* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/98/9802e6acb63ea373f549a88ae06fcb6e3cdde5ff.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/98/9802e6acb63ea373f549a88ae06fcb6e3cdde5ff.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab81a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/98/9802e6acb63ea373f549a88ae06fcb6e3cdde5ff.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+**   ITU-T G.722.1 (2005-05) - Fixed point implementation for main body and Annex C
+**   > Software Release 2.1 (2008-06)
+**     (Simple repackaging; no change from 2005-05 Release 2.0 code)
+**   © 2004 Polycom, Inc.
+**   All rights reserved.
+  Filename:    decoder.c    
+  Purpose:     Contains files used to implement the G.722.1 Annex C decoder
+  Design Notes:
+ Include files                                                           
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "huff_def.h"
+#include "count.h"
+ Function:    decoder
+ Syntax:      void decoder(Bit_Obj *bitobj,                   
+                           Rand_Obj *randobj,             
+                           Word16 number_of_regions,
+                           Word16 *decoder_mlt_coefs,     
+                           Word16 *p_mag_shift,           
+                           Word16 *p_old_mag_shift,       
+                           Word16 *old_decoder_mlt_coefs,    
+                           Word16 frame_error_flag)      
+              inputs:    Bit_Obj *bitobj
+                         Rand_Obj *randobj
+                         Word16 number_of_regions
+                         Word16 *p_old_mag_shift
+                         Word16 *old_decoder_mlt_coefs
+                         Word16 frame_error_flag
+              outputs:   Word16 *decoder_mlt_coefs,    
+                         Word16 *p_mag_shift,          
+ Description: Decodes the out_words into mlt coefs using G.722.1 Annex C
+ Design Notes:
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |   24kbit    |    32kbit
+          -------|-------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.84     |    0.94
+          -------|-------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.90     |    1.00
+          -------|-------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |   24kbit    |    32kbit      |     48kbit
+          -------|-------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    1.31     |    1.56        |     1.88   
+          -------|-------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    1.59     |    1.80        |     1.98   
+          -------|-------------|----------------|----------------
+void decoder(Bit_Obj *bitobj,
+             Rand_Obj *randobj,
+             Word16 number_of_regions,
+	         Word16 *decoder_mlt_coefs,
+	         Word16 *p_mag_shift,
+             Word16 *p_old_mag_shift,
+             Word16 *old_decoder_mlt_coefs,
+             Word16 frame_error_flag)
+    Word16  absolute_region_power_index[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];
+    Word16  decoder_power_categories[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];
+    Word16  decoder_category_balances[MAX_NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_POSSIBILITIES-1];
+    UWord16 categorization_control;
+    Word16  decoder_region_standard_deviation[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];
+    Word16  i;
+    Word16  num_categorization_control_bits;
+    Word16  num_categorization_control_possibilities;
+    Word16  number_of_coefs;
+    Word16  number_of_valid_coefs;
+    test();
+    if (number_of_regions==NUMBER_OF_REGIONS)
+    {
+        num_categorization_control_bits = NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_BITS;
+        move16();
+        num_categorization_control_possibilities = NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_POSSIBILITIES;
+        move16();
+        number_of_coefs = DCT_LENGTH;
+        move16();
+        number_of_valid_coefs = NUMBER_OF_VALID_COEFS;
+        move16();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        num_categorization_control_bits = MAX_NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_BITS;
+        move16();
+        num_categorization_control_possibilities = MAX_NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_POSSIBILITIES;
+        move16();
+        number_of_coefs = MAX_DCT_LENGTH;
+        move16();
+        number_of_valid_coefs = MAX_NUMBER_OF_VALID_COEFS;
+        move16();
+    }
+    test();
+    if (frame_error_flag == 0) 
+    {
+        /* convert the bits to absolute region power index and decoder_region_standard_deviation */
+        decode_envelope(bitobj,
+                        number_of_regions,
+                        decoder_region_standard_deviation,
+		                absolute_region_power_index,
+		                p_mag_shift);
+        /* fill the categorization_control with NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_BITS */
+        categorization_control = 0;
+        for (i=0; i<num_categorization_control_bits; i++) 
+        {
