blob: 624434aba91b3e23dc1deba3e91b42e4cb0bee86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This file is part of GNU uCommon C++.
// GNU uCommon C++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU uCommon C++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with GNU uCommon C++. If not, see <>.
* Adaption of C runtime FILE processing.
* @file ucommon/file.h
#ifndef _UCOMMON_FILE_H_
#define _UCOMMON_FILE_H_
#include <ucommon/platform.h>
#include <ucommon/protocols.h>
#include <ucommon/thread.h>
#include <ucommon/string.h>
#include <ucommon/memory.h>
#ifndef _UCOMMON_FSYS_H_
#include <ucommon/fsys.h>
#include <stdio.h>
* Access standard files through character protocol. This can also be
* used as an alternative means to access files that manages file pointers.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT file : public CharacterProtocol
FILE *fp;
#ifdef _MSWINDOWS_
pid_t pid;
char *tmp;
int _putch(int code);
int _getch(void);
typedef ::fpos_t bookmark_t;
static file cin, cout, cerr;
* Construct a file from an existing FILE pointer.
* @param file to use.
file(FILE *file);
* Construct an open file based on a path and mode.
* @param path of file to open.
* @param mode of file.
* @param size of buffer, 0 = none, 1 = line mode, 2 = default
file(const char *path, const char *mode, size_t size = 2);
* Construct an open file based on a pipe.
* @param path of file to pipe.
* @param argv of executable.
* @param mode of file.
* @param envp to give executable.
file(const char *path, char **argv, const char *mode, char **envp = NULL);
* Construct an unopened file.
* Destroy object and close associated file.
* Test if file is opened.
* @return true if opened.
inline operator bool()
{return fp != NULL;}
* Test if file is not opened.
* @return true if not opened.
inline bool operator !()
{return fp == NULL;}
inline operator FILE *()
{return fp;}
* Open file path. If a file is already opened, it is closed.
* @param path of file to open.
* @param mode of file to open.
* @param size of buffering, 0 = none, 1 = line mode.
void open(const char *path, const char *mode, size_t size = 2);
* Open an executable path.
* @param path of executable.
* @param argv to pass to executable.
* @param mode of pipe (only "r" and "w" are valid).
void open(const char *path, char **argv, const char *mode, char **envp = NULL);
* Close an open file.
* @return process exit code if pipe.
int close(void);
* Clear error state.
inline void clear(void)
{if(fp) clearerr(fp);}
* Check if file is good, no error or eof...
* @return bool if file stream is good.
bool good(void);
* Cancel pipe and close file.
* @return process exit code if pipe.
int cancel(void);
inline size_t put(const void *data, size_t size)
{ return fp == NULL ? 0 : fwrite(data, 1, size, fp);}
inline size_t get(void *data, size_t size)
{ return fp == NULL ? 0 : fread(data, 1, size, fp);}
inline int put(char value)
{ return fp == NULL ? EOF : fputc(value, fp);}
inline int get(void)
{ return fp == NULL ? EOF : fgetc(fp);}
inline int push(char value)
{ return fp == NULL ? EOF : ungetc(value, fp);}
inline int puts(const char *data)
{ return fp == NULL ? 0 : fputs(data, fp);}
inline char *gets(char *data, size_t size)
{ return fp == NULL ? NULL : fgets(data, size, fp);}
template<typename T> inline size_t read(T* data, size_t count)
{ return fp == NULL ? 0 : fread(data, sizeof(T), count, fp);}
template<typename T> inline size_t write(const T* data, size_t count)
{ return fp == NULL ? 0 : fwrite(data, sizeof(T), count, fp);}
template<typename T> inline size_t read(T& data)
{ return fp == NULL ? 0 : fread(data, sizeof(T), 1, fp);}
template<typename T> inline size_t write(const T& data)
{ return fp == NULL ? 0 : fwrite(data, sizeof(T), 1, fp);}
inline void get(bookmark_t& pos)
{ if(fp) fsetpos(fp, &pos);}
inline void set(bookmark_t& pos)
{ if(fp) fgetpos(fp, &pos);}
int err(void) const;
bool eof(void) const;
template<typename T> inline void offset(long pos)
{if(fp) fseek(fp, sizeof(const T) * pos, SEEK_CUR);}
inline void seek(long offset)
{if(fp) fseek(fp, offset, SEEK_SET);}
inline void move(long offset)
{if(fp) fseek(fp, offset, SEEK_CUR);}
inline void append(void)
{if (fp) fseek(fp, 0l, SEEK_END);}
inline void rewind(void)
{if(fp) ::rewind(fp);}
inline void flush(void)
{if(fp) ::fflush(fp);}
size_t printf(const char *format, ...) __PRINTF(2, 3);
size_t scanf(const char *format, ...) __SCANF(2, 3);
bool is_tty(void) const;
* Convience type for file.
typedef file file_t;