* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/84/84e845707d60fd6512cc4ede19a821a772a6f3c8.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/84/84e845707d60fd6512cc4ede19a821a772a6f3c8.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06cb499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/84/84e845707d60fd6512cc4ede19a821a772a6f3c8.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pjnath/stun_auth.h>
+#include <pjnath/errno.h>
+#include <pjlib-util/hmac_sha1.h>
+#include <pjlib-util/md5.h>
+#include <pjlib-util/sha1.h>
+#include <pj/assert.h>
+#include <pj/log.h>
+#include <pj/pool.h>
+#include <pj/string.h>
+#define THIS_FILE   "stun_auth.c"
+/* Duplicate credential */
+PJ_DEF(void) pj_stun_auth_cred_dup( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      pj_stun_auth_cred *dst,
+				      const pj_stun_auth_cred *src)
+    dst->type = src->type;
+    switch (src->type) {
+	pj_strdup(pool, &dst->data.static_cred.realm,
+			&src->data.static_cred.realm);
+	pj_strdup(pool, &dst->data.static_cred.username,
+			&src->data.static_cred.username);
+	dst->data.static_cred.data_type = src->data.static_cred.data_type;
+	pj_strdup(pool, &dst->data.static_cred.data,
+			&src->data.static_cred.data);
+	pj_strdup(pool, &dst->data.static_cred.nonce,
+			&src->data.static_cred.nonce);
+	break;
+	pj_memcpy(&dst->data.dyn_cred, &src->data.dyn_cred, 
+		  sizeof(src->data.dyn_cred));
+	break;
+    }
+ * Duplicate request credential.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(void) pj_stun_req_cred_info_dup( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					pj_stun_req_cred_info *dst,
+					const pj_stun_req_cred_info *src)
+    pj_strdup(pool, &dst->realm, &src->realm);
+    pj_strdup(pool, &dst->username, &src->username);
+    pj_strdup(pool, &dst->nonce, &src->nonce);
+    pj_strdup(pool, &dst->auth_key, &src->auth_key);
+/* Calculate HMAC-SHA1 key for long term credential, by getting
+ * MD5 digest of username, realm, and password. 
+ */
+static void calc_md5_key(pj_uint8_t digest[16],
+			 const pj_str_t *realm,
+			 const pj_str_t *username,
+			 const pj_str_t *passwd)
+    /* The 16-byte key for MESSAGE-INTEGRITY HMAC is formed by taking
+     * the MD5 hash of the result of concatenating the following five
+     * fields: (1) The username, with any quotes and trailing nulls
+     * removed, (2) A single colon, (3) The realm, with any quotes and
+     * trailing nulls removed, (4) A single colon, and (5) The 
+     * password, with any trailing nulls removed.
+     */
+    pj_md5_context ctx;
+    pj_str_t s;
+    pj_md5_init(&ctx);
+#define REMOVE_QUOTE(s)	if (s.slen && *s.ptr=='"') \
+			    s.ptr++, s.slen--; \
+			if (s.slen && s.ptr[s.slen-1]=='"') \
+			    s.slen--;
+    /* Add username */
+    s = *username;
+    pj_md5_update(&ctx, (pj_uint8_t*)s.ptr, (unsigned)s.slen);
+    /* Add single colon */
+    pj_md5_update(&ctx, (pj_uint8_t*)":", 1);
+    /* Add realm */
+    s = *realm;
+    pj_md5_update(&ctx, (pj_uint8_t*)s.ptr, (unsigned)s.slen);
+    /* Another colon */
+    pj_md5_update(&ctx, (pj_uint8_t*)":", 1);
+    /* Add password */
+    pj_md5_update(&ctx, (pj_uint8_t*)passwd->ptr, (unsigned)passwd->slen);
+    /* Done */
+    pj_md5_final(&ctx, digest);
+ * Create authentication key to be used for encoding the message with
+ */
+PJ_DEF(void) pj_stun_create_key(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				pj_str_t *key,
+				const pj_str_t *realm,
+				const pj_str_t *username,
+				pj_stun_passwd_type data_type,
+				const pj_str_t *data)
+    PJ_ASSERT_ON_FAIL(pool && key && username && data, return);
+    if (realm && realm->slen) {
+	if (data_type == PJ_STUN_PASSWD_PLAIN) {
+	    key->ptr = (char*) pj_pool_alloc(pool, 16);
+	    calc_md5_key((pj_uint8_t*)key->ptr, realm, username, data);
+	    key->slen = 16;
+	} else {
+	    pj_strdup(pool, key, data);
+	}
+    } else {
+	pj_assert(data_type == PJ_STUN_PASSWD_PLAIN);
+	pj_strdup(pool, key, data);
+    }
+PJ_INLINE(pj_uint16_t) GET_VAL16(const pj_uint8_t *pdu, unsigned pos)
+    return (pj_uint16_t) ((pdu[pos] << 8) + pdu[pos+1]);