+        	get_next_bit(bitobj);
+        	categorization_control = shl_nocheck(categorization_control,1);
+        	categorization_control = add(categorization_control,bitobj->next_bit);
+        }
+        bitobj->number_of_bits_left = sub(bitobj->number_of_bits_left,num_categorization_control_bits);
+        /* obtain decoder power categories and category balances */
+        /* based on the absolute region power index              */
+        categorize(bitobj->number_of_bits_left,
+	               number_of_regions,
+	               num_categorization_control_possibilities,
+	               absolute_region_power_index,
+	               decoder_power_categories,
+	               decoder_category_balances);
+        /* perform adjustmaents to the power categories and category balances based on the cat control */
+        rate_adjust_categories(categorization_control,
+			                   decoder_power_categories,
+			                   decoder_category_balances);
+        /* decode the quantized bits into mlt coefs */
+        decode_vector_quantized_mlt_indices(bitobj,
+                                            randobj,
+                                            number_of_regions,
+                                            decoder_region_standard_deviation,
+					                        decoder_power_categories,
+					                        decoder_mlt_coefs);
+        /* test for frame errors */
+        test_4_frame_errors(bitobj,
+                            number_of_regions,
+                            num_categorization_control_possibilities,
+                            &frame_error_flag,
+                            categorization_control,
+                            absolute_region_power_index);
+    }
+    /* perform error handling operations */
+    error_handling(number_of_coefs,
+                   number_of_valid_coefs,
+                   &frame_error_flag,
+                   decoder_mlt_coefs,
+                   old_decoder_mlt_coefs,
+                   p_mag_shift,
+                   p_old_mag_shift);
+ Function:    decode_envelope
+ Syntax:      void decode_envelope(Bit_Obj *bitobj,                              
+                                   Word16  number_of_regions,
+                                   Word16  *decoder_region_standard_deviation,   
+                                   Word16  *absolute_region_power_index,         
+                                   Word16  *p_mag_shift)                         
+              inputs:   Bit_Obj *bitobj
+                        Word16  number_of_regions
+              outputs:  Word16  *decoder_region_standard_deviation
+                        Word16  *absolute_region_power_index
+                        Word16  *p_mag_shift
+ Description: Recover differential_region_power_index from code bits
+ Design Notes:
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |     0.04     |    0.04
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |     0.05     |    0.05
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit      |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |     0.08     |    0.08        |     0.08   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |     0.10     |    0.10        |     0.10   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void decode_envelope(Bit_Obj *bitobj,
+                     Word16  number_of_regions,
+                     Word16  *decoder_region_standard_deviation,
+		             Word16  *absolute_region_power_index,
+		             Word16  *p_mag_shift)
+    Word16 region;
+    Word16 i;
+    Word16 index;
+    Word16 differential_region_power_index[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];
+    Word16 max_index;
+    Word16 temp;
+    Word16 temp1;
+    Word16 temp2;
+    Word32 acca;
+    index = 0;
+    move16();
+    /* get 5 bits from the current code word */
+    for (i=0; i<5; i++) 
+    {
+        get_next_bit(bitobj);
+        index = shl_nocheck(index,1);
+        index = add(index,bitobj->next_bit);
+    }
+    bitobj->number_of_bits_left = sub(bitobj->number_of_bits_left,5);
+    /* ESF_ADJUSTMENT_TO_RMS_INDEX compensates for the current (9/30/96)
+        IMLT being scaled to high by the ninth power of sqrt(2). */
+    differential_region_power_index[0] = sub(index,ESF_ADJUSTMENT_TO_RMS_INDEX);
+    move16();
+    /* obtain differential_region_power_index */
+    for (region=1; region<number_of_regions; region++) 
+    {
+        index = 0;
+        move16();
+        do 
+        {
+            get_next_bit(bitobj);
+            test();
+            if (bitobj->next_bit == 0)
+            {
+	            index = differential_region_power_decoder_tree[region][index][0];
+                move16();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+	            index = differential_region_power_decoder_tree[region][index][1];
+                move16();
+            }
+            bitobj->number_of_bits_left = sub(bitobj->number_of_bits_left,1);
+            test();
+        } while (index > 0);
