* #27232: jni: added pjproject checkout as regular git content

We will remove it once the next release of pjsip (with Android support)
comes out and is merged into SFLphone.
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/2e/2e90040ad1afce6c99dab3c3b50f88d848790818.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/2e/2e90040ad1afce6c99dab3c3b50f88d848790818.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..305974a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/2e/2e90040ad1afce6c99dab3c3b50f88d848790818.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@

+// File: WXUtil.h


+// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines helper classes and functions for

+//       building multimedia filters.


+// Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.




+#ifndef __WXUTIL__

+#define __WXUTIL__


+// eliminate spurious "statement has no effect" warnings.

+#pragma warning(disable: 4705)


+// wrapper for whatever critical section we have

+class CCritSec {


+    // make copy constructor and assignment operator inaccessible


+    CCritSec(const CCritSec &refCritSec);

+    CCritSec &operator=(const CCritSec &refCritSec);




+#ifdef DEBUG


+    DWORD   m_currentOwner;

+    DWORD   m_lockCount;

+    BOOL    m_fTrace;        // Trace this one


+    CCritSec();

+    ~CCritSec();

+    void Lock();

+    void Unlock();




+    CCritSec() {

+        InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CritSec);

+    };


+    ~CCritSec() {

+        DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CritSec);

+    };


+    void Lock() {

+        EnterCriticalSection(&m_CritSec);

+    };


+    void Unlock() {

+        LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CritSec);

+    };





+// To make deadlocks easier to track it is useful to insert in the

+// code an assertion that says whether we own a critical section or

+// not.  We make the routines that do the checking globals to avoid

+// having different numbers of member functions in the debug and

+// retail class implementations of CCritSec.  In addition we provide

+// a routine that allows usage of specific critical sections to be

+// traced.  This is NOT on by default - there are far too many.



+#ifdef DEBUG

+    BOOL WINAPI CritCheckIn(CCritSec * pcCrit);

+    BOOL WINAPI CritCheckIn(const CCritSec * pcCrit);

+    BOOL WINAPI CritCheckOut(CCritSec * pcCrit);

+    BOOL WINAPI CritCheckOut(const CCritSec * pcCrit);

+    void WINAPI DbgLockTrace(CCritSec * pcCrit, BOOL fTrace);


+    #define CritCheckIn(x) TRUE

+    #define CritCheckOut(x) TRUE

+    #define DbgLockTrace(pc, fT)




+// locks a critical section, and unlocks it automatically

+// when the lock goes out of scope

+class CAutoLock {


+    // make copy constructor and assignment operator inaccessible


+    CAutoLock(const CAutoLock &refAutoLock);

+    CAutoLock &operator=(const CAutoLock &refAutoLock);



+    CCritSec * m_pLock;



+    CAutoLock(CCritSec * plock)

+    {

+        m_pLock = plock;

+        m_pLock->Lock();

+    };


+    ~CAutoLock() {

+        m_pLock->Unlock();

+    };





+// wrapper for event objects

+class CAMEvent



+    // make copy constructor and assignment operator inaccessible


+    CAMEvent(const CAMEvent &refEvent);

+    CAMEvent &operator=(const CAMEvent &refEvent);



+    HANDLE m_hEvent;


+    CAMEvent(BOOL fManualReset = FALSE, __inout_opt HRESULT *phr = NULL);

+    CAMEvent(__inout_opt HRESULT *phr);

+    ~CAMEvent();


+    // Cast to HANDLE - we don't support this as an lvalue

+    operator HANDLE () const { return m_hEvent; };


+    void Set() {EXECUTE_ASSERT(SetEvent(m_hEvent));};

+    BOOL Wait(DWORD dwTimeout = INFINITE) {

+	return (WaitForSingleObject(m_hEvent, dwTimeout) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);

+    };

+    void Reset() { ResetEvent(m_hEvent); };

+    BOOL Check() { return Wait(0); };




+// wrapper for event objects that do message processing

+// This adds ONE method to the CAMEvent object to allow sent

+// messages to be processed while waiting


+class CAMMsgEvent : public CAMEvent





+    CAMMsgEvent(__inout_opt HRESULT *phr = NULL);


+    // Allow SEND messages to be processed while waiting

+    BOOL WaitMsg(DWORD dwTimeout = INFINITE);



