest created"));
+/* Find out if qop offer contains "auth" token */
+static pj_bool_t auth_has_qop( pj_pool_t *pool, const pj_str_t *qop_offer)
+    pj_str_t qop;
+    char *p;
+    pj_strdup_with_null( pool, &qop, qop_offer);
+    p = qop.ptr;
+    while (*p) {
+	*p = (char)pj_tolower(*p);
+	++p;
+    }
+    p = qop.ptr;
+    while (*p) {
+	if (*p=='a' && *(p+1)=='u' && *(p+2)=='t' && *(p+3)=='h') {
+	    int e = *(p+4);
+	    if (e=='"' || e==',' || e==0)
+		return PJ_TRUE;
+	    else
+		p += 4;
+	} else {
+	    ++p;
+	}
+    }
+    return PJ_FALSE;
+#define STR_PREC(s) (int)(s).slen, (s).ptr
+/* Respond to digest authentication */
+static pj_status_t auth_respond_digest(pj_http_req *hreq)
+    const pj_http_auth_chal *chal = &hreq->response.auth_chal;
+    const pj_http_auth_cred *cred = &hreq->param.auth_cred;
+    pj_http_header_elmt *phdr;
+    char digest_response_buf[MD5_STRLEN];
+    int len;
+    pj_str_t digest_response;
+    /* Check algorithm is supported. We only support MD5 */
+    if (chal->algorithm.slen!=0 &&
+	pj_stricmp2(&chal->algorithm, "MD5"))
+    {
+	TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "Error: Unsupported digest algorithm \"%.*s\"",
+		  chal->algorithm.slen, chal->algorithm.ptr));
+	return PJ_ENOTSUP;
+    }
+    /* Add Authorization header */
+    phdr = &hreq->param.headers.header[hreq->param.headers.count++];
+    pj_bzero(phdr, sizeof(*phdr));
+    if (hreq->response.status_code == 401)
+	phdr->name = pj_str("Authorization");
+    else
+	phdr->name = pj_str("Proxy-Authorization");
+    /* Allocate space for the header */
+    len = (int)(8 + /* Digest */
+	  16 + hreq->param.auth_cred.username.slen + /* username= */
+	  12 + chal->realm.slen + /* realm= */
+	  12 + chal->nonce.slen + /* nonce= */
+	  8 + hreq->hurl.path.slen + /* uri= */
+	  16 + /* algorithm=MD5 */
+	  16 + MD5_STRLEN + /* response= */
+	  12 + /* qop=auth */
+	  8 + /* nc=.. */
+	  30 + /* cnonce= */
+	  12 + chal->opaque.slen + /* opaque=".." */
+	  0);
+    phdr->value.ptr = (char*)pj_pool_alloc(hreq->pool, len);
+    /* Configure buffer to temporarily store the digest */
+    digest_response.ptr = digest_response_buf;
+    digest_response.slen = MD5_STRLEN;
+    if (chal->qop.slen == 0) {
+	const pj_str_t STR_MD5 = { "MD5", 3 };
+	/* Server doesn't require quality of protection. */
+	auth_create_digest_response(&digest_response, cred,
+				    &chal->nonce, NULL, NULL,  NULL,
+				    &hreq->hurl.path, &chal->realm,
+				    &hreq->param.method);
+	len = pj_ansi_snprintf(
+		phdr->value.ptr, len,
+		"Digest username=\"%.*s\", "
+		"realm=\"%.*s\", "
+		"nonce=\"%.*s\", "
+		"uri=\"%.*s\", "
+		"algorithm=%.*s, "
+		"response=\"%.*s\"",
+		STR_PREC(cred->username),
+		STR_PREC(chal->realm),
+		STR_PREC(chal->nonce),
+		STR_PREC(hreq->hurl.path),
+		STR_PREC(digest_response));
+	if (len < 0)
+	    return PJ_ETOOSMALL;
+	phdr->value.slen = len;
+    } else if (auth_has_qop(hreq->pool, &chal->qop)) {
+	/* Server requires quality of protection.
+	 * We respond with selecting "qop=auth" protection.
+	 */
+	const pj_str_t STR_MD5 = { "MD5", 3 };
+	const pj_str_t qop = pj_str("auth");
+	const pj_str_t nc = pj_str("00000001");
+	const pj_str_t cnonce = pj_str("b39971");
+	auth_create_digest_response(&digest_response, cred,
+				    &chal->nonce, &nc, &cnonce, &qop,
+				    &hreq->hurl.path, &chal->realm,
+				    &hreq->param.method);
+	len = pj_ansi_snprintf(
+		phdr->value.ptr, len,
+		"Digest username=\"%.*s\", "
+		"realm=\"%.*s\", "
+		"nonce=\"%.*s\", "
+		"uri=\"%.*s\", "
+		"algorithm=%.*s, "
+		"response=\"%.*s\", "
+		"qop=%.*s, "
+		"nc=%.*s, "
+		"cnonce=\"%.*s\"",
+		STR_PREC(cred->username),
+		STR_PREC(chal->realm),
+		STR_PREC(chal->nonce),
+		STR_PREC(hreq->hurl.path),
+		STR_PREC(digest_response),
+		STR_PREC(qop),
+		STR_PREC(nc),
+		STR_PREC(cnonce));
+	if (len < 0)
+	    return PJ_ETOOSMALL;
+	phdr->value.slen = len;
+	if (chal->opaque.slen) {
+	    pj_strcat2(&phdr->value, ", opaque=\"");
+	    pj_strcat(&phdr->value, &chal->opaque);
+	    pj_strcat2(&phdr->value, "\"");
+	}
+    } else {
+	/* Server requires quality protection that we don't support. */
+	TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "Error: Unsupported qop offer %.*s",
+		chal->qop.slen, chal->qop.ptr));
+	return PJ_ENOTSUP;
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static void restart_req_with_auth(pj_http_req *hreq)
+    pj_http_auth_chal *chal = &hreq->response.auth_chal;
+    pj_http_auth_cred *cred = &hreq->param.auth_cred;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    if (hreq->param.headers.count >= PJ_HTTP_HEADER_SIZE) {
+	TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "Error: no place to put Authorization header"));
+	hreq->auth_state = AUTH_DONE;
+	return;
+    }
+    /* If credential specifies specific scheme, make sure they match */
+    if (cred->scheme.slen && pj_stricmp(&chal->scheme, &cred->scheme)) {
+	status = PJ_ENOTSUP;
+	TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "Error: auth schemes mismatch"));
+	goto on_error;
+    }
+    /* If credential specifies specific realm, make sure they match */
+    if (cred->realm.slen && pj_stricmp(&chal->realm, &cred->realm)) {
+	status = PJ_ENOTSUP;
+	TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "Error: auth realms mismatch"));
+	goto on_error;
+    }
+    if (!pj_stricmp2(&chal->scheme, "basic")) {
+	status = auth_respond_basic(hreq);
+    } else if (!pj_stricmp2(&chal->scheme, "digest")) {
+	status = auth_respond_digest(hreq);
+    } else {
+	TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "Error: unsupported HTTP auth scheme"));
+	status = PJ_ENOTSUP;
+    }
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	goto on_error;
+    http_req_end_request(hreq);
+    status = start_http_req(hreq, PJ_TRUE);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	goto on_error;
+    hreq->auth_state = AUTH_RETRYING;
+    return;
+    hreq->auth_state = AUTH_DONE;
+/* snprintf() to a pj_str_t struct with an option to append the 
+ * result at the back of the string.
+ */
+void str_snprintf(pj_str_t *s, size_t size, 
+                  pj_bool_t append, const char *format, ...)
+    va_list arg;
+    int retval;
+    va_start(arg, format);
+    if (!append)
+        s->slen = 0;
+    size -= s->slen;
+    retval = pj_ansi_vsnprintf(s->ptr + s->slen, 
+                               size, format, arg);
+    s->slen += ((retval < (int)size) ? retval : size - 1);
+    va_end(arg);
+static pj_status_t http_req_start_sending(pj_http_req *hreq)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    pj_str_t pkt;
+    pj_ssize_t len;
+    pj_size_t i;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(hreq->state == SENDING_REQUEST || 
+                     hreq->state == SENDING_REQUEST_BODY, PJ_EBUG);
+    if (hreq->state == SENDING_REQUEST) {
+        /* Prepare the request data */
+        if (!hreq->buffer.ptr)
+            hreq->buffer.ptr = (char*)pj_pool_alloc(hreq->pool, BUF_SIZE);
+        pj_strassign(&pkt, &hreq->buffer);
+        pkt.slen = 0;
+        /* Start-line */
+        str_snprintf(&pkt, BUF_SIZE, PJ_TRUE, "%.*s %.*s %s/%.*s\r\n",
