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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<node name="/callmanager-introspec" xmlns:tp="">
<interface name="org.sflphone.SFLphone.CallManager">
<tp:docstring xmlns="">
<p>The CallManager interface is used to manage call and conference related actions.</p>
<p>Since SFLphone-daemon supports multiple incoming/outgoing calls, any actions involving a specific call must address the method by the means of a unique callID.
SFLphone-clients is responsible for generating the callID on outgoing calls. Conversely, SFLphone-daemon will generate a unique callID for incoming calls.</p>
<method name="placeCall" tp:name-for-bindings="placeCall">
<p>This is the main method in order to place a new call. The call is registered with the daemon using this method.</p>
<arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
The ID of the account with which you want to make a call. If the call is to be placed without any account by means of a SIP URI (i.e. sip:num@server), the "IP2IP_PROFILE" is passed as the accountID. For more details on accounts see the configuration manager interface.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The callID is a unique identifier that must be randomly generated on the client's side. Any subsequent actions refering to this call must use this callID.
<arg type="s" name="to" direction="in">
If bound to a VoIP account, then the argument is the phone number. In case of calls involving "IP2IP_PROFILE", a complete SIP URI must be specified.
<method name="placeCallFirstAccount" tp:name-for-bindings="placeCallFirstAccount">
<tp:added version="0.9.8"/>
Place a call with the first registered account in the account list.
Use this function when you don't have any information about the accounts used (Ex: Firefly mozilla extension)
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The callID is a unique identifier that must be randomly generated on the client's side. Any subsequent actions refering to this call must use this callID.
<arg type="s" name="to" direction="in">
If bound to a VoIP account, then the argument is the phone number. In case of calls involving "IP2IP_PROFILE", a complete SIP URI must be specified.
<method name="refuse" tp:name-for-bindings="refuse">
Refuse an incoming call.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The callID.
<method name="accept" tp:name-for-bindings="accept">
Answer an incoming call. Automatically puts the current call on HOLD.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The callID.
<method name="hangUp" tp:name-for-bindings="hangUp">
Hangup a call in state "CURRENT" or "HOLD".
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The callID.
<method name="hangUpConference" tp:name-for-bindings="hangUpConference">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Hangup a conference, and every call participating to the conference.
<arg type="s" name="confID" direction="in">
The unique conference ID.
<method name="hold" tp:name-for-bindings="hold">
Place a call on hold.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The callID.
<method name="unhold" tp:name-for-bindings="unhold">
Take a call off hold, and place this call in state CURRENT.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The callID.
<method name="transfer" tp:name-for-bindings="transfer">
Transfer a call to the given phone number.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The callID.
<arg type="s" name="to" direction="in">
The phone number to which the call will be transferred.
<method name="attendedTransfer" tp:name-for-bindings="attendedTransfer">
Perform an attended transfer on two calls.
<arg type="s" name="transferID" direction="in">
The callID of the call to be transfered.
<arg type="s" name="targetID" direction="in">
The callID of the target call.
<method name="playDTMF" tp:name-for-bindings="playDTMF">
Dual-Tone multi-frequency. Tell the core to play dialtones. A SIP INFO message is sent to notify the server.
<arg type="s" name="key" direction="in">
Unicode character for pressed key.
<method name="startTone" tp:name-for-bindings="startTone">
Start audio stream and play tone.