+// old name supported for the time being

+#define CTimeoutEvent CAMEvent


+// support for a worker thread



+// simple thread class supports creation of worker thread, synchronization

+// and communication. Can be derived to simplify parameter passing

+class AM_NOVTABLE CAMThread {


+    // make copy constructor and assignment operator inaccessible


+    CAMThread(const CAMThread &refThread);

+    CAMThread &operator=(const CAMThread &refThread);


+    CAMEvent m_EventSend;

+    CAMEvent m_EventComplete;


+    DWORD m_dwParam;

+    DWORD m_dwReturnVal;



+    HANDLE m_hThread;


+    // thread will run this function on startup

+    // must be supplied by derived class

+    virtual DWORD ThreadProc() = 0;



+    CAMThread(__inout_opt HRESULT *phr = NULL);

+    virtual ~CAMThread();


+    CCritSec m_AccessLock;	// locks access by client threads

+    CCritSec m_WorkerLock;	// locks access to shared objects


+    // thread initially runs this. param is actually 'this'. function

+    // just gets this and calls ThreadProc

+    static DWORD WINAPI InitialThreadProc(__inout LPVOID pv);


+    // start thread running  - error if already running

+    BOOL Create();


+    // signal the thread, and block for a response

+    //

+    DWORD CallWorker(DWORD);


+    // accessor thread calls this when done with thread (having told thread

+    // to exit)

+    void Close() {


+        // Disable warning: Conversion from LONG to PVOID of greater size

+#pragma warning(push)

+#pragma warning(disable: 4312)

+        HANDLE hThread = (HANDLE)InterlockedExchangePointer(&m_hThread, 0);

+#pragma warning(pop)


+        if (hThread) {

+            WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);

+            CloseHandle(hThread);

+        }

+    };


+    // ThreadExists

+    // Return TRUE if the thread exists. FALSE otherwise

+    BOOL ThreadExists(void) const

+    {

+        if (m_hThread == 0) {

+            return FALSE;

+        } else {

+            return TRUE;

+        }

+    }


+    // wait for the next request

+    DWORD GetRequest();


+    // is there a request?

+    BOOL CheckRequest(__out_opt DWORD * pParam);


+    // reply to the request

+    void Reply(DWORD);


+    // If you want to do WaitForMultipleObjects you'll need to include

+    // this handle in your wait list or you won't be responsive

+    HANDLE GetRequestHandle() const { return m_EventSend; };


+    // Find out what the request was

+    DWORD GetRequestParam() const { return m_dwParam; };


+    // call CoInitializeEx (COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE) if

+    // available. S_FALSE means it's not available.

+    static HRESULT CoInitializeHelper();


+#endif // AM_NOVTABLE



+// CQueue


+// Implements a simple Queue ADT.  The queue contains a finite number of

+// objects, access to which is controlled by a semaphore.  The semaphore

+// is created with an initial count (N).  Each time an object is added

+// a call to WaitForSingleObject is made on the semaphore's handle.  When

+// this function returns a slot has been reserved in the queue for the new

+// object.  If no slots are available the function blocks until one becomes

+// available.  Each time an object is removed from the queue ReleaseSemaphore

+// is called on the semaphore's handle, thus freeing a slot in the queue.

+// If no objects are present in the queue the function blocks until an

+// object has been added.




+template <class T> class CQueue {


+    HANDLE          hSemPut;        // Semaphore controlling queue "putting"

+    HANDLE          hSemGet;        // Semaphore controlling queue "getting"

+    CRITICAL_SECTION CritSect;      // Thread seriallization

+    int             nMax;           // Max objects allowed in queue

+    int             iNextPut;       // Array index of next "PutMsg"

+    int             iNextGet;       // Array index of next "GetMsg"

+    T              *QueueObjects;   // Array of objects (ptr's to void)


+    void Initialize(int n) {

+        iNextPut = iNextGet = 0;

+        nMax = n;

+        InitializeCriticalSection(&CritSect);

+        hSemPut = CreateSemaphore(NULL, n, n, NULL);

+        hSemGet = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, n, NULL);

+        QueueObjects = new T[n];

+    }




+    CQueue(int n) {

+        Initialize(n);

+    }


+    CQueue() {

+        Initialize(DEFAULT_QUEUESIZE);

+    }


+    ~CQueue() {

+        delete [] QueueObjects;

+        DeleteCriticalSection(&CritSect);

+        CloseHandle(hSemPut);

+        CloseHandle(hSemGet);

+    }


+    T GetQueueObject() {

+        int iSlot;

+        T Object;

+        LONG lPrevious;


+        // Wait for someone to put something on our queue, returns straight

+        // away is there is already an object on the queue.

