Building DHTNet

This document provides instructions on how to build DHTNet from source code. Ensure that you have met all the dependencies before proceeding with the build.


DHTNet depends on the following libraries:

  • OpenDHT 2.6, used to launch DHT nodes.
  • pjproject, used for ICE negotiation.
  • msgpack-c 1.2+, used for data serialization.
  • GnuTLS 3.3+, used for cryptographic operations.
  • Nettle 2.4+, a GnuTLS dependency for crypto.
  • {fmt} 9.0+, for log formatting.

Building Instructions

Follow these steps to build DHTNet:

1. Clone the DHTNet Repository

Clone the DHTNet repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd dhtnet

2. Update dependencies:

Ensure that you have the latest versions of the required Git submodules, pjproject, and OpenDHT. Run the following command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

This step ensures that your project has the most up-to-date dependencies for the build process.

3. Install dependencies:

Create a build directory and use CMake to configure the build:

cd dependencies && ./ && cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Finally, initiate the build process:



If you encounter issues or wish to contribute to DHTNet's development, please visit the GitHub repository for more details on how to get involved.