+PJ_INLINE(void) PUT_VAL16(pj_uint8_t *buf, unsigned pos, pj_uint16_t hval)
+    buf[pos+0] = (pj_uint8_t) ((hval & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+    buf[pos+1] = (pj_uint8_t) ((hval & 0x00FF) >> 0);
+/* Send 401 response */
+static pj_status_t create_challenge(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				    const pj_stun_msg *msg,
+				    int err_code,
+				    const char *errstr,
+				    const pj_str_t *realm,
+				    const pj_str_t *nonce,
+				    pj_stun_msg **p_response)
+    pj_stun_msg *response;
+    pj_str_t tmp_nonce;
+    pj_str_t err_msg;
+    pj_status_t rc;
+    rc = pj_stun_msg_create_response(pool, msg, err_code, 
+			             (errstr?pj_cstr(&err_msg, errstr):NULL), 
+				     &response);
+    if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return rc;
+    /* SHOULD NOT add REALM, NONCE, USERNAME, and M-I on 400 response */
+    if (err_code!=400 && realm && realm->slen) {
+	rc = pj_stun_msg_add_string_attr(pool, response,
+					 realm);
+	if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return rc;
+	/* long term must include nonce */
+	if (!nonce || nonce->slen == 0) {
+	    tmp_nonce = pj_str("pjstun");
+	    nonce = &tmp_nonce;
+	}
+    }
+    if (err_code!=400 && nonce && nonce->slen) {
+	rc = pj_stun_msg_add_string_attr(pool, response,
+					 nonce);
+	if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return rc;
+    }
+    *p_response = response;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+/* Verify credential in the request */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_stun_authenticate_request(const pj_uint8_t *pkt,
+					         unsigned pkt_len,
+					         const pj_stun_msg *msg,
+					         pj_stun_auth_cred *cred,
+					         pj_pool_t *pool,
+						 pj_stun_req_cred_info *p_info,
+					         pj_stun_msg **p_response)
+    pj_stun_req_cred_info tmp_info;
+    const pj_stun_msgint_attr *amsgi;
+    unsigned i, amsgi_pos;
+    pj_bool_t has_attr_beyond_mi;
+    const pj_stun_username_attr *auser;
+    const pj_stun_realm_attr *arealm;
+    const pj_stun_realm_attr *anonce;
+    pj_hmac_sha1_context ctx;
+    pj_uint8_t digest[PJ_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE];
+    pj_stun_status err_code;
+    const char *err_text = NULL;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    /* msg and credential MUST be specified */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pkt && pkt_len && msg && cred, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* If p_response is specified, pool MUST be specified. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(!p_response || pool, PJ_EINVAL);
+    if (p_response)
+	*p_response = NULL;
+    if (!PJ_STUN_IS_REQUEST(msg->hdr.type))
+	p_response = NULL;
+    if (p_info == NULL)
+	p_info = &tmp_info;
+    pj_bzero(p_info, sizeof(pj_stun_req_cred_info));
+    /* Get realm and nonce from credential */
+    p_info->realm.slen = p_info->nonce.slen = 0;
+    if (cred->type == PJ_STUN_AUTH_CRED_STATIC) {
+	p_info->realm = cred->data.static_cred.realm;
+	p_info->nonce = cred->data.static_cred.nonce;
+    } else if (cred->type == PJ_STUN_AUTH_CRED_DYNAMIC) {
+	status = cred->data.dyn_cred.get_auth(cred->data.dyn_cred.user_data,
+					      pool, &p_info->realm, 
+					      &p_info->nonce);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    return status;
+    } else {
+	pj_assert(!"Invalid credential type");
+	return PJ_EBUG;
+    }
+    /* Look for MESSAGE-INTEGRITY while counting the position */
+    amsgi_pos = 0;
+    has_attr_beyond_mi = PJ_FALSE;
+    amsgi = NULL;
+    for (i=0; i<msg->attr_count; ++i) {
+	if (msg->attr[i]->type == PJ_STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY) {
+	    amsgi = (const pj_stun_msgint_attr*) msg->attr[i];
+	} else if (amsgi) {
+	    has_attr_beyond_mi = PJ_TRUE;
+	    break;
+	} else {
+	    amsgi_pos += ((msg->attr[i]->length+3) & ~0x03) + 4;
+	}
+    }
+    if (amsgi == NULL) {
+	/* According to rfc3489bis-10 Sec 10.1.2/10.2.2, we should return 400
+	   for short term, and 401 for long term.