+        //

+        WaitForSingleObject(hSemGet, INFINITE);


+        EnterCriticalSection(&CritSect);

+        iSlot = iNextGet++ % nMax;

+        Object = QueueObjects[iSlot];

+        LeaveCriticalSection(&CritSect);


+        // Release anyone waiting to put an object onto our queue as there

+        // is now space available in the queue.

+        //

+        ReleaseSemaphore(hSemPut, 1L, &lPrevious);

+        return Object;

+    }


+    void PutQueueObject(T Object) {

+        int iSlot;

+        LONG lPrevious;


+        // Wait for someone to get something from our queue, returns straight

+        // away is there is already an empty slot on the queue.

+        //

+        WaitForSingleObject(hSemPut, INFINITE);


+        EnterCriticalSection(&CritSect);

+        iSlot = iNextPut++ % nMax;

+        QueueObjects[iSlot] = Object;

+        LeaveCriticalSection(&CritSect);


+        // Release anyone waiting to remove an object from our queue as there

+        // is now an object available to be removed.

+        //

+        ReleaseSemaphore(hSemGet, 1L, &lPrevious);

+    }



+// Ensures that memory is not read past the length source buffer

+// and that memory is not written past the length of the dst buffer

+//   dst - buffer to copy to

+//   dst_size - total size of destination buffer

+//   cb_dst_offset - offset, first byte copied to dst+cb_dst_offset

+//   src - buffer to copy from

+//   src_size - total size of source buffer

+//   cb_src_offset - offset, first byte copied from src+cb_src_offset

+//   count - number of bytes to copy


+// Returns:

+//    S_OK          - no error

+//    E_INVALIDARG  - values passed would lead to overrun

+HRESULT AMSafeMemMoveOffset(

+    __in_bcount(dst_size) void * dst,

+    __in size_t dst_size,

+    __in DWORD cb_dst_offset,

+    __in_bcount(src_size) const void * src,

+    __in size_t src_size,

+    __in DWORD cb_src_offset,

+    __in size_t count);


+extern "C"

+void * __stdcall memmoveInternal(void *, const void *, size_t);


+inline void * __cdecl memchrInternal(const void *buf, int chr, size_t cnt)


+#ifdef _X86_

+    void *pRet = NULL;


+    _asm {

+        cld                 // make sure we get the direction right

+        mov     ecx, cnt    // num of bytes to scan

+        mov     edi, buf    // pointer byte stream

+        mov     eax, chr    // byte to scan for

+        repne   scasb       // look for the byte in the byte stream

+        jnz     exit_memchr // Z flag set if byte found

+        dec     edi         // scasb always increments edi even when it

+                            // finds the required byte

+        mov     pRet, edi


+    }

+    return pRet;



+    while ( cnt && (*(unsigned char *)buf != (unsigned char)chr) ) {

+        buf = (unsigned char *)buf + 1;

+        cnt--;

+    }


+    return(cnt ? (void *)buf : NULL);




+void WINAPI IntToWstr(int i, __out_ecount(12) LPWSTR wstr);


+#define WstrToInt(sz) _wtoi(sz)

+#define atoiW(sz) _wtoi(sz)

+#define atoiA(sz) atoi(sz)


+// These are available to help managing bitmap VIDEOINFOHEADER media structures


+extern const DWORD bits555[3];

+extern const DWORD bits565[3];

+extern const DWORD bits888[3];


+// These help convert between VIDEOINFOHEADER and BITMAPINFO structures


+STDAPI_(const GUID) GetTrueColorType(const BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbmiHeader);

+STDAPI_(const GUID) GetBitmapSubtype(const BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbmiHeader);

+STDAPI_(WORD) GetBitCount(const GUID *pSubtype);


+// strmbase.lib implements this for compatibility with people who

+// managed to link to this directly.  we don't want to advertise it.


