* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/81/8126b1f6621867d9174035d4173836823a2dcc12.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/81/8126b1f6621867d9174035d4173836823a2dcc12.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5e86ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/81/8126b1f6621867d9174035d4173836823a2dcc12.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#ifndef __PJMEDIA_VID_CODEC_H__
+#define __PJMEDIA_VID_CODEC_H__
+ * @file vid_codec.h
+ * @brief Video codec framework.
+ */
+#include <pjmedia/codec.h>
+#include <pjmedia/event.h>
+#include <pjmedia/format.h>
+#include <pjmedia/types.h>
+#include <pj/list.h>
+#include <pj/pool.h>
+ * @defgroup PJMEDIA_VID_CODEC Video Codecs
+ * @ingroup PJMEDIA_CODEC
+ * @{
+ */
+#define PJMEDIA_VID_CODEC_MAX_FPS_CNT        16
+ * This enumeration specifies the packetization property of video encoding
+ * process. The value is bitmask, and smaller value will have higher priority
+ * to be used.
+ */
+typedef enum pjmedia_vid_packing
+    /**
+     * This specifies that the packetization is unknown, or if nothing
+     * is supported.
+     */
+    /**
+     * This specifies that the result of video encoding process will be
+     * segmented into packets, which is suitable for RTP transmission.
+     * The maximum size of the packets is set in \a enc_mtu field of
+     * pjmedia_vid_codec_param.
+     */
+    /**
+     * This specifies that video encoding function will produce a whole
+     * or full frame from the source frame. This is normally used for
+     * encoding video for offline storage such as to an AVI file. The
+     * maximum size of the packets is set in \a enc_mtu field of
+     * pjmedia_vid_codec_param.
+     */
+} pjmedia_vid_packing;
+ * Enumeration of video frame info flag for the bit_info field in the
+ * pjmedia_frame.
+ */
+typedef enum pjmedia_vid_frm_bit_info
+    /**
+     * The video frame is keyframe.
+     */
+} pjmedia_vid_frm_bit_info;
+ * Encoding option.
+ */
+typedef struct pjmedia_vid_encode_opt
+    /**
+     * Flag to force the encoder to generate keyframe for the specified input
+     * frame. When this flag is set, application can verify the result by
+     * examining PJMEDIA_VID_FRM_KEYFRAME flag in the bit_info field of the
+     * output frame.
+     */
+    pj_bool_t force_keyframe;
+} pjmedia_vid_encode_opt;
+ * Identification used to search for codec factory that supports specific 
+ * codec specification. 
+ */
+typedef struct pjmedia_vid_codec_info
+    pjmedia_format_id   fmt_id;         /**< Encoded format ID              */
+    unsigned            pt;             /**< Payload type		    */
+    pj_str_t	        encoding_name;  /**< Encoding name                  */
+    pj_str_t	        encoding_desc;	/**< Encoding desc		    */
+    unsigned            clock_rate;     /**< Clock rate			    */
+    pjmedia_dir         dir;            /**< Direction                      */
+    unsigned            dec_fmt_id_cnt; /**< # of supported encoding source 
+                                             format IDs                     */
+    pjmedia_format_id   dec_fmt_id[PJMEDIA_VID_CODEC_MAX_DEC_FMT_CNT];
+                                        /**< Supported encoding source 
+                                             format IDs                     */
+    unsigned		packings;	/**< Supported or requested packings,
+					     strategies, bitmask from
+					     pjmedia_vid_packing	    */
+    unsigned            fps_cnt;        /**< # of supported frame-rates, can be
+					     zero (support any frame-rate)  */
+    pjmedia_ratio       fps[PJMEDIA_VID_CODEC_MAX_FPS_CNT];
+                                        /**< Supported frame-rates	    */
+} pjmedia_vid_codec_info;
+ * Detailed codec attributes used in configuring a codec and in querying
+ * the capability of codec factories. Default attributes of any codecs could
+ * be queried using #pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_get_default_param() and modified
+ * using #pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_set_default_param().
