dsh - Distributed Shell

dsh is a Distributed Shell command-line program that enables peers to establish connections with other peers in a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) network and execute a binary on the remote target.


dsh allows you to:

  • Execute commands on remote peers in a DHT network.
  • Establish connections with peers and execute binaries on their side.


dsh accepts the following command-line options:

  • -h, --help: Show the help message and exit.
  • -v, --version: Display the version of the program.
  • -l, --listen: Launch the program in listen mode, waiting for incoming connections.
  • -b, --bootstrap [ADDRESS]: Specify the address of the bootstrap node for DHT network initialization.
  • -s, --binary [PATH]: Specify the binary to execute upon establishing a connection.
  • -p, --privateKey [PATH]: Define the path to the private key.
  • -c, --certificate [PATH]: Specify the path to the certificate.
  • -t, --turn_host [HOST]: Define the TURN server host for NAT traversal.
  • -u, --turn_user [USERNAME]: Specify the TURN server username for authentication.
  • -w, --turn_pass [PASSWORD]: Define the TURN server password for authentication.
  • -r, --turn_realm [REALM]: Specify the TURN server realm for additional security.
  • -d, --configuration [PATH]: Define the path to the YAML configuration file for dsh.
  • -a, --anonymous_cnx: Activate anonymous connection mode.

For example, to connect to a remote peer and specify a custom configuration in the YAML configuration file, you can use the following command:

dsh -d <configuration> <peer_identifier>