<arg type="i" name="start" direction="in"/>
<arg type="i" name="type" direction="in"/>
<method name="setVolume" tp:name-for-bindings="setVolume">
<p>Sets the volume using a linear scale [0,100].</p>
<tp:rationale>Pulseaudio has its own mechanism to modify application volume. This method is enabled only if the ALSA API is used.</tp:rationale>
<arg type="s" name="device" direction="in">
The device: mic or speaker
<arg type="d" name="value" direction="in">
The volume value (between 0 and 100)
<method name="getVolume" tp:name-for-bindings="getVolume">
<p>Return the volume value of the given device on a linear scale [0,100].</p>
<tp:rationale>Only enabled if the ALSA API is used, Pulseaudio has its own mechanism to modify application volume.</tp:rationale>
<arg type="s" name="device" direction="in">
The device: mic or speaker
<arg type="d" name="value" direction="out">
The volume value (between 0 and 100)
<method name="joinParticipant" tp:name-for-bindings="joinParticipant">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<p>Join two participants together to create a 3-way conference including the current client.</p>
<tp:rationale>The signal <tp:member-ref>conferenceCreated</tp:member-ref> is emitted on success.</tp:rationale>
<arg type="s" name="sel_callID" direction="in"/>
<arg type="s" name="drag_callID" direction="in"/>
<method name="createConfFromParticipantList" tp:name-for-bindings="createConfFromParticipantList">
<tp:added version="0.9.14"/>
<p>Create a conference from a list of participants</p>
<tp:rationale>The signal <tp:member-ref>conferenceCreated</tp:member-ref> is emitted on success.</tp:rationale>
<arg type="as" name="participants" direction="in"/>
<method name="addParticipant" tp:name-for-bindings="addParticipant">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<p>Join a new particiant to an existing conference.</p>
<tp:rationale>The signal <tp:member-ref>conferenceChanged</tp:member-ref> is emitted on success.</tp:rationale>
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The ID of the call to add to the conference
<arg type="s" name="confID" direction="in">
An existing conference ID
<method name="addMainParticipant" tp:name-for-bindings="addMainParticipant">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<p>As the core can handle multiple calls and conferences, it may happen that the client's user leaves a conference to answer an incoming call or to start new calls. This method is used to reintroduce SFLphone-client's user into the conference.</p>
<p>Its put the current call on HOLD or detaches SFLphone-client's user from the another conference.</p>
<arg type="s" name="confID" direction="in">
An existing conference ID
<method name="detachParticipant" tp:name-for-bindings="detachParticipant">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Detach the given call from the conference. If only one participant is left, the conference is deleted and the signal <tp:member-ref>conferenceRemoved</tp:member-ref> is emited.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The call ID
<method name="joinConference" tp:name-for-bindings="joinConference">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Join two conferences together.
<arg type="s" name="sel_confID" direction="in"/>
<arg type="s" name="drag_confID" direction="in"/>
<method name="getConferenceDetails" tp:name-for-bindings="getConferenceDetails">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Returns a hashtable containing conference details.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The conference ID
<annotation name="com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="MapStringString"/>
<arg type="a{ss}" name="infos" direction="out">
A map containing the ID of the conferences
and their states:
<method name="getConferenceList" tp:name-for-bindings="getConferenceList">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Returns a list containing all active
<tp:rationale>To update client status, one should
use <tp:member-ref>getParticipantList</tp:member-ref>
with provided conference IDs.</tp:rationale>
<arg type="as" name="list" direction="out">
The list of conferences.
<method name="getConferenceId" tp:name-for-bindings="getConferenceId">
<tp:added version="1.1.0"/>
If thsi call participate to a conference, return the conference id.
Return an empty string elsewhere.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The call id.
<arg type="s" name="confID" direction="out">
A string containing the conference ID, or an empty string.
<method name="setRecording" tp:name-for-bindings="setRecording">
Start recording a call.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The ID of the call to record.
<method name="getIsRecording" tp:name-for-bindings="getIsRecording">
Tells whether or not a call is being recorded.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The call ID.
<arg type="b" name="isRecording" direction="out">
Returns true is the call is being recorded. False otherwise.
<method name="recordPlaybackSeek" tp:name-for-bindings="setVolume">
<p>Sets the playback position using a linear scale [0,100].</p>
<arg type="d" name="value" direction="in"/>
<signal name="recordPlaybackFilepath" tp:name-for-bindings="recordPlaybackFilepath">
Once after starting recording for the first time, this signal is emited to
provide the recorded file path to client application.
<arg type="s" name="callID" />
<arg type="s" name="filepath"/>
<signal name="recordPlaybackStopped" tp:name-for-bindings="recordPlaybackStopped">
<arg type="s" name="filepath" />
<signal name="updatePlaybackScale" tp:name-for-bindings="updatePlaybackScale">
<arg type="i" name="position" />
<arg type="i" name="size" />
<method name="getCallDetails" tp:name-for-bindings="getCallDetails">
Get all the details about a specific call.
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in">
The call ID.