+ *
+ * Please note that codec parameter also contains SDP specific setting, 
+ * #dec_fmtp and #enc_fmtp, which may need to be set appropriately based on
+ * the effective setting. See each codec documentation for more detail.
+ */
+typedef struct pjmedia_vid_codec_param
+    pjmedia_dir         dir;            /**< Direction                      */
+    pjmedia_vid_packing packing; 	/**< Packetization strategy.	    */
+    pjmedia_format      enc_fmt;        /**< Encoded format	            */
+    pjmedia_codec_fmtp  enc_fmtp;       /**< Encoder fmtp params	    */
+    unsigned            enc_mtu;        /**< MTU or max payload size setting*/
+    pjmedia_format      dec_fmt;        /**< Decoded format	            */
+    pjmedia_codec_fmtp  dec_fmtp;       /**< Decoder fmtp params	    */
+    pj_bool_t		ignore_fmtp;	/**< Ignore fmtp params. If set to
+					     PJ_TRUE, the codec will apply
+					     format settings specified in
+					     enc_fmt and dec_fmt only.	    */
+} pjmedia_vid_codec_param;
+ * Duplicate video codec parameter.
+ *
+ * @param pool	    The pool.
+ * @param src	    The video codec parameter to be duplicated.
+ *
+ * @return	    Duplicated codec parameter.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(pjmedia_vid_codec_param*) pjmedia_vid_codec_param_clone(
+					pj_pool_t *pool, 
+					const pjmedia_vid_codec_param *src);
+ * Forward declaration for video codec.
+ */
+typedef struct pjmedia_vid_codec pjmedia_vid_codec;
+ * This structure describes codec operations. Each codec MUST implement
+ * all of these functions.
+ */
+typedef struct pjmedia_vid_codec_op
+    /** 
+     * See #pjmedia_vid_codec_init().
+     */
+    pj_status_t	(*init)(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec, 
+			pj_pool_t *pool );
+    /** 
+     * See #pjmedia_vid_codec_open().
+     */
+    pj_status_t	(*open)(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec, 
+			pjmedia_vid_codec_param *param );
+    /** 
+     * See #pjmedia_vid_codec_close().
+     */
+    pj_status_t (*close)(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec);
+    /** 
+     * See #pjmedia_vid_codec_modify().
+     */
+    pj_status_t	(*modify)(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+			  const pjmedia_vid_codec_param *param);
+    /** 
+     * See #pjmedia_vid_codec_get_param().
+     */
+    pj_status_t	(*get_param)(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+			     pjmedia_vid_codec_param *param);
+    /**
+     * See #pjmedia_vid_codec_encode_begin().
+     */
+    pj_status_t (*encode_begin)(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+				const pjmedia_vid_encode_opt *opt,
+				const pjmedia_frame *input,
+				unsigned out_size,
+				pjmedia_frame *output,
+				pj_bool_t *has_more);
+    /**
+     * See #pjmedia_vid_codec_encode_more()
+     */
+    pj_status_t (*encode_more)(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+			       unsigned out_size,
+			       pjmedia_frame *output,
+			       pj_bool_t *has_more);
+    /*
+     * See #pjmedia_vid_codec_decode().
+     */
+    pj_status_t (*decode)(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+			  pj_size_t count,
+			  pjmedia_frame packets[],
+			  unsigned out_size,
+			  pjmedia_frame *output);
+    /**
+     * See #pjmedia_vid_codec_recover()
+     */
+    pj_status_t (*recover)(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+			   unsigned out_size,
+			   pjmedia_frame *output);
+} pjmedia_vid_codec_op;
+ * Forward declaration for pjmedia_vid_codec_factory.
+ */
+typedef struct pjmedia_vid_codec_factory pjmedia_vid_codec_factory;
+ * This structure describes a video codec instance. Codec implementers
+ * should use #pjmedia_vid_codec_init() to initialize this structure with
+ * default values.
