* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/60/60d68c820f4f4fabc22043a5f3e0b83ea0cfe37c.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/60/60d68c820f4f4fabc22043a5f3e0b83ea0cfe37c.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ddf9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/60/60d68c820f4f4fabc22043a5f3e0b83ea0cfe37c.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+**   ITU-T G.722.1 (2005-05) - Fixed point implementation for main body and Annex C
+**   > Software Release 2.1 (2008-06)
+**     (Simple repackaging; no change from 2005-05 Release 2.0 code)
+**   © 2004 Polycom, Inc.
+**	 All rights reserved.
+* Filename: dct_type_iv_a.c
+* Purpose:  Discrete Cosine Transform, Type IV used for MLT
+* The basis functions are
+*	 cos(PI*(t+0.5)*(k+0.5)/block_length)
+* for time t and basis function number k.  Due to the symmetry of the expression
+* in t and k, it is clear that the forward and inverse transforms are the same.
+ Include files                                                           
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "count.h"
+#include "dct4_a.h"
+ External variable declarations                                          
+extern Word16       anal_bias[DCT_LENGTH];
+extern Word16       dct_core_a[DCT_LENGTH_DIV_32][DCT_LENGTH_DIV_32];
+extern cos_msin_t   a_cos_msin_2 [DCT_LENGTH_DIV_32];
+extern cos_msin_t   a_cos_msin_4 [DCT_LENGTH_DIV_16];
+extern cos_msin_t   a_cos_msin_8 [DCT_LENGTH_DIV_8];
+extern cos_msin_t   a_cos_msin_16[DCT_LENGTH_DIV_4];
+extern cos_msin_t   a_cos_msin_32[DCT_LENGTH_DIV_2];
+extern cos_msin_t   a_cos_msin_64[DCT_LENGTH];
+extern cos_msin_t   *a_cos_msin_table[];
+ Function:    dct_type_iv_a
+ Syntax:      void dct_type_iv_a (input, output, dct_length) 
+                        Word16   input[], output[], dct_length;              
+ Description: Discrete Cosine Transform, Type IV used for MLT
+ Design Notes:
+ WMOPS:          |    24kbit    |     32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    1.14      |     1.14
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    1.14      |     1.14
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit     |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    2.57      |     2.57       |     2.57
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    2.57      |     2.57       |     2.57
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void dct_type_iv_a (Word16 *input,Word16 *output,Word16 dct_length)
+    Word16   buffer_a[MAX_DCT_LENGTH], buffer_b[MAX_DCT_LENGTH], buffer_c[MAX_DCT_LENGTH];
+    Word16   *in_ptr, *in_ptr_low, *in_ptr_high, *next_in_base;
+    Word16   *out_ptr_low, *out_ptr_high, *next_out_base;
+    Word16   *out_buffer, *in_buffer, *buffer_swap;
+    Word16   in_val_low, in_val_high;
+    Word16   out_val_low, out_val_high;
+    Word16   in_low_even, in_low_odd;
+    Word16   in_high_even, in_high_odd;
+    Word16   out_low_even, out_low_odd;
+    Word16   out_high_even, out_high_odd;
+    Word16   *pair_ptr;
+    Word16   cos_even, cos_odd, msin_even, msin_odd;
+    Word16   neg_cos_odd;
+    Word16   neg_msin_even;
+    Word32   sum;
+    Word16   set_span, set_count, set_count_log, pairs_left, sets_left;
+    Word16   i,k;
+    Word16   index;
+    cos_msin_t  **table_ptr_ptr, *cos_msin_ptr;
+    Word16   temp;
+    Word32   acca;
+    Word16   dct_length_log;
+    /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+    /* Do the sum/difference butterflies, the first part of */
+    /* converting one N-point transform into N/2 two-point  */
+    /* transforms, where N = 1 << DCT_LENGTH_LOG. = 64/128  */
+    /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+    test();
+    if (dct_length==DCT_LENGTH)
+    {
+        dct_length_log = DCT_LENGTH_LOG;
+        /* Add bias offsets */
+        for (i=0;i<dct_length;i++)
+        {
+            input[i] = add(input[i],anal_bias[i]);
+            move16();
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        dct_length_log = MAX_DCT_LENGTH_LOG;
+    index = 0L;
+    move16();
+    in_buffer  = input;
+    move16();