+	   The rule has been changed from rfc3489bis-06
+	*/
+	err_code = p_info->realm.slen ? PJ_STUN_SC_UNAUTHORIZED : 
+	goto on_auth_failed;
+    }
+    /* Next check that USERNAME is present */
+    auser = (const pj_stun_username_attr*)
+	    pj_stun_msg_find_attr(msg, PJ_STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, 0);
+    if (auser == NULL) {
+	/* According to rfc3489bis-10 Sec 10.1.2/10.2.2, we should return 400
+	   for both short and long term, since M-I is present.
+	   The rule has been changed from rfc3489bis-06
+	*/
+	err_code = PJ_STUN_SC_BAD_REQUEST;
+	err_text = "Missing USERNAME";
+	goto on_auth_failed;
+    }
+    /* Get REALM, if any */
+    arealm = (const pj_stun_realm_attr*)
+	     pj_stun_msg_find_attr(msg, PJ_STUN_ATTR_REALM, 0);
+    /* Reject with 400 if we have long term credential and the request
+     * is missing REALM attribute.
+     */
+    if (p_info->realm.slen && arealm==NULL) {
+	err_code = PJ_STUN_SC_BAD_REQUEST;
+	err_text = "Missing REALM";
+	goto on_auth_failed;
+    }
+    /* Check if username match */
+    if (cred->type == PJ_STUN_AUTH_CRED_STATIC) {
+	pj_bool_t username_ok;
+	username_ok = !pj_strcmp(&auser->value, 
+				 &cred->data.static_cred.username);
+	if (username_ok) {
+	    pj_strdup(pool, &p_info->username, 
+		      &cred->data.static_cred.username);
+	    pj_stun_create_key(pool, &p_info->auth_key, &p_info->realm,
+			       &auser->value, cred->data.static_cred.data_type,
+			       &cred->data.static_cred.data);
+	} else {
+	    /* Username mismatch */
+	    /* According to rfc3489bis-10 Sec 10.1.2/10.2.2, we should 
+	     * return 401 
+	     */
+	    err_code = PJ_STUN_SC_UNAUTHORIZED;
+	    goto on_auth_failed;
+	}
+    } else if (cred->type == PJ_STUN_AUTH_CRED_DYNAMIC) {
+	pj_stun_passwd_type data_type = PJ_STUN_PASSWD_PLAIN;
+	pj_str_t password;
+	pj_status_t rc;
+	rc = cred->data.dyn_cred.get_password(msg, 
+					      cred->data.dyn_cred.user_data,
+					      (arealm?&arealm->value:NULL),
+					      &auser->value, pool,
+					      &data_type, &password);
+	if (rc == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    pj_strdup(pool, &p_info->username, &auser->value);
+	    pj_stun_create_key(pool, &p_info->auth_key, 
+			       (arealm?&arealm->value:NULL), &auser->value, 
+			       data_type, &password);
+	} else {
+	    err_code = PJ_STUN_SC_UNAUTHORIZED;
+	    goto on_auth_failed;
+	}
+    } else {
+	pj_assert(!"Invalid credential type");
+	return PJ_EBUG;
+    }
+    /* Get NONCE attribute */
+    anonce = (pj_stun_nonce_attr*)
+	     pj_stun_msg_find_attr(msg, PJ_STUN_ATTR_NONCE, 0);
+    /* Check for long term/short term requirements. */
+    if (p_info->realm.slen != 0 && arealm == NULL) {
+	/* Long term credential is required and REALM is not present */
+	err_code = PJ_STUN_SC_BAD_REQUEST;
+	err_text = "Missing REALM";
+	goto on_auth_failed;
+    } else if (p_info->realm.slen != 0 && arealm != NULL) {
+	/* We want long term, and REALM is present */
+	/* NONCE must be present. */
+	if (anonce == NULL && p_info->nonce.slen) {
+	    err_code = PJ_STUN_SC_BAD_REQUEST;
+	    err_text = "Missing NONCE";
+	    goto on_auth_failed;
+	}
+	/* Verify REALM matches */
+	if (pj_stricmp(&arealm->value, &p_info->realm)) {
+	    /* REALM doesn't match */
+	    err_code = PJ_STUN_SC_UNAUTHORIZED;
+	    err_text = "Invalid REALM";
+	    goto on_auth_failed;
+	}
+	/* Valid case, will validate the message integrity later */
+    } else if (p_info->realm.slen == 0 && arealm != NULL) {
+	/* We want to use short term credential, but client uses long
+	 * term credential. The draft doesn't mention anything about
+	 * switching between long term and short term.