+ */
+struct pjmedia_vid_codec
+    /** Entries to put this codec instance in codec factory's list. */
+    PJ_DECL_LIST_MEMBER(struct pjmedia_vid_codec);
+    /** Codec's private data. */
+    void			*codec_data;
+    /** Codec factory where this codec was allocated. */
+    pjmedia_vid_codec_factory   *factory;
+    /** Operations to codec. */
+    pjmedia_vid_codec_op	*op;
+ * This structure describes operations that must be supported by codec 
+ * factories.
+ */
+typedef struct pjmedia_vid_codec_factory_op
+    /** 
+     * Check whether the factory can create codec with the specified 
+     * codec info.
+     *
+     * @param factory	The codec factory.
+     * @param info	The codec info.
+     *
+     * @return		PJ_SUCCESS if this factory is able to create an
+     *			instance of codec with the specified info.
+     */
+    pj_status_t	(*test_alloc)(pjmedia_vid_codec_factory *factory, 
+			      const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *info );
+    /** 
+     * Create default attributes for the specified codec ID. This function
+     * can be called by application to get the capability of the codec.
+     *
+     * @param factory	The codec factory.
+     * @param info	The codec info.
+     * @param attr	The attribute to be initialized.
+     *
+     * @return		PJ_SUCCESS if success.
+     */
+    pj_status_t (*default_attr)(pjmedia_vid_codec_factory *factory, 
+    				const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *info,
+    				pjmedia_vid_codec_param *attr );
+    /** 
+     * Enumerate supported codecs that can be created using this factory.
+     * 
+     *  @param factory	The codec factory.
+     *  @param count	On input, specifies the number of elements in
+     *			the array. On output, the value will be set to
+     *			the number of elements that have been initialized
+     *			by this function.
+     *  @param info	The codec info array, which contents will be 
+     *			initialized upon return.
+     *
+     *  @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+     */
+    pj_status_t (*enum_info)(pjmedia_vid_codec_factory *factory, 
+			     unsigned *count, 
+			     pjmedia_vid_codec_info codecs[]);
+    /** 
+     * Create one instance of the codec with the specified codec info.
+     *
+     * @param factory	The codec factory.
+     * @param info	The codec info.
+     * @param p_codec	Pointer to receive the codec instance.
+     *
+     * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+     */
+    pj_status_t (*alloc_codec)(pjmedia_vid_codec_factory *factory, 
+			       const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *info,
+			       pjmedia_vid_codec **p_codec);
+    /** 
+     * This function is called by codec manager to return a particular 
+     * instance of codec back to the codec factory.
+     *
+     * @param factory	The codec factory.
+     * @param codec	The codec instance to be returned.
+     *
+     * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+     */
+    pj_status_t (*dealloc_codec)(pjmedia_vid_codec_factory *factory, 
+				 pjmedia_vid_codec *codec );
+} pjmedia_vid_codec_factory_op;
+ * Codec factory describes a module that is able to create codec with specific
+ * capabilities. These capabilities can be queried by codec manager to create
+ * instances of codec.
+ */
+struct pjmedia_vid_codec_factory
+    /** Entries to put this structure in the codec manager list. */
+    PJ_DECL_LIST_MEMBER(struct pjmedia_vid_codec_factory);
+    /** The factory's private data. */
+    void		     *factory_data;
+    /** Operations to the factory. */
+    pjmedia_vid_codec_factory_op *op;
+ * Opaque declaration for codec manager.
+ */
+typedef struct pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr;
+ * Declare maximum codecs
+ */
+ * Initialize codec manager. If there is no the default video codec manager,
+ * this function will automatically set the default video codec manager to
+ * the new codec manager instance. Normally this function is called by pjmedia
+ * endpoint's initialization code.
+ *
+ * @param pool	    The pool instance.
