* #34826: android: add SDES support and pcre
diff --git a/jni/libpcre/doc/pcrejit.3 b/jni/libpcre/doc/pcrejit.3
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index 0000000..ba68301
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+++ b/jni/libpcre/doc/pcrejit.3
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+PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
+Just-in-time compiling is a heavyweight optimization that can greatly speed up
+pattern matching. However, it comes at the cost of extra processing before the
+match is performed. Therefore, it is of most benefit when the same pattern is
+going to be matched many times. This does not necessarily mean many calls of
+\fPpcre_exec()\fP; if the pattern is not anchored, matching attempts may take
+place many times at various positions in the subject, even for a single call to
+\fBpcre_exec()\fP. If the subject string is very long, it may still pay to use
+JIT for one-off matches.
+JIT support applies only to the traditional matching function,
+\fBpcre_exec()\fP. It does not apply when \fBpcre_dfa_exec()\fP is being used.
+The code for this support was written by Zoltan Herczeg.
+JIT support is an optional feature of PCRE. The "configure" option --enable-jit
+(or equivalent CMake option) must be set when PCRE is built if you want to use
+JIT. The support is limited to the following hardware platforms:
+  ARM v5, v7, and Thumb2
+  Intel x86 32-bit and 64-bit
+  MIPS 32-bit
+  Power PC 32-bit and 64-bit (experimental)
+The Power PC support is designated as experimental because it has not been
+fully tested. If --enable-jit is set on an unsupported platform, compilation
+A program that is linked with PCRE 8.20 or later can tell if JIT support is
+available by calling \fBpcre_config()\fP with the PCRE_CONFIG_JIT option. The
+result is 1 when JIT is available, and 0 otherwise. However, a simple program
+does not need to check this in order to use JIT. The API is implemented in a
+way that falls back to the ordinary PCRE code if JIT is not available.
+If your program may sometimes be linked with versions of PCRE that are older
+than 8.20, but you want to use JIT when it is available, you can test
+the values of PCRE_MAJOR and PCRE_MINOR, or the existence of a JIT macro such
+as PCRE_CONFIG_JIT, for compile-time control of your code.
+You have to do two things to make use of the JIT support in the simplest way:
+  (1) Call \fBpcre_study()\fP with the PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE option for
+      each compiled pattern, and pass the resulting \fBpcre_extra\fP block to
+      \fBpcre_exec()\fP.
+  (2) Use \fBpcre_free_study()\fP to free the \fBpcre_extra\fP block when it is
+      no longer needed instead of just freeing it yourself. This
+      ensures that any JIT data is also freed.
+For a program that may be linked with pre-8.20 versions of PCRE, you can insert
+  #endif
+so that no option is passed to \fBpcre_study()\fP, and then use something like
+this to free the study data:
+      pcre_free_study(study_ptr);
+  #else
+      pcre_free(study_ptr);
+  #endif
+In some circumstances you may need to call additional functions. These are
+described in the section entitled
+.\" HTML <a href="#stackcontrol">
+.\" </a>
+"Controlling the JIT stack"
+If JIT support is not available, PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE is ignored, and no JIT
+data is set up. Otherwise, the compiled pattern is passed to the JIT compiler,
+which turns it into machine code that executes much faster than the normal
+interpretive code. When \fBpcre_exec()\fP is passed a \fBpcre_extra\fP block
+containing a pointer to JIT code, it obeys that instead of the normal code. The
+result is identical, but the code runs much faster.
+There are some \fBpcre_exec()\fP options that are not supported for JIT
+execution. There are also some pattern items that JIT cannot handle. Details
+are given below. In both cases, execution automatically falls back to the
+interpretive code.
+If the JIT compiler finds an unsupported item, no JIT data is generated. You
+can find out if JIT execution is available after studying a pattern by calling
+\fBpcre_fullinfo()\fP with the PCRE_INFO_JIT option. A result of 1 means that
+JIT compilation was successful. A result of 0 means that JIT support is not
+available, or the pattern was not studied with PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE, or the
+JIT compiler was not able to handle the pattern.
+Once a pattern has been studied, with or without JIT, it can be used as many
+times as you like for matching different subject strings.