+        differential_region_power_index[region] = negate(index);
+        move16();
+    }
+    /* Reconstruct absolute_region_power_index[] from differential_region_power_index[]. */
+    absolute_region_power_index[0] = differential_region_power_index[0];
+    move16();
+    for (region=1; region<number_of_regions; region++) 
+    {
+        acca = L_add(absolute_region_power_index[region-1],differential_region_power_index[region]);
+        acca = L_add(acca,DRP_DIFF_MIN);
+        absolute_region_power_index[region] = extract_l(acca);        
+    }
+    /* Reconstruct decoder_region_standard_deviation[] from absolute_region_power_index[]. */
+    /* DEBUG!!!! - This integer method jointly computes the mag_shift
+       and the standard deviations already mag_shift compensated. It
+       relies on REGION_POWER_STEPSIZE_DB being exactly 3.010299957 db
+       or a square root of 2 chnage in standard deviation. If
+       REGION_POWER_STEPSIZE_DB changes, this software must be
+       reworked. */
+    temp = 0;
+    move16();
+    max_index = 0;
+    move16();
+    for (region=0; region<number_of_regions; region++) 
+    {
+        acca = L_add(absolute_region_power_index[region],REGION_POWER_TABLE_NUM_NEGATIVES);
+        i = extract_l(acca);
+        temp1 = sub(i,max_index);
+        test();
+        if (temp1 > 0) 
+        {
+            max_index = i;
+            move16();
+        }
+        temp = add(temp,int_region_standard_deviation_table[i]);
+    }
+    i = 9;
+    move16();
+    temp1 = sub(temp,8);
+    temp2 = sub(max_index,28);
+    test();
+    test();
+    logic16();
+    test();
+    logic16();
+    while ((i >= 0) && ((temp1 >= 0) || (temp2 > 0))) 
+    {
+        i = sub(i,1);
+        temp = shr_nocheck(temp,1);
+        max_index = sub(max_index,2);
+        temp1 = sub(temp,8);
+        temp2 = sub(max_index,28);
+        test();
+        test();
+        logic16();
+        test();
+        logic16();
+    }
+    *p_mag_shift = i;
+    move16();
+    /* pointer arithmetic */
+    temp = (Word16 )(REGION_POWER_TABLE_NUM_NEGATIVES + (*p_mag_shift * 2));
+    for (region=0; region<number_of_regions; region++) 
+    {
+        acca = L_add(absolute_region_power_index[region],temp);
+        i = extract_l(acca);
+        decoder_region_standard_deviation[region] = int_region_standard_deviation_table[i];
+        move16();
+    }
+ Function:     rate_adjust_categories
+ Syntax:       void rate_adjust_categories(Word16 categorization_control,            
+                                           Word16 *decoder_power_categories,         
+                                           Word16 *decoder_category_balances)        
+               inputs:    Word16 categorization_control,   
+                          Word16 *decoder_power_categories,
+                          Word16 *decoder_category_balances
+               outputs:   Word16 categorization_control,   
+                          Word16 *decoder_power_categories,
+ Description:  Adjust the power categories based on the categorization control
+ Design Notes:
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.00      |    0.00
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.00      |    0.00
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit      |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.00      |    0.00        |     0.00   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    0.01      |    0.01        |     0.01   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void rate_adjust_categories(Word16 categorization_control,
+			                Word16 *decoder_power_categories,
+			                Word16 *decoder_category_balances)
+    Word16 i;
+    Word16 region;
+    i = 0;
+    move16();
+    test();
+    while (categorization_control > 0) 
+    {
+        region = decoder_category_balances[i++];
+        move16();
+        decoder_power_categories[region] = add(decoder_power_categories[region],1);
+        move16();
+        categorization_control = sub(categorization_control,1);
+    }
+ Function:    decode_vector_quantized_mlt_indices
+ Syntax:      void decode_vector_quantized_mlt_indices(Bit_Obj  *bitobj,                                      
+                                                       Rand_Obj *randobj,                           
+                                                       Word16   number_of_regions,
+                                                       Word16   *decoder_region_standard_deviation, 
+                                                       Word16   *decoder_power_categories,          
+                                                       Word16   *decoder_mlt_coefs)                 
+              inputs:    Bit_Obj  *bitobj                           
+                         Rand_Obj *randobj
+                         Word16   number_of_regions
+                         Word16   *decoder_region_standard_deviation
+                         Word16   *decoder_power_categories
+              outputs:   Word16   *decoder_mlt_coefs
+ Description: Decode MLT coefficients