+                     STR_PREC(hreq->param.method), 
+                     STR_PREC(hreq->hurl.path),
+                     get_protocol(&hreq->hurl.protocol), 
+                     STR_PREC(hreq->param.version));
+        /* Header field "Host" */
+        str_snprintf(&pkt, BUF_SIZE, PJ_TRUE, "Host: %.*s:%d\r\n",
+                     STR_PREC(hreq->hurl.host), hreq->hurl.port);
+        if (!pj_strcmp2(&hreq->param.method, http_method_names[HTTP_PUT])) {
+            char buf[16];
+            /* Header field "Content-Length" */
+            pj_utoa(hreq->param.reqdata.total_size ? 
+                    (unsigned long)hreq->param.reqdata.total_size: 
+                    (unsigned long)hreq->param.reqdata.size, buf);
+            str_snprintf(&pkt, BUF_SIZE, PJ_TRUE, "%s: %s\r\n",
+                         CONTENT_LENGTH, buf);
+        }
+        /* Append user-specified headers */
+        for (i = 0; i < hreq->param.headers.count; i++) {
+            str_snprintf(&pkt, BUF_SIZE, PJ_TRUE, "%.*s: %.*s\r\n",
+                         STR_PREC(hreq->param.headers.header[i].name),
+                         STR_PREC(hreq->param.headers.header[i].value));
+        }
+        if (pkt.slen >= BUF_SIZE - 1) {
+            status = PJLIB_UTIL_EHTTPINSBUF;
+            goto on_return;
+        }
+        pj_strcat2(&pkt, "\r\n");
+        pkt.ptr[pkt.slen] = 0;
+        TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "%s", pkt.ptr));
+    } else {
+        pkt.ptr = (char*)hreq->param.reqdata.data;
+        pkt.slen = hreq->param.reqdata.size;
+    }
+    /* Send the request */
+    len = pj_strlen(&pkt);
+    pj_ioqueue_op_key_init(&hreq->op_key, sizeof(hreq->op_key));
+    hreq->tcp_state.send_size = len;
+    hreq->tcp_state.current_send_size = 0;
+    status = pj_activesock_send(hreq->asock, &hreq->op_key, 
+                                pkt.ptr, &len, 0);
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        http_on_data_sent(hreq->asock, &hreq->op_key, len);
+    } else if (status != PJ_EPENDING) {
+        goto on_return; // error sending data
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+    http_req_end_request(hreq);
+    return status;
+static pj_status_t http_req_start_reading(pj_http_req *hreq)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    /* Receive the response */
+    hreq->state = READING_RESPONSE;
+    hreq->tcp_state.current_read_size = 0;
+    pj_assert(hreq->buffer.ptr);
+    status = pj_activesock_start_read2(hreq->asock, hreq->pool, BUF_SIZE, 
+                                       (void**)&hreq->buffer.ptr, 0);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        /* Error reading */
+        http_req_end_request(hreq);
+        return status;
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pj_status_t http_req_end_request(pj_http_req *hreq)
+    if (hreq->asock) {
+	pj_activesock_close(hreq->asock);
+        hreq->asock = NULL;
+    }
+    /* Cancel query timeout timer. */
+    if (hreq->timer_entry.id != 0) {
+        pj_timer_heap_cancel(hreq->timer, &hreq->timer_entry);
+        /* Invalidate id. */
+        hreq->timer_entry.id = 0;
+    }
+    hreq->state = IDLE;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_http_req_cancel(pj_http_req *http_req,
+                                       pj_bool_t notify)
+    http_req->state = ABORTING;
+    http_req_end_request(http_req);
+    if (notify && http_req->cb.on_complete) {
+        (*http_req->cb.on_complete)(http_req, (!http_req->error? 
+                                    PJ_ECANCELLED: http_req->error), NULL);
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_http_req_destroy(pj_http_req *http_req)
+    /* If there is any pending request, cancel it */
+    if (http_req->state != IDLE) {
+        pj_http_req_cancel(http_req, PJ_FALSE);
+    }
+    pj_pool_release(http_req->pool);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f969e893199a205a1c7f2c9f38e2fa22342e360a.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f969e893199a205a1c7f2c9f38e2fa22342e360a.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03f5886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f969e893199a205a1c7f2c9f38e2fa22342e360a.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# $Id$
+from inc_cfg import *
+test_param = TestParam(
+		"Callee=optional SRTP, caller=mandatory SRTP",
+		[
+			InstanceParam("callee", "--null-audio --use-srtp=1 --srtp-secure=0 --max-calls=1"),
+			InstanceParam("caller", "--null-audio --use-srtp=2 --srtp-secure=0 --max-calls=1")
+		]
+		)
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f990b3f13176f2c2e57abdda2f9a4df3e7b064d5.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f990b3f13176f2c2e57abdda2f9a4df3e7b064d5.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1018e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f990b3f13176f2c2e57abdda2f9a4df3e7b064d5.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+**   ITU-T G.722.1 (2005-05) - Fixed point implementation for main body and Annex C
+**   > Software Release 2.1 (2008-06)
+**     (Simple repackaging; no change from 2005-05 Release 2.0 code)
+**   © 2004 Polycom, Inc.
+**   All rights reserved.
+  Filename:    tables.c    
+  Purpose:     Contains tables used by G.722.1 Annex C
+  Design Notes:
+ Include files                                                           
+#include "defs.h"
+Word16 int_region_standard_deviation_table[REGION_POWER_TABLE_SIZE] = {
+    0,     0,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+    0,     0,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+    0,     0,   1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
+    8,    11,   16, 23, 32, 45, 64, 91, 128, 181,
+  256,   362,  512, 724, 1024, 1448, 2048, 2896, 4096, 5793,
+ 8192, 11585, 16384, 23170, 0,0,0,0,0,0,
+ 0,0,0,0};
+Word16 standard_deviation_inverse_table[REGION_POWER_TABLE_SIZE] = {
+  32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767,
+  32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767,
+  32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 23170, 16384, 11585, 8192, 5793,
+  4096, 2896, 2048, 1448, 1024, 724, 512, 362, 256, 181,
+  128, 91, 64, 45, 32, 23, 16, 11, 8, 6,
+  4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
+  0, 0, 0, 0};
+Word16 step_size_inverse_table[NUM_CATEGORIES]={
+	23167,16384,11585,8192,5793,4096,2896,2896
+Word16 vector_dimension[NUM_CATEGORIES] =  { 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 1};
+Word16 number_of_vectors[NUM_CATEGORIES] = {10,10,10, 5, 5, 4, 4,20};
+/* The last category isn't really coded with scalar quantization. */
+Word16 max_bin[NUM_CATEGORIES] = {13, 9, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1};
+Word16 max_bin_plus_one_inverse[NUM_CATEGORIES] = 
+	2341,3277,4682,6554,8193,10923,16385,16385
+ * Release 1.2.
+ * Add new version of int_dead_zone[] to go with
+ * changes to vector_huffman() in encoder.c.
+ * 
+ */
+/************** See new version of table below
+Word16 int_dead_zone[NUM_CATEGORIES]=
+	9830,10813,11796,12780,13763,14746,16384,16384