+The only \fBpcre_exec()\fP options that are supported for JIT execution are
+PCRE_NOTEMPTY_ATSTART. Note in particular that partial matching is not
+The unsupported pattern items are:
+  \eC             match a single byte; not supported in UTF-8 mode
+  (?Cn)          callouts
+  (*COMMIT)      )
+  (*MARK)        )
+  (*PRUNE)       ) the backtracking control verbs
+  (*SKIP)        )
+  (*THEN)        )
+Support for some of these may be added in future.
+When a pattern is matched using JIT execution, the return values are the same
+as those given by the interpretive \fBpcre_exec()\fP code, with the addition of
+one new error code: PCRE_ERROR_JIT_STACKLIMIT. This means that the memory used
+for the JIT stack was insufficient. See
+.\" HTML <a href="#stackcontrol">
+.\" </a>
+"Controlling the JIT stack"
+below for a discussion of JIT stack usage. For compatibility with the
+interpretive \fBpcre_exec()\fP code, no more than two-thirds of the
+\fIovector\fP argument is used for passing back captured substrings.
+The error code PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT is returned by the JIT code if searching a
+very large pattern tree goes on for too long, as it is in the same circumstance
+when JIT is not used, but the details of exactly what is counted are not the
+same. The PCRE_ERROR_RECURSIONLIMIT error code is never returned by JIT
+The code that is generated by the JIT compiler is architecture-specific, and is
+also position dependent. For those reasons it cannot be saved (in a file or
+database) and restored later like the bytecode and other data of a compiled
+pattern. Saving and restoring compiled patterns is not something many people
+do. More detail about this facility is given in the
+.\" HREF
+documentation. It should be possible to run \fBpcre_study()\fP on a saved and
+restored pattern, and thereby recreate the JIT data, but because JIT
+compilation uses significant resources, it is probably not worth doing this;
+you might as well recompile the original pattern.
+.\" HTML <a name="stackcontrol"></a>
+When the compiled JIT code runs, it needs a block of memory to use as a stack.
+By default, it uses 32K on the machine stack. However, some large or
+complicated patterns need more than this. The error PCRE_ERROR_JIT_STACKLIMIT
+is given when there is not enough stack. Three functions are provided for
+managing blocks of memory for use as JIT stacks. There is further discussion
+about the use of JIT stacks in the section entitled
+.\" HTML <a href="#stackcontrol">
+.\" </a>
+"JIT stack FAQ"
+The \fBpcre_jit_stack_alloc()\fP function creates a JIT stack. Its arguments
+are a starting size and a maximum size, and it returns a pointer to an opaque
+structure of type \fBpcre_jit_stack\fP, or NULL if there is an error. The
+\fBpcre_jit_stack_free()\fP function can be used to free a stack that is no
+longer needed. (For the technically minded: the address space is allocated by
+mmap or VirtualAlloc.)
+JIT uses far less memory for recursion than the interpretive code,
+and a maximum stack size of 512K to 1M should be more than enough for any
+The \fBpcre_assign_jit_stack()\fP function specifies which stack JIT code
+should use. Its arguments are as follows:
+  pcre_extra         *extra
+  pcre_jit_callback  callback
+  void               *data
+The \fIextra\fP argument must be the result of studying a pattern with
+PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE. There are three cases for the values of the other two
+  (1) If \fIcallback\fP is NULL and \fIdata\fP is NULL, an internal 32K block
+      on the machine stack is used.
+  (2) If \fIcallback\fP is NULL and \fIdata\fP is not NULL, \fIdata\fP must be
+      a valid JIT stack, the result of calling \fBpcre_jit_stack_alloc()\fP.
+  (3) If \fIcallback\fP not NULL, it must point to a function that is called
+      with \fIdata\fP as an argument at the start of matching, in order to
+      set up a JIT stack. If the result is NULL, the internal 32K stack
+      is used; otherwise the return value must be a valid JIT stack,
+      the result of calling \fBpcre_jit_stack_alloc()\fP.
+You may safely assign the same JIT stack to more than one pattern, as long as
+they are all matched sequentially in the same thread. In a multithread
+application, each thread must use its own JIT stack.
+Strictly speaking, even more is allowed. You can assign the same stack to any
+number of patterns as long as they are not used for matching by multiple
+threads at the same time. For example, you can assign the same stack to all
+compiled patterns, and use a global mutex in the callback to wait until the
+stack is available for use. However, this is an inefficient solution, and
+not recommended.
