blob: f564d54cc1ed7bb941af0b35fb063928cd2a9f88 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<node name="/instance-introspec" xmlns:tp="">
<interface name="org.sflphone.SFLphone.Instance">
<tp:docstring xmlns="">
<p>Count the number of clients actually registered to the core. When initializing your client, you need to register it against the core by using this interface.</p>
<method name="Register" tp:name-for-bindings="Register">
Register a new client to the core. Increments the registration count.
<arg type="i" name="pid" direction="in">
The pid of the client process
<arg type="s" name="name" direction="in">
The name of the client
<method name="Unregister" tp:name-for-bindings="Unregister">
Unregister a connected client from the core. Decrements the registration count. If no more clients are connected, ie the registration count equals 0, the core properly quits.
<arg type="i" name="pid" direction="in">
The pid of the client process