+/******** New version of table added in Release 1.2 ********/
+Word16 int_dead_zone[NUM_CATEGORIES]=         
+2457, 2703, 2949, 3195, 3440, 3686, 4096, 4096
+ * Release 1.2.
+ * Added this new table to go with
+ * changes to vector_huffman() in encoder.c,
+ * accompanies the new table for int_dead_zone[].
+ */
+Word16 int_dead_zone_low_bits[NUM_CATEGORIES]=
+2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0
+Word16 samples_to_rmlt_window[DCT_LENGTH]=
+{   44,   134,   224,   314,   404,   494,   584,   674,   764,   853,
+   943,  1033,  1123,  1213,  1302,  1392,  1482,  1571,  1661,  1750,
+  1840,  1929,  2019,  2108,  2197,  2286,  2376,  2465,  2554,  2643,
+  2732,  2821,  2909,  2998,  3087,  3175,  3264,  3352,  3441,  3529,
+  3617,  3705,  3793,  3881,  3969,  4057,  4144,  4232,  4319,  4407,
+  4494,  4581,  4668,  4755,  4842,  4928,  5015,  5101,  5188,  5274,
+  5360,  5446,  5532,  5617,  5703,  5788,  5873,  5959,  6043,  6128,
+  6213,  6297,  6382,  6466,  6550,  6634,  6718,  6801,  6885,  6968,
+  7051,  7134,  7217,  7299,  7382,  7464,  7546,  7628,  7709,  7791,
+  7872,  7953,  8034,  8115,  8195,  8276,  8356,  8436,  8515,  8595,
+  8674,  8753,  8832,  8911,  8989,  9068,  9146,  9223,  9301,  9378,
+  9455,  9532,  9609,  9685,  9762,  9838,  9913,  9989, 10064, 10139,
+ 10214, 10288, 10363, 10437, 10510, 10584, 10657, 10730, 10803, 10875,
+ 10948, 11020, 11091, 11163, 11234, 11305, 11375, 11446, 11516, 11586,
+ 11655, 11724, 11793, 11862, 11930, 11998, 12066, 12134, 12201, 12268,
+ 12334, 12401, 12467, 12532, 12598, 12663, 12728, 12792, 12857, 12920,
+ 12984, 13047, 13110, 13173, 13235, 13297, 13359, 13420, 13481, 13542,
+ 13602, 13662, 13722, 13782, 13841, 13899, 13958, 14016, 14074, 14131,
+ 14188, 14245, 14301, 14357, 14413, 14468, 14523, 14578, 14632, 14686,
+ 14739, 14793, 14845, 14898, 14950, 15002, 15053, 15104, 15155, 15205,
+ 15255, 15305, 15354, 15403, 15451, 15500, 15547, 15595, 15642, 15688,
+ 15734, 15780, 15826, 15871, 15916, 15960, 16004, 16047, 16091, 16133,
+ 16176, 16218, 16259, 16300, 16341, 16382, 16422, 16461, 16501, 16540,
+ 16578, 16616, 16654, 16691, 16728, 16764, 16800, 16836, 16871, 16906,
+ 16940, 16974, 17008, 17041, 17074, 17106, 17138, 17170, 17201, 17232,
+ 17262, 17292, 17321, 17350, 17379, 17407, 17435, 17462, 17489, 17516,
+ 17542, 17567, 17593, 17617, 17642, 17666, 17689, 17713, 17735, 17758,
+ 17779, 17801, 17822, 17842, 17863, 17882, 17901, 17920, 17939, 17957,
+ 17974, 17991, 18008, 18024, 18040, 18055, 18070, 18085, 18099, 18113,
+ 18126, 18139, 18151, 18163, 18174, 18185, 18196, 18206, 18216, 18225,
+ 18234, 18242, 18250, 18257, 18265, 18271, 18277, 18283, 18288, 18293,
+ 18298, 18302, 18305, 18308, 18311, 18313, 18315, 18316, 18317, 18317,
+Word16 rmlt_to_samples_window[DCT_LENGTH]=
+{  44,    133,   222,   310,   399,   488,   577,   666,   754,   843,
+   932,   1020,  1109,  1198,  1286,  1375,  1464,  1552,  1641,  1729,
+   1817,  1906,  1994,  2082,  2171,  2259,  2347,  2435,  2523,  2611,
+   2699,  2786,  2874,  2962,  3049,  3137,  3224,  3312,  3399,  3486,
+   3573,  3660,  3747,  3834,  3921,  4008,  4094,  4181,  4267,  4353,
+   4439,  4526,  4611,  4697,  4783,  4869,  4954,  5040,  5125,  5210,
+   5295,  5380,  5465,  5549,  5634,  5718,  5802,  5886,  5970,  6054,
+   6138,  6221,  6304,  6388,  6471,  6553,  6636,  6719,  6801,  6883,
+   6965,  7047,  7129,  7211,  7292,  7373,  7454,  7535,  7616,  7696,
+   7777,  7857,  7937,  8016,  8096,  8175,  8254,  8333,  8412,  8491,
+   8569,  8647,  8725,  8803,  8880,  8957,  9035,  9111,  9188,  9264,
+   9341,  9417,  9492,  9568,  9643,  9718,  9793,  9868,  9942, 10016,
+  10090, 10163, 10237, 10310, 10383, 10455, 10528, 10600, 10672, 10743,
+  10815, 10886, 10957, 11027, 11098, 11168, 11237, 11307, 11376, 11445,
+  11514, 11582, 11650, 11718, 11785, 11853, 11920, 11986, 12053, 12119,
+  12185, 12250, 12315, 12380, 12445, 12509, 12573, 12637, 12701, 12764,
+  12826, 12889, 12951, 13013, 13075, 13136, 13197, 13257, 13318, 13378,
+  13437, 13497, 13556, 13614, 13673, 13731, 13788, 13846, 13903, 13959,
+  14016, 14072, 14128, 14183, 14238, 14292, 14347, 14401, 14454, 14508,
+  14561, 14613, 14665, 14717, 14769, 14820, 14871, 14921, 14971, 15021,
+  15070, 15119, 15168, 15216, 15264, 15311, 15359, 15405, 15452, 15498,
+  15544, 15589, 15634, 15678, 15722, 15766, 15810, 15853, 15895, 15938,
+  15979, 16021, 16062, 16103, 16143, 16183, 16223, 16262, 16300, 16339,
+  16377, 16414, 16452, 16488, 16525, 16561, 16596, 16632, 16666, 16701,
+  16735, 16768, 16801, 16834, 16867, 16899, 16930, 16961, 16992, 17022,
+  17052, 17082, 17111, 17140, 17168, 17196, 17223, 17250, 17277, 17303,
+  17329, 17354, 17379, 17404, 17428, 17452, 17475, 17498, 17520, 17542,
+  17564, 17585, 17606, 17626, 17646, 17665, 17684, 17703, 17721, 17739,
+  17756, 17773, 17790, 17806, 17821, 17836, 17851, 17865, 17879, 17893,
+  17906, 17918, 17931, 17942, 17954, 17965, 17975, 17985, 17995, 18004,
+  18012, 18021, 18028, 18036, 18043, 18049, 18055, 18061, 18066, 18071,
+  18076, 18079, 18083, 18086, 18089, 18091, 18093, 18094, 18095, 18095,
+Word16 max_samples_to_rmlt_window[MAX_DCT_LENGTH]={
+0,		43,		89,		133,	178,	222,	268,	314,	357,	403,
+447,	493,	538,	582,	628,	671,	717,	763,	807,	853,
+896,	942,	987,	1031,	1077,	1121,	1166,	1212,	1256,	1301,
+1345,	1390,	1436,	1480,	1526,	1569,	1615,	1660,	1704,	1749,
+1793,	1838,	1884,	1928,	1973,	2016,	2062,	2107,	2151,	2196,
+2239,	2285,	2331,	2374,	2419,	2463,	2508,	2553,	2597,	2642,
+2685,	2730,	2776,	2819,	2864,	2908,	2952,	2998,	3041,	3086,
+3129,	3174,	3219,	3263,	3307,	3350,	3396,	3440,	3483,	3528,
+3571,	3616,	3661,	3704,	3748,	3791,	3836,	3881,	3923,	3968,
+4011,	4055,	4100,	4143,	4187,	4230,	4274,	4318,	4362,	4406,
+4448,	4493,	4537,	4580,	4624,	4666,	4710,	4755,	4797,	4841,
+4883,	4927,	4971,	5013,	5057,	5099,	5144,	5187,	5229,	5273,
+5315,	5359,	5402,	5444,	5488,	5530,	5573,	5617,	5658,	5702,
+5743,	5787,	5830,	5871,	5915,	5956,	6000,	6043,	6084,	6127,
+6169,	6211,	6254,	6296,	6339,	6380,	6423,	6465,	6507,	6549,
+6590,	6633,	6675,	6716,	6759,	6799,	6842,	6884,	6925,	6967,
+7007,	7050,	7092,	7132,	7175,	7215,	7257,	7299,	7339,	7381,
+7421,	7462,	7504,	7544,	7586,	7626,	7667,	7709,	7749,	7790,
+7830,	7871,	7912,	7952,	7993,	8032,	8073,	8114,	8153,	8194,
+8234,	8275,	8315,	8355,	8395,	8434,	8474,	8515,	8554,	8594,
+8632,	8673,	8713,	8752,	8792,	8830,	8871,	8910,	8949,	8989,
+9027,	9066,	9106,	9144,	9184,	9221,	9261,	9300,	9338,	9378,
+9415,	9454,	9493,	9531,	9570,	9607,	9646,	9685,	9722,	9761,
+9798,	9836,	9875,	9912,	9950,	9987,	10025,	10064,	10100,	10138,
+10175,	10213,	10250,	10287,	10325,	10361,	10398,	10436,	10472,	10510,
+10545,	10583,	10620,	10656,	10692,	10728,	10766,	10803,	10838,	10874,
+10910,	10947,	10983,	11018,	11055,	11089,	11126,	11162,	11197,	11233,
+11268,	11303,	11340,	11374,	11410,	11444,	11480,	11515,	11549,	11585,
+11619,	11654,	11689,	11723,	11758,	11791,	11826,	11861,	11895,	11930,
+11963,	11997,	12032,	12065,	12099,	12132,	12166,	12201,	12233,	12267,
+12300,	12333,	12367,	12400,	12433,	12465,	12499,	12532,	12563,	12597,