+ Design Notes:
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.60      |    0.72
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.67      |    0.76
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit      |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.77      |    0.98        |     1.28   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    1.05      |    1.18        |     1.36   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void decode_vector_quantized_mlt_indices(Bit_Obj  *bitobj,
+                                         Rand_Obj *randobj,
+                                         Word16   number_of_regions,
+                                         Word16   *decoder_region_standard_deviation,
+					                     Word16   *decoder_power_categories,
+					                     Word16   *decoder_mlt_coefs)
+    Word16 standard_deviation;
+    Word16 *decoder_mlt_ptr;
+    Word16 decoder_mlt_value;
+    Word16 noifillpos;
+    Word16 noifillneg;
+    Word16 noise_fill_factor[3] = {5793,8192,23170};
+    Word16 region;
+    Word16 category;
+    Word16 j,n;
+    Word16 vec_dim;
+    Word16 num_vecs;
+    Word16 index;
+    Word16 bit=0;
+    Word16 signs_index=0;
+    Word16 num_sign_bits;
+    Word16 ran_out_of_bits_flag;
+    Word16 *decoder_table_ptr;
+    Word16 random_word;
+    Word16 temp1;
+    Word16 temp;
+    Word32 acca;
+    ran_out_of_bits_flag = 0;
+    move16();
+    for (region=0; region<number_of_regions; region++) 
+    {
+        category = (Word16)decoder_power_categories[region];
+        move16();
+        acca = L_mult0(region,REGION_SIZE);
+        index = extract_l(acca);
+        decoder_mlt_ptr = &decoder_mlt_coefs[index];
+        move16();
+        standard_deviation = decoder_region_standard_deviation[region];
+        move16();
+        temp = sub(category,7);
+        test();
+        if (temp < 0)
+        {
+            /* Get the proper table of decoder tables, vec_dim, and num_vecs for the cat */
+            decoder_table_ptr = (Word16 *) table_of_decoder_tables[category];
+            move16();
+            vec_dim = vector_dimension[category];
+            move16();
+            num_vecs = number_of_vectors[category];
+            move16();
+            for (n=0; n<num_vecs; n++) 
+            {
+                index = 0;
+                move16();
+                /* get index */
+                do 
+                {
+                    test();
+                    if (bitobj->number_of_bits_left <= 0) 
+                    {
+                        ran_out_of_bits_flag = 1;
+                        move16();
+    	                break;
+    	            }
+    	            get_next_bit(bitobj);
+                    test();
+                    if (bitobj->next_bit == 0)
+	                {
+                        temp = shl_nocheck(index,1);
+                        index = (Word16)*(decoder_table_ptr + temp);
+                        move16();
+                    }
+	                else
+	                {
+                        temp = shl_nocheck(index,1);
+                        index = (Word16)*(decoder_table_ptr + temp + 1);
+                        move16();
+                    }
+	                bitobj->number_of_bits_left = sub(bitobj->number_of_bits_left,1);
+                    test();
+                } while (index > 0);
+                test();
+                if (ran_out_of_bits_flag != 0)
+	                break;
+                index = negate(index);
+                /* convert index into array used to access the centroid table */
+                /* get the number of sign bits in the index */
+                num_sign_bits = index_to_array(index,k,category);
+	            temp = sub(bitobj->number_of_bits_left,num_sign_bits);
+                test();
+                if (temp >= 0) 
+                {
+	                test();
+                    if (num_sign_bits != 0) 
+                    {
+	                    signs_index = 0;
+	                    move16();
+                        for (j=0; j<num_sign_bits; j++) 
+                        {
+		                    get_next_bit(bitobj);
+       		                signs_index = shl_nocheck(signs_index,1);
+		                    signs_index = add(signs_index,bitobj->next_bit);
+		                    bitobj->number_of_bits_left = sub(bitobj->number_of_bits_left,1);
+	                    }
+	                    temp = sub(num_sign_bits,1);
+                        bit = shl_nocheck(1,(temp));
+	                }
+                    for (j=0; j<vec_dim; j++) 
+                    {
+	                    acca = L_mult0(standard_deviation,mlt_quant_centroid[category][k[j]]);
+                        acca = L_shr_nocheck(acca,12);
+                        decoder_mlt_value = extract_l(acca);
+                        test();
+                        if (decoder_mlt_value != 0) 
+                        {
+		                    test();
+                            if ((signs_index & bit) == 0)
+		                        decoder_mlt_value = negate(decoder_mlt_value);
