* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/cb/cbeff16f6bbce5978c266be9dad28f08dc2c5732.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/cb/cbeff16f6bbce5978c266be9dad28f08dc2c5732.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50dc0fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/cb/cbeff16f6bbce5978c266be9dad28f08dc2c5732.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# $Id$
+import imp
+import sys
+import inc_sip as sip
+import inc_const as const
+import re
+from inc_cfg import *
+# Read configuration
+cfg_file = imp.load_source("cfg_file", ARGS[1])
+# Test body function
+def test_func(t):
+	pjsua = t.process[0]
+	# Create dialog
+	dlg = sip.Dialog("", pjsua.inst_param.sip_port, 
+			  tcp=cfg_file.sendto_cfg.use_tcp)
+	#dlg = sip.Dialog("", 5060, tcp=cfg_file.sendto_cfg.use_tcp)
+	cfg = cfg_file.sendto_cfg
+	if len(cfg.complete_msg) != 0:
+		req = dlg.update_fields(cfg.complete_msg)
+	else:
+		req = dlg.create_invite(cfg.sdp, cfg.extra_headers, cfg.body)
+	resp = dlg.send_request_wait(req, 10)
+	if resp=="":
+		raise TestError("Timed-out waiting for response")
+	# Check response code
+	code = int(sip.get_code(resp))
+	if code != cfg.resp_code:
+		dlg.hangup(code)
+		raise TestError("Expecting code " + str(cfg.resp_code) + 
+				" got " + str(code))
+	# Check for patterns that must exist
+	for p in cfg.resp_include:
+		if re.search(p, resp, re.M | re.I)==None:
+			dlg.hangup(code)
+			raise TestError("Pattern " + p + " not found")
+	# Check for patterns that must not exist
+	for p in cfg.resp_exclude:
+		if re.search(p, resp, re.M | re.I)!=None:
+			dlg.hangup(code)
+			raise TestError("Excluded pattern " + p + " found")
+	pjsua.sync_stdout()
+	dlg.hangup(code)
+	pjsua.sync_stdout()
+# Here where it all comes together
+test = TestParam(cfg_file.sendto_cfg.name, 
+		 [cfg_file.sendto_cfg.inst_param], 
+		 test_func)