* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f5/f550cc05ae813e040eeac313a71f6f8d6aef441f.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f5/f550cc05ae813e040eeac313a71f6f8d6aef441f.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0475bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/f5/f550cc05ae813e040eeac313a71f6f8d6aef441f.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@

+                           PJSUA TEST FRAMEWORK

+                        =========================


+0. What is this


+This is the automated testing scripts for pjsua. It can do many things (just 

+don't ask it to write good documentation :) ).



+1. Requirements


+To run the tests you need:

+ - Python (tested with Python 2.5.2)

+ - pjsua application, built and placed in pjsip-apps/bin directory

+ - the pjsua must be built with:

+     - SRTP enabled (the default)



+2. Using


+To run all the tests:

+  $ python [OPTIONS] runall.py


+To run individual test:

+  $ python [OPTIONS] run.py MODULE CONFIG


+Where options:

+  -e EXE	use EXE as pjsua executable

+  -n		use null audio

+  -r TEST	(for runall.py only) resume test at TEST



+For each individual tests, the run.py is the main entry for the test. It 

+imports the various inc_xxx.py files, and it will load the MODULE. The MODULE 

+contains specific test flows, and we have few of them:


+  - mod_run.py: 

+  	a simple test which just run pjsua with the configuration from CONFIG 

+	file and checks if pjsua can start properly.


+  - mod_call.py: 

+  	call testing where it spawns two pjsua instances each with configura-

+	tions as specified in CONFIG file, makes one pjsua call the other, and 

+	checks if the call can be established.


+  - mod_pres.py:

+  	presence testing


+  - mod_sendto.py:

+  	Simple UAC to send arbitrary SIP message to pjsua. Good to test

+	various incoming INVITE scenarios


+  - mod_media_playrec.py:

+  	Mainly for resampling quality testing


+  - mod_pesq.py

+  	Measure call quality of various call settings with PESQ, for people 

+	who have PESQ tool and license



+  $ python run.py mod_run.py scripts-run/100_simple.py

+  $ python run.py mod_call.py scripts-call/100_simple.py