+    out_buffer = buffer_a;
+    move16();
+    temp = sub(dct_length_log,2);
+    for (set_count_log=0;set_count_log<=temp;set_count_log++)
+    {
+        /*===========================================================*/
+        /* Initialization for the loop over sets at the current size */
+        /*===========================================================*/
+        /*    set_span      = 1 << (DCT_LENGTH_LOG - set_count_log); */
+        set_span = shr_nocheck(dct_length,set_count_log);
+        set_count     = shl_nocheck(1,set_count_log);
+        in_ptr        = in_buffer;
+        move16();
+        next_out_base = out_buffer;
+        move16();
+        /*=====================================*/
+        /* Loop over all the sets of this size */
+        /*=====================================*/
+        for (sets_left=set_count;sets_left>0;sets_left--)
+        {
+            /*||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
+            /* Set up output pointers for the current set */
+            /*||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
+            out_ptr_low    = next_out_base;
+            next_out_base  = next_out_base + set_span;
+            out_ptr_high   = next_out_base;
+            /*||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
+            /* Loop over all the butterflies in the current set */
+            /*||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
+            do 
+            {
+                in_val_low      = *in_ptr++;
+                in_val_high     = *in_ptr++;
+		// blp: addition of two 16bits vars, there's no way
+		//      they'll overflow a 32bit var
+                //acca            = L_add(in_val_low,in_val_high);
+		acca = (in_val_low + in_val_high);
+		acca            = L_shr_nocheck(acca,1);
+                out_val_low     = extract_l(acca);
+                acca            = L_sub(in_val_low,in_val_high);
+                acca            = L_shr_nocheck(acca,1);
+                out_val_high    = extract_l(acca);
+                *out_ptr_low++  = out_val_low;
+                *--out_ptr_high = out_val_high;
+                test();
+            } while (out_ptr_low < out_ptr_high);
+        } /* End of loop over sets of the current size */
+        /*============================================================*/
+        /* Decide which buffers to use as input and output next time. */
+        /* Except for the first time (when the input buffer is the    */
+        /* subroutine input) we just alternate the local buffers.     */
+        /*============================================================*/
+        in_buffer = out_buffer;
+        move16();
+        if (out_buffer == buffer_a)
+            out_buffer = buffer_b;
+        else
+            out_buffer = buffer_a;
+        index = add(index,1);
+    } /* End of loop over set sizes */
+    /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+    /* Do N/2 two-point transforms,   */
+    /* where N =  1 << DCT_LENGTH_LOG */
+    /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+    pair_ptr = in_buffer;
+    move16();
+    buffer_swap = buffer_c;
+    move16();
+    temp = sub(dct_length_log,1);
+    temp = shl_nocheck(1,temp);
+    for (pairs_left=temp; pairs_left > 0; pairs_left--)
+    {
+        for ( k=0; k<CORE_SIZE; k++ )
+        {
+#if PJ_HAS_INT64
+	    /* blp: danger danger! not really compatible but faster */
+	    pj_int64_t sum64=0;
+            move32();
+            for ( i=0; i<CORE_SIZE; i++ )
+            {
+                sum64 += L_mult(pair_ptr[i], dct_core_a[i][k]);
+            }
+	    sum = L_saturate(sum64);
+            sum=0L;
+            move32();
+            for ( i=0; i<CORE_SIZE; i++ )
+            {
+                sum = L_mac(sum, pair_ptr[i],dct_core_a[i][k]);
+            }
+            buffer_swap[k] = itu_round(sum);
+        }
+        /* address arithmetic */
+        pair_ptr   += CORE_SIZE;
+        buffer_swap += CORE_SIZE;
+    }
+    for (i=0;i<dct_length;i++)
+    {
+        in_buffer[i] = buffer_c[i];
+        move16();
+    }
+    table_ptr_ptr = a_cos_msin_table;
