* #31001: com.savoirfaire -> org.sflphone
diff --git a/src/org/sflphone/model/BubblesView.java b/src/org/sflphone/model/BubblesView.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb4a92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/sflphone/model/BubblesView.java
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@

+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Savoir-Faire Linux Inc.

+ *

+ *  Author: Alexandre Lision <alexandre.lision@savoirfairelinux.com>

+ *  Adrien Béraud <adrien.beraud@gmail.com>

+ *

+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or

+ *  (at your option) any later version.

+ *

+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.

+ *

+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

+ *   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

+ *

+ *  Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7:

+ *

+ *  If you modify this program, or any covered work, by linking or

+ *  combining it with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or a

+ *  modified version of that library), containing parts covered by the

+ *  terms of the OpenSSL or SSLeay licenses, Savoir-Faire Linux Inc.

+ *  grants you additional permission to convey the resulting work.

+ *  Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination

+ *  shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well

+ *  as that of the covered work.

+ */


+package org.sflphone.model;


+import java.util.List;


+import org.sflphone.R;

+import org.sflphone.client.CallActivity;

+import org.sflphone.fragments.CallFragment;


+import android.content.Context;

+import android.graphics.Canvas;

+import android.graphics.Color;

+import android.graphics.Paint;

+import android.graphics.Paint.Align;

+import android.graphics.Paint.Style;

+import android.graphics.RectF;

+import android.os.Handler;

+import android.os.Message;

+import android.util.AttributeSet;

+import android.util.Log;

+import android.view.GestureDetector;

+import android.view.GestureDetector.OnGestureListener;

+import android.view.MotionEvent;

+import android.view.SurfaceHolder;

+import android.view.SurfaceView;

+import android.view.View;

+import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;


+public class BubblesView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback, OnTouchListener {

+    private static final String TAG = BubblesView.class.getSimpleName();


+    private BubblesThread thread = null;

+    private BubbleModel model;


+    private Paint attractor_paint = new Paint();

+    private Paint black_name_paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);

+    private Paint white_name_paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);


+    private GestureDetector gDetector;


+    private float density;

+    private float textDensity;


+    private boolean dragging_bubble = false;


+    private CallFragment callback;


+    public BubblesView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

+        super(context, attrs);


+        density = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;

+        textDensity = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity;


+        SurfaceHolder holder = getHolder();

+        holder.addCallback(this);


+        // create thread only; it's started in surfaceCreated()

+        createThread();


+        setOnTouchListener(this);

+        setFocusable(true);


+        attractor_paint.setColor(Color.RED);

+        // attractor_paint.set

+        black_name_paint.setTextSize(18 * textDensity);

+        black_name_paint.setColor(0xFF303030);

+        black_name_paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER);


+        white_name_paint.setTextSize(18 * textDensity);

+        white_name_paint.setColor(0xFFEEEEEE);

+        white_name_paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER);


+        gDetector = new GestureDetector(getContext(), new MyOnGestureListener());

+    }


+    private void createThread() {

+        if (thread != null)

+            return;

+        thread = new BubblesThread(getHolder(), getContext(), new Handler() {

+            @Override

+            public void handleMessage(Message m) {

+                /*

+                 * mStatusText.setVisibility(m.getData().getInt("viz")); mStatusText.setText(m.getData().getString("text"));

+                 */

+            }

+        });

+        if (model != null)

+            thread.setModel(model);

+    }


+    public void setModel(BubbleModel model) {

+        this.model = model;

+        thread.setModel(model);

+    }


+    /*

+     * @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) { if (!hasWindowFocus) { thread.pause(); } }

+     */


+    @Override

+    public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {

+        Log.w(TAG, "surfaceChanged " + width + "-" + height);

+        if(height < model.height) // probably showing the keyboard, don't move!

+            return;



+        thread.setSurfaceSize(width, height);

+    }


+    /*

+     * Callback invoked when the Surface has been created and is ready to be used.

+     */

+    @Override

+    public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {

+        // start the thread here so that we don't busy-wait in run()

+        // waiting for the surface to be created

+        createThread();


+        Log.w(TAG, "surfaceCreated");

+        thread.setRunning(true);

+        thread.start();

+    }


+    /*

+     * Callback invoked when the Surface has been destroyed and must no longer be touched. WARNING: after this method returns, the Surface/Canvas must

+     * never be touched again!