+ * @param mgr	    The pointer to the new codec manager instance.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_create(pj_pool_t *pool,
+                                                  pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr **mgr);
+ * Destroy codec manager. Normally this function is called by pjmedia
+ * endpoint's deinitialization code.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    Codec manager instance.  If NULL, it is the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be destroyed.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_destroy(pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr);
+ * Get the default codec manager instance.
+ *
+ * @return	    The default codec manager instance or NULL if none.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr*) pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_instance(void);
+ * Set the default codec manager instance.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(void) pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_set_instance(pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr* mgr);
+ * Register codec factory to codec manager. This will also register
+ * all supported codecs in the factory to the codec manager.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param factory   The codec factory to be registered.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_register_factory( pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr,
+				        pjmedia_vid_codec_factory *factory);
+ * Unregister codec factory from the codec manager. This will also
+ * remove all the codecs registered by the codec factory from the
+ * codec manager's list of supported codecs.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param factory   The codec factory to be unregistered.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_unregister_factory( pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr, 
+				          pjmedia_vid_codec_factory *factory);
+ * Enumerate all supported codecs that have been registered to the
+ * codec manager by codec factories.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param count	    On input, specifies the number of elements in
+ *		    the array. On output, the value will be set to
+ *		    the number of elements that have been initialized
+ *		    by this function.
+ * @param info	    The codec info array, which contents will be 
+ *		    initialized upon return.
+ * @param prio	    Optional pointer to receive array of codec priorities.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_enum_codecs(pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr,
+				  unsigned *count,
+				  pjmedia_vid_codec_info info[],
+				  unsigned *prio);
+ * Get codec info for the specified payload type. The payload type must be
+ * static or locally defined in #pjmedia_video_pt.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param pt	    The payload type/number.
+ * @param info	    Pointer to receive codec info.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_get_codec_info( pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr,
+				      unsigned pt,
+				      const pjmedia_vid_codec_info **info);
+ * Get codec info for the specified format ID.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param fmt_id    Format ID. See #pjmedia_format_id
+ * @param info	    Pointer to receive codec info.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_get_codec_info2(pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr,
+				      pjmedia_format_id fmt_id,
+				      const pjmedia_vid_codec_info **info);
+ * Convert codec info struct into a unique codec identifier.
+ * A codec identifier looks something like "H263/90000".
+ *
+ * @param info	    The codec info
+ * @param id	    Buffer to put the codec info string.
+ * @param max_len   The length of the buffer.
+ *
+ * @return	    The null terminated codec info string, or NULL if
+ *		    the buffer is not long enough.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(char*) pjmedia_vid_codec_info_to_id(const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *info,
+                                            char *id, unsigned max_len );
+ * Find codecs by the unique codec identifier. This function will find
+ * all codecs that match the codec identifier prefix. For example, if
+ * "H26" is specified, then it will find "H263/90000", "H264/90000",
+ * and so on, up to the maximum count specified in the argument.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param codec_id  The full codec ID or codec ID prefix. If an empty
+ *		    string is given, it will match all codecs.
+ * @param count	    Maximum number of codecs to find. On return, it
+ *		    contains the actual number of codecs found.
+ * @param p_info    Array of pointer to codec info to be filled. This
+ *		    argument may be NULL, which in this case, only
+ *		    codec count will be returned.
+ * @param prio	    Optional array of codec priorities.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS if at least one codec info is found.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr,
+					const pj_str_t *codec_id,
+					unsigned *count,
+					const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *p_info[],
+					unsigned prio[]);
+ * Set codec priority. The codec priority determines the order of
+ * the codec in the SDP created by the endpoint. If more than one codecs
+ * are found with the same codec_id prefix, then the function sets the
+ * priorities of all those codecs.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param codec_id  The full codec ID or codec ID prefix. If an empty
+ *		    string is given, it will match all codecs.