+12629,	12662,	12695,	12727,	12759,	12790,	12823,	12856,	12887,	12920,
+12951,	12983,	13016,	13046,	13078,	13109,	13141,	13173,	13203,	13235,
+13266,	13296,	13328,	13358,	13389,	13419,	13450,	13481,	13510,	13541,
+13571,	13602,	13632,	13661,	13692,	13721,	13751,	13781,	13810,	13840,
+13869,	13898,	13929,	13957,	13986,	14015,	14044,	14073,	14101,	14130,
+14158,	14187,	14216,	14244,	14272,	14300,	14328,	14357,	14384,	14412,
+14439,	14468,	14495,	14522,	14550,	14577,	14604,	14632,	14658,	14686,
+14711,	14739,	14765,	14792,	14819,	14844,	14871,	14897,	14923,	14949,
+14975,	15001,	15027,	15053,	15079,	15103,	15129,	15155,	15180,	15205,
+15229,	15255,	15280,	15304,	15329,	15353,	15378,	15403,	15426,	15451,
+15475,	15499,	15523,	15546,	15570,	15594,	15618,	15641,	15664,	15688,
+15711,	15734,	15757,	15780,	15802,	15825,	15848,	15871,	15892,	15915,
+15937,	15960,	15982,	16003,	16026,	16047,	16069,	16090,	16112,	16133,
+16154,	16175,	16197,	16217,	16239,	16259,	16279,	16301,	16320,	16341,
+16361,	16382,	16402,	16421,	16441,	16461,	16481,	16501,	16520,	16539,
+16558,	16578,	16597,	16615,	16635,	16653,	16672,	16691,	16709,	16728,
+16746,	16764,	16782,	16800,	16818,	16835,	16853,	16871,	16888,	16905,
+16923,	16940,	16957,	16974,	16991,	17008,	17024,	17041,	17057,	17074,
+17090,	17106,	17122,	17138,	17154,	17169,	17185,	17201,	17216,	17231,
+17246,	17262,	17277,	17291,	17306,	17321,	17336,	17350,	17364,	17379,
+17393,	17407,	17421,	17435,	17449,	17462,	17476,	17490,	17502,	17515,
+17528,	17542,	17554,	17567,	17580,	17592,	17605,	17618,	17629,	17642,
+17653,	17666,	17678,	17689,	17701,	17712,	17724,	17736,	17746,	17757,
+17768,	17779,	17790,	17800,	17811,	17822,	17832,	17842,	17852,	17862,
+17872,	17882,	17892,	17902,	17911,	17920,	17930,	17938,	17947,	17956,
+17965,	17974,	17983,	17991,	17999,	18008,	18016,	18025,	18032,	18040,
+18047,	18055,	18063,	18070,	18078,	18085,	18092,	18099,	18106,	18112,
+18119,	18126,	18132,	18138,	18144,	18151,	18157,	18163,	18168,	18174,
+18179,	18185,	18191,	18196,	18201,	18206,	18211,	18216,	18220,	18225,
+18229,	18234,	18238,	18242,	18246,	18250,	18254,	18257,	18260,	18264,
+18268,	18271,	18274,	18277,	18280,	18283,	18286,	18288,	18291,	18293,
+18295,	18297,	18300,	18301,	18303,	18305,	18306,	18308,	18309,	18311,
+18312,	18312,	18314,	18315,	18315,	18316,	18316,	18317,	18317,	18317
+Word16 max_rmlt_to_samples_window[MAX_DCT_LENGTH]={
+0,		43,		88,		131,	176,	219,	265,	310,	353,	398,
+442,	487,	532,	575,	620,	663,	709,	754,	797,	842,
+885,	931,	975,	1019,	1064,	1107,	1152,	1197,	1240,	1286,
+1329,	1373,	1419,	1462,	1507,	1550,	1595,	1640,	1683,	1728,
+1771,	1816,	1861,	1904,	1949,	1992,	2037,	2081,	2125,	2170,
+2212,	2258,	2302,	2345,	2390,	2433,	2477,	2522,	2565,	2610,
+2652,	2697,	2742,	2784,	2829,	2872,	2916,	2961,	3004,	3048,
+3091,	3136,	3180,	3223,	3267,	3310,	3354,	3399,	3441,	3485,
+3528,	3572,	3616,	3659,	3703,	3745,	3790,	3834,	3876,	3920,
+3962,	4006,	4050,	4093,	4136,	4179,	4222,	4266,	4309,	4352,
+4394,	4438,	4482,	4524,	4568,	4610,	4653,	4697,	4739,	4782,
+4824,	4867,	4911,	4953,	4996,	5038,	5081,	5124,	5166,	5209,
+5251,	5294,	5337,	5378,	5421,	5463,	5506,	5548,	5590,	5633,
+5674,	5717,	5759,	5800,	5843,	5884,	5927,	5970,	6011,	6053,
+6094,	6136,	6178,	6219,	6262,	6302,	6345,	6387,	6428,	6470,
+6510,	6552,	6594,	6635,	6677,	6717,	6759,	6801,	6841,	6883,
+6922,	6964,	7006,	7046,	7087,	7127,	7169,	7210,	7250,	7291,
+7331,	7372,	7413,	7453,	7494,	7533,	7574,	7615,	7655,	7695,
+7735,	7776,	7816,	7855,	7896,	7935,	7975,	8016,	8054,	8095,
+8134,	8174,	8214,	8253,	8293,	8332,	8371,	8412,	8450,	8490,
+8528,	8568,	8607,	8646,	8685,	8723,	8763,	8802,	8840,	8879,
+8917,	8956,	8995,	9033,	9072,	9109,	9148,	9187,	9225,	9264,
+9301,	9340,	9378,	9415,	9454,	9491,	9529,	9567,	9604,	9642,
+9679,	9717,	9755,	9791,	9829,	9866,	9903,	9941,	9977,	10015,
+10051,	10089,	10126,	10162,	10199,	10235,	10272,	10309,	10345,	10382,
+10417,	10454,	10491,	10526,	10563,	10598,	10635,	10672,	10706,	10742,
+10778,	10814,	10850,	10885,	10921,	10955,	10991,	11027,	11061,	11097,
+11131,	11166,	11202,	11236,	11271,	11305,	11340,	11376,	11409,	11444,
+11478,	11513,	11547,	11580,	11615,	11648,	11683,	11717,	11751,	11785,
+11817,	11852,	11886,	11918,	11952,	11985,	12018,	12053,	12085,	12118,
+12150,	12184,	12217,	12249,	12282,	12314,	12347,	12380,	12411,	12444,
+12476,	12508,	12541,	12572,	12604,	12635,	12668,	12700,	12731,	12763,
+12794,	12826,	12858,	12888,	12920,	12950,	12982,	13013,	13043,	13074,
+13105,	13135,	13166,	13196,	13227,	13257,	13287,	13317,	13347,	13377,
+13407,	13437,	13467,	13496,	13525,	13555,	13585,	13614,	13643,	13672,
+13701,	13730,	13760,	13787,	13817,	13845,	13873,	13903,	13930,	13959,
+13987,	14015,	14043,	14071,	14099,	14126,	14154,	14183,	14209,	14237,
+14264,	14292,	14319,	14346,	14373,	14400,	14427,	14454,	14480,	14507,
+14533,	14560,	14586,	14612,	14639,	14664,	14691,	14717,	14742,	14768,
+14793,	14819,	14845,	14870,	14896,	14920,	14945,	14971,	14996,	15020,
+15044,	15070,	15094,	15118,	15143,	15167,	15192,	15216,	15239,	15263,
+15287,	15311,	15335,	15358,	15382,	15405,	15428,	15452,	15474,	15498,
+15520,	15543,	15566,	15588,	15611,	15633,	15656,	15678,	15700,	15722,
+15744,	15766,	15788,	15809,	15831,	15852,	15874,	15895,	15916,	15937,
+15958,	15979,	16000,	16020,	16041,	16061,	16082,	16103,	16122,	16143,
+16162,	16183,	16203,	16222,	16242,	16261,	16281,	16300,	16319,	16339,
+16357,	16377,	16396,	16414,	16433,	16451,	16470,	16488,	16506,	16525,
+16542,	16561,	16579,	16596,	16614,	16631,	16649,	16667,	16683,	16700,
+16717,	16735,	16752,	16768,	16785,	16801,	16818,	16834,	16850,	16867,
+16883,	16899,	16915,	16930,	16945,	16961,	16977,	16992,	17007,	17022,
+17037,	17052,	17067,	17081,	17096,	17111,	17126,	17140,	17154,	17168,
+17182,	17196,	17209,	17223,	17237,	17250,	17264,	17277,	17290,	17303,
+17315,	17329,	17341,	17354,	17367,	17379,	17391,	17404,	17415,	17428,
+17439,	17451,	17463,	17475,	17486,	17497,	17509,	17520,	17531,	17542,
+17552,	17563,	17574,	17584,	17595,	17605,	17616,	17626,	17636,	17646,
+17655,	17665,	17675,	17684,	17694,	17703,	17712,	17721,	17730,	17739,
+17747,	17756,	17764,	17773,	17781,	17789,	17798,	17806,	17813,	17821,
+17829,	17836,	17843,	17851,	17858,	17866,	17872,	17879,	17886,	17893,
+17899,	17906,	17912,	17918,	17924,	17931,	17937,	17942,	17948,	17953,
+17959,	17964,	17970,	17975,	17980,	17985,	17990,	17995,	17999,	18004,
+18008,	18012,	18016,	18021,	18025,	18028,	18032,	18036,	18039,	18043,
+18046,	18049,	18052,	18055,	18058,	18061,	18064,	18067,	18069,	18071,
+18073,	18075,	18078,	18079,	18081,	18083,	18084,	18086,	18087,	18089,
+18090,	18090,	18091,	18092,	18093,	18094,	18094,	18095,	18095,	18095
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f9b07776f9e56e77905bddae30814c1122e87fa9.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f9b07776f9e56e77905bddae30814c1122e87fa9.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd584f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f9b07776f9e56e77905bddae30814c1122e87fa9.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,4835 @@
+# Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools Project File - Name="libgsmcodec" - Package Owner=<4>

+# Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools Generated Build File, Format Version 6.02

+# ** DO NOT EDIT **


+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE x86) Static Library" 0x8304

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Static Library" 0x8904

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE SH4) Static Library" 0x8604

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Static Library" 0xa104

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Static Library" 0x9204

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE SH3) Static Library" 0x8104

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Static Library" 0xa304

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Static Library" 0xa504

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE emulator) Static Library" 0xa604

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Static Library" 0xa204

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Static Library" 0xa404

+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Static Library" 0x9604


+CFG=libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug

+!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,

+!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run


+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "libgsmcodec.vcn".


+!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE

+!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:


+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "libgsmcodec.vcn" CFG="libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"


+!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:


+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE SH4) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE SH4) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE SH3) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE SH3) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE emulator) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE emulator) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release" (based on "Win32 (WCE x86) Static Library")

+!MESSAGE "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug" (based on "Win32 (WCE x86) Static Library")



+# Begin Project

+# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0

+# PROP Scc_ProjName ""

+# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""

+# PROP ATL_Project 2


+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\MIPSII_FPRel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSII_FPRel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{D8AC856C-B213-4895-9E83-9EC51A55201E}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\MIPSII_FPRel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSII_FPRel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{D8AC856C-B213-4895-9E83-9EC51A55201E}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D "MIPSII_FP" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips2 /QMFPE- /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D "MIPSII_FP" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips2 /QMFPE- /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\MIPSII_FPDbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSII_FPDbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{D8AC856C-B213-4895-9E83-9EC51A55201E}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\MIPSII_FPDbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSII_FPDbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{D8AC856C-B213-4895-9E83-9EC51A55201E}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D "MIPSII_FP" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips2 /QMFPE- /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D "MIPSII_FP" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips2 /QMFPE- /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\MIPSIIRel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIIRel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{689DDC64-9D9D-11D5-96F8-00207802C01C}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\MIPSIIRel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIIRel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{689DDC64-9D9D-11D5-96F8-00207802C01C}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips2 /QMFPE /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips2 /QMFPE /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\MIPSIIDbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIIDbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{689DDC64-9D9D-11D5-96F8-00207802C01C}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\MIPSIIDbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIIDbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{689DDC64-9D9D-11D5-96F8-00207802C01C}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips2 /QMFPE /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips2 /QMFPE /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\SH4Rel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\SH4Rel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{D6519021-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\SH4Rel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\SH4Rel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{D6519021-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "SHx" /D "SH4" /D "_SH4_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /Qsh4 /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "SHx" /D "SH4" /D "_SH4_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /Qsh4 /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\SH4Dbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\SH4Dbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{D6519021-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\SH4Dbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\SH4Dbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{D6519021-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "SHx" /D "SH4" /D "_SH4_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /Qsh4 /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "SHx" /D "SH4" /D "_SH4_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /Qsh4 /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\SH3Rel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\SH3Rel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{D6519020-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\SH3Rel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\SH3Rel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{D6519020-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "SHx" /D "SH3" /D "_SH3_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "SHx" /D "SH3" /D "_SH3_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\SH3Dbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\SH3Dbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{D6519020-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\SH3Dbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\SH3Dbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{D6519020-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "SHx" /D "SH3" /D "_SH3_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "SHx" /D "SH3" /D "_SH3_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\MIPSIVRel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIVRel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{0B2FE524-26C5-4194-8CEF-B1582DEB5A98}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\MIPSIVRel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIVRel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{0B2FE524-26C5-4194-8CEF-B1582DEB5A98}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "_MIPS64" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSIV" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips4 /QMn32 /QMFPE /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "_MIPS64" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSIV" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips4 /QMn32 /QMFPE /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\MIPSIVDbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIVDbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{0B2FE524-26C5-4194-8CEF-B1582DEB5A98}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\MIPSIVDbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIVDbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{0B2FE524-26C5-4194-8CEF-B1582DEB5A98}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "_MIPS64" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSIV" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips4 /QMn32 /QMFPE /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "_MIPS64" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSIV" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips4 /QMn32 /QMFPE /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\emulatorRel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\emulatorRel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{32E52003-403E-442D-BE48-DE10F8C6131D}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\emulatorRel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\emulatorRel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{32E52003-403E-442D-BE48-DE10F8C6131D}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "_i386_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_X86_" /D "x86" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /Gs8192 /GF /O2 /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "_i386_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_X86_" /D "x86" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /Gs8192 /GF /O2 /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\emulatorDbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\emulatorDbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{32E52003-403E-442D-BE48-DE10F8C6131D}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\emulatorDbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\emulatorDbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{32E52003-403E-442D-BE48-DE10F8C6131D}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "_i386_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_X86_" /D "x86" /D "_LIB" /YX /Gs8192 /GF /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "_i386_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_X86_" /D "x86" /D "_LIB" /YX /Gs8192 /GF /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\ARMV4IRel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4IRel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{DC70F430-E78B-494F-A9D5-62ADC56443B8}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\ARMV4IRel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4IRel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{DC70F430-E78B-494F-A9D5-62ADC56443B8}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "ARMV4I" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QRarch4T /QRinterwork-return /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "ARMV4I" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QRarch4T /QRinterwork-return /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\ARMV4IDbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4IDbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{DC70F430-E78B-494F-A9D5-62ADC56443B8}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\ARMV4IDbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4IDbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{DC70F430-E78B-494F-A9D5-62ADC56443B8}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "ARMV4I" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QRarch4T /QRinterwork-return /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "ARMV4I" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QRarch4T /QRinterwork-return /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\MIPSIV_FPRel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIV_FPRel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{046A430D-7770-48AB-89B5-24C2D300B03F}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\MIPSIV_FPRel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIV_FPRel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{046A430D-7770-48AB-89B5-24C2D300B03F}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "_MIPS64" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSIV" /D "MIPSIV_FP" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips4 /QMn32 /QMFPE- /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "_MIPS64" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSIV" /D "MIPSIV_FP" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips4 /QMn32 /QMFPE- /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\MIPSIV_FPDbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIV_FPDbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{046A430D-7770-48AB-89B5-24C2D300B03F}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\MIPSIV_FPDbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPSIV_FPDbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{046A430D-7770-48AB-89B5-24C2D300B03F}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "_MIPS64" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSIV" /D "MIPSIV_FP" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips4 /QMn32 /QMFPE- /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "_MIPS64" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSIV" /D "MIPSIV_FP" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips4 /QMn32 /QMFPE- /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\ARMV4Rel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4Rel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{ECBEA43D-CD7B-4852-AD55-D4227B5D624B}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\ARMV4Rel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4Rel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{ECBEA43D-CD7B-4852-AD55-D4227B5D624B}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "NDEBUG" /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "ARMV4" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "NDEBUG" /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "ARMV4" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\ARMV4Dbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4Dbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{ECBEA43D-CD7B-4852-AD55-D4227B5D624B}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\ARMV4Dbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4Dbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{ECBEA43D-CD7B-4852-AD55-D4227B5D624B}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "ARMV4" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "ARMV4" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\MIPS16Rel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPS16Rel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{D6519013-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\MIPS16Rel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPS16Rel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{D6519013-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D "MIPS16" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MIPS16_" /D "MIPS16SUPPORT" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips16 /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D "MIPS16" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MIPS16_" /D "MIPS16SUPPORT" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips16 /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\MIPS16Dbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPS16Dbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{D6519013-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\MIPS16Dbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\MIPS16Dbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{D6519013-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D "MIPS16" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_MIPS16_" /D "MIPS16SUPPORT" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips16 /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "MIPS" /D "_MIPS_" /D "R4000" /D "MIPSII" /D "MIPS16" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_MIPS16_" /D "MIPS16SUPPORT" /D "_LIB" /YX /QMmips16 /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\ARMV4TRel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4TRel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{F52316A9-3B7C-4FE7-A67F-68350B41240D}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\ARMV4TRel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4TRel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{F52316A9-3B7C-4FE7-A67F-68350B41240D}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "THUMB" /D "_THUMB_" /D "ARMV4T" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QRarch4T /QRinterwork-return /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "THUMB" /D "_THUMB_" /D "ARMV4T" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /QRarch4T /QRinterwork-return /O2 /M$(CECrtMT) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\ARMV4TDbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4TDbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{F52316A9-3B7C-4FE7-A67F-68350B41240D}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\ARMV4TDbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\ARMV4TDbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{F52316A9-3B7C-4FE7-A67F-68350B41240D}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "THUMB" /D "_THUMB_" /D "ARMV4T" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QRarch4T /QRinterwork-return /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "ARM" /D "_ARM_" /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "THUMB" /D "_THUMB_" /D "ARMV4T" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_LIB" /YX /QRarch4T /QRinterwork-return /M$(CECrtMTDebug) /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\X86Rel"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\X86Rel"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{D6518FF3-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\X86Rel"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\X86Rel"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{D6518FF3-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "_i386_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_X86_" /D "x86" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /Gs8192 /GF /O2 /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "_i386_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_X86_" /D "x86" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /YX /Gs8192 /GF /O2 /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "output\X86Dbg"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "output\X86Dbg"

+# PROP BASE CPU_ID "{D6518FF3-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP BASE Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir "output\X86Dbg"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "output\X86Dbg"

+# PROP CPU_ID "{D6518FF3-710F-11D3-99F2-00105A0DF099}"

+# PROP Platform_ID "{8A9A2F80-6887-11D3-842E-005004848CBA}"

+# PROP Target_Dir ""


+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "_i386_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_X86_" /D "x86" /D "_LIB" /YX /Gs8192 /GF /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "." /I "../../gsm/inc" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=$(CEVersion) /D "$(CePlatform)" /D "_i386_" /D UNDER_CE=$(CEVersion) /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_X86_" /D "x86" /D "_LIB" /YX /Gs8192 /GF /c

+LIB32=link.exe -lib

+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo

+# ADD LIB32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo




+# Begin Target


+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"

+# Name "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"

+# Begin Group "Source Files"


+# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\config.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	".\config.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File




+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSII) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE SH3) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPSIV_FP) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE MIPS16) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE ARMV4T) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Release"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\



+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libgsmcodec - Win32 (WCE x86) Debug"



+	"..\..\gsm\inc\gsm.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\private.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\proto.h"\

+	"..\..\gsm\inc\unproto.h"\





+# End Source File

+# End Group

+# Begin Group "Header Files"


+# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"

+# Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# End Group

+# End Target

+# End Project

diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f9bacebd5cb9576b62acd9de747da504408a9e50.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f9bacebd5cb9576b62acd9de747da504408a9e50.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81fa735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f9/f9bacebd5cb9576b62acd9de747da504408a9e50.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#ifndef __PJ_DOXYGEN_H__
+#define __PJ_DOXYGEN_H__
+ * @file doxygen.h
+ * @brief Doxygen's mainpage.
+ */
+/*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
+ */
+ * @mainpage Welcome to PJLIB!
+ *
+ * @section intro_sec What is PJLIB
+ *
+ * PJLIB is an Open Source, small footprint framework library written in C for 
+ * making scalable applications. Because of its small footprint, it can be used
+ * in embedded applications (we hope so!), but yet the library is also aimed for
+ * facilitating the creation of high performance protocol stacks.
+ *
+ * PJLIB is released under GPL terms.
+ *
+ * @section download_sec Download
+ *
+ * PJLIB and all documentation can be downloaded from 
+ * http://www.pjsip.org.
+ *
+ *
+ * @section how_to_use_sec About This Documentation
+ *
+ * This document is generated directly from PJLIB source file using
+ * \a doxygen (http://www.doxygen.org). Doxygen is a great (and free!) 
+ * tools for generating such documentation.
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection find_samples_subsec How to Read This Document
+ *
+ * This documentation is laid out more to be a reference guide instead
+ * of tutorial, therefore first time users may find it difficult to
+ * grasp PJLIB by reading this document alone.
+ *
+ * However, we've tried our best to make this document easy to follow.
+ * For first time users, we would suggest that you follow these steps
+ * when reading this documentation:
+ *
+ *  - continue reading this introduction chapter. At the end of this
+ *    chapter, you'll find section called \ref pjlib_fundamentals_sec
+ *    which should guide you to understand basic things about PJLIB.
+ *
+ *  - find information about specific features that you want to use
+ *    in PJLIB. Use the <b>Module Index</b> to find out about all 
+ *    features in PJLIB (if you're browsing the HTML documentation,
+ *    click on the \a Module link on top of the page, or if you're
+ *    reading the PDF documentation, click on \a Module \a Documentation
+ *    on the navigation pane on the left).
+ *
+ * @subsection doc_organize_sec How To's
+ *
+ * Please find below links to specific tasks that you probably
+ * want to do:
+ *
+ *  - <b>How to Build PJLIB</b>
+ *\n
+ * Please refer to \ref pjlib_build_sys_pg page for more information.
+ *
+ *  - <b>How to Use PJLIB in My Application</b>
+ *\n
+ * Please refer to \ref configure_app_sec for more information.
+ *
+ *  - <b>How to Port PJLIB</b>
+ *\n
+ * Please refer to \ref porting_pjlib_pg page.
+ *
+ *  - <b>Where to Read Samples Documentation</b>
+ *\n
+ * Most of the modules provide link to the corresponding sample file.
+ * Alternatively, to get the list of all examples, you can click on 
+ * <b>Related Pages</b> on the top of HTML document or on 
+ * <b>PJLIB Page Documentation</b> on navigation pane of your PDF reader.
+ *
+ *  - <b>How to Submit Code to PJLIB Project</b>
+ *\n
+ * Please read \ref pjlib_coding_convention_page before submitting
+ * your code. Send your code as patch against current Subversion tree
+ * to the appropriate mailing list.
+ *
+ *
+ * @section features_sec Features
+ *
+ * @subsection open_source_feat It's Open Source!
+ *
+ * PJLIB is currently released on GPL license, but other arrangements
+ * can be made with the author.
+ *
+ * @subsection extreme_portable_feat Extreme Portability
+ *
+ * PJLIB is designed to be extremely portable. It can run on any kind
+ * of processors (16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit, big or little endian, single
+ * or multi-processors) and operating systems. Floating point or no
+ * floating point. Multi-threading or not.
+ * It can even run in environment where no ANSI LIBC is available. 
+ *
+ * Currently PJLIB is known to run on these platforms:
+ *  - Win32/x86 (Win95/98/ME, NT/2000/XP/2003, mingw).
+ *  - arm, WinCE and Windows Mobile.
+ *  - Linux/x86, (user mode and as <b>kernel module</b>(!)).
+ *  - Linux/alpha
+ *  - Solaris/ultra.
+ *  - MacOS X/powerpc
+ *  - RTEMS (x86 and powerpc).
+ *
+ * And efforts is under way to port PJLIB on:
+ *  - Symbian OS
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection small_size_feat Small in Size
+ *
+ * One of the primary objectives is to have library that is small in size for
+ * typical embedded applications. As a rough guidance, we aim to keep the 
+ * library size below 100KB for it to be considered as small.
+ * As the result, most of the functionalities in the library can be tailored
+ * to meet the requirements; user can enable/disable specific functionalities
+ * to get the desired size/performance/functionality balance.
+ *
+ * For more info, please see @ref pj_config.
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection big_perform_feat Big in Performance
+ *
+ * Almost everything in PJLIB is designed to achieve the highest possible
+ * performance out of the target platform. 
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection no_dyn_mem No Dynamic Memory Allocations
+ *
+ * The central idea of PJLIB is that for applications to run as fast as it can,
+ * it should not use \a malloc() at all, but instead should get the memory 
+ * from a preallocated storage pool. There are few things that can be 
+ * optimized with this approach:
+ *
+ *  - \a alloc() is a O(1) operation.
+ *  - no mutex is used inside alloc(). It is assumed that synchronization 
+ *    will be used in higher abstraction by application anyway.
+ *  - no \a free() is required. All chunks will be deleted when the pool is 
+ *    destroyed.
+ *
+ * The performance gained on some systems can be as high as 30x speed up
+ * against \a malloc() and \a free() on certain configurations, but of
+ * course your mileage may vary. 
+ *
+ * For more information, see \ref PJ_POOL_GROUP
+ *
+ * 
+ * @subsection os_abstract_feat Operating System Abstraction
+ *
+ * PJLIB has abstractions for features that are normally not portable 
+ * across operating systems: 
+ *  - @ref PJ_THREAD
+ *\n
+ *    Portable thread manipulation.
+ *  - @ref PJ_TLS
+ *\n
+ *    Storing data in thread's private data.
+ *  - @ref PJ_MUTEX
+ *\n
+ *    Mutual exclusion protection.
+ *  - @ref PJ_SEM
+ *\n
+ *    Semaphores.
+ *  - @ref PJ_ATOMIC
+ *\n
+ *    Atomic variables and their operations.
+ *  - @ref PJ_CRIT_SEC
+ *\n
+ *    Fast locking of critical sections.
+ *  - @ref PJ_LOCK
+ *\n
+ *    High level abstraction for lock objects.
+ *  - @ref PJ_EVENT
+ *\n
+ *    Event object.
+ *  - @ref PJ_TIME
+ *\n
+ *    Portable time manipulation.
+ *  - @ref PJ_TIMESTAMP
+ *\n
+ *    High resolution time value.
+ *  - etc.
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection ll_network_io_sec Low-Level Network I/O
+ *
+ * PJLIB has very portable abstraction and fairly complete set of API for
+ * doing network I/O communications. At the lowest level, PJLIB provides:
+ *
+ *  - @ref PJ_SOCK
+ *\n
+ *    A highly portable socket abstraction, runs on all kind of
+ *    network APIs such as standard BSD socket, Windows socket, Linux
+ *    \b kernel socket, PalmOS networking API, etc.
+ *
+ *  - @ref pj_addr_resolve
+ *\n
+ *    Portable address resolution, which implements #pj_gethostbyname().
+ *
+ *  - @ref PJ_SOCK_SELECT
+ *\n
+ *    A portable \a select() like API (#pj_sock_select()) which can be
+ *    implemented with various back-end.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection timer_mgmt_sec Timer Management
+ *
+ * A passive framework for managing timer, see @ref PJ_TIMER for more info.
+ * There is also function to retrieve high resolution timestamp
+ * from the system (see @ref PJ_TIMESTAMP).
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection data_struct_sec Various Data Structures
+ *
+ * Various data structures are provided in the library:
+ *
+ *  - @ref PJ_PSTR
+ *  - @ref PJ_ARRAY
+ *  - @ref PJ_HASH
+ *  - @ref PJ_LIST
+ *  - @ref PJ_RBTREE
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection exception_sec Exception Construct
+ *
+ * A convenient TRY/CATCH like construct to propagate errors, which by
+ * default are used by the @ref PJ_POOL_GROUP "memory pool" and 
+ * the lexical scanner in pjlib-util. The exception
+ * construct can be used to write programs like below:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *    #define SYNTAX_ERROR  1
+ *
+ *    PJ_TRY {
+ *       msg = NULL;
+ *       msg = parse_msg(buf, len);
+ *    }
+ *       .. handle error ..
+ *    }
+ *    PJ_END;
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * Please see @ref PJ_EXCEPT for more information.
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection logging_sec Logging Facility
+ *
+ * PJLIB @ref PJ_LOG consists of macros to write logging information to
+ * some output device. Some of the features of the logging facility:
+ *
+ *  - the verbosity can be fine-tuned both at compile time (to control
+ *    the library size) or run-time (to control the verbosity of the
+ *    information).
+ *  - output device is configurable (e.g. stdout, printk, file, etc.)
+ *  - log decoration is configurable.
+ *
+ * See @ref PJ_LOG for more information.
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection guid_gen_sec Random and GUID Generation
+ *
+ * PJLIB provides facility to create random string 
+ * (#pj_create_random_string()) or globally unique identifier
+ * (see @ref PJ_GUID).
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @section configure_app_sec Configuring Application to use PJLIB
+ *
+ * @subsection pjlib_compil_sec Building PJLIB
+ *
+ * Follow the instructions in \ref pjlib_build_sys_pg to build
+ * PJLIB.
+ *
+ * @subsection pjlib_compil_app_sec Building Applications with PJLIB
+ *
+ * Use the following settings when building applications with PJLIB.
+ *
+ * @subsubsection compil_inc_dir_sec Include Search Path
+ *
+ * Add this to your include search path ($PJLIB is PJLIB root directory):
+ * <pre>
+ *   $PJLIB/include
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @subsubsection compil_inc_file_sec Include PJLIB Header
+ *
+ * To include all PJLIB headers:
+ * \verbatim
+    #include <pjlib.h>
+   \endverbatim
+ *
+ * Alternatively, you can include individual PJLIB headers like this:
+ * \verbatim
+     #include <pj/log.h>
+     #include <pj/os.h>
+  \endverbatim
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsubsection compil_lib_dir_sec Library Path
+ *
+ * Add this to your library search path:
+ * <pre>
+ *   $PJLIB/lib
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * Then add the appropriate PJLIB library to your link specification. For
+ * example, you would add \c libpj-i386-linux-gcc.a when you're building
+ * applications in Linux.
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection pjlib_fundamentals_sec Principles in Using PJLIB
+ *
+ * Few things that you \b MUST do when using PJLIB, to make sure that
+ * you create trully portable applications.
+ *
+ * @subsubsection call_pjlib_init_sec Call pj_init()
+ *
+ * Before you do anything else, call \c pj_init(). This would make sure that
+ * PJLIB system is properly set up.
+ *
+ * @subsubsection no_ansi_subsec Do NOT Use ANSI C
+ *
+ * Contrary to popular teaching, ANSI C (and LIBC) is not the most portable
+ * library in the world, nor it's the most ubiquitous. For example, LIBC
+ * is not available in Linux kernel. Also normally LIBC will be excluded