+// STDAPI_(/* T */ CHAR *) GetSubtypeName(const GUID *pSubtype);


+STDAPI_(CHAR *) GetSubtypeNameA(const GUID *pSubtype);

+STDAPI_(WCHAR *) GetSubtypeNameW(const GUID *pSubtype);


+#ifdef UNICODE

+#define GetSubtypeName GetSubtypeNameW


+#define GetSubtypeName GetSubtypeNameA



+STDAPI_(LONG) GetBitmapFormatSize(const BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader);

+STDAPI_(DWORD) GetBitmapSize(const BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader);


+#ifdef __AMVIDEO__

+STDAPI_(BOOL) ContainsPalette(const VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo);

+STDAPI_(const RGBQUAD *) GetBitmapPalette(const VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo);

+#endif // __AMVIDEO__



+// Compares two interfaces and returns TRUE if they are on the same object

+BOOL WINAPI IsEqualObject(IUnknown *pFirst, IUnknown *pSecond);


+// This is for comparing pins

+#define EqualPins(pPin1, pPin2) IsEqualObject(pPin1, pPin2)



+// Arithmetic helper functions


+// Compute (a * b + rnd) / c





+// Avoids us dyna-linking to SysAllocString to copy BSTR strings

+STDAPI WriteBSTR(__deref_out BSTR * pstrDest, LPCWSTR szSrc);

+STDAPI FreeBSTR(__deref_in BSTR* pstr);


+// Return a wide string - allocating memory for it

+// Returns:

+//    S_OK          - no error

+//    E_POINTER     - ppszReturn == NULL

+//    E_OUTOFMEMORY - can't allocate memory for returned string

+STDAPI AMGetWideString(LPCWSTR pszString, __deref_out LPWSTR *ppszReturn);


+// Special wait for objects owning windows

+DWORD WINAPI WaitDispatchingMessages(

+    HANDLE hObject,

+    DWORD dwWait,

+    HWND hwnd = NULL,

+    UINT uMsg = 0,

+    HANDLE hEvent = NULL);


+// HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 converts ERROR_SUCCESS to a success code, but in

+// our use of HRESULT_FROM_WIN32, it typically means a function failed

+// to call SetLastError(), and we still want a failure code.


+#define AmHresultFromWin32(x) (MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32, x))


+// call GetLastError and return an HRESULT value that will fail the

+// SUCCEEDED() macro.

+HRESULT AmGetLastErrorToHResult(void);


+// duplicate of ATL's CComPtr to avoid linker conflicts.


+IUnknown* QzAtlComPtrAssign(__deref_inout_opt IUnknown** pp, __in_opt IUnknown* lp);


+template <class T>

+class QzCComPtr



+	typedef T _PtrClass;

+	QzCComPtr() {p=NULL;}

+	QzCComPtr(T* lp)

+	{

+		if ((p = lp) != NULL)

+			p->AddRef();

+	}

+	QzCComPtr(const QzCComPtr<T>& lp)

+	{

+		if ((p = lp.p) != NULL)

+			p->AddRef();

+	}

+	~QzCComPtr() {if (p) p->Release();}

+	void Release() {if (p) p->Release(); p=NULL;}

+	operator T*() {return (T*)p;}

+	T& operator*() {ASSERT(p!=NULL); return *p; }

+	//The assert on operator& usually indicates a bug.  If this is really

+	//what is needed, however, take the address of the p member explicitly.

+	T** operator&() { ASSERT(p==NULL); return &p; }

+	T* operator->() { ASSERT(p!=NULL); return p; }

+	T* operator=(T* lp){return (T*)QzAtlComPtrAssign((IUnknown**)&p, lp);}

+	T* operator=(const QzCComPtr<T>& lp)

+	{

+		return (T*)QzAtlComPtrAssign((IUnknown**)&p, lp.p);

+	}

+#if _MSC_VER>1020

+	bool operator!(){return (p == NULL);}


+	BOOL operator!(){return (p == NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;}


+	T* p;



+MMRESULT CompatibleTimeSetEvent( UINT uDelay, UINT uResolution, __in LPTIMECALLBACK lpTimeProc, DWORD_PTR dwUser, UINT fuEvent );

+bool TimeKillSynchronousFlagAvailable( void );


+//  Helper to replace lstrcpmi

+__inline int lstrcmpiLocaleIndependentW(LPCWSTR lpsz1, LPCWSTR lpsz2)


+    return  CompareStringW(LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, lpsz1, -1, lpsz2, -1) - CSTR_EQUAL;


+__inline int lstrcmpiLocaleIndependentA(LPCSTR lpsz1, LPCSTR lpsz2)


+    return  CompareStringA(LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, lpsz1, -1, lpsz2, -1) - CSTR_EQUAL;



+#endif /* __WXUTIL__ */