+ * @param prio	    Priority to be set. The priority can have any value
+ *		    between 1 to 255. When the priority is set to zero,
+ *		    the codec will be disabled.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS if at least one codec info is found.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_set_codec_priority(pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr, 
+					 const pj_str_t *codec_id,
+					 pj_uint8_t prio);
+ * Get default codec param for the specified codec info.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param info	    The codec info, which default parameter's is being
+ *		    queried.
+ * @param param	    On return, will be filled with the default codec
+ *		    parameter.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_get_default_param(pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr,
+					const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *info,
+					pjmedia_vid_codec_param *param);
+ * Set default codec param for the specified codec info.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param pool	    The pool instance.
+ * @param info	    The codec info, which default parameter's is being
+ *		    updated.
+ * @param param	    The new default codec parameter. Set to NULL to reset
+ *		    codec parameter to library default settings.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_set_default_param(pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr,
+				        const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *info,
+				        const pjmedia_vid_codec_param *param);
+ * Request the codec manager to allocate one instance of codec with the
+ * specified codec info. The codec will enumerate all codec factories
+ * until it finds factory that is able to create the specified codec.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param info	    The information about the codec to be created.
+ * @param p_codec   Pointer to receive the codec instance.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_alloc_codec( pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr, 
+			           const pjmedia_vid_codec_info *info,
+			           pjmedia_vid_codec **p_codec);
+ * Deallocate the specified codec instance. The codec manager will return
+ * the instance of the codec back to its factory.
+ *
+ * @param mgr	    The codec manager instance. If NULL, the default codec
+ *		    manager instance will be used.
+ * @param codec	    The codec instance.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCESS on success.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_dealloc_codec(
+                                                pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr *mgr, 
+						pjmedia_vid_codec *codec);
+ * Initialize codec using the specified attribute.
+ *
+ * @param codec	    The codec instance.
+ * @param pool	    Pool to use when the codec needs to allocate
+ *		    some memory.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_vid_codec_init( pjmedia_vid_codec *codec, 
+					       pj_pool_t *pool )
+    return (*codec->op->init)(codec, pool);
+ * Open the codec and initialize with the specified parameter.
+ * Upon successful initialization, the codec may modify the parameter
+ * and fills in the unspecified values (such as size or frame rate of
+ * the encoder format, as it may need to be negotiated with remote
+ * preferences via SDP fmtp).
+ *
+ * @param codec	    The codec instance.
+ * @param param	    Codec initialization parameter.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_vid_codec_open(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+                                              pjmedia_vid_codec_param *param)
+    return (*codec->op->open)(codec, param);
+ * Close and shutdown codec, releasing all resources allocated by
+ * this codec, if any.
+ *
+ * @param codec	    The codec instance.
+ *
+ * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_vid_codec_close( pjmedia_vid_codec *codec )
+    return (*codec->op->close)(codec);
+ * Modify the codec parameter after the codec is open. 
+ * Note that not all codec parameters can be modified during run-time. 
+ * When the parameter cannot be changed, this function will return 
+ * non-PJ_SUCCESS, and the original parameters will not be changed.
+ *
+ * @param codec	The codec instance.
+ * @param param	The new codec parameter.
+ *
+ * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_modify(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+                         const pjmedia_vid_codec_param *param)
+    return (*codec->op->modify)(codec, param);
+ * Get the codec parameter after the codec is opened. 
+ *
+ * @param codec	The codec instance.
+ * @param param	The codec parameter.
+ *
+ * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success.
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_get_param(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+			    pjmedia_vid_codec_param *param)
+    return (*codec->op->get_param)(codec, param);
+ * Encode the specified input frame. The input MUST contain only one picture
+ * with the appropriate format as specified when opening the codec. Depending
+ * on the packing or packetization set in the \a packing param, the process
+ * may produce multiple encoded packets or payloads to represent the picture.