+	 */
+	/* For now just accept the credential, anyway it will probably
+	 * cause wrong message integrity value later.
+	 */
+    } else if (p_info->realm.slen==0 && arealm == NULL) {
+	/* Short term authentication is wanted, and one is supplied */
+	/* Application MAY request NONCE to be supplied */
+	if (p_info->nonce.slen != 0) {
+	    err_code = PJ_STUN_SC_UNAUTHORIZED;
+	    err_text = "NONCE required";
+	    goto on_auth_failed;
+	}
+    }
+    /* If NONCE is present, validate it */
+    if (anonce) {
+	pj_bool_t ok;
+	if (cred->type == PJ_STUN_AUTH_CRED_DYNAMIC &&
+	    cred->data.dyn_cred.verify_nonce != NULL) 
+	{
+	    ok=cred->data.dyn_cred.verify_nonce(msg, 
+						cred->data.dyn_cred.user_data,
+						(arealm?&arealm->value:NULL),
+						&auser->value,
+						&anonce->value);
+	} else if (cred->type == PJ_STUN_AUTH_CRED_DYNAMIC) {
+	    ok = PJ_TRUE;
+	} else {
+	    if (p_info->nonce.slen) {
+		ok = !pj_strcmp(&anonce->value, &p_info->nonce);
+	    } else {
+		ok = PJ_TRUE;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (!ok) {
+	    err_code = PJ_STUN_SC_STALE_NONCE;
+	    goto on_auth_failed;
+	}
+    }
+    /* Now calculate HMAC of the message. */
+    pj_hmac_sha1_init(&ctx, (pj_uint8_t*)p_info->auth_key.ptr, 
+		      (unsigned)p_info->auth_key.slen);
+    /* Pre rfc3489bis-06 style of calculation */
+    pj_hmac_sha1_update(&ctx, pkt, 20);
+    /* First calculate HMAC for the header.
+     * The calculation is different depending on whether FINGERPRINT attribute
+     * is present in the message.
+     */
+    if (has_attr_beyond_mi) {
+	pj_uint8_t hdr_copy[20];
+	pj_memcpy(hdr_copy, pkt, 20);
+	PUT_VAL16(hdr_copy, 2, (pj_uint16_t)(amsgi_pos + 24));
+	pj_hmac_sha1_update(&ctx, hdr_copy, 20);
+    } else {
+	pj_hmac_sha1_update(&ctx, pkt, 20);
+    }
+    /* Now update with the message body */
+    pj_hmac_sha1_update(&ctx, pkt+20, amsgi_pos);
+    // This is no longer necessary as per rfc3489bis-08
+    if ((amsgi_pos+20) & 0x3F) {
+    	pj_uint8_t zeroes[64];
+    	pj_bzero(zeroes, sizeof(zeroes));
+    	pj_hmac_sha1_update(&ctx, zeroes, 64-((amsgi_pos+20) & 0x3F));
+    }
+    pj_hmac_sha1_final(&ctx, digest);
+    /* Compare HMACs */
+    if (pj_memcmp(amsgi->hmac, digest, 20)) {
+	/* HMAC value mismatch */
+	/* According to rfc3489bis-10 Sec 10.1.2 we should return 401 */
+	err_text = "MESSAGE-INTEGRITY mismatch";
+	goto on_auth_failed;
+    }
+    /* Everything looks okay! */
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+    if (p_response) {
+	create_challenge(pool, msg, err_code, err_text,
+			 &p_info->realm, &p_info->nonce, p_response);
+    }
+    return PJ_STATUS_FROM_STUN_CODE(err_code);
+/* Determine if STUN message can be authenticated */
+PJ_DEF(pj_bool_t) pj_stun_auth_valid_for_msg(const pj_stun_msg *msg)
+    unsigned msg_type = msg->hdr.type;
+    const pj_stun_errcode_attr *err_attr;
+    /* STUN requests and success response can be authenticated */
+    if (!PJ_STUN_IS_ERROR_RESPONSE(msg_type) && 
+    {
+	return PJ_TRUE;
+    }
+    /* STUN Indication cannot be authenticated */
+    if (PJ_STUN_IS_INDICATION(msg_type))
+	return PJ_FALSE;
+    /* Authentication for STUN error responses depend on the error
+     * code.