+ * from compilation of RTOSes to reduce size.
+ *
+ * So for maximum portability, do NOT use ANSI C. Do not even try to include
+ * any other header files outside <include/pj>. Stick with the functionalities
+ * provided by PJLIB. 
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsubsection string_rep_subsubsec Use pj_str_t instead of C Strings
+ *
+ * PJLIB uses pj_str_t instead of normal C strings. You SHOULD follow this
+ * convention too. Remember, ANSI string-h is not always available. And
+ * PJLIB string is faster!
+ *
+ * @subsubsection mem_alloc_subsubsec Use Pool for Memory Allocations
+ *
+ * You MUST NOT use \a malloc() or any other memory allocation functions.
+ * Use PJLIB @ref PJ_POOL_GROUP instead! It's faster and most portable.
+ *
+ * @subsection logging_subsubsec Use Logging for Text Display
+ *
+ * DO NOT use <stdio.h> for text output. Use PJLIB @ref PJ_LOG instead.
+ *
+ *
+ * @section porting_pjlib_sec0 Porting PJLIB
+ *
+ * Please see \ref porting_pjlib_pg page on more information to port
+ * PJLIB to new target.
+ *
+ * @section enjoy_sec Enjoy Using PJLIB!
+ *
+ * We hope that you find PJLIB usefull for your application. If you
+ * have any questions, suggestions, critics, bug fixes, or anything
+ * else, we would be happy to hear it.
+ *
+ * Enjoy using PJLIB!
+ *
+ * Benny Prijono < bennylp at pjsip dot org >
+ */
+/*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
+ */
+ * @page pjlib_coding_convention_page Coding Convention
+ *
+ * Before you submit your code/patches to be included with PJLIB, you must
+ * make sure that your code is compliant with PJLIB coding convention.
+ * <b>This is very important!</b> Otherwise we would not accept your code.
+ *
+ * @section coding_conv_editor_sec Editor Settings
+ *
+ * The single most important thing in the whole coding convention is editor 
+ * settings. It's more important than the correctness of your code (bugs will
+ * only crash the system, but incorrect tab size is mental!).
+ *
+ * Kindly set your editor as follows:
+ *  - tab size to \b 8.
+ *  - indentation to \b 4.
+ *
+ * With \c vi, you can do it with:
+ * <pre>
+ *  :se ts=8
+ *  :se sts=4
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * You should replace tab with eight spaces.
+ *
+ * @section coding_conv_detail_sec Coding Style
+ *
+ * Coding style MUST strictly follow K&R style. The rest of coding style
+ * must follow current style. You SHOULD be able to observe the style
+ * currently used by PJLIB from PJLIB sources, and apply the style to your 
+ * code. If you're not able to do simple thing like to observe PJLIB
+ * coding style from the sources, then logic dictates that your ability to
+ * observe more difficult area in PJLIB such as memory allocation strategy, 
+ * concurrency, etc is questionable.
+ *
+ * @section coding_conv_comment_sec Commenting Your Code
+ *
+ * Public API (e.g. in header files) MUST have doxygen compliant comments.
+ *
+ */
+/*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
+ */
+ * @page pjlib_build_sys_pg Building, and Installing PJLIB
+ *
+ * @section build_sys_install_sec Build and Installation
+ *
+ * \note
+ * <b>The most up-to-date information on building and installing PJLIB
+ *  should be found in the website, under "Getting Started" document.
+ *  More over, the new PJLIB build system is now based on autoconf,
+ *  so some of the information here might not be relevant anymore 
+ *  (although most still are, since the autoconf script still use
+ *  the old Makefile system as the backend).</b>
+ *
+ * @subsection build_sys_install_win32_sec Visual Studio
+ *
+ * The PJLIB Visual Studio workspace supports the building of PJLIB
+ * for Win32 target. Although currently only the Visual Studio 6 Workspace is
+ * actively maintained, developers with later version of Visual Studio
+ * can easily imports VS6 workspace into their IDE.
+ *
+ * To start building PJLIB projects with Visual Studio 6 or later, open
+ * the \a workspace file in the corresponding \b \c build directory. You have
+ * several choices on which \a dsw file to open:
+ \verbatim
+  $PJPROJECT/pjlib/build/pjlib.dsw
+  $PJPROJECT/pjsip/build/pjsip.dsw
+ ..etc
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * The easiest way is to open <tt>pjsip_apps.dsw</tt> file in \b \c $PJPROJECT/pjsip-apps/build
+ * directory, and build pjsua project or the samples project. 
+ * However this will not build the complete projects. 
+ * For example, the PJLIB test is not included in this workspace. 
+ * To build the complete projects, you must
+ * open and build each \a dsw file in \c build directory in each
+ * subprojects. For example, to open the complete PJLIB workspace, open
+ * <tt>pjlib.dsw</tt> in <tt>$PJPROJECT/pjlib/build</tt> directory.
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsubsection config_site_create_vc_sec Create config_site.h
+ *
+ * The file <tt><b>$PJPROJECT/pjlib/include/pj/config_site.h</b></tt>
+ * is supposed to contain configuration that is specific to your site/target.
+ * This file is not part of PJLIB, so you must create it yourself. Normally
+ * you just need to create a blank file.
+ *
+ * The reason why it's not included in PJLIB is so that you would not accidently
+ * overwrite your site configuration.
+ *
+ * If you fail to do this, Visual C will complain with error like: 
+ *
+ * <b>"fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'pj/config_site.h': No such file 
+ * or directory"</b>.
+ *
+ * @subsubsection build_vc_subsubsec Build the Projects
+ *
+ * Just hit the build button!
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection build_sys_install_unix_sec Make System
+ *
+ * For other targets, PJLIB provides a rather comprehensive build system
+ * that uses GNU \a make (and only GNU \a make will work). 
+ * Currently, the build system supports building * PJLIB for these targets:
+ *  - i386/Win32/mingw
+ *  - i386/Linux
+ *  - i386/Linux (kernel)
+ *  - alpha/linux
+ *  - sparc/SunOS
+ *  - etc..
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsubsection build_req_sec Requirements
+ *
+ * In order to use the \c make based build system, you MUST have:
+ *
+ *  - <b>GNU make</b>
+ *\n
+ *    The Makefiles heavily utilize GNU make commands which most likely
+ *    are not available in other \c make system.
+ *  - <b>bash</b> shell is recommended.
+ *\n
+ *    Specificly, there is a command <tt>"echo -n"</tt> which may not work
+ *    in other shells. This command is used when generating dependencies
+ *    (<tt>make dep</tt>) and it's located in 
+ *    <tt>$PJPROJECT/build/rules.mak</tt>.
+ *  - <b>ar</b>, <b>ranlib</b> from GNU binutils
+ *\n
+ *    In your system has different <tt>ar</tt> or <tt>ranlib</tt> (e.g. they
+ *    may have been installed as <tt>gar</tt> and <tt>granlib</tt>), then
+ *    either you create the relevant symbolic links, <b>or</b> modify
+ *    <tt>$PJPROJECT/build/cc-gcc.mak</tt> and rename <tt>ar</tt> and
+ *    <tt>ranlib</tt> to the appropriate names.
+ *  - <b>gcc</b> to generate dependency.
+ *\n
+ *    Currently the build system uses <tt>"gcc -MM"</tt> to generate build
+ *    dependencies. If <tt>gcc</tt> is not desired to generate dependency,
+ *    then either you don't run <tt>make dep</tt>, <b>or</b> edit
+ *    <tt>$PJPROJECT/build/rules.mak</tt> to calculate dependency using
+ *    your prefered method. (And let me know when you do so so that I can
+ *    update the file. :) )
+ *
+ * @subsubsection build_overview_sec Building the Project
+ *
+ * Generally, steps required to build the PJLIB are:
+ *
+ \verbatim
+   $ cd /home/user/pjproject
+   $ ./configure
+   $ touch pjlib/include/pj/config_site.h
+   $ make dep
+   $ make
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * The above process will build all static libraries and all applications.
+ *
+ * \note the <tt>configure</tt> script is not a proper autoconf script,
+ * but rather a simple shell script to detect current host. This script
+ * currently does not support cross-compilation.
+ *
+ * \note For Linux kernel target, there are additional steps required, which
+ * will be explained in section \ref linux_kern_target_subsec.
+ *
+ * @subsubsection build_mak_sec Cross Compilation
+ * 
+ * For cross compilation, you will need to edit the \c build.mak file in 
+ * \c $PJPROJECT root directory manually. Please see <b>README-configure</b> file
+ * in the root directory for more information.
+ *
+ * For Linux kernel target, you are also required to declare the following
+ * variables in this file:
+ *	- \c KERNEL_DIR: full path of kernel source tree.
+ *	- \c KERNEL_ARCH: kernel ARCH options (e.g. "ARCH=um"), or leave blank
+ * 	     for default.
+ *	- \c PJPROJECT_DIR: full path of PJPROJECT source tree.
+ *
+ * Apart from these, there are also additional steps required to build
+ * Linux kernel target, which will be explained in \ref linux_kern_target_subsec.
+ *
+ * @subsubsection build_dir_sec Files in "build" Directory
+ *
+ * The <tt>*.mak</tt> files in \c $PJPROJECT/build directory are used to specify
+ * the configuration for the specified compiler, target machine target 
+ * operating system, and host options. These files will be executed
+ * (included) by \a make during building process, depending on the values
+ * specified in <b>$PJPROJECT/build.mak</b> file.
+ *
+ * Normally you don't need to edit these files, except when you're porting
+ * PJLIB to new target.
+ *
+ * Below are the description of some files in this directory:
+ *
+ *  - <tt>rules.mak</tt>: contains generic rules always included during make.
+ *  - <tt>cc-gcc.mak</tt>: rules when gcc is used for compiler.
+ *  - <tt>cc-vc.mak</tt>: rules when MSVC compiler is used.
+ *  - <tt>host-mingw.mak</tt>: rules for building in mingw host.
+ *  - <tt>host-unix.mak</tt>: rules for building in Unix/Posix host.
+ *  - <tt>host-win32.mak</tt>: rules for building in Win32 command console
+ *    (only valid when VC is used).
+ *  - <tt>m-i386.mak</tt>: rules when target machine is an i386 processor.
+ *  - <tt>m-m68k.mak</tt>: rules when target machine is an m68k processor.
+ *  - <tt>os-linux.mak</tt>: rules when target OS is Linux.
+ *  - <tt>os-linux-kernel.mak</tt>: rules when PJLIB is to be build as
+ *    part of Linux kernel.
+ *  - <tt>os-win32.mak</tt>: rules when target OS is Win32.
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsubsection config_site_create_sec Create config_site.h
+ *
+ * The file <tt><b>$PJPROJECT/pjlib/include/pj/config_site.h</b></tt>
+ * is supposed to contain configuration that is specific to your site/target.
+ * This file is not part of PJLIB, so you must create it yourself.
+ *
+ * The reason why it's not included in PJLIB is so that you would not accidently
+ * overwrite your site configuration.
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsubsection invoking_make_sec Invoking make
+ *
+ * Normally, \a make is invoked in \c build directory under each project.
+ * For example, to build PJLIB, you would invoke \a make in
+ * \c $PJPROJECT/pjlib/build directory like below:
+ *
+ \verbatim
+   $ cd pjlib/build
+   $ make
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * Alternatively you may invoke <tt>make</tt> in <tt>$PJPROJECT</tt> 
+ * directory, to build all projects under that directory (e.g. 
+ * PJLIB, PJSIP, etc.).
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsubsection linux_kern_target_subsec Linux Kernel Target
+ *
+ * \note
+ *
+ * \note
+ * <b>User Mode Linux (UML)</b> provides excellent way to experiment with Linux
+ * kernel without risking the stability of the host system. See
+ * http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net for details.
+ *
+ * \note
+ * I only use <b>UML</b> to experiment with PJLIB kernel modules.
+ * <b>I wouldn't be so foolish to use my host Linux machine to experiment
+ * with this.</b> 
+ *
+ * \note
+ * You have been warned.
+ *