+		                    bit = shr_nocheck(bit,1);
+	                    }
+                        *decoder_mlt_ptr++ = decoder_mlt_value;
+                        move16();
+	                }
+	            }
+	            else 
+                {
+	                ran_out_of_bits_flag = 1;
+                    move16();
+	                break;
+	            }
+	        }
+            /* If ran out of bits during decoding do noise fill for remaining regions. */
+            /* DEBUG!! - For now also redo all of last region with all noise fill. */
+        	test();
+            if (ran_out_of_bits_flag != 0) 
+            {
+        	    temp = add(region,1);
+                for (j=temp; j<number_of_regions; j++)
+                {
+                    decoder_power_categories[j] = 7;
+                    move16();
+                }
+        	    category = 7;
+                move16();
+        	    decoder_mlt_ptr = &decoder_mlt_coefs[region*REGION_SIZE];
+                move16();
+        	}
+        }
+        temp = sub(category,5);
+        temp1 = sub(category,6);
+        test();
+        test();
+        logic16();
+        if ((temp == 0) || (temp1 == 0))
+        {
+	        decoder_mlt_ptr = &decoder_mlt_coefs[region*REGION_SIZE];
+	        move16();
+            noifillpos = mult(standard_deviation,noise_fill_factor[category - 5]);
+            noifillneg = negate(noifillpos);
+	        random_word = get_rand(randobj);
+	        for (j=0; j<10; j++) 
+            {
+	            test();
+                if (*decoder_mlt_ptr == 0) 
+                {
+	                logic16();
+                    test();
+                    if ((random_word & 1) == 0) 
+                    {
+                        temp1 = noifillneg;
+                        move16();
+                    }
+	                else
+                    {
+                        temp1 = noifillpos;
+                        move16();
+                    }
+	                *decoder_mlt_ptr = temp1;
+                    move16();
+	                random_word = shr_nocheck(random_word,1);
+	            }
+	            /* pointer arithmetic */
+                decoder_mlt_ptr++;
+	        }
+	        random_word = get_rand(randobj);
+	        for (j=0; j<10; j++) 
+            {
+	            test();
+                if (*decoder_mlt_ptr == 0) 
+                {
+	                logic16();
+                    test();
+                    if ((random_word & 1) == 0) 
+                    {
+                        temp1 = noifillneg;
+                        move16();
+                    }
+	                else
+                    {
+                        temp1 = noifillpos;
+                        move16();
+                    }
+	                *decoder_mlt_ptr = temp1;
+                    move16();
+	                random_word  = shr_nocheck(random_word,1);
+	            }
+	            /* pointer arithmetic */
+                decoder_mlt_ptr++;
+	        }
+        }
+        /* if (category == 7) */
+        temp1 = sub(category,7);
+        test();
+        if (temp1 == 0)
+        {
+	        index = sub(category,5);
+            noifillpos = mult(standard_deviation,noise_fill_factor[index]);
+	        noifillneg = negate(noifillpos);
+            random_word = get_rand(randobj);
+            for (j=0; j<10; j++) 
+            {
+                logic16();
+                test();
+                if ((random_word & 1) == 0) 
+                {
+                    temp1 = noifillneg;
+                    move16();
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    temp1 = noifillpos;
+                    move16();
+                }
+                *decoder_mlt_ptr++ = temp1;
+                move16();
+                random_word = shr_nocheck(random_word,1);
+            }
+            random_word = get_rand(randobj);
+            for (j=0; j<10; j++) 
+            {
+                logic16();
+                test();
+                if ((random_word & 1) == 0) 
+                {
+                    temp1 = noifillneg;
+                    move16();
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    temp1 = noifillpos;
+                    move16();
+                }
+                *decoder_mlt_ptr++ = temp1;
+                move16();
+                random_word = shr_nocheck(random_word,1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    test();
+    if (ran_out_of_bits_flag)
+        bitobj->number_of_bits_left = sub(bitobj->number_of_bits_left,1);
+ Function:    index_to_array 
+ Syntax:      number_of_non_zero = index_to_array(Word16 index, 
+                                                  Word16 array[MAX_VECTOR_DIMENSION],
+                                                  Word16 category)
+                inputs:  Word16 index
+                         Word16 category                     
+                outputs: Word16 array[MAX_VECTOR_DIMENSION] - used in decoder to access
+                                                             mlt_quant_centroid table