+     */
+    err_attr = (const pj_stun_errcode_attr*)
+	       pj_stun_msg_find_attr(msg, PJ_STUN_ATTR_ERROR_CODE, 0);
+    if (err_attr == NULL) {
+	PJ_LOG(4,(THIS_FILE, "STUN error code attribute not present in "
+			     "error response"));
+	return PJ_TRUE;
+    }
+    switch (err_attr->err_code) {
+    case PJ_STUN_SC_BAD_REQUEST:	    /* 400 (Bad Request)	    */
+    case PJ_STUN_SC_UNAUTHORIZED:	    /* 401 (Unauthorized)	    */
+    case PJ_STUN_SC_STALE_NONCE:	    /* 438 (Stale Nonce)	    */
+    /* Due to the way this response is generated here, we can't really
+     * authenticate 420 (Unknown Attribute) response			    */
+	return PJ_FALSE;
+    default:
+	return PJ_TRUE;
+    }
+/* Authenticate MESSAGE-INTEGRITY in the response */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_stun_authenticate_response(const pj_uint8_t *pkt,
+					          unsigned pkt_len,
+					          const pj_stun_msg *msg,
+					          const pj_str_t *key)
+    const pj_stun_msgint_attr *amsgi;
+    unsigned i, amsgi_pos;
+    pj_bool_t has_attr_beyond_mi;
+    pj_hmac_sha1_context ctx;
+    pj_uint8_t digest[PJ_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE];
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pkt && pkt_len && msg && key, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* First check that MESSAGE-INTEGRITY is present */
+    amsgi = (const pj_stun_msgint_attr*)
+	    pj_stun_msg_find_attr(msg, PJ_STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY, 0);
+    if (amsgi == NULL) {
+    }
+    /* Check that message length is valid */
+    if (msg->hdr.length < 24) {
+    }
+    /* Look for MESSAGE-INTEGRITY while counting the position */
+    amsgi_pos = 0;
+    has_attr_beyond_mi = PJ_FALSE;
+    amsgi = NULL;
+    for (i=0; i<msg->attr_count; ++i) {
+	if (msg->attr[i]->type == PJ_STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY) {
+	    amsgi = (const pj_stun_msgint_attr*) msg->attr[i];
+	} else if (amsgi) {
+	    has_attr_beyond_mi = PJ_TRUE;
+	    break;
+	} else {
+	    amsgi_pos += ((msg->attr[i]->length+3) & ~0x03) + 4;
+	}
+    }
+    if (amsgi == NULL) {
+    }
+    /* Now calculate HMAC of the message. */
+    pj_hmac_sha1_init(&ctx, (pj_uint8_t*)key->ptr, (unsigned)key->slen);
+    /* Pre rfc3489bis-06 style of calculation */
+    pj_hmac_sha1_update(&ctx, pkt, 20);
+    /* First calculate HMAC for the header.
+     * The calculation is different depending on whether FINGERPRINT attribute
+     * is present in the message.
+     */
+    if (has_attr_beyond_mi) {
+	pj_uint8_t hdr_copy[20];
+	pj_memcpy(hdr_copy, pkt, 20);
+	PUT_VAL16(hdr_copy, 2, (pj_uint16_t)(amsgi_pos+24));
+	pj_hmac_sha1_update(&ctx, hdr_copy, 20);
+    } else {
+	pj_hmac_sha1_update(&ctx, pkt, 20);
+    }
+    /* Now update with the message body */
+    pj_hmac_sha1_update(&ctx, pkt+20, amsgi_pos);
+    // This is no longer necessary as per rfc3489bis-08
+    if ((amsgi_pos+20) & 0x3F) {
+    	pj_uint8_t zeroes[64];
+    	pj_bzero(zeroes, sizeof(zeroes));
+    	pj_hmac_sha1_update(&ctx, zeroes, 64-((amsgi_pos+20) & 0x3F));
+    }
+    pj_hmac_sha1_final(&ctx, digest);
+    /* Compare HMACs */
+    if (pj_memcmp(amsgi->hmac, digest, 20)) {
+	/* HMAC value mismatch */
+    }
+    /* Everything looks okay! */
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;