<annotation name="com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="MapStringString"/>
<arg type="a{ss}" name="infos" direction="out" tp:type="String_String_Map">
<tp:docstring xmlns="">
<p>A map containing the call details: </p>
<method name="getCallList" tp:name-for-bindings="getCallList">
Get the list of active calls.
<tp:rationale>To get the call details, iterate on the return value and call <tp:member-ref>getCallDetails</tp:member-ref> method.</tp:rationale>
<arg type="as" name="list" direction="out">
A list of call IDs.
<method name="getCurrentAudioCodecName" tp:name-for-bindings="getCurrentAudioCodecName">
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in"/>
<arg type="s" name="codecName" direction="out"/>
<method name="sendTextMessage" tp:name-for-bindings="sendTextMessage">
Send a text message to the specified call
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in"/>
<arg type="s" name="message" direction="in"/>
<signal name="newCallCreated" tp:name-for-bindings="newCallCreated">
<p>Notify that a call has been created.</p>
<p>The callID generated by the daemon must be stored by the clients in order to address other actions for
this call. This signal is emitted when call haves been created by the daemon itself.</p>
<tp:rationale>The client must subscribe to this signal to handle calls created by other clients</tp:rationale>
<arg type="s" name="accountID">
The account ID of the call. Clients must notify the right account when receiving this signal.
<arg type="s" name="callID">
A new call ID.
<arg type="s" name="to">
The SIP URI this call is trying to reach.
<signal name="incomingCall" tp:name-for-bindings="incomingCall">
<p>Notify an incoming call.</p>
<p>The callID generated by the daemon must be stored by the clients in order to address other action for
this call. This signal is emitted when we receive a call from a remote peer</p>
<tp:rationale>The client must subscribe to this signal to handle incoming calls.</tp:rationale>
<arg type="s" name="accountID">
The account ID of the callee. Clients must notify the right account when receiving this signal.
<arg type="s" name="callID">
A new call ID.
<arg type="s" name="from">
The caller phone number.
<signal name="incomingMessage" tp:name-for-bindings="incomingMessage">
Notify clients that a new text message has been received.
<arg type="s" name="callID" />
<arg type="s" name="from" />
<arg type="s" name="message" />
<signal name="callStateChanged" tp:name-for-bindings="callStateChanged">
<p>Notify of a change in a call state.</p>
<p>The client must subscribe to this signal.</p>
<arg type="s" name="callID">
The call ID.
<arg type="s" name="state" >
The acceptable states are:
<li>INCOMING: Initial state of incoming calls</li>
<li>RINGING: Initial state of received outgoing call</li>
<li>CURRENT: The normal active state of an answered call</li>
<li>HUNGUP: Notify that the call has been hungup by peer</li>
<li>FAILURE: Error when processing a call</li>
<signal name="conferenceChanged" tp:name-for-bindings="conferenceChanged">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Notify of a change in the conferences state
<arg type="s" name="confID">
The conference ID.
<arg type="s" name="state">
The acceptable states are:
<li>ACTIVE_ATTACHED: SFLphone user is
participating to this conference</li>
<li>ACTIVE_DETACHED: This situation can
occur if a call is received while
SFLphone user is participating to a
conference. In this case, one can leave
the conference by answering the
call. Other participants may continue
conferencing normally.</li>
<li>HOLD: Each call in this conference
is on state HOLD</li>
<method name="getParticipantList" tp:name-for-bindings="getParticipantList">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Get the call IDs of every participant to a given conference. The client should keep and update the list of participants.
<arg type="s" name="confID" direction="in">
The conference ID.
<arg type="as" name="list" direction="out">
The list of the call IDs.
<signal name="conferenceCreated" tp:name-for-bindings="conferenceCreated">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Emited when a new conference is created. SFLphone-client is reponsible for storing the confID and call <tp:member-ref>getParticipantList</tp:member-ref> to update the display.
<arg type="s" name="confID">
A new conference ID.
<signal name="conferenceRemoved" tp:name-for-bindings="conferenceRemoved">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Emited when a new conference is remove. SFLphone-client should have kept a list of current participant in order to display modification.
<arg type="s" name="confID">
The conference ID.
<method name="holdConference" tp:name-for-bindings="holdConference">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Hold every call which is participating in this conference.