+                         Word16 number_of_non_zero          - number of non zero elements
+                                                             in the array
+ Description: Computes an array of sign bits with the length of the category vector
+              Returns the number of sign bits and the array
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |     0.00     |     0.00
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |     0.00     |     0.00
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit      |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |     0.00     |     0.00       |      0.00   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |     0.00     |     0.00       |      0.00   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+Word16 index_to_array(Word16 index,Word16 *array,Word16 category)
+    Word16 j,q,p;
+    Word16 number_of_non_zero;
+    Word16 max_bin_plus_one;
+    Word16 inverse_of_max_bin_plus_one;
+    Word16 temp;
+    number_of_non_zero = 0;
+    move16();
+    p = index;
+    move16();
+    max_bin_plus_one = add(max_bin[category],1);
+    inverse_of_max_bin_plus_one = max_bin_plus_one_inverse[category];
+    move16();
+    temp = sub(vector_dimension[category],1);
+    for (j=temp; j>=0; j--) 
+    {
+        q = mult(p,inverse_of_max_bin_plus_one);
+		temp = extract_l(L_mult0(q,max_bin_plus_one));
+        array[j] = sub(p,temp);
+        move16();
+        p = q;
+        move16();
+        temp = array[j];
+        move16();
+        test();
+        if (temp != 0) 
+            number_of_non_zero = add(number_of_non_zero,1);
+    }
+    return(number_of_non_zero);
+ Function:     test_4_frame_errors
+ Syntax:       void test_4_frame_errors(Bit_Obj *bitobj,                        
+                                        Word16 number_of_regions,
+                                        Word16 num_categorization_control_possibilities,
+                                        Word16 *frame_error_flag,                
+                                        Word16 categorization_control,          
+                                        Word16 *absolute_region_power_index)    
+               inputs:   bit_obj
+                         number_of_regions
+                         num_categorization_control_possibilities
+                         frame_error_flag
+                         categorization_control
+                         absolute_region_power_index
+               outputs:  frame_error_flag
+ Description:  Tests for error conditions and sets the frame_error_flag accordingly 
+ Design Notes:
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.01      |     0.01
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.04      |     0.08
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit      |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.01      |     0.01       |      0.01   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    0.02      |     0.06       |      0.08   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void test_4_frame_errors(Bit_Obj *bitobj,
+                         Word16 number_of_regions,
+                         Word16 num_categorization_control_possibilities,
+                         Word16 *frame_error_flag,
+                         Word16 categorization_control,
+                         Word16 *absolute_region_power_index)
+    Word16 region;
+    Word16 i;
+    Word16 temp;
+    Word32 acca;
+    Word32 accb;
+    /* Test for bit stream errors. */
+    test();
+    if (bitobj->number_of_bits_left > 0) 
+    {
+        for (i=0; i<bitobj->number_of_bits_left; i++) 
+        {
+            get_next_bit(bitobj);
+            test();
+            if (bitobj->next_bit == 0) 
+            {
+                *frame_error_flag = 1;
+                move16();
+            }
+        }	
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        temp = sub(categorization_control,sub(num_categorization_control_possibilities,1));
+        test();
+        if (temp < 0) 
+        {
+            test();
+            if (bitobj->number_of_bits_left < 0)
+            {
+                *frame_error_flag |= 2;
+                logic16();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* checks to ensure that abs_region_power_index is within range */
+    /* the error flag is set if it is out of range */
+    for (region=0; region<number_of_regions; region++) 
+    {
+        /*  the next two lines of comments were modified in release 1.2
+	   *  to correct the description of the range of 
+	   *  absolute_region_power_index[] to be tested in the next
+	   *  9 lines of code.
+	   */
+	  /*  if ((absolute_region_power_index[region] > 31) ||
+            (absolute_region_power_index[region] < -8) */
+        acca = L_add(absolute_region_power_index[region],ESF_ADJUSTMENT_TO_RMS_INDEX);
+        accb = L_sub(acca,31);
+        acca = L_add(acca,8);
+        test();
+        /* the next line was modifed in release 1.2 to
+	   * correct miss typed code and error checking.