+     */

+    @Override

+    public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {

+        // we have to tell thread to shut down & wait for it to finish, or else

+        // it might touch the Surface after we return and explode

+        Log.w(TAG, "surfaceDestroyed");

+        boolean retry = true;

+        thread.setRunning(false);

+        thread.setPaused(false);

+        while (retry) {

+            try {

+                Log.w(TAG, "joining...");

+                thread.join();

+                retry = false;

+            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

+            }

+        }

+        Log.w(TAG, "done");

+        thread = null;

+    }


+    public boolean isDraggingBubble() {

+        return dragging_bubble;

+    }


+    class BubblesThread extends Thread {

+        private boolean running = false;

+        private SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder;

+        public Boolean suspendFlag = false;


+        BubbleModel model = null;


+        public BubblesThread(SurfaceHolder holder, Context context, Handler handler) {

+            surfaceHolder = holder;

+        }


+        public void setModel(BubbleModel model) {

+            this.model = model;

+        }


+        @Override

+        public void run() {

+            while (running) {

+                Canvas c = null;

+                try {


+                    if (suspendFlag) {

+                        synchronized (this) {

+                            while (suspendFlag) {

+                                try {

+                                    wait();

+                                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

+                                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+                                    e.printStackTrace();

+                                }

+                            }

+                        }

+                    } else {

+                        c = surfaceHolder.lockCanvas(null);


+                        // for the case the surface is destroyed while already in the loop

+                        if (c == null || model == null)

+                            continue;


+                        synchronized (surfaceHolder) {

+                            // Log.w(TAG, "Thread doDraw");

+                            model.update();

+                            doDraw(c);

+                        }

+                    }


+                } finally {

+                    if (c != null)

+                        surfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost(c);

+                }

+            }

+        }


+        public void setPaused(boolean wantToPause) {

+            synchronized (this) {

+                suspendFlag = wantToPause;

+                notify();

+            }

+        }


+        public void setRunning(boolean b) {

+            running = b;

+        }


+        public void setSurfaceSize(int width, int height) {

+            synchronized (surfaceHolder) {

+                if (model != null) {

+                    model.width = width;

+                    model.height = height;

+                }

+            }

+        }


+        /**

+         * I got multiple IndexOutOfBoundsException, when switching calls. //FIXME

+         * 

+         * @param canvas

+         */

+        private void doDraw(Canvas canvas) {


+            synchronized (model) {

+                List<Bubble> bubbles = model.getBubbles();

+                List<Attractor> attractors = model.getAttractors();


+                Paint tryMe = new Paint();


+                canvas.drawColor(Color.WHITE);


+                if (dragging_bubble) {

+                    // Draw red gradient around to hang up call

+                    // canvas.drawColor(Color.RED);


+                    // LinearGradient grTop = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 40, Color.RED, Color.WHITE, TileMode.CLAMP);

+                    // RadialGradient gr = new RadialGradient(model.width/2, model.height/2, model.width/2, Color.WHITE, Color.RED, TileMode.CLAMP);

+                    Paint p = new Paint();

+                    p.setDither(true);

+                    // p.setShader(gr);

+                    p.setColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.holo_red_light));

+                    // p.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.))

+                    p.setStyle(Style.STROKE);

+                    // canvas.drawRect(new RectF(0, 0, model.width, 40), p);

+                    p.setStrokeWidth(20);


+                    canvas.drawRect(new RectF(10, 10, model.width - 10, model.height - 10), p);


+                    // canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(0,0,model.width, model.height), 200, 200, p);


+                    // LinearGradient grBottom = new LinearGradient(0, model.height, 0, model.height - 40, Color.RED, Color.WHITE, TileMode.CLAMP);

+                    // p.setDither(true);

+                    // p.setShader(grBottom);

+                    // canvas.drawRect(new RectF(0, model.height - 40, model.width, model.height), p);

+                    //

+                    // LinearGradient grLeft = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 40, 0, Color.RED, Color.WHITE, TileMode.CLAMP);

+                    // p.setDither(true);

+                    // p.setShader(grLeft);

+                    // canvas.drawRect(new RectF(0, 0, 40, model.height), p);

+                    //

+                    // LinearGradient grRight = new LinearGradient(model.width, 0, model.width - 40, 0, Color.RED, Color.WHITE, TileMode.CLAMP);