+ * For building PJLIB for Linux kernel target, there are additional steps required.
+ * In general, the additional tasks are:
+ *	- Declare some more variables in <b><tt>build.mak</tt></b> file (this
+ *        has been explained in \ref build_mak_sec above).
+ *      - Perform these two small modifications in kernel source tree.
+ *
+ * There are two small modification need to be applied to the kernel tree.
+ *
+ * <b>1. Edit <tt>Makefile</tt> in kernel root source tree.</b>
+ *
+ * Add the following lines at the end of the <tt>Makefile</tt> in your 
+ * <tt>$KERNEL_SRC</tt> dir:
+ \verbatim
+       $(SCRIPT)
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * \note Remember to replace spaces with <b>tab</b> in the Makefile.
+ *
+ * The modification above is needed to capture kernel's \c $CFLAGS and 
+ * \c $CFLAGS_MODULE which will be used for PJLIB's compilation.
+ *
+ * <b>2. Add Additional Exports.</b>
+ *
+ * We need the kernel to export some more symbols for our use. So we declare
+ * the additional symbols to be exported in <tt>extra-exports.c</tt> file, and add
+ * a this file to be compiled into the kernel:
+ *
+ *	- Copy the file <tt>extra-exports.c</tt> from <tt>pjlib/src/pj</tt> 
+ *	  directory to <tt>$KERNEL_SRC/kernel/</tt> directory.
+ *	- Edit <tt>Makefile</tt> in that directory, and add this line
+ *        somewhere after the declaration of that variable:
+ \verbatim
+obj-y   += extra-exports.o
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * To illustrate what have been done in your kernel source tree, below
+ * is screenshot of my kernel source tree _after_ the modification.
+ *
+ \verbatim
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# pwd
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# 
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# 
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# tail Makefile 
+endif   # skip-makefile
+.PHONY: script
+        $(SCRIPT)
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# 
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# 
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# head kernel/extra-exports.c 
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/syscalls.h>
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# 
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# 
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# head -15 kernel/Makefile 
+# Makefile for the linux kernel.
+obj-y     = sched.o fork.o exec_domain.o panic.o printk.o profile.o \
+            exit.o itimer.o time.o softirq.o resource.o \
+            sysctl.o capability.o ptrace.o timer.o user.o \
+            signal.o sys.o kmod.o workqueue.o pid.o \
+            rcupdate.o intermodule.o extable.o params.o posix-timers.o \
+            kthread.o
+obj-y   +=  extra-exports.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_FUTEX) += futex.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_GENERIC_ISA_DMA) += dma.o
+[root@vpc-linux linux-2.6.7]# 
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * Then you must rebuild the kernel.
+ * If you fail to do this, you won't be able to <b>insmod</b> pjlib.
+ *
+ * \note You will see a lots of warning messages during pjlib-test compilation.
+ * The warning messages complain about unresolved symbols which are defined
+ * in pjlib module. You can safely ignore these warnings. However, you can not
+ * ignore warnings about non-pjlib unresolved symbols.
+ *
+ * 
+ * @subsection makefile_explained_sec Makefile Explained
+ *
+ * The \a Makefile for each project (e.g. PJLIB, PJSIP, etc) should be
+ * very similar in the contents. The Makefile is located under \c build
+ * directory in each project subdir.
+ *
+ * @subsubsection pjlib_makefile_subsec PJLIB Makefile.
+ *
+ * Below is PJLIB's Makefile:
+ *
+ * \include build/Makefile
+ *
+ * @subsubsection pjlib_os_makefile_subsec PJLIB os-linux.mak.
+ *
+ * Below is file <tt><b>os-linux.mak</b></tt> file in 
+ * <tt>$PJPROJECT/pjlib/build</tt> directory,
+ * which is OS specific configuration file for Linux target that is specific 
+ * for PJLIB project. For \b global OS specific configuration, please see
+ * <tt>$PJPROJECT/build/os-*.mak</tt>.
+ *
+ * \include build/os-linux.mak
+ *
+ */
+/*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
+ */
+ * @page porting_pjlib_pg Porting PJLIB
+ *
+ * \note
+ * <b>Since version 0.5.8, PJLIB build system is now based on autoconf, so
+ * most of the time we shouldn't need to apply the tweakings below to get
+ * PJLIB working on a new platform. However, since the autoconf build system
+ * still uses the old Makefile build system, the information below may still
+ * be useful for reference.
+ * </b>
+ *
+ * @section new_arch_sec Porting to New CPU Architecture
+ *
+ * Below is step-by-step guide to add support for new CPU architecture.
+ * This sample is based on porting to Alpha architecture; however steps for 
+ * porting to other CPU architectures should be pretty similar. 
+ *
+ * Also note that in this example, the operating system used is <b>Linux</b>.
+ * Should you wish to add support for new operating system, then follow
+ * the next section \ref porting_os_sec.
+ *
+ * Step-by-step guide to port to new CPU architecture:
+ *  - decide the name for the new architecture. In this case, we choose
+ *    <tt><b>alpha</b></tt>.
+ *  - edit file <tt>$PJPROJECT/build.mak</tt>, and add new section for
+ *    the new target:
+ *    <pre>
+ *      #
+ *      # Linux alpha, gcc
+ *      #
+ *      export MACHINE_NAME := <b>alpha</b>
+ *      export OS_NAME := linux
+ *      export CC_NAME := gcc
+ *      export HOST_NAME := unix
+ *    </pre>
+ *
+ *  - create a new file <tt>$PJPROJECT/build/<b>m-alpha</b>.mak</tt>.
+ *    Alternatively create a copy from other file in this directory.
+ *    The contents of this file will look something like:
+ *    <pre>
+ *      export M_CFLAGS := $(CC_DEF)<b>PJ_M_ALPHA=1</b>
+ *      export M_CXXFLAGS :=
+ *      export M_LDFLAGS :=
+ *      export M_SOURCES :=
+ *    </pre>
+ *  - create a new file <tt>$PJPROJECT/pjlib/include/pj/compat/<b>m_alpha.h</b></tt>.
+ *    Alternatively create a copy from other header file in this directory.
+ *    The contents of this file will look something like:
+ *    <pre>
+ *      #define PJ_HAS_PENTIUM          0
+ *      #define PJ_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN     1
+ *      #define PJ_IS_BIG_ENDIAN        0
+ *    </pre>
+ *  - edit <tt>pjlib/include/pj/<b>config.h</b></tt>. Add new processor
+ *    configuration in this header file, like follows:
+ *    <pre>
+ *      ...
+ *      #elif defined (PJ_M_ALPHA) && PJ_M_ALPHA != 0
+ *      #   include <pj/compat/m_alpha.h>
+ *      ...
+ *    </pre>
+ *  - done. Build PJLIB with:
+ *    <pre>
+ *      $ cd $PJPROJECT/pjlib/build
+ *      $ make dep
+ *      $ make clean
+ *      $ make
+ *    </pre>
+ *
+ * @section porting_os_sec Porting to New Operating System Target
+ *
+ * This section will try to give you rough guideline on how to
+ * port PJLIB to a new target. As a sample, we give the target a name tag, 
+ * for example <tt><b>xos</b></tt> (for X OS). 
+ *
+ * @subsection new_compat_os_h_file_sec Create New Compat Header File
+ *
+ * You'll need to create a new header file 
+ * <b><tt>include/pj/compat/os_xos.h</tt></b>. You can copy as a 
+ * template other header file and edit it accordingly.
+ *
+ * @subsection modify_config_h_file_sec Modify config.h
+ *
+ * Then modify file <b><tt>include/pj/config.h</tt></b> to include
+ * this file accordingly (e.g. when macro <tt><b>PJ_XOS</b></tt> is
+ * defined):
+ *
+ \verbatim
+ ...
+ #elif defined(PJ_XOS)
+ #  include <pj/compat/os_xos.h>
+ #else
+ #...
+ \endverbatim
+ * 
+ * @subsection new_target_mak_file_sec Create New Global Make Config File
+ *
+ * Then you'll need to create global configuration file that
+ * is specific for this OS, i.e. <tt><b>os-xos.mak</b></tt> in 
+ * <tt><b>$PJPROJECT/build</b></tt> directory.
+ *
+ * At very minimum, the file will normally need to define
+ * <tt><b>PJ_XOS=1</b></tt> in the \c CFLAGS section:
+ *
+ \verbatim
+# $PJPROJECT/build/os-xos.mak:
+export OS_CFLAGS   := $(CC_DEF)PJ_XOS=1
+export OS_CXXFLAGS := 
+export OS_LDFLAGS  :=
+export OS_SOURCES  := 
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ *
+ * @subsection new_target_prj_mak_file_sec Create New Project's Make Config File
+ *
+ * Then you'll need to create xos-specific configuration file
+ * for PJLIB. This file is also named <tt><b>os-xos.mak</b></tt>,
+ * but its located in <tt><b>pjlib/build</b></tt> directory.
+ * This file will specify source files that are specific to
+ * this OS to be included in the build process.
+ *
+ * Below is a sample:
+ \verbatim
+# pjlib/build/os-xos.mak:
+#  XOS specific configuration for PJLIB.
+export PJLIB_OBJS += 	os_core_xos.o \
+                        os_error_unix.o \
+                        os_time_ansi.o
+export TEST_OBJS +=	main.o
+export TARGETS	    =	pjlib pjlib-test
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * @subsection new_target_src_sec Create and Edit Source Files
+ *
+ * You'll normally need to create at least these files:
+ *  - <tt><b>os_core_xos.c</b></tt>: core OS specific
+ *    functionality.
+ *  - <tt><b>os_timestamp_xos.c</b></tt>: how to get timestamp
+ *    in this OS.
+ *
+ * Depending on how things are done in your OS, you may need
+ * to create these files:
+ *  - <tt><b>os_error_*.c</b></tt>: how to manipulate
+ *    OS error codes. Alternatively you may use existing
+ *    <tt>os_error_unix.c</tt> if the OS has \c errno and
+ *    \c strerror() function.
+ *  - <tt><b>ioqueue_*.c</b></tt>: if the OS has specific method
+ *    to perform asynchronous I/O. Alternatively you may
+ *    use existing <tt>ioqueue_select.c</tt> if the OS supports
+ *    \c select() function call.
+ *  - <tt><b>sock_*.c</b></tt>: if the OS has specific method
+ *    to perform socket communication. Alternatively you may
+ *    use existing <tt>sock_bsd.c</tt> if the OS supports
+ *    BSD socket API, and edit <tt>include/pj/compat/socket.h</tt>
+ *    file accordingly.
+ *
+ * You will also need to check various files in 
+ * <tt><b>include/pj/compat/*.h</b></tt>, to see if they're 
+ * compatible with your OS.
+ *
+ * @subsection new_target_build_file_sec Build The Project
+ *
+ * After basic building blocks have been created for the OS, then
+ * the easiest way to see which parts need to be fixed is by building
+ * the project and see the error messages.
+ *
+ * @subsection new_target_edit_vs_new_file_sec Editing Existing Files vs Creating New File
+ *
+ * When you encounter compatibility errors in PJLIB during porting,
+ * you have three options on how to fix the error:
+ *  - edit the existing <tt>*.c</tt> file, and give it <tt>#ifdef</tt>
+ *    switch for the new OS, or
+ *  - edit <tt>include/pj/compat/*.h</tt> instead, or
+ *  - create a totally new file.
+ *
+ * Basicly there is no strict rule on which approach is the best
+ * to use, however the following guidelines may be used:
+ *  - if the file is expected to be completely different than
+ *    any existing file, then perhaps you should create a completely
+ *    new file. For example, file <tt>os_core_xxx.c</tt> will 
+ *    normally be different for each OS flavour.
+ *  - if the difference can be localized in <tt>include/compat</tt>
+ *    header file, and existing <tt>#ifdef</tt> switch is there,
+ *    then preferably you should edit this <tt>include/compat</tt>
+ *    header file.
+ *  - if the existing <tt>*.c</tt> file has <tt>#ifdef</tt> switch,
+ *    then you may add another <tt>#elif</tt> switch there. This
+ *    normally is used for behaviors that are not totally
+ *    different on each platform.
+ *  - other than that above, use your own judgement on whether
+ *    to edit the file or create new file etc.
+ */
+#endif	/* __PJ_DOXYGEN_H__ */