+ * This is true for example for PJMEDIA_VID_PACKING_PACKETS packing. In this
+ * case, the \a has_more field will be set to PJ_TRUE, and application should
+ * call pjmedia_vid_codec_encode_more() to get the remaining results from the
+ * codec.
+ *
+ * @param codec		The codec instance.
+ * @param opt		Optional encoding options.
+ * @param input		The input frame.
+ * @param out_size	The length of buffer in the output frame. This
+ * 			should be at least the same as the configured
+ * 			encoding MTU of the codec.
+ * @param output	The output frame.
+ * @param has_more	PJ_TRUE if more payloads are available; application
+ * 			should then call pjmedia_vid_codec_encode_more()
+ * 			to retrieve the remaining results.
+ *
+ * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success;
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_encode_begin( pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+				const pjmedia_vid_encode_opt *opt,
+				const pjmedia_frame *input,
+				unsigned out_size,
+				pjmedia_frame *output,
+				pj_bool_t *has_more)
+    return (*codec->op->encode_begin)(codec, opt, input, out_size, output,
+				      has_more);
+ * Retrieve more encoded packets/payloads from the codec. Application
+ * should call this function repeatedly until \a has_more flag is set
+ * to PJ_FALSE.
+ *
+ * @param codec		The codec instance.
+ * @param out_size	The length of buffer in the output frame. This
+ * 			should be at least the same as as the configured
+ * 			encoding MTU of the codec.
+ * @param output	The output frame.
+ * @param has_more	PJ_TRUE if more payloads are available, which in
+ * 			this case application should call \a encode_more()
+ * 			to retrieve them.
+ *
+ * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success;
+ */
+pjmedia_vid_codec_encode_more( pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+			       unsigned out_size,
+			       pjmedia_frame *output,
+			       pj_bool_t *has_more)
+    return (*codec->op->encode_more)(codec, out_size, output, has_more);
+ * Decode the input packets into one picture. If the packing is set to
+ * PJMEDIA_VID_PACKING_PACKETS when opening the codec, the codec is set
+ * to decode multiple encoded packets into one picture. These encoded
+ * packets are typically retrieved from the jitter buffer. If the packing
+ * is set to PJMEDIA_VID_PACKING_WHOLE, then this decode function can only
+ * accept one frame as the input.
+ *
+ * Note that the decoded picture format may different to the configured
+ * setting (i.e. the format specified in the #pjmedia_vid_codec_param when
+ * opening the codec), in this case the PJMEDIA_EVENT_FMT_CHANGED event will
+ * be emitted by the codec to notify the event. The codec parameter will
+ * also be updated, and application can query the format by using
+ * pjmedia_vid_codec_get_param().
+ *
+ * @param codec		The codec instance.
+ * @param pkt_count	Number of packets in the input.
+ * @param packets	Array of input packets, each containing an encoded
+ * 			frame.
+ * @param out_size	The length of buffer in the output frame.
+ * @param output	The output frame.
+ *
+ * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success;
+ */
+PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_vid_codec_decode(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+						pj_size_t pkt_count,
+						pjmedia_frame packets[],
+						unsigned out_size,
+						pjmedia_frame *output)
+    return (*codec->op->decode)(codec, pkt_count, packets, out_size, output);
+ * Recover a missing frame.
+ *
+ * @param codec		The codec instance.
+ * @param out_size	The length of buffer in the output frame.
+ * @param output	The output frame where generated signal
+ *			will be placed.
+ *
+ * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success;
+ */
+PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_vid_codec_recover(pjmedia_vid_codec *codec,
+                                                 unsigned out_size,
+                                                 pjmedia_frame *output)
+    if (codec->op && codec->op->recover)
+	return (*codec->op->recover)(codec, out_size, output);
+    else
+	return PJ_ENOTSUP;
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @defgroup PJMEDIA_CODEC_VID_CODECS Supported video codecs
+ * @ingroup PJMEDIA_VID_CODEC
+ */
+#endif	/* __PJMEDIA_VID_CODEC_H__ */