+    /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+    /* Perform rotation butterflies */
+    /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+    temp = sub(dct_length_log,2);
+    for (set_count_log = temp; set_count_log >= 0;    set_count_log--)
+    {
+        /*===========================================================*/
+        /* Initialization for the loop over sets at the current size */
+        /*===========================================================*/
+        /*    set_span      = 1 << (DCT_LENGTH_LOG - set_count_log); */
+        set_span = shr_nocheck(dct_length,set_count_log);
+        set_count     = shl_nocheck(1,set_count_log);
+        next_in_base  = in_buffer;
+        move16();
+        test();
+        if (set_count_log == 0)
+        {
+            next_out_base = output;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            next_out_base = out_buffer;
+        }
+        /*=====================================*/
+        /* Loop over all the sets of this size */
+        /*=====================================*/
+        for (sets_left = set_count; sets_left > 0;sets_left--)
+        {
+            /*|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
+            /* Set up the pointers for the current set */
+            /*|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
+            in_ptr_low     = next_in_base;
+            move16();
+            temp           = shr_nocheck(set_span,1);
+            /* address arithmetic */
+            in_ptr_high    = in_ptr_low + temp;
+            next_in_base  += set_span;
+            out_ptr_low    = next_out_base;
+            next_out_base += set_span;
+            out_ptr_high   = next_out_base;
+            cos_msin_ptr   = *table_ptr_ptr;
+            /*||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
+            /* Loop over all the butterfly pairs in the current set */
+            /*||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
+            do 
+            {
+                /* address arithmetic */
+                in_low_even     = *in_ptr_low++;
+                in_low_odd      = *in_ptr_low++;
+                in_high_even    = *in_ptr_high++;
+                in_high_odd     = *in_ptr_high++;
+                cos_even        = cos_msin_ptr[0].cosine;
+                move16();
+                msin_even       = cos_msin_ptr[0].minus_sine;
+                move16();
+                cos_odd         = cos_msin_ptr[1].cosine;
+                move16();
+                msin_odd        = cos_msin_ptr[1].minus_sine;
+                move16();
+                cos_msin_ptr   += 2;
+                sum = 0L;
+                sum=L_mac(sum,cos_even,in_low_even);
+                neg_msin_even = negate(msin_even);
+                sum=L_mac(sum,neg_msin_even,in_high_even);
+                out_low_even = itu_round(sum);
+                sum = 0L;
+                sum=L_mac(sum,msin_even,in_low_even);
+                sum=L_mac(sum,cos_even,in_high_even);
+                out_high_even= itu_round(sum);
+                sum = 0L;
+                sum=L_mac(sum,cos_odd,in_low_odd);
+                sum=L_mac(sum,msin_odd,in_high_odd);
+                out_low_odd= itu_round(sum);
+                sum = 0L;
+                sum=L_mac(sum,msin_odd,in_low_odd);
+                neg_cos_odd = negate(cos_odd);
+                sum=L_mac(sum,neg_cos_odd,in_high_odd);
+                out_high_odd= itu_round(sum);
+                *out_ptr_low++  = out_low_even;
+                *--out_ptr_high = out_high_even;
+                *out_ptr_low++  = out_low_odd;
+                *--out_ptr_high = out_high_odd;
+                test();
+            } while (out_ptr_low < out_ptr_high);
+        } /* End of loop over sets of the current size */
+        /*=============================================*/
+        /* Swap input and output buffers for next time */
+        /*=============================================*/
+        buffer_swap = in_buffer;
+        in_buffer   = out_buffer;
+        out_buffer  = buffer_swap;
+        table_ptr_ptr++;
+    }