tools: add dvpn

dvpn tool is a VPN based on the DHTNET stack. The tool creates a TUN interface to efficiently route traffic to the destination.

For the client side, upon establishing a connection, the tool creates a TUN interface and sets it as the default route in the routing table, excluding traffic destined for the peer. On the server side, a TUN interface is created, and NAT configuration is used to respond to client requests.

Change-Id: I43ff43982930d97502a64d15aeb2c8df283bdda9
GitLab: #13
diff --git a/tools/dvpn/ b/tools/dvpn/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e977362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dvpn/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# peer-to-peer tun address
+# TUN interface address
+# TUN interface name
+# VPN server address (remote peer public address)
+# Check if the peer is a vpn client
+[ "$5" = "true" ] && is_client=true || is_client=false
+# TUN interface address ipv6
+# peer-to-peer tun address ipv6
+# Function to set up routes
+setup_route() {
+    # Get the gateway address of the default route
+    gw=$(ip route show default | awk '/default/ {print $3; exit}')
+    existing_route=$(ip route show "$server" | awk '/via/ { print $3 }')
+    echo "existing_route "$existing_route""
+    if [ "$existing_route" = "$gw" ]; then
+        echo "Route to $server via $gw already exists."
+    else
+        ip route del "$server" &> /dev/null
+        ip route add "$server" via "$gw" metric 50 || echo "Failed to add route to $server via $gw."
+        echo "Route to $server via $gw added."
+    fi
+    ip route add default dev "$tun" metric 50
+    ip -6 route add default dev "$tun" metric 50
+# Function to set up NAT
+setup_nat() {
+    sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
+    # enable ipv6 forwarding
+    sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
+    public_interface=$(ip route | awk '/default/{print $5}')
+    # Check if the NAT rule already exists
+    iptables -C -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o "$public_interface" -j MASQUERADE || iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o "$public_interface" -j MASQUERADE
+    # Allow traffic from the private network to the public network
+    iptables -A FORWARD -i "$tun" -o "$public_interface" -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+    iptables -A FORWARD -i "$public_interface" -o "$tun" -j ACCEPT
+    public_interface_ipv6=$(ip -6 route | awk '/default/{print $5}')
+    # Check if the default interface ipv6 is the same as the default interface ipv4
+    if [ -n "$public_interface_ipv6" ] && [ "$public_interface" != "$public_interface_ipv6" ]; then
+        # Check if the NAT rule already exists
+        iptables -C -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o "$public_interface_ipv6" -j MASQUERADE || iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o "$public_interface_ipv6" -j MASQUERADE
+        # Allow traffic from the private network to the public network
+        iptables -A FORWARD -i "$tun" -o "$public_interface_ipv6" -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+        iptables -A FORWARD -i "$public_interface_ipv6" -o "$tun" -j ACCEPT
+    fi
+# Configure TUN interface IP address, mask, and peer-to-peer address
+ip -6 addr add "$tun_address_ipv6" remote "$ptp_address_ipv6" dev "$tun"
+ip addr add "$tun_address" remote "$ptp_address" dev "$tun"
+# Bring up the TUN interface
+ip link set dev "$tun" up
+# Check if TUN interface is up
+if ip addr show "$tun"; then
+    echo "TUN interface $tun is up."
+    echo "TUN interface $tun is not up."
+if $is_client; then
+    # For client: set up routes
+    setup_route
+    # For server: set up NAT
+    setup_nat
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