+                    // p.setDither(true);

+                    // p.setShader(grRight);

+                    // canvas.drawRect(new RectF(model.width - 40, 0, model.width, model.height), p);


+                    // tryMe.setColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.lighter_gray));

+                    // tryMe.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);

+                    // tryMe.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.SRC_OUT));

+                    // canvas.drawArc(new RectF(15, 30, model.width - 15, model.height - 30), 0, 360, false, tryMe);

+                }


+                tryMe.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);

+                tryMe.setColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.darker_gray));

+                tryMe.setXfermode(null);

+                canvas.drawCircle(model.width / 2, model.height / 2, model.width / 2 - getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.bubble_size), tryMe);


+                try {


+                    for (int i = 0, n = attractors.size(); i < n; i++) {

+                        Attractor a = attractors.get(i);

+                        canvas.drawBitmap(a.getBitmap(), null, a.getBounds(), null);

+                    }


+                    for (int i = 0, n = bubbles.size(); i < n; i++) {

+                        Bubble b = bubbles.get(i);

+                        if (b.expanded) {

+                            continue;

+                        }

+                        canvas.drawBitmap(b.getBitmap(), null, b.getBounds(), null);

+                        canvas.drawText(b.associated_call.getContact().getmDisplayName(), b.getPosX(), (float) (b.getPosY() - b.getRetractedRadius()

+                                * 1.2 * density), getNamePaint(b));

+                    }


+                    Bubble first_plan = getExpandedBubble();

+                    if (first_plan != null) {

+                        canvas.drawBitmap(first_plan.getBitmap(), null, first_plan.getBounds(), null);


+                        canvas.drawText(first_plan.associated_call.getContact().getmDisplayName(), first_plan.getPosX(),

+                                (float) (first_plan.getPosY() - first_plan.getRetractedRadius() * 1.2 * density), getNamePaint(first_plan));


+                        canvas.drawText(getResources().getString(R.string.action_call_general_transfer), first_plan.getPosX(),

+                                (float) (first_plan.getPosY() + first_plan.getRetractedRadius() * 1.5 * density), getNamePaint(first_plan));


+                        canvas.drawText(getResources().getString(first_plan.getHoldStatus()),

+                                (float) (first_plan.getPosX() - first_plan.getRetractedRadius() * 1.5 * density - 15), first_plan.getPosY(),

+                                getNamePaint(first_plan));


+                        canvas.drawText(getResources().getString(first_plan.getRecordStatus()),

+                                (float) (first_plan.getPosX() + first_plan.getRetractedRadius() * 1.5 * density + 15), first_plan.getPosY(),

+                                getNamePaint(first_plan));


+                    }


+                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

+                    Log.e(TAG, e.toString());

+                }

+            }

+        }


+    }


+    private Paint getNamePaint(Bubble b) {

+        if (b.expanded) {

+            white_name_paint.setTextSize(15 * b.target_scale * textDensity);

+            return white_name_paint;

+        }

+        black_name_paint.setTextSize(18 * b.target_scale * textDensity);

+        return black_name_paint;

+    }


+    @Override

+    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

+        // Log.w(TAG, "onTouch " + event.getAction());


+        int action = event.getActionMasked();


+        if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {

+            if (thread.suspendFlag) {

+                Log.i(TAG, "Relaunch drawing thread");

+                thread.setPaused(false);

+            }


+            List<Bubble> bubbles = model.getBubbles();

+            final int n_bubbles = bubbles.size();

+            for (int i = 0; i < n_bubbles; i++) {

+                Bubble b = bubbles.get(i);

+                if (b.dragged) {

+                    b.dragged = false;

+                    b.target_scale = 1.f;

+                    if (b.isOnBorder(model.width, model.height) && !b.expanded) {

+                        b.markedToDie = true;

+                        ((CallActivity) callback.getActivity()).onCallEnded(b.associated_call);

+                    }

+                }

+            }

+            dragging_bubble = false;

+        } else if (action != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && !isDraggingBubble() && !thread.suspendFlag) {


+            Log.i(TAG, "Not dragging thread should be stopped");

+            thread.setPaused(true);

+            // thread.holdDrawing();

+        }


+        return gDetector.onTouchEvent(event);