+This is a suggestion for how a typical multithreaded program might operate:
+  During thread initalization
+    thread_local_var = pcre_jit_stack_alloc(...)
+  During thread exit
+    pcre_jit_stack_free(thread_local_var)
+  Use a one-line callback function
+    return thread_local_var
+All the functions described in this section do nothing if JIT is not available,
+and \fBpcre_assign_jit_stack()\fP does nothing unless the \fBextra\fP argument
+is non-NULL and points to a \fBpcre_extra\fP block that is the result of a
+successful study with PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE.
+.\" HTML <a name="stackfaq"></a>
+(1) Why do we need JIT stacks?
+PCRE (and JIT) is a recursive, depth-first engine, so it needs a stack where
+the local data of the current node is pushed before checking its child nodes.
+Allocating real machine stack on some platforms is difficult. For example, the
+stack chain needs to be updated every time if we extend the stack on PowerPC.
+Although it is possible, its updating time overhead decreases performance. So
+we do the recursion in memory.
+(2) Why don't we simply allocate blocks of memory with \fBmalloc()\fP?
+Modern operating systems have a nice feature: they can reserve an address space
+instead of allocating memory. We can safely allocate memory pages inside this
+address space, so the stack could grow without moving memory data (this is
+important because of pointers). Thus we can allocate 1M address space, and use
+only a single memory page (usually 4K) if that is enough. However, we can still
+grow up to 1M anytime if needed.
+(3) Who "owns" a JIT stack?
+The owner of the stack is the user program, not the JIT studied pattern or
+anything else. The user program must ensure that if a stack is used by
+\fBpcre_exec()\fP, (that is, it is assigned to the pattern currently running),
+that stack must not be used by any other threads (to avoid overwriting the same
+memory area). The best practice for multithreaded programs is to allocate a
+stack for each thread, and return this stack through the JIT callback function.
+(4) When should a JIT stack be freed?
+You can free a JIT stack at any time, as long as it will not be used by
+\fBpcre_exec()\fP again. When you assign the stack to a pattern, only a pointer
+is set. There is no reference counting or any other magic. You can free the
+patterns and stacks in any order, anytime. Just \fIdo not\fP call
+\fBpcre_exec()\fP with a pattern pointing to an already freed stack, as that
+will cause SEGFAULT. (Also, do not free a stack currently used by
+\fBpcre_exec()\fP in another thread). You can also replace the stack for a
+pattern at any time. You can even free the previous stack before assigning a
+(5) Should I allocate/free a stack every time before/after calling
+No, because this is too costly in terms of resources. However, you could
+implement some clever idea which release the stack if it is not used in let's
+say two minutes. The JIT callback can help to achive this without keeping a
+list of the currently JIT studied patterns.
+(6) OK, the stack is for long term memory allocation. But what happens if a
+pattern causes stack overflow with a stack of 1M? Is that 1M kept until the
+stack is freed?
+Especially on embedded sytems, it might be a good idea to release
+memory sometimes without freeing the stack. There is no API for this at the
+moment. Probably a function call which returns with the currently allocated
+memory for any stack and another which allows releasing memory (shrinking the
+stack) would be a good idea if someone needs this.
+(7) This is too much of a headache. Isn't there any better solution for JIT
+stack handling?
+No, thanks to Windows. If POSIX threads were used everywhere, we could throw
+out this complicated API.
+This is a single-threaded example that specifies a JIT stack without using a
+  int rc;
+  int ovector[30];
+  pcre *re;
+  pcre_extra *extra;
+  pcre_jit_stack *jit_stack;
+  re = pcre_compile(pattern, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
+  /* Check for errors */
+  extra = pcre_study(re, PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE, &error);
+  jit_stack = pcre_jit_stack_alloc(32*1024, 512*1024);
+  /* Check for error (NULL) */
+  pcre_assign_jit_stack(extra, NULL, jit_stack);
+  rc = pcre_exec(re, extra, subject, length, 0, 0, ovector, 30);
+  /* Check results */
+  pcre_free(re);
+  pcre_free_study(extra);
+  pcre_jit_stack_free(jit_stack);
+Philip Hazel (FAQ by Zoltan Herczeg)
+University Computing Service
+Cambridge CB2 3QH, England.
+Last updated: 26 November 2011
+Copyright (c) 1997-2011 University of Cambridge.