<arg type="s" name="confID" direction="in">
The conference ID.
<method name="unholdConference" tp:name-for-bindings="unholdConference">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
Hold off every call participating in this conference.
<arg type="s" name="confID" direction="in">
The conference ID.
<method name="startRecordedFilePlayback" tp:name-for-bindings="startRecordedFilePlayback">
<tp:added version="0.9.14"/>
<arg type="s" name="filepath" direction="in"/>
<arg type="b" name="result" direction="out"/>
<method name="stopRecordedFilePlayback" tp:name-for-bindings="stopRecordedFilePlayback">
<tp:added version="0.9.14"/>
<arg type="s" name="filepath" direction="in"/>
<signal name="sipCallStateChanged" tp:name-for-bindings="sipCallStateChanged">
<p>Call state changed, SFLphone received a notification
from registrar concerning this call.</p>
<arg type="s" name="callID" />
The call ID
<arg type="s" name="state" />
Description string
<arg type="i" name="code" />
The SIP or IAX2 message code
<signal name="registrationStateChanged" tp:name-for-bindings="registrationStateChanged">
<p>Account state changed, SFLphone received a notification
from registrar.</p>
<arg type="s" name="accountID" >
The account ID
<arg type="s" name="state">
Description string
<arg type="i" name="code">
The SIP or IAX2 message code
<signal name="voiceMailNotify" tp:name-for-bindings="voiceMailNotify">
Notify the clients of the voicemail number for a specific account, if applicable.
<arg type="s" name="accountID">
The account ID.
<arg type="i" name="count">
The number of waiting messages.
<signal name="volumeChanged" tp:name-for-bindings="volumeChanged">
<p>Notify clients of a volume level change.</p>
<p>This signal occurs only if ALSA is enabled since Pulseaudio streams are managed externally. </p>
<arg type="s" name="device">
The device: mic or speaker
<arg type="d" name="value">
The new volume value
<signal name="transferSucceeded" tp:name-for-bindings="transferSucceeded">
<p>Transfer has been successfully
processed. Client should remove transfered
call from call list as it is no longer
accessible in SFLphone-daemon.</p>
<signal name="transferFailed" tp:name-for-bindings="transferFailed">
<p>Transfer operation failed. Corresponding
call is no longer accessible in
<signal name="secureSdesOn" tp:name-for-bindings="secureSdesOn">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<p>Signal sent on SDES session success. Media transmission is encripted
for this call only. It does not apply for a conference.</p>
<p>A conference can be considered to be secured if and only if each
participant is secured.</p>
<arg type="s" name="callID"/>
<signal name="secureSdesOff" tp:name-for-bindings="secureSdesOff">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<p>Sinal sent to notify that SDES session failed.</p>
<p>Media transmission is not encrypted.</p>
<arg type="s" name="callID" />
<!-- ZRTP Methods and Signals -->
<signal name="secureZrtpOn" tp:name-for-bindings="secureZrtpOn">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" />
<arg type="s" name="cipher" />
<signal name="secureZrtpOff" tp:name-for-bindings="secureZrtpOff">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" />
<signal name="confirmGoClear" tp:name-for-bindings="confirmGoClear">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" />
<signal name="zrtpNegotiationFailed" tp:name-for-bindings="zrtpNegotiationFailed">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" />
<arg type="s" name="reason" />
<arg type="s" name="severity" />
<signal name="zrtpNotSuppOther" tp:name-for-bindings="zrtpNotSuppOther">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" />
<signal name="showSAS" tp:name-for-bindings="showSAS">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" />
<arg type="s" name="sas" />
<arg type="b" name="verified"/>
<method name="setSASVerified" tp:name-for-bindings="setSASVerified">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in"/>
<method name="resetSASVerified" tp:name-for-bindings="resetSASVerified">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in"/>
<method name="setConfirmGoClear" tp:name-for-bindings="setConfirmGoClear">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in"/>
<method name="requestGoClear" tp:name-for-bindings="requestGoClear">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in"/>
<method name="acceptEnrollment" tp:name-for-bindings="acceptEnrollment">
<tp:added version="0.9.7"/>
<arg type="s" name="callID" direction="in"/>
<arg type="b" name="accepted" direction="in"/>