+    }


+    private Bubble getExpandedBubble() {

+        List<Bubble> bubbles = model.getBubbles();

+        final int n_bubbles = bubbles.size();

+        for (int i = 0; i < n_bubbles; i++) {

+            Bubble b = bubbles.get(i);

+            if (b.expanded) {

+                return b;

+            }

+        }

+        return null;

+    }


+    public void restartDrawing() {

+        if (thread != null && thread.suspendFlag) {

+            Log.i(TAG, "Relaunch drawing thread");

+            thread.setPaused(false);

+        }

+    }


+    public void setFragment(CallFragment callFragment) {

+        callback = callFragment;


+    }


+    public void stopThread() {

+        if (thread != null && thread.suspendFlag) {

+            Log.i(TAG, "Stop drawing thread");

+            thread.setRunning(false);

+            thread.setPaused(false);

+        }


+    }


+    class MyOnGestureListener implements OnGestureListener {

+        @Override

+        public boolean onDown(MotionEvent event) {

+            List<Bubble> bubbles = model.getBubbles();

+            final int n_bubbles = bubbles.size();

+            Bubble expand = getExpandedBubble();

+            if (expand != null) {

+                if (!expand.intersects(event.getX(), event.getY())) {

+                    expand.retract();

+                } else {

+                    // Log.d("Main", "getAction");

+                    switch (expand.getAction(event.getX(), event.getY())) {

+                    case 0:

+                        expand.retract();

+                        break;

+                    case 1:

+                        if (expand.associated_call.isOnHold()) {

+                            ((CallActivity) callback.getActivity()).onCallResumed(expand.associated_call);

+                        } else {

+                            ((CallActivity) callback.getActivity()).onCallSuspended(expand.associated_call);

+                        }


+                        break;

+                    case 2:

+                        Log.d("Main", "onRecordCall");

+                        ((CallActivity) callback.getActivity()).onRecordCall(expand.associated_call);

+                        break;

+                    case 3:

+                        callback.makeTransfer(expand);

+                        break;

+                    }

+                }

+                return true;

+            }

+            // Log.d("Main", "onDown");

+            for (int i = 0; i < n_bubbles; i++) {

+                Bubble b = bubbles.get(i);

+                if (b.intersects(event.getX(), event.getY()) && !b.expanded) {

+                    b.dragged = true;

+                    b.last_drag = System.nanoTime();

+                    b.setPos(event.getX(), event.getY());

+                    b.target_scale = .8f;

+                    dragging_bubble = true;

+                }

+            }

+            return true;

+        }


+        @Override

+        public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {

+            // Log.d("Main", "onFling");

+            return true;

+        }


+        @Override

+        public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {

+            // Log.d("Main", "onLongPress");

+            if (isDraggingBubble()) {

+                Bubble b = getDraggedBubble(e);

+                b.expand();

+            }

+        }


+        private Bubble getDraggedBubble(MotionEvent e) {

+            List<Bubble> bubbles = model.getBubbles();

+            final int n_bubbles = bubbles.size();

+            for (int i = 0; i < n_bubbles; i++) {

+                Bubble b = bubbles.get(i);

+                if (b.intersects(e.getX(), e.getY())) {

+                    return b;

+                }

+            }

+            return null;

+        }


+        @Override

+        public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent event, float distanceX, float distanceY) {

+            // Log.d("Main", "onScroll");

+            List<Bubble> bubbles = model.getBubbles();

+            final int n_bubbles = bubbles.size();

+            long now = System.nanoTime();

+            for (int i = 0; i < n_bubbles; i++) {

+                Bubble b = bubbles.get(i);

+                if (b.dragged) {

+                    float x = event.getX(), y = event.getY();

+                    float dt = (float) ((now - b.last_drag) / 1000000000.);

+                    float dx = x - b.getPosX(), dy = y - b.getPosY();

+                    b.last_drag = now;

+                    b.setPos(event.getX(), event.getY());

+                    b.speed.x = dx / dt;

+                    b.speed.y = dy / dt;

+                    // }

+                    return true;

+                }

+            }

+            return true;

+        }


+        @Override

+        public void onShowPress(MotionEvent e) {

+            // Log.d("Main", "onShowPress");


+        }


+        @Override

+        public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {

+            // Log.d("Main", "onSingleTapUp");

+            return true;

+        }

+    }
