dnc - Distributed Netcat


dnc is a versatile command-line tool designed to facilitate network communication across a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) network. It mirrors the functionality of the traditional nc (netcat) utility, enabling users to initiate TCP connections and create sockets on remote devices within a DHT network framework.

Main Features:

  • Initiates TCP connections on remote devices.
  • Facilitates peer-to-peer network connectivity within a DHT network.
  • Incorporates TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT) server support for effective NAT traversal.
  • Manages identities for enhanced security during DHT network interactions.

Usage Options

dnc supports a range of command-line arguments:

  • -h, --help: Display help information and exit.
  • -v, --version: Show the version of the program.
  • -P, --port: Define the port for socket creation.
  • -i, --ip: Define the IP address for socket creation.
  • -l, --listen: Launch the program in listening mode.
  • -b, --bootstrap: Set the bootstrap node.
  • -t, --turn_host: Define the TURN server host.
  • -u, --turn_user: Define the TURN server username.
  • -w, --turn_pass: Define the TURN server password.
  • -r, --turn_realm: Specify the TURN server realm.
  • -c, --certificate: Specify the Certificate.
  • -p, --privateKey: Provide a private key.
  • -d, --configuration: Define the dnc configuration with a YAML file path.
  • -a, --anonymous_cnx: Activate anonymous connection mode.

For additional options, use the -d flag with a YAML configuration file:


Note: If anonymous mode is off, the server's CA must be shared with the client.

Establishing SSH Connections

To facilitate SSH connections to a remote device, dnc establishes a DHT network connection followed by socket creation on port 22, assuming an OpenSSH server is operational.


Setup the dnc Service

To initiate, generate a certificate authority and a server certificate:

sudo dhtnet-crtmgr --setup -i /usr/local/etc/dhtnet/

Then, launch the dnc service:

systemctl start dnc.service

Obtain the user identifier with the following command:

dhtnet-crtmgr -g -p <privateKey_path> -c <cert_path>

For the server, use:

dhtnet-crtmgr -g -c /usr/local/etc/dhtnet/id/id-server.crt -p /usr/local/etc/dhtnet/id/id-server.pem

Client Connection

To establish a secure connection from the client side, it's necessary to generate a certificate authority (CA) and a certificate. Execute the following commands to set up your identity:

dhtnet-crtmgr -i <repo_ca> -n ca
dhtnet-crtmgr -i <repo_crt> -n certificate -c <repo_ca>/ca.crt -p <repo_ca>/ca.pem

Replace <repo_ca> with the directory path for storing the CA files and <repo_crt> with the path for the client certificate files. Update your YAML configuration file to include <repo_crt>/certificate.pem as the privateKey and <repo_crt>/certificate.crt as the certificate.

To integrate dnc with your SSH workflow, append the following configuration to your SSH configuration file (~/.ssh/config), enhancing the utility of SSH through dnc:

Host dnc/*
    IdentityFile /home/<local_user>/.ssh/<key>.pub
    ProxyCommand dnc -d /path/to/yaml/config $(basename %h)

This setup allows you to use the "dnc" alias for seamless SSH connections to remote servers. Simply replace <peer_identifier> with the actual server identifier and <ssh_remote_user> with the intended SSH username when initiating a connection:

ssh <ssh_remote_user>@dnc/<peer_identifier>

For exemple:

ssh mypeer@dnc/2f4975e7b11a0908bd400b27130fe9a496d0f415