+	   */
+        if ((accb > 0) || (acca < 0))
+        {
+            *frame_error_flag |= 4;
+            logic16();
+        }
+    }
+ Function:    error_handling
+ Syntax:      void error_handling(Word16 number_of_coefs,
+                                  Word16 number_of_valid_coefs,
+                                  Word16 *frame_error_flag,     
+                                  Word16 *decoder_mlt_coefs,    
+                                  Word16 *old_decoder_mlt_coefs,
+                                  Word16 *p_mag_shift,          
+                                  Word16 *p_old_mag_shift)      
+              inputs:  number_of_coefs
+                       number_of_valid_coefs
+                       frame_error_flag
+                       old_decoder_mlt_coefs
+                       p_old_mag_shift
+              outputs: decoder_mlt_coefs
+                       old_decoder_mlt_coefs
+                       p_mag_shift
+                       p_old_mag_shift
+ Description: If both the current and previous frames are errored,             
+              set the mlt coefficients to 0. If only the current frame         
+              is errored, then repeat the previous frame's mlt coefficients.   
+ Design Notes:
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.02      |     0.02
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.03      |     0.03
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit      |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.03      |     0.03       |     0.03   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    0.03      |     0.03       |     0.06   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void error_handling(Word16 number_of_coefs,
+                    Word16 number_of_valid_coefs,
+                    Word16 *frame_error_flag,
+                    Word16 *decoder_mlt_coefs,
+                    Word16 *old_decoder_mlt_coefs,
+                    Word16 *p_mag_shift,
+                    Word16 *p_old_mag_shift)
+    Word16 i;
+    test();
+    if (*frame_error_flag != 0) 
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < number_of_valid_coefs; i++)
+        {
+            decoder_mlt_coefs[i] = old_decoder_mlt_coefs[i];
+            move16();
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < number_of_valid_coefs; i++)
+        {
+            old_decoder_mlt_coefs[i] = 0;
+            move16();
+        }
+        *p_mag_shift = *p_old_mag_shift;
+        move16();
+        *p_old_mag_shift = 0;
+        move16();
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        /* Store in case next frame is errored. */
+        for (i = 0; i < number_of_valid_coefs; i++)
+        {
+            old_decoder_mlt_coefs[i] = decoder_mlt_coefs[i];
+            move16();
+        }
+        *p_old_mag_shift = *p_mag_shift;
+        move16();
+    }
+    /* Zero out the upper 1/8 of the spectrum. */
+    for (i = number_of_valid_coefs; i < number_of_coefs; i++)
+    {
+        decoder_mlt_coefs[i] = 0;
+        move16();
+    }
+ Function:    get_next_bit
+ Syntax:      void get_next_bit(Bit_Obj *bitobj)
+ Description: Returns the next bit in the current word inside the bit object
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.00      |    0.00
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.00      |    0.00
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit      |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.00      |    0.00        |     0.00   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    0.00      |    0.00        |     0.00   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void get_next_bit(Bit_Obj *bitobj)
+    Word16 temp;
+    test();
+    if (bitobj->code_bit_count == 0)
+    {                        
+        bitobj->current_word = *bitobj->code_word_ptr++; 
+        move16();
+        bitobj->code_bit_count = 16;           
+        move16();
+    }
+    bitobj->code_bit_count = sub(bitobj->code_bit_count,1);
+    temp = shr_nocheck(bitobj->current_word,bitobj->code_bit_count);
+    logic16();
+    bitobj->next_bit = (Word16 )(temp & 1);
+ Function:    get_rand
+ Syntax:      Word16 get_rand(Rand_Obj *randobj)
+ Description: Returns a random Word16 based on the seeds inside the rand object  
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.00      |    0.00
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.00      |    0.00
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit      |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.00      |    0.00        |     0.00   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    0.00      |    0.00        |     0.00   
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+Word16 get_rand(Rand_Obj *randobj)
+    Word16 random_word;
+    Word32 acca;
+    acca = L_add(randobj->seed0,randobj->seed3); 
+    random_word = extract_l(acca);
+    logic16();
+    test();
+	if ((random_word & 32768L) != 0)
+        random_word = add(random_word,1);
+    randobj->seed3 = randobj->seed2;
+    move16();
+    randobj->seed2 = randobj->seed1;
+    move16();
+    randobj->seed1 = randobj->seed0;
+    move16();
+    randobj->seed0 = random_word;
+    move